Should I let my exes son visit my house?

Let him wrath enjoy :wink: the boys if wrath comes via the phone put itdownon him xx :kissing_heart:

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He’s 23. He can decide where he wants to go. The ex cannot control that.

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Your ex has no say over his grown son. If course you should let him visit

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Don’t let your ex control your relationship with your sons brother. The 23 has decided for his own reasons that he doesn’t want a Relationship with his Dad… Don’t let him ruin a. Relationships with his brother xx


Your ex has no say who you allow at your house. No reason why he should not be able to come there and see his brother. Neither you or your 23 year old stepson need permission from your ex for him to see his brother at your home.


Yes, all of the above. You are giving him controle of you, your decisions and what you do in your home even though you are seperated. No way. Step son is an adult. Tell ex to get into his own lane and stay in it.

You are no longer married and his son is grown, as are you. You can have whomever you want at your house and he can shove his demands straight up his ass! If you are comfy having the son visit then let him. Dad can get over not being able to control you or his son. I had a family member tell me that if this particular person showed up to my house to tell them to leave…um, I don’t think so, not your house so not your decision. (That is exactly what I said)

His son is 23 , that means it is his decision to come to your home if you allow it. Tell your ex to grow up and do what you feel is right.

You can invite whoever you want to your house.

Why would anyone feel compelled to validate the wishes of an "ex "? Especially in this case where the people deciding when, where, and why to stay in touch are above the age of consent. Your ex has no grounds to demand what his adult child wishes to do !!

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Uhh why are you letting your ex even have a say? Yeah it’s his son but said son is 23 the decision isn’t his to make. Let the kid come and spend time with y’all.

He is an adult who can make his own decisions. My son is 23 and still has a relationship with his ex stepmother because she was around since he was a baby and I fully support him having a relationship with her because she loves him as if he were her own child. You can never have to many people in your life that love you.

Let him at your home. Life is too short. Enjoy every minute of that relationship between you all. He is 23 and can make his own choices, and he chooses to be a part of your life so let him. As for the ex, he is just going to have to get happy about it or shut up…do not shut that young man out.:heart::heart::heart::heart::pray::pray:

Your ex is an asshole, do whatever ye want to do and do not even consider his horrible opinion

Hes 23…not 13…big difference. Not the dads choice anymore

Am i missing something? Why is this a question? If this 23 year old wants to visit his brother and you’re okay with that, then how does dad have a say in this situation. I say tell dad to go kick rocks with open toed shoes! Smdh. Dad seems salty as hell with some serious issues!