Should I let my youngest date?

Do not allow toxic people in your life…start the New Year with the mil in a time out. Stick to your rule and take away her electronics. Boy crazy turns into more serious matters. She may learn the hard way that boys like that are only after one thing and then they move on to another flavor. Shame on bad boy parents to not be gentlemen :bangbang:

In my view… if you have a rule, tou would have made it for a reason, after careful consideration. I think you should stick to it.

Also… take for example… if the legal age to get a license is 16, even if one has the ability to drive, one still cannot legally drive before that… because that’s the rule/law… and no one can beg or plead otherwise…

Similarly I think of you have a rule abt your kid dating, it would be for her own interest and protection. I say stick to your rule,especially if it worked before…
and dont take any bullying from anyone as to the best way to raise your kid.
Best wishes to you…

Can you say Helicopter Parents! Kids are going to find a way to date whet you like it or not.

If letting her date be the driver to take them on date…offer to take them to movies but sit with rows in between y’all and them. Incourage group dating.

Ok… let ur child learn… talk to them about protective sex… and above all let ur child learn by herself the valur of a meaningful relationship

Psh yeah mil needs to step to the side. My kids will not date until they are ATLEAST 16. I have a boy and a girl same rules apply idgaf who has to say what. Your kids your decision. Plain and simple.

Tell your MIL to butt the hell out. Lay down the law and enforce it. If your 15 year old comes home pregnant you will be the one helping her with the baby. Tell her if she wants to date thats fine, but she will have to carry the consequences on her own if she messes up.

Nothing wrong with that i wasnt either and my daughter wont be able to either

Stick to your heart, 16 is the correct age for most young ladies ,( some older )

Stand. Your. Ground. This is YOUR family mama. If it ends up shutting others out then it’s their problem not yours.

I mean. It’s your rules but no one is magically more mature at 16, than 15.
Maybe take them to the movies and sit behind them, or have the boy hang out at the house for family functions. Hang out in the house but no private bedroom time or something.
I don’t understand putting an “age” on when they can date. It’s just a number. What if she isn’t any more mature next year?

I wasn’t allowed to date until I was 16

Steer them away from boys until at least 21!

My kids are not dating while in school. We have made it clear that while they are in school their main priority is school. They are YOUR kids and YOU and YOUR HUSBAND set the rules.

I didn’t date til I was 16…home by 10

We weren’t allowed to date until we were 16. And even then we were expected to only do group dates, with a few exceptions. You’re the parent. You do what you believe is best for your child.

Blow off mil, 16 is fine wth a time line for coming home .my dauther is 17 and have turned down dates. Said sh is in no hurry.

Do what you think is right as parents. You know your children. Tell your MIL to mind her own business

1st. you 2 are the parents, you 2 decide what’s best

Also my hubby says 8th grade

Don’t let your mil bully you. Stand your ground and do what you think is the right thing for YOUR child.

16 is the age we chose and now the age my kids have chose for their kids

she is your daughter. that makes it your business. has she never heard of date rape ?

If you made your oldest wait then it should be the same why change it your oldest might get upset

If the other didn’t date till 16 then keep it the same.

Shoot. 25 seems good to me from the way the world is now

My daughter coundnt. Date till 16 and cound drive

Yeah your the parent’s but at the same time… she will go behind your back which she already has. so compromise… thats just my 2 cents.

imo 15 is too young. they can do what they like when they are 18.

I am a mother of 4 (22,19, 16 & 13) & 1 on the way. 3 oldest are girls and youngest is a boy.
House rule…
No one is allowed to have a boy/girlfriend until they are 18 & have graduated high school. Its not one or the other. If you turn 18 before you graduate you have to wait. Our house, our rules!
Ppl may laugh & think this is extreme, but we talked to our children about our decision and why. We made sure they understood that they have more than enough time to experience that part of life. Kids at that age (middle & high school) have too much going on in figuring out who they are, raging hormones, losing & making new friends, adjusting to new environments, etc. I could keep going, but you get the idea. Their mental & emotional health & their education are priority. As adults we struggle with the good & bad of relationships. This is something that they really do not need on their plate during such challenging times in their young lives.
We do let them go out, make their own choices, experience & learn. Till now, we have had no issues/problems with our kids. We have had family, at some point, question & laugh at our decision. Our only response… our kids, our decision. “If you cannot respect how we are raising our children then they have no place in your life.” They understood and left it at that. Both sides of grandparents were surprised by my decision, but were supportive. My husband questioned it at first, but we agreed that was what we wanted for our children.

