Should I let my exes son visit my house?

He is 23 he can make his own decisions. He is not a little boy anymore. He wants to visit he can the dad can’t stop him.

Let him visit and be family… Benefits we’ll out weigh the ex’s attitude

Hes 23 yes old and make his own decisions. He wants to visit his siblings as well as you thats his choice. His father has no say. Dont let the " father" have that kind of control and grey rock his bs. Let him come over and hang out.

  1. Not up to dad. Kudos for being an awesome person!

Why would someone stop an older brother from being there for his younger sibling. Smh I’d face the wrath. My child’s happiness means more than any resentful persons feelings or actions.

I would take out a restraining order against your ex if by wrath you mean violent. Otherwise, if he calls and gets out of line hang up on him. He has no right to try to tell you or his grown son whether or not you can visit at your house.

You divorce ppl NOT family. If you and the son have a bond and you’re both adults it shouldn’t matter who gets upset with your relationship with your son. Family is family!

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He’s 23. He is an adult. You have no obligation to appease your ex husband. Let that young man have the family he wants to have. He obviously is looking for a safe place of acceptance and love.


You don’t divorce children.:grinning:

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His son is a grown ass man that can do what he wants. This so called father shouldn’t have an issue with it anyway. Def let him visit especially if he has a relationship with you.

He is 23 He can make his own decisions. He should be able to see his brother anytime he wants. & still have a relationship with you.
I still have a relationship with my 25 year old step daughter I was in her life for 24 years . she love her younger brother.

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Its awesome that you have an good relationship with your stepson, keep it that way. Your stepson is 23, he doesnt need permission from his father to visit his siblings. Sounds like your ex is jealous that you have a good relationship with his kids and he doesn’t. And if your ex tries to start being a little bitch, just record eeverything, and i mean everything, all the texts, emails, phone calls, and especially in person encounters, and tell him you’re going to the police or lawyer with said videos if he doesn’t act right.

Your excess demand ends at your door your house your rules and his son is an adult that dismisses between you and him tell ex to step off

The kid is an adult… Tell your ex to beat feet

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You divorce the man not the children and this particular child is an adult who can make his own choices anyways


If the young man is over 18, he can make up his own mind.

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The kids 23… Hes your family too…if your his…dont hurt him…just b careful of your x with your little ones…id let the son choose who he loves and support him…23 is young but old enough to know…courts will side with him anyway if hes needed lol…id take your xs control away…hes just got no say and made his bed…good luck…at 23 kids need stable…for a youth to feel close and belonging is a gift…left him have it…the x is so rude…best interest of a child is not about us or how we feel…period… control freaks are just rude… dont let the x or his bs damage those babies…if hes trying to wedge his oldest son from you…he will the young ones too so id have him removed from any say before its your own babies hun…b safe…thats a pattern…:pray::two_hearts:.

He is a grown as adult an can do as he pleases if he want to visit his brother at your house an you are okay with it why not there dad is just trying to control what happens at your house my daughter is the oldest outta her dads kids if she wants to see he sibling at there house or mine I’m all for it

You divorce spouses, not children. Not to mention, your exs son is 23 years old. Grown ass man. He can make his choices and so can you. I think it’s great he wants to visit with you and his younger siblings. Let him and tell your ex to shut the hell up.

His son is a grown adult who can make his own decisions that he has no say over. He’s being childish and selfish. Let the kid come; he can be angry all he wants about it. It’s not your job to cater to your ex’s feelings lol

You are divorced and don’t have to deal with any of your ex-husband’s mouth. His adult son is just that, an adult. He can chose where he wants to go and who he wants to see. Your son has every right to know his older brother. Do as you both please.

I’m 23 and I’ll be dammed if my parents tell me where I can and cannot go. Especially if they’re an a important part of my life. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Honey, your ex doesn’t make the rules for your home! A 23 yr old is fully capable of making his own decisions of whom he wants to spend time with. Maybe just try to keep info about what happens at your home to yourselves so the less your ex knows the less he can have an issue with.

