Should I let my son paint his nails?

I definitely would. It’s just nail polish. Y’all acting like he wants to chop off his :eggplant: lol


When they make fun of him get ready to deal with it


My son went through this before and I just let him do it in black.


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Go to This.

I seriously can’t believe how many tiny minded people are commenting on here. Simple answer is, let him paint his nails, teach him there are no gender specific activities/things.


My son constantly has his toe nails painted, every time I do mine he has to have his done.
I never paint my finger nails so he’s never asked for them to be painted but if he did I would.
My son also has long surfer hair so he gets called a girl often by adults. Doesn’t bother him one bit, he thinks it’s funny.

Let him. And IF the issue does come up and he decides he wants it off or doesn’t want to any more it’s his choice. Sooo many kids wear polish now and nobody bats an eye. Times are different. And for those freaking out saying absolutely not, color has NO GENDER.

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My 13 yr old came home from camp with a couple of his nails painted. I must say hubs has come a long way because he didn’t blink an eye. Went to football practice and neither did his teammates. Also as a early childhood educator kids are absolutely that cruel at that age so it’s up to you to prepare him if you let him.


Let him. It’s nail polish, not a tattoo. And kids will pick on other kids for literally anything. Prepare him for that, but let him do it. It doesn’t mean a thing. He sees his sister with painted nails and wants them too.

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My son comes with me often​:woman_shrugging:t2: people rarely have an issue and if they do also their problem kids haven’t made fun of him. His toes are purple this week :sweat_smile::joy:

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NO!!! He’s 5 or 6, he doesn’t know how to express himself yet, lol. You are his parent you can tell him no! Plus it usually is against school dress code for boys so you might want to check with the school.

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If you want to do it then do it :woman_shrugging: . I personally wouldnt paint my son’s nails , but we all parent differently

No. Explain to him that he is a boy and not a girl.


Some of these comments are crazy. If you feel comfortable with it let him. If you’re afraid of other kids making fun of him suggest he paints his toenails instead🤷🏻‍♀️


We should really be teaching our children that we will always come across someone who disagrees with our choices and some that will say hurtful things because our choices make them uncomfortable. We shouldn’t care what everyone thinks of us.

And yes, kindergarten aged children can and will say hurtful things. If they grow up in a home where they are being fed hateful ignorance they will repeat it.


New aged kindergartners can be very cruel. But let him and let him know that someone may say something but that’s ok if they do

I would let him but you have to prepare him that even kids at that age sometimes don’t like people that are different. I personally wouldn’t because kids don’t need anything these days that make it harder on them. I would wait until he’s a little older and then if he still wants to do it revisit the conversation. Just tell him he’s not old enough yet

Let him try it see what the dress code says cause schools where I live you can’t

No I would tell him that’s a girl thing boys don’t do that


I wouldn’t only because of the unknown if he gets made fun of on the 1st day it could make his entire kindergarten experience not so great. Your not there with him to make sure no one is mean to him. We should never care what others think but at 5 and 6 kids can still be cruel.

How old is sister? Are you talking about a nail salon or painting at home? The salon, I feel should be earned with age and maturity.

Has he ever done this before ?

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I paint my boys nails. (6&4) not all the time but once in a while. Usually toes.
When he was younger my brother wanted his done for school… it unfortunately didn’t end well. Dad had to take polish remover to the school.

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When I paint my nails my 2yr asks me to do his so I use my top clear coat. He knows no different and loves it :woman_shrugging: I personally wouldn’t do a color that young.

No don’t set him up to be bullied. If you do let him paint them do it in a clear polish.

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WOW! These comments are horrible…Let him wear the nail polish …where does it say boys cannot wear nail polish ??? These comments are why kids are bullied, they are not taught to be nice to everyone no matter what they look like what color they are or the kinds of clothes they wear…Be better people!!!


Let him. It’s self expression.
If this is one of those battles where dad is hell bent on no see if ur son would be ok with his toe nails done. Or maybe pic a lighter neutral color so that’s ita not so flashy.


