My daughter & her boyfriend decided to get a marriage license & are planning on going to the magistrate & get married soon. He really has no ties to his family. He was only close to his mother, who passed away. He has his father’s last name. He wants to take our last name instead of her taking his because he really has no relationship with his father. He said if he had his mother’s last name, he would not want to do it this way. She asked my feelings on it & I suggested he could always change his last name to his mother’s before getting married. I’m not sure how I feel about him taking our last name. We all really like him, but our last name is very uncommon & I just worry if they were to get divorced and he ends up having children with someone else, and they get our last name. Our family is the last ones in the USA with this last name. I will be supportive of whatever the choose but would just like other opinions on it.
Let him take y’all last name. It’s not a big deal
Let him take y’alls …don’t wonder about divorce and kids before they start
It’s not up to you lmao
Let him have the name hes your family now
I dont see why not. You may be overthinking it.
I guess I don’t understand your hang up with this. What an honor! That and he must think highly of your family.
If you’re the last ones shouldn’t you want it to continue on? Let him take it. If they did get a divorce I doubt he’d want to take his ex’s name with him.
People have serious problems where their daughters marry abusers or drug addicts… And here you worried about your name… Priorities are off
It is his name. He can pick what he wants. They were being nice to tell you.
I think that is a really delicate situation. I see your concern, but honestly, without sounding snarky, i am not sure that it is your decision to make. They are adults… getting married. You can always express your concerns directly to him, not via your daughter. Best of luck in coming to a peaceful decision!
A friend of mine just took his woman’s last name almost for the same reasons.
He, his woman, and her family are glad to have him carrying on the legacy of their name.
I think it’s great to be loved so much that her family is all about him taking her name
Omg there will be 100s of people with your surname, get a grip!!!
How insulting
Not nice people at all
Should really look at yourselves
Its up to him mostly. Not up to you guys. I have a uncommon last name too (stipek) but it shouldnt interfere with a marriage. Ya cant control people
This is a joke right?
If he was that close to his moms he could always change his last name to her last name as a remembrance to her. And then it would be an honor for his fiancé to take his last name. But otherwise it’s just a last name. Don’t start thinking about kids and divorce before they even get married. That kind of ruins the special day doesn’t it? I hope you didn’t say those things to your daughter. Shows very little confidence in their relationship.
It’s just a name.
that’s definitely not your call
Well ultimately it’s not your decision
Me and my baby daddy have “rare” last names too, he is the last in his family so all the kids have his last name instead of mine. It think it’s really sweet that he wants to do that.
Its a name a word… letters… who even cares if he wanted he could just go out and change his name to whatever lol and your hung up on like yous are the last of this name? Least with him taking the name it’ll continue on?
This is very weird. Hoarding a last name
Wow you sound like you’re going to be the mother in law from hell. Yikes.
Honestly anyone can have any last name they want… no permission needed
The last ones in the USA are you sure about that
It should be a honor that he wants to take her last name, more importantly her family name. That itself is something you know is real if the man is willing to change HIS last name. Think about when they have children, those kids will carry on the family name. I think you should probably worry about more important things like helping her pick out her dress or something.
Dont spin negative thoughts of divorce before they have even begun their first chapter together. They deserve a chance like anyone else. It should be an honor that he hold you in regard to want to take her name. bless them and their love. <3 They should decide between themselves, yes he marries the family too but they need to live their life in their own stepping stones to start writing their own chapters in THEIR book of life TOGETHER <3
Its just a name. Its not that serious. News flash he doesn’t need your permission to take that name
Hmmm. But why is she expected to take his name?
I mean it’s not really your decision. Also I highly doubt you’re the only ones in the entire country with your last name.
He could probably legally change his name to your last name or any name for that matter without even getting married if he wanted to. You should be honored that he wants to take your family’s last name
Let him have it💁🏼♀️
It’s THEIR choice, not yours. Just because it’s uncommon doesn’t mean you own it and the rights to it. He’s trying to become part of your family and asked you, get over yourself.
I dont see how that is your choice
My husband wanted to take my last name and my mom had no issues with it because he was adopted and didn’t know his biological name.
I mean he could just not marry your daughter out of spite and change his last name to your anyway just to piss you off. I feel bad for this guy marrying into a family like that. Clearly all his wants is a real family and to feel like he belongs.
I really wanna know what y’all’s last name is now
I would be honored for him to want our family last name!!!
You have no Choice in the matter.
The questions on this site get more dumb by the day
If he gets divorced, he can drop it back to his real last name, like many do.
It’s just a name, I never understood why people care so much about it. I’d say tell him its fine if he wants to, he will be your family anyway.
Yeah, I’m sure he feels the love flowing from you…
You can’t tell them no either way. You sound weirdly controlling. They can take any name they want.
It’s just a name, if he wants it let him have it! No biggie
You trying to sound crazy ? You can’t tell them if they can take a certain name lol stop
The last ones in the US with that last name? Really?