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He’s an adult and can decide for himself. If his Dad’s wrath includes violence, prayers it doesn’t, then I would be very concerned when your younger son goes to visit his father. If it does I would choose to keep your son away from his father and allow the step son to definitely stay a part of his brother’s life and yours. Neither of them need to be exposed to danger. Prayers all works out for both of you.

The son is 23 so he can make his own decisions. My ex that we’ve been divorced for 13 years has three kids from a previous marriage and those kids and I are still very close and talk all the time and see each other. My ex did the same thing and at the time the kids were still not of age but I still saw them as him and I have a child together. Their mother and I are became best friends which he told me not to talk to her or the kids, well he’s an ex and he will not tell me what to do on my time. So have his son over he has no say so!

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Ummm so my dad divorced my step mom 2 years ago & I’m still closer to her than I am to him. I am an adult, his son is an adult.


His son is an adult and if he has a relationship with you and your kids I see no issue with it as long as it’s okay with you

My exes daughter is actually coming to stay with us in April when she’s in town. She wants to see her little sister. I will never withhold that from her. I also raised this girl for 6 years of her life. Will her dad be pissed when he finds out? Absolutely but I could care less. She’s an adult.

Your ex has no control over who’s at your house. If you’re ok with his son coming that’s all that matters. Plus the 23 year old can make his own decisions…none of your ex’s business!


His son is a adult your ex cant stop him from visiting with you and his siblings. I would let him in the house .

He’s 23 can make his own choice

Don’t let the ex control your life.

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The son is 23. His father has no right to control him.

Tell the ex to go pound sand down a rat hole. At 23 years old it’s the son’s choice to make. Sounds like the ex is somewhat of a control freak. Probably better off that you dumped him. Good riddance.

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Hes an adult and if he wants to see you he’s more than welcome to do so. You have not stepped out of line, nor has he. If he wants to see you he should

Um. His son is a grown adult. This should not even be a question. Let him visit. Relationships are important to nourish.

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You already know the answer your just asking for others opinions. But only your opinion matters. You know what’s right and wrong.

Yes absolutely. Children cannot have to much family especially if he is a good influence. We need more love and happiness in the world. It doesn’t all have to be hateful. Please allow your son to see his brother Your ex should have nothing to do with it. His son is an adult and wants to see his brother!


An adult (23 yr old young man) should be able to make a decision for himself.

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He’s not even a child. Yes I can just make your own relationship with your son’s brother. Not even necessary to inform or talk to your ex. He’s tricking you into thinking he has the power here.


If the only person that has a problem with it is your ex then the problem isn’t with him coming to visit the problem is your ex! Let that man come and see his brother. Your ex is just mad bc they don’t want to see him!

Your ex has NO place telling you who you can or can not have in your home. Period.

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Fuck your ex and his feelings :woman_shrugging:t2:

That 23 year old doesn’t need Daddy to make his choices for him. Nor do you. I would continue to hand him come by anytime he wants and to hell with what his dad says.

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Why are you letting your ex still influence and control your decisions. It’s your son’s brother. If he’s a positive influence/ role model, then I see nothing wrong with allowing them to have a relationship. Also; your house, your rules. Ex has no say what goes on in your home. As long as you’re not doing things that shouldn’t be done around any child, it’s nobody’s business. STOP ALLOWING YOUR EX TO CONTROL YOU, HE HAS NO POWER OVER YOU! Took me forever to realize that. Best of luck mama


He is 23. He is trying to have a connection with his siblings and you. I don’t see anything wrong with it. He is fighting for relationships that most people his age would throw aside after a divorce.
I would let him come over and visit. He’s not hurting anything, and he’s teaching your kiddo that family matters!


If the older son was young, fine, but he’s a grown adult who can make his own decisions and has chosen he’d like to visit YOU, not his dad.
So long as you’re okay with it, he can visit all he wants.

You don’t have to do what the ‘dad’ wants, he’s just being an ass. He has no say when it comes to an adult and YOUR home.

He wants to see his brother. Who tf cares what your ex says. Hes 23!!! If me and my fiancee ever break up I would never not allow his daughter to see her brother and sister.