Hold onto your convictions- you are the parents

No not until they are 18 or in college

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16 is more than fair…

Remove the third parent from the equation swiftly and with finality. Problem solved.

uh. okay. really not trying to be a dick here. but this is archaic.

for one, you’re sheltering her from valuable lessons that she should be learning about relationship dynamics and what she does and doesn’t want out of a partner. the teenage years are when you get to experiment with little consequence, and you may think you’re protecting her but what you’re actually doing is snatching away the tools she needs to learn what a toxic vs healthy relationship is. if you never allow her to do anything she will never gain the emotional maturity you wish her to develop and then she’ll be a grown woman who has no idea what she’s doing in the dating world.

and moreover, she is her own person. she is a human being. she’s not your own personal video game character that you get to choose the path of. if she’s “boy crazy” you can’t condition her out of that and all you’re doing is damaging your relationship with her and making her less likely to feel comfortable sharing with you. whatever it is that you’re afraid of — her heart getting broken, her getting into a serious relationship, her partying or having sex or getting married young, whatever — you’re not stopping it. you’re perhaps delaying it a bit or perhaps just not privy to what she’s doing behind your back. but she’s gonna do her, so you should probably shift your focus to educating her about relationships and safe sex and what to do in an unsafe situation. knowledge will protect her far more than control.

Your kids your rules. End of story…


I am a mother of 7 kids, my oldest is 30 and my youngest is 8. I have 4 girls and 3 boys. Pattern goes girl, boy, girl, boy, girl,boy, girl. #2 was my rebeluse nightmare. He is now 28. Still tends to give me lip of I question anything he does. You want to know why? Cause I was tough as hell with him. Said no to everything. Friends house? nahhhh u to young, friends over? Nahhh your to young! Gf? nahh your to young! Then if that got old I would say nahhh to dangerous. Welp let me tell you I wish I wasn’t so tough. He rebelled so bad at 28 yrs old he is now a recovering 3 yrs clean addict. He fights his addiction everyday. And honestly I blame me…why? Because I wasnt tough on any kid after him and they are all good. No issues, no addictions, no rebelling. As for #1 she was just a super well behaved child so never even asked to go anywhere. #3’s teen yrs started to head to the same path as #2 and and thats when I realized being tough as hall may not be the answer…I mean yes they need structure, and guidance. But if u just say no and don’t guide they will only learn from others…guide them to make the right choices…and trust them to do so. They do learn from mistakes just with your guidance those mistakes will be smaller…

Take MILs advice. I was dating at 13.

Well, you can either let them and know the guy. Or they do it behind your back and sneak aroubd.

Trust your instincts. Unfortunately kids don’t come with instructions. You can start with group dates. Make her earn your trust.

It’s your daughter. Only you know what’s truly best.

Tell your MIL to take her own advice and stay out of your business

Thats your child do what you think is right. Your doing great

Stick to your rules parents, not her. She is wrong.

I wasn’t allowed to date till I graduated high school

We told our kids the same thing 16 to start dating!!!

NO. Make her wait until she is 16. For her own sake

Your kid your rules. Your mil had her turn raising her own kids.


Mil needs to mind her business. Her time raising kids is done.

Stick to your rules!!! YOU are the parents.

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Tell MIL its none of her business!

Tell mil to hit the road they are your and your husbands kids

Stay out of Kids business they have no business

No child likes rules…that’s why they have parents :woman_facepalming:

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They are your kids, your rules

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I waited to date and saved my virginity until 18. I just wasn’t ready. My parents had strict rules on dating as well and I obeyed them. I’m so glad I did and hope to raise my kids with the same values.

Your the parents you make the rules

They need to mind their own business.

I think 16 is young enough. Tell yr mil to mind her buisness.

Simple. Tell MIL " my kid, my choice. Back off". End of discussion.

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Your daughter, your choice

Tell MIL to butt out my girls are only single digit ages but I’ve told them they are not allowed to date till they are 16 and their dad and I agree on this also there are conditions like said boy must be willing to go to church with us as a family, he must be willing to come to our house for dinner one night a month, all their dates will be supervised until our daughter and we are confident that his intentions are honorable (not meaning he’s going to marry her just that he is not going to force himself on her)

If you personally think she’s a little to boy crazy I’d hold off a bit longer. Explain to her what can happen. How to protect herself etc . Adult supervision is a must . Untill she can calm her little hormones down

Your child your rules

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She is your child! Not mil child. You do what you feel is best. I had 5 girls and they were all different. Oldest wasn’t into one on one, all her friends went together on outtings. The 2nd starting ‘dating’ when they were both 9! What could they do? Talk at school and on phone. (It’s now 20 years later and they are married with 5 boys!) The 3rd and 4th were adopted and their bio mom let them do whatever. They dated when they were 16. The youngest is 16, going to college next year and no interest. She is too busy planning her life.
Shorter… all kids mature differently. If yours is not ready you know. It is your job to teach her how to defend herself and to protect her. DO IT YOUR WAY!!

