he’s an aduly!! my exes kids and i still talk!!
He’s a grown man who cares what your ex says.
23 is grown.
The other? Manipulative.
Do as you please in YOUR life and YOUR home
Hes being petty. He can get over it. Continue to allow him over
He’s 23 doesn’t need his old man telling him who he can or can not visit
He can feel special bond with his brother and i wouldn’t take that away from them
I had my 31 yr old step son move in with me 11 years after I left his dad. They never had much of a relationship, and me and my children are his family. I was also the only grandparent there at the birth of his daughter. Tell your ex that he no longer controls what happens at your home
Hes a grown man and obviously you loved him the way a mother could. Not saying nothing negative towards bio mom but tou made an impact and that shows. He loves you and your other kids.
Your house, your rules. And also the son is not a kid! He’s 23!
Your ex is a control freak. Let his son see his brother. Seriously, what is the ex going to do about it?
Your house and his son is a 23 year old adult. Period
Let the brother visit your house. What ever he’s relationship is with he’s dad and him is something they have to sort out but, that should not be at the expense of he’s younger brother.
He’s an adult. His dad cannot dictate where he goes.
He has zero say over your life, Unless you let me.
You aren’t wrong. He wants control. He can’t control you unless you let him. Let his son visit HIS family. Document your ex’s behavior. You may end up needing to take him to court to revise his visitation or to get a restraining order. Control freaks need to be controlled sometimes.
You don’t have to respect his wishes unless it comes to decisions about your child together so if you want to let your sons brother who is a grown adult come to your house to see his sibling then you can that’s your choice to make and would only be the fathers choice too if his son was I dunno a criminal or a drug addict or something. Sounds like your ex is just trying to be a pain in the butt.
His son is 23. He a grown ass man.
Yes of course you should. Sounds like the dad is controlling. And the boy clearly does not want to see his brother on his dad terms only. Let him round and continue your relationship. The dad is clearly the one who’s over stepping a mark
When exactly did you come into his life? And for u meeting amd divorcing in 3 yrs and he still wants to come around that’s awesome. I hated having to leave the kids after a relationship just bc u are an ex or step. At the end of the day, he’s 23 and grown. U don’t have to ask permission or even tell the dad.
In my family my grandpa (was not exceptionally close to him) married my grandmother and fathered my mother. They divorced after a few years, both parties remarried, and my grandfather went on the father three more children. Then they divorced, and both parties got remarried. His 2nd wife is and always has been considered a grandmother and she treats my son like her great grandson. Family and bonds do not have share blood. In your case all parties are adults and make decisions accordingly. Personally i’d tell your ex to shove it and do as you please.
I can see why he’s your EX.
My husband (28) still sees his ex step mom and her new husband. His little sister is 12 now and he has no communication with his dad. He actually still calls his ex step mom, his step mom and calls her husband “new dad”. He even considers their son his brother. They are very important people in our lives and we see them often. It sounds like the same type of relationship you have formed/ are forming. Please don’t make him go through his father who is toxic to him just to see his siblings. If my husbands step mom did that, I know for a fact, my husband would not have any contact with his sister.
Honestly let him see his sibling, he likely sees you as a parental figure as you’ve been in his life for years (during the start of adulthood)
Tell his dad to do one, his son is 23, is a man in his own right
He’s a grown man, he can do what he wants x
Let him come for sure brothers should have a relationship not their fault their dad dips his wick in everyone,
He’s 23! He’s old enough to make his own choice about where to go and who to have a relationship with. Clearly the young man loves you, don’t hurt him. Open your home to him and let him see you and your children. Your ex is your ex but his son doesn’t deserve the ex.
You are not in the wrong. It is none of your x’s business since he is your x. Your child’s brother should be able to visit him whenever he wants.
I would let him visit. My son has 3 older siblings from his dad (we aren’t together) but I have always told all 3 of them my door is always open whenever they want to come visit, stay a few days if they want. Hell if they ever needed I would let them stay with me if they didn’t have anywhere else to go. I’ve always told them they are my son’s family and I love them all. I doubt their dad would ever say a word but even if he did as long as their moms didn’t have an issue (that’s who they stay with and the 2 older boys are adults anyway) he could kick rocks this is my house and I’ll never tell them they can’t come see their little brother.
I say it’s up to his son not him. You cannot keep brothers apart that’s not right!
You guys are all adults.
When me and me partner split up for a while a never stopped my stepchildren coming to see my children and a would go to there mams with the boys no matter what happens between the adults the kids should not suffer and I would never keep siblings apart xxx
Let him and don’t tell Dad. Fug him
Tell your ex to go shove it. If the young man wants to visit his little brother in a safe home where he knows mentally he is going to be safe from a negative mind than let him be.