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Your ex sounds like a douche and his oldest son sounds nothing like him. Your ex gave up the right to determine what goes on in your house when y’all divorced. The oldest son is an adult. If he wants to have a relationship with you, his brother and your other children, enjoy it. He obviously doesn’t have a relationship with his brother and sister on his dads side, because of his dad. Don’t do that to your child.

He’s an adult let him choose. It’s not his dad’s decision anymore. It’s yours and the son in question.

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You divorce spouses not the children

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Nobody is going to tell me who I can have in my home. :roll_eyes:


Son is adult and can make his own decisions. My sister’s ex was always a part of my family. I had known him since I was 5. Didn’t see him as much but still family.


He’s 23 he can do wtf he wants and you should tell your Ex that you stopped needing his approval after you signed those divorce papers and he should mind his own fuckn Business!! That’s your son’s older brother it’s a blessing that he’s trying to be a better sibling then his own father was to him. So thank his mother because she obviously did a great job raising him without your Ex’s help… Grow some tits! Gooduck!

He’s 23 ? He make his own choice .


A 23 year old can do as they please.


Fuck that loser clearly his son is a better man than he is. Looks like he just wants a relationship with his siblings so let him see ur baby as its ur business who is in ur home & since he’s 23 don’t bother telling ur ex.

Let him he is 23 can visit if he wants to

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Yes! He’s 23 and an adult who can make his own decisions at this point. If he wants to stay with you then clearly his dad messed up somewhere! Be the parental figure for him that dad isn’t and don’t let dad get the best of you. Dad will get over if eventually because whatever he does will just ruin the relationship because his son and him. Just be there for the oldest son


Hes just jealous. It sounds like you have another son. but there is nothing wrong with what you are doing.

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Sounds to me like your ex is being very selfish. The boy is 23 and is able to make his own decisions. Just because a marriage ends doesn’t mean the love between siblings and the family ends. I think its great that the 23 yr old wants to continue having you all in his life, that’s his adult decision and should be respected on both sides.


To answer this question anonymously, head to our forum

Don’t cut a good person out of your (and your sons life) because of a toxic person.
Let the 23 year old come to your house and keep that relationship going. It’s a blessing that he is making the choice to still want to have you and your son in his life. Dad will get over it, or he won’t, but oh well. You don’t have to deal with his “wrath” anymore, if you don’t want to. Just remember that!


:woman_facepalming: if he’s not paying your bills his opinion means nothing. Don’t drive a wedge between the kids


Has he threatened your life? Does your younger son go over to your ex’s house and he will keep the son because you allowed his older son over? I understand completely that the son is 23 and can make that decision on his own. However, the “wrath” part is what made me not comment to ignore your ex’s no. Can you allow the older son over without the dad knowing? Just don’t talk to him. Does he watch your house and he would know? This seems like a bigger issue and you need to keep yourself and your younger son safe from this man if his “wrath” is as bad as you make it seem. Can you meet the older son somewhere else other than your home so that he can spend time with you and his sibling? Like at a park for an hour, go out to eat, take the younger sibling to the older sons house?

Exactly. Tell him to grow up and pis off!

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He is 23. He is an adult. He has risen above his raising … U want that in your child’s/his siblings life … As well as ur own. Your ex is no longer relevant


Hes an adult. 23. Can make his own decisions. Dad needs to grow up. I still have contact with my ex’s daughter and have even visited with her and her beautiful little princess.

Screw him. His son is an adult and he can make his own choices and decisions. Your ex sounds like he’s jealous.

As a person who has had MANY step parents I can tell you this. If you formed a good relationship with your step children and they have open communication AFTER the divorce, they love you, they respect you. Why would you ever deny a sibling to see a sibling. He is your family. Your sons family. I HATED people acting like my sister wasn’t my sister because we had 1 different parent. Have him over, he is family and tell your ex to eat a bag of dicks. You can purchase them on Amazon and send them to him.

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He is 23 yrs old. He is allowed to make his own decisions. As long as you are ok with him seeing his brother. Let him come over and see him. Let the brother be apart of each other’s lives.