You know what, I hope that your daughter and her fiancé decide to come up with a completely NEW last name and ditch your “sacred” namesake
My last name last I checked is attached to 20 people in the united states? My immediate family being 8 of those 20. I feel like it be really cool to have my last name out there more then 20 people. Ofc that is my opinion. Id be pretty honored to be honest!!
Oh goodness, you sound so entitled and rude Karen
So? Who cares?! Women take their husbands names all the time, why can’t a husband take his wife’s name for once??
I’d say get over it and take it as a compliment! My husband took my families name in 1997 and it was our decision no one else’s! Also they aren’t even married yet and you’re thinking about what happens if they get divorced
I love the idea! If it was reversed and his parents questioned your daughter taking his last name, how would you feel??
He can change his last name to his mother’s. Its a very simple thing to do. He can petition the local courts for a name change. He can go on and print the papers to file. I think its like 175 to do.
It is a way of ensuring your name is passed on through their children.
Pretty sure ur child will see this… and wonder why I.ln the fudge would my dumb ass mom publicly announce our personal decisions. That she came to u privately about
Way to have faith in their relationship Karen stfu and let them do whatever they want
In the nicest possible way he doesnt need your permission. Would you rather if they get divorced your daughter either changes her name back, not having the same name as her kids. Or the possibility of him keeping that name.
If they wanted to they could both change their names to banana hammock.
He must love your daughter, youv mentioned no issues with their relationship.
Welcome him into your family. Let him have the name with your blessing and enjoy watching your family grow
If he does take your last name and they end up getting a divorce, he can request to legally change his name back to his original last name before they married.
He can do it with or without your permission. I would tell him yes because he respected you enough to ask.
Its not your choice at all. If they respect your wishes and won’t based on your word thats great. But they can put literally whatever they want for their names on the marriage certificate. There’s no “letting” them about it. Don’t go into it with the attitude that they will divorce. Support your daughter in her marriage!!!
The “dilemmas” on this page just keep getting dumber!
You really think you have the last of your last name in the WHOLE of the United States of America?
Why dont they get a completely different one ! Make a new one
“Let” him take your last name wtf
Omg I don’t think that’s any of your business ? You have no say in what happens in their marriage
I can not believe this is really an issue in someone’s life. Take your self out of the situation and think of it as a friend asking you this. And realize how ridiculous you sound. It’s a last name. You personally do not have rights to only own it. So come on. 2020 really have people out here acting crazy. Get over your self. And let your daughter be happy
Let him. He loves your daughter. I dont understand why you wouldn’t let him have it. You can’t bet on them getting divorced, thats not right
My sister’s husband took her last name. Shouldn’t be a big deal.
Why would they need ur permission anyways? Ur not the one getting married that’s between them
I think you need to get over it. It’s a last name.
THEY are getting married which means YOU aren’t marrying either of them, let them make that decision between themselves and stay out of it.
If you had a son, his wife would take yalls name, so why is it so big a deal reversed?
Take it as a compliment that he would rather be part of your family than his own and move on
That’s their choice not yours lol
Yes he should change his last name to his moms and go from there
Let them make the decision. They don’t have to change names right away. They can list chosen names on the license/certificate and then change them later. I didn’t change my name to the current one until my 5th anniversary, but it was listed as my chosen name on the license/certificate when we did the paperwork.
Let them use your last name. I’m pretty sure there are others you don’t know about having the same last name as you .
My BIL hyphenated with my sister when they got married. You don’t see that very often. I think it’s kinda neat. They both did her maiden and then his last name.
What?? You’re daughter isn’t even married yet and you’re already thinking about him having kids with someone else? Don’t be selfish be glad that your grandkids will have your last name if they end up having children.
It’s not really your choice
And they’re not even married yet, and you’re already thinking about them getting divorced? That’s pretty messed up
I should think you’d want him to. When/if they have have children, those children will carry on your last name and your genetics in the US.
He should take his moms
It’s their choice
Surely its their decision not yours? I’d be honoured tbh as its not heard of that men do that. I feel for him that he has no family around so would mean so much to him
Sounds like you don’t have much faith in their soon to be marriage
I would say he should take his mother’s since it’s the one thing he has left. It would be nice to have that to pass on.
Other than that, he could change it to yours without your permission. I would try to convince him to take on his mother’s tho.
I think its not your decision so keep it to your self
Dear Anonymous Fan,
I don’t like you.
Kristy - who hopes your daughter is a less pretentious boob than you.
Go ahead and try to stop them
I am very curious to hear this last name.
This sounds like a really dumb question. Just let him take your family name.
I wanna know the last name…
They should do what they want. He could always change his last name back if he chooses if they divorce.
My advice is to be open. It isn’t really up to you to “let” someone have your last name. I’d be overjoyed for more family.
It’s not your choice. Shut up
He actually can take his mothers last name on the marriage license. It is an option, see highlighted area.
What?!?! Why would you say no especially since it’s your daughter.
Let’s a lot of paper work involved, checking , social security card, mail he would need to change all of this, is it worth it
The last family with that last name I’m the USA?
Well it’s not your choice, now is it?