He’s completely wrong. You are referring to a young man who doesn’t see his father, yet wants a relationship with his sibling. My dads ex wife (who had my brother when I was a teenager) always allowed my siblings and I to have a relationship with our brother after the divorce.
As someone who is your oldest son SCRRREEEWWW THAT🤙 My step mother is still my mother and my dad has been divorced from her for easily a decade. Only it was my mom who was adamant about the relationship being non existent to where there was a point I didn’t even feel like I was allowed to talk to my 2nd mother. My mother is now passed and guess who is still my mother? Love that man as your own like you always have and trust me it will be worth the wrath of your ex.
let them visit at your house, my step kids and I all still have a good relationship and they have and occasionally still do come visit, besides you said the oldest was 23 so he can do as he chooses
Let the oldest do what he wants. Dad can’t control him any more than he can control you. He’s 23. At this point, what you do and who is at your home stopped being any of his damn business the day you got divorced. He doesn’t need to know whatsoever. If his relationship were important with his oldest, he’d have put in the time and effort that you have and would have something to show for it. The fact of the matter is, he didn’t, but you did. He’s just jealous and that’s why he’s mad. But it’s his own damn fault. So do what makes you happy. It’s none of his damn business. If he wants to see his siblings, who are you to stop it. His dad can go fuck off. It has nothing to do with him.
Yeah when you said 23 I was like ???
Soo in other words your ex is trying to bully you over nothing significant forget him…those kids love each other and that’s what’s important.
I would 1000000% let him come to my house. It’s your house, your ex has no way over what you do in your life or your house.
He’s 23 he can do what he wants.
Dad is full grown jealous.
Ex is being spiteful. . Fuck him .
It’s your home…Do as you please😊
We’re not talking about a six-year-old here. We’re talking about a 23 year old man. He is your ex, not your current husband and he should have no say over what his 23 year old son does, least of all what you do. You took time to nurture a relationship with his son and and he loves and respects you for that. I would think it would be wrong of you not to let him come and visit. Clearly your ex is a bitter person and just wants everyone to be as miserable as he is.
Sounds like your ex still wants to control your life and tell you what you can and cannot do. You and the son are adults and can do whatever you wish. Your ex husband should not have any say what so ever. Period.
I feel like you would be in the wrong if you didn’t let him come to your house. If he thinks that much of you, I feel like it would be hurtful to him if you didn’t let him come
It’s not about the ex. Its about the brothers having a relationship and bond.
He is your ex so who gives a shit:woman_shrugging: and said soon is 23 so he can choose to go where he wants! Benefit of being an adult, we get to do things like that!! Don’t worry about what he says… The ex sounds like a big …lol let the brothers have the bond, and one with you too if that’s what both of you want, not what the ex wants…
Why are you letting your ex. Run your home??
These sounds like grown men that can make their own damn decisions.
He is an adult now and that is YOUR house NOT HIS! I would let him come see your kids. Not like he is hurting anyone.
The 23 year old can do what he wants, really. And how wonderful that you are friends and he wants to see the family. I understand rage from the ex, but try to let it go.
Screw the ex, son is a grown ass man.
Your ex does not control your life. You owe him nothing. He sounds like a controlling ass. I would continue to have a relationship w your step son for you, him and his step siblings and half brother.
Block said ex while son is over so you can enjoy that time with him with no negativity.
He grown…you grown…
He don’t pay your bills. So did as you please
His son is 23 if he wants to go see his brother and you then he can
The dad should get off his ass and concentrate on the other kids he has got
Sounds like dad wants him no where around
I would welcome him in, he should know his siblings and the children he spent time with
I would welcome him his family too…
I would welcome him in.
Agreed your ex cannot control what you do in your own home. Just don’t tell him about it.
23 is a full grown adult he doesn’t need his father permission he can do what he wants. IF your okay with him visiting then that’s between you and him. Hell his father doesn’t need to know…
If the person is 23 there are an adult and can do what they want. But if your son is by your ex then maybe think about what he’s asking. Talk to him and be like we won’t talk about you and stuff. Kids should be able to know there siblings
Let him visit. He obviously thinks a lot of you and his brother. You are allowed to remain friends or family
Yes let him visit. No question about it
The kid is 23 he’s a grown man. You are a major part if his life. The ex can eff off, that boy is your baby too.
This is just ridiculous. He can not tell you who can or cannot visit your home. Especially if its family(blood or not) if he wants to visit and YOU are fine with it you ex has no say.
Sounds like a narcissistic ass. It’s not about him
Hes 23 he can do what he wants shit he can buy alcohol he’s an adult. The dad just gonna have to get over it. Its his life
Dad needs a vasectomy so he quits leaving kids everywhere he goes. The son, even at 23, needs stability and you are the only one who has it. Let him be part of your family.