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Just let the wrath happen, your son is 23 and is still part of your family, whether blood or not to you. He has every right to see his brother and be with people that love him. I went through the same thing. I moved back home with my parents after my divorce and found that my adult step son wanted to visit his little brother and myself. Part in due to his mom passing away and the other part was he needed to be with family. He spent the holidays with us as well and got gifts and all. His dad was not too happy and said it but I told him that I could not stop him from visiting as he was an adult. His dad ended up letting it go. I hope the best for you and your family.

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If he is doing so because he loves his brother fuck his dads wishes. Yall ain’t together he doesn’t get q say in who is in your home if they are good people. Sounds like his sons more of a man than he is.

He’s 23, he’s an adult. Why is the dad involved in this decision? I think its womderful that the son is reaching out and still wants a relationship with the other siblings. Family is family.

He’s 23 he doesnt need his dad’s approval. Tell your X to grow the f up

I agree with all these ladies hes old enough to decide where to visit i always hate it when people get together stepkids are involved and because u break up all contact is cut I met my stepkids when they were an infant and 2 my husband and I have been together for 13 years so I’ve been there stepmother 13 years if we were to split id be so sad not to see them and I had kids aged 9 months 1.5 ,7 and 13 so we helped raise each other’s kids I would not keep him from seeing my kids and I’d hope he would do the same for me …and good parents by the way do what makes the children feel comfortable it doesn’t matter how the adult feels so tell ur ex he needs to grow up there is clearly a reason his son doesn’t want to see him that says alot about him

He’s 23 he can make that decision for himself

He’s an adult. He can go where he pleases. Your ex is a twunt.

Your ex sounds jealous of the relationship you have with his and that is a terrible reason to keep him out of his younger siblings life.
Whatever problem the older son has with his father shouldn’t come between the two brothers relationship; the deserve a chance to know each other and have a brotherly bond.
Since the older son is 23 (an adult) he’s not shown any reason to not be trusted, not dangerous etc then your ex shouldn’t be a jerk about it. He needs to man up - get over himself and his self absorbed issues.

His son is old enough to make his own decisions to visit you or not…sounds like the ex wants to keep controlling you…btw…he’s an ex??? Other than maybe speaking to you about kids that you have together…y does he feel he can tell u who u can or can’t have come to your house???

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He’s 23 he can make his own decisions.


Remind him you aren’t married any more so he has no say.

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You lost me at the second sentence


Having over and staying over isnt the same. At the end you make it soind like he will be living there?
This is poorly written and hard to understand. Maybe proof read next time!
23 is an adult and he can make his own decisions. I see no harm letting him visit. But not stay.
Is there a reason ex isnt wanting this ? Seems odd.
He must think theres something going on! They always do

He’s an adult… he can do what he wants.

It’s your house but his. You can have whoever you want.

That boy is a man an if he wants to come visit you an his brothers open your arms he loves you doesnt matter what ex says open the door an say anytime you dont have to ask


Said son is an adult. He can make his own decisions about his life. Your relationship with his father is not a factor here.


Son is an adult and can go see his brother anywhere he wants and ex has no control over an adult. Ex has no control over you either, it’s none of his business who you have over to your house.


He’s 23 and can visit his little brother any where the damn well pleases

Wait?? He’s 23, and asking for permission from his dad to visit you??

Let xss we year old make the choice. Not your ex

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Sounds like a very convoluted story, but… nevertheless I got the gist of it. You are giving your EX way too much power. You are no longer in a relationship with him, make your own decisions!


Your divorced and the son is an adult of 23, the ex has no say in your life or his son’s. Tell him to step off and then ignore any additional conversation about it.


Boy is older enough to do what he want.


TAKE all the kids out for Pizza, and let them VISIT . Then he Can’t say anything, he is jealous , that the kids like you.

He’s 23 he can visit who ever he wants


23… Dad has no say…and he wants to see his brother…
You obviously divorced him for a reason…is that reason because it’s his way or no way…tell him to drop dead…or any other words you may choose


He’s 23 he can make the decision to come to your house or not… It’s not up to his father…


He is an adult, his father has no say at this point. Your ex seems immature if he wants to stop his son from having a relationship with his family and you who he considers family clearly…