Stick to your guns, mama!

Get her on birth control immediately.

Follow your instincts… every child is a little different.

You are the parent and you don’t have to compromise, shes too young to date, 16 is a good age to start letting her go out with a strict curfue. If she’s boy crazy I feel sorry for you, nothing but trouble ahead. You need to make sure you meet the boy and knowing who his parents are is a good idea.

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You need to sit down and have a discussion with her. Listen to her feelings. It shouldnt always be “my way or the highway”. My parents were very strict. When I was littlei was forced to be friends with kids I hated because my parents knew their parents. Anyone I wanted to be friends with i wasnt allowed to spend the night. I was 13 before i was allowed to make my own friends and see them. Even the i had to beg and do a lot of extra chores for it. When it came to other things I started sneaking out and did them anyway. Now if you’re strict on a lot of things then that’s probably where things are heading. Kids do need some freedom. How else do you expect them to grow and mature if they cant experience things and make their own mistakes? I see a lot of parents baby their kids and then magically expect them to be a mature adult the day they turn 18. It doesnt work that way.


16 was our rule as well -

Stick to ur guns mama

That’s ridiculous. She’s 15, if you tell her she can’t she will, behind your back. You can’t stop it. However, you can implement the rule of parent supervision. 15 is a rough age for a girl. Don’t shelter her. It will make her hide things from you and lie.

Stick with your original plan

Stand your ground!!! Your house your rules!

The more you forbade, the more ways they will find you sneak behind your back. Allow the boy over, under supervision. So she’s not sneaking around.

Stick to your thoughts. You’re the parent

If only more parents were like you

Tell your mother in law to pound sand and as for raising your children remember their “YOUR CHILDREN” and don’t ever let anyone forget that.

Stand your ground . Mil is our of line and wrong .

Your child, your rules. No one else matters.

Also tell your MILA mind her own business. That you don’t care who’s right. She’s still your kid.

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The rule in my house was I couldn’t date until 16. Then I had the first boy I was interested in ask me out when I was 14 so I begged my mom and dad ro amend their rule. So they changed it to I was allowed to date but it had to be in our (my parents house) and they wanted to meet with and talk to the parents of the boy, if they felt that it was safe then we could have dates at his house with his parents present. And as time went on we could earn group dates with other trusted friends and eventually go on solo dates. And it worked. My relationship didn’t last long cause he was scared of my dad, but I learned how to properly date and what was exceptable and what was absolutely not exceptable. My parents decided they wanted to get in front of my dating that way they know who is in my life and what I was up to rather than tell me no and have me date behind their back. They explained to me that it was their job to keep me safe. They also told me that any boy that was uncomfortable meeting them did not have good intentions with me and showed me what were warning signs in boys. It worked for the most part. They also gave me a lecture about what would happen if I ended up getting pregnant. They told me that my teenage life would be over and that they would help me and support me however they were going to hold me accountable to my child and I was to work to help raise him/her and I would not be allowed to drop out of school and if I wasn’t at work or at school I would have to pay them for child care and then they told me to the store and showed me how much it would cost to raise a baby, and that also worked because there was no way I was even going to chance being a teenage mother. They gave my brother much of the same lecture about just because they are boys doesnt mean they get to skip out on the responsibility and they’d better be there for their child and help the mother however they could even if they were no longer together which also worked on them as well

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You’re the parent; mil can F off.


Tell MIL to butt out

My kids have to get a college degree before I approve of a relationship and if they don’t want to support themselves or pay for college themselves then they will not have a romantic relationship… Having a bf or gf is not important and at that age they are def not looking for marriage which if I was taught correctly is why you date. I by choice didn’t have a bf till after highschool.


You’re absolutely spot on with your rules. I have the same for mine. Once 16, they can (and do) come visit her at the house, go on PUBLIC dates with an adult picking them up and dropping them off. Your 15 yo having a boy meet her at church and using social media to date seems fine to me. As long as there’s no “ alone time” or activities without chaperones it would be ok with me. You can’t control everything they do- so as long as she wasn’t sneaking off to meet with him it would be fine. To me that’s not “dating”. Let her have this small win. It’ll help build her perception of your confidence in her, and she will be less likely to not notice red flags OR come to you for help should she need it in the future. People laughing at you- ignore them. You’re doing right by her.