If he’s 23 he’s an adult, it’s his brother, If you feel comfortable and have a good relationship with him I would allow it.
your house your guests. he dont like it he can get over it
He’s you’re ex for a reason
A 23yo can make his own decisions. If he decides to visit you that’s his decision to make not his dad’s. You’re doing nothing wrong.
Son is 23, and you’re no longer married to his father. The father has no say at the point. And it is not his business when he is there.
He is an adult. Dad has no say on if he can or cannot visit you. If he wants to see y’all let him.
I reached out to my daughters older half brother when she was about 12 because she wanted to meet him. He was 20 at the time. I found him on Facebook and after reassuring him i was no longer with his bio dad ( he left when my daughter was 2, did the same when his son was 2) he wanted to meet. We went to an amusement park and spent the day. It was like we’d known him forever. He still visits when he can and talks to my daughter on the phone ( he lives hours away). She’s 16 now and I’m glad i reached out to him.
23 yr old can do as he wishes as long as ur ok with him in ur home.
Let him visit older brother is an adult he can make his own decisions and if you to agree that he comes over to visit then that’s on y’all Dad should have a say in it
He’s 23 years old and part of your family. Your ex has no say. Ex= EXit.
He’s an ex for a reason and 23 that’s old enough to make his own decisions, why even communicate to ex about this stuff
That man can be at your house whenever he and you want he’s 23 and tell your ex to hoop it
He’s 23 he can make his own choices
The man is your ex for a reason. His son is an adult and this man has no say over what either of you do. Tell him to piss off and let his son visit his brothers
His 23 he can choose if he wants to come over. Simple you are his brothers mother don’t separate the brothers over an immature father
He’s a big boy, he chooses where he goes, not his dad. But he needs to tell his dad that he is the one who wants to visit you and the kids. It’s not a conversation that you even need to have with the ex because quite frankly it’s none of his business who is at your house.
All of the children involved are allowed do know there brother tf is his issue 23 is a legal adult so he can make his own decisions so dad’s opinion is irrelevant
23 he can make his own decision and that’s your house you can invite him anytime
23 is old enough to make up his own mind.
Hell yes . Ignore the fathers bad behaviour . The 2 of you would only be enabling it by only allowing them to bond at the fathers. I am teaching my children that the mother of there brothers and sisters is always important . The kids are connected for life and those parents of those children should always be connected to the siblings of there children.a mother who loves a child who is not there’s is choosing to love you not because they have to .
Too bad for you ex! I divorced my ex married for 5 years and continued to get his oldest daughter (now 13) and he can’t do a thing about it …he’s just jealous …his loss not yours! You have EVERY right to continue your relationship with your stepson!
Ummm he is an adult he can make his own choices. He has a right to see his baby brother
He’s an adult his dad can’t tell him what to do?? I mean just don’t tell him an he will never know anyway.
Tell ex to go sit & spin, & tell the 23 year old son he is absolutely welcome to visit HIS FAMILY AT ANY TIME…
& Tell ex “his wrath” can get him “locked up” if he can’t figure out how to mind his own business…
Those brothers should absolutely have a bond with one another & a safe place to visit eachother, despite who likes it or not!
Bravo to you for stepping up & allowing it!
Ignore your ex. You need to set good examples for the kids and your ex is only thinking of himself and not the kids. You divorced your husband, not the kids. This makes me mad. If the 23 year old wants to see and spend time with his brother (and the 23 year old is a good kid, which it sounds like he is) he should be able to spend time with his brother!
After our (we are 3 siblings) parents divorced our Dad married again and we have a 10 y/o brother who spends the most time possible with us, it doesn’t matter if we are going to our Moms house, if he’s with us, he’ll be there as well as the holidays my Mom treats him no different of how treats us, to us he’s NOT our “half brother” he’s our brother period and that’s how me try to make him feel it doesn’t matter if he’s with his moms family or our Moms family.
A 23 y/o is an adult who can take his own decisions and knows what’s best.
He’s 23. That’s his choice
He’s 23 not 3 he can make his own decisions. I just wouldn’t communicate to the ex unless you’re friends that just didn’t work as a married couple. If not who cares what your ex thinks or feels. His children are grown not minors.
I’d let him come visit
Don’t worry about the ex. If his son sees you as family and wants to visit then so would let him. Ultimately it’s up to you tho. My uncle told me when I went through my divorce that we divorce spouses not children. My ex who I was married to for 7 years has an 11 year old son. We have been separated for 2 years but anytime his son asks to come see me and his siblings I say yes. For one bc that’s my boy no matter what but also he wants a relationship with his siblings and he knows he’s loved here.