I grew up in a house full of women, so when my son was old enough he wanted to join. We go for mani/pedi’s once a month. And hes almost 8 now. His father see’s an issue with it as well, i explain the same thing every-time, he shouldnt be left out because he’s a boy, because if it was the other way around it’d be all about women and eqaul rights. So tell everyone to shut it. Tell your son, if anyone has anything to say, tell them to mind their business! What he does to his body is no ones business!


My son is in kindergarten and paints his nails. I’ve never thought anything about it and he’s never had any negative comments.

Do it! Nail polish is for both genders. My son only ever got complements from his young classmates.
Kids learn that hate from their parents. You can see just in these comments those raising their children to be judge mental by their words.
I say let your boy express himself. AND build up his self esteem so high that no bullies even have a chance to knock his spark.


If he wants it I don’t see a problem personally. :woman_shrugging:t3: if anything the other kids will be jealous lol

With the new sensitive generation so concerned with proper pronouns I don’t think he’ll be bullied like we would have been . I would think just keep it s darker color or just clear. There is such thing as a metrosexual which means he’s still straight but has aa high level of self care/hygiene. I wish you luck in your debate

I went through this with my twin boys. One is an alpha all male the other is creative and sensitive. The sensitive wanted to paint his nails (or any other socially Unaccepted trend for boys)
I 100% back letting our children be who they are. Unfortunately children are very cruel and your little one probably doesn’t understand that he could be bullied for this.
In the end I decided I would let him express himself how ever he wanted at home but until he was old enough to comprehend both sides of his decisions, it was best to hold off. Now that he is old enough to think about both sides he is allowed to make his own calls and express himself how ever he wants


If he wants to be a sissy ! All boys have to go through a selection process. Make sure you help inform him that he is a boy. Nothing wrong with being a boy ! No nail polish !


I wouldn’t let my son paint his nails. Like you said, he only wants to do it because he sees his sister doing it. So its not really expressing himself.


My husband and my baby daddy feel the same way about my youngest son. He’s into different color hair and wants to paint his fingernails. But most the time I settle for him to paint his toenails because socks cover it up and at school I wouldn’t have to worry about kid making fun of him because they can’t see it. He still gets to express himself just where I can control the outcome of the bullies at school and to whoever thinks kindergarteners aren’t “that harsh” “they can’t be that mean” go sit in class with them for one day and you will see that not every body has good role models at home. Most kids pick up on making fun of boys with painted nails from their homophobic mom or dad. Same with kids whose parents can afford. Nike. Under armor. American eagle. Justice. Or what ever you get the expensive shit from. Lol kids see that their parents make comments about people in public wearing this or that and they go to school and do it to the kids that look just as the homeless man did at the grocery store that his dad called a crack head. It’s all learned behavior and it’s sad that we live in that type of world where we have to shelter our kids from expressing their true selves because we don’t want some one else to hurt them for their choices.

I paint my older two boys nails all the time. My oldest is into the black nails bit for the last few years ( he’s 14 now ) and my youngest second son is into bright colours ( he’s 12 now )
Been painting their nails since they were probably 4. Ever since they could ask. I also dye their hair bright funky colours too.
If your child wants to express themselves with their own body, like painting nails, long hair, short hair, bright hair, makeup, let them. Some of these comments, are the reason kids are being bullied for how they look. Teach your kid to be kind to others and to accept them for who they are. Don’t teach them that boys who wear pink are " sissy " or girls with short hair are " butch "
If you’re worried about how other parents raided their kids and how that will affect your kid, paint them a washed out colour that you barely notice. Something that has a tint to it but is mostly clear…

And NO fake eyelashes, either…

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Let him. They are in kindergarten alot of the boys in kinder like painting their nails.
Also. Set him up to never care what other think. Not to hide in case society thinks otherwise.

For Pete’s Sake! Let him be, he’s FIVE YEARS OLD! Love him and let him grow, while you’re enjoying every minute.

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My 14 year old has his sister paint his nails all the time what’s the big deal

Self expression is so important especially when you’re young.

Let him do it. Perfect time to start teaching him everyone is different and does different things. How you treat people is what matters

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Kindergarten prob all kids have nails painted haha

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Do a cool boy color that will match his first day of school outfit and make it a point that he’s matching his sister and that way if anyone asks he says he wanted to be just like his sister etc. My youngest brother lived his nails painted but I always painted his nails blue/gray/orange etc. It didn’t make him gay or anything and he grew out of his after kindergarten.

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i would not let my son do that. kids are very impressionable at such young ages. next thing you know he will be asking you if he can wear a dress :woman_facepalming:t2:


The same people telling you no, would’ve been the same people telling women not to wear pants back in the day. Trends change & boys wearing nail polish is trendy right now.


It really depends on where you live. If your in an urban community then its probably fine but a rural conservative community be careful. Kindergarteners are very cruel like that!! He will definitely be targeted by bullies. And yes there are bullies in Kindergarten. It’s your child do as you want but I’d definitely talk to him about some boys may question him, not want to play with him or call him mean names. Girls will probably just say “I like your nails” and laugh.

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My son is 7, I paint his nails for him. My husband says makes comments about it and my oldest son says it’s for girls but I reassure my son boys do it too n he will wear them proudly to school. We use blue polish.

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If you have a dress code at your school, check it first. They may have a policy against it. But if not… go for it. Both of my boys wore finger nail polish to school all through the years. Both have graduated now but they would do school colors sometimes or let their sister paint them whatever she wanted and wear it until it came off. :woman_shrugging:

My son is almost 5 and had insisted on having his nails painted since he was 2, honestly who cares, they just see it as colors on your nails and honestly I’d be bummed too if my sisters got to and I wasnt

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If he wants them done then do it. I did it for my son last year when he was in preschool and he didn’t care what people said about them. As long as he liked them he was fine.

yes pick a boy color like blue or lime green … we justt do every second nail so only 3 get done on each hand

I let my son do his black or white. But nothing else

I say let him.My 20yo Marine,will let his siblings paint his nails.

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My son gets his nails done and he’ll use “boy” colors he’s 8

My son (6) loves to paint his nails. He’s done it for a few years now. His friends think it’s super cool!
Kids reflect the ideas their parents teach. If dad says “that’s not for boys” or “that’s too girly” not only will your son feel shame about it, but HE will go to school and make fun of other boys for it because that’s what hes being taught at home.
When we allow our kids to express themselves freely, we teach them confidence and creativity. We also teach them acceptance and set them up for success and great relationships with others.
And for those saying “paint a boy colour”… stop it. That’s just as bad as saying boys shouldn’t paint their nails at all. All colours are for everyone.


I let my son do this & I wish I didn’t. He was teased about it the whole school year.

No you shouldn’t send your 5 year old to school with painted nails. He’s gonna get made fun of and then your gonna be mad cuz he’s being bullied.

I let my oldest paint him 1 time black in 7th grade and he never did it again. Kids are mean


Get real boys don’t paint their nails


I would let my kids paint their nails, regardless of their gender/sex. It’s nail polish for heavens sake. If other kids make fun of them for it, that’s the other kids problem. They should be taught better. I would talk to my kids about it, etc. I wouldn’t teach my kids to hide from who they are, because it might make other uncomfortable.

No nails painted for boys…sorry but that is a girly thing…nip it in the bud now…get him a cool hair cut or new ball cap or something…uuuhg


He’s in kindergarten? Paint his nails.


If my kids want their nails painted we paint them. :woman_shrugging:


Men have been wearing nail polish since 3,200 BC

I had the same concerns but my son is 7 and still paints his nails. No one has said anything yet that I’m aware of. Family was the worst of it :rage:

Just call me Kat season 2 has an episode that addresses this exact thing maybe try watching that with him see if it helps

I would talk to him and let him know that he can if he really wants to but that kids might make fun of him and refuse to play with him.

Do what’s right for you and your family. Looks like he just wants special attention for school. So, maybe try doing something to celebrate his first day of school, too

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Honey if he wants his nails painted talk to him about bullies and what he could face. He is young and likes to have fun, but kids can be very cruel. So make sure he knows both sides of a very real decision.

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My son is in first grade and came home today and told me he had a bad day because the kids in his class made fun of him because his nails were painted :cry: he has three sisters who always want to paint his nails

My son loves his nails painted. He also loves Jojo Siwa and sparkles and unicorns. :woman_shrugging:
It’s who he is

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My son is 10 and his are black right now. Lots of boys in our area are doing it. If it makes him happy why not?!?