Do what is best for you and your children! If you think it’s best to not allow your children to date until 16, then follow that rule. We don’t have a set age currently for our daughter, but for sure she isn’t allowed to date until high school. She can talk to boys all she wants, but she won’t be able to actually date until she is older. Every child is different and every parent is different. You just have to figure out what works for you and your children. I don’t think you’re keeping them in a bubble or being overprotective by not allowing them to date until a certain age. When they’re young, they should focus on school work and being young, not about boys or being in relationships. You’re doing fine. Just shrug them off and say it’s what you and your husband agreed on and are comfortable with. If she’s already 15, she has less than a year so it shouldn’t be a concern.

My son is 13 and has his first gf. They don’t talk outside of school which is completely his choice. My bfs daughter is 13 and has had numerous bfs and has never told her parents. My son never lies to me or keeps secrets from me because he knows I’ll find out anyhow and if I question him about something he knows there’s no sense in lying because I already know the truth. I’ve never been a hovering parent. If he asked to see his gf outside of school it would have to be a chaperoned movie date or something. I personally try to keep the lines of communication open with my kids because I know how much sneaking around I did as a teen. My son’s only true love is his memmy, momma, and his Xbox. I’m not too worried at this point. Only you know how mature your child is. MIL needs to butt out! My 7 yr old daughter has had a bf since she was 4. They met in preschool and we just hope and pray they stay as close as they are now. His mom is my best friend. They’re just little kids but they won’t be forever. I guess once they start hinting at wanting to go out on dates and stuff we’ll revisit the idea then. I also told my son flat out if he thinks they’re getting serious and they start messing around to tell me and we will make sure he has protection. He said that’s gross and he’d never do that, I told him he won’t feel that way forever. I told him it’s not something I encourage and I most certainly don’t think it’s a good idea but I’d rather them be safe then sorry. Hopefully it’ll be a few years but he knows he can always come to me for anything.

The more you keep them locked up the more they will rebel and not tell you anything because they feel they can’t. My mum did exactly what you are doing. I’m not saying let her go out all hours of the night thats just irresponsible but suppressing them just makes them keep secrets and if they are in real trouble can they contact you and you won’t blast them? Also your MIL is way out of line.

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This is different for every child my oldest has been with theboy since the end of her 7th grade year they are now in 11th. We have agreed that starting this summer he can go on vacation with us as he is a huge part of the family. Both of my other daughters and had school boyfriends. We have general rule of 14.

Your mother in law is not raising this child. You are the parents, and your rules stand! My in laws were the the same way. I have 4 girls, and they were most definitely not allowed to date until 16. Still have one more to get there. Prayers. It’s not easy!

You’re mil needs to mind her own business! You 2 are the parents not your MIL, she has no right to tell you how to parent especially if she is telling you to let your youngest date. And for that matter I think you are doing just fine. My mom wouldn’t let me date I was 16 either. I was cheated on like your oldest was and I’m sorry I feel her pain but there are plenty of fishes in the sea.

  1. Point blank period. She’s also already broken that rule so I’d be taking her phone for a week if it were me. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Lighten up mom. 15 is old enough to date. Give her a curfew.

do what you feel is right. and tell you mil to fuck off

After thier married lol

So lesson I have learned. Kids nowadays have more balls and rush relationships because of phones. They don’t have to put the time and effort face to face so they only know the person well enough through the screen and many of us have seen online how ballsy people can be on social media or through a screen. I would encourage them to date and be very open to him coming over. It allows you to build a trust with them both. It will also make her more likely to confide in you so you can help her make responsible decisions and teach her alone the way. Forbidding it is just causing her to still do it, but behind your back. She can’t learn how to responsibly date etc if she has to hide it and sneak around. I HUGELY recommend group outings. Encourage her to do stuff with several friends and not just them two. Encourage them to truly date and go out together not be in houses or behind closed door and be willing to be realistic. Don’t freak out when she has her first kiss etc be the mom and set boundaries but also be open to listen. Try not to be judgmental but give good advice she can take with her. She will make mistakes but it’s good she has you for support when she falls and good advice she can count on because if she can’t talk to you she will talk to another stupid teenager that doesn’t know shit either.

Growing up has never come the easier way. It comes with lots of challenges like lost marriages, lost love, financial and job problems and so many more, but still there has always been a solution to every challenges that we face in life. Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Sir Marere contact +2348109805184 email is: marerespells@gmail. com and told me Sir Marere will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Sir Marere and told her everything, he made a love and binding prayers for me and in 1 day of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much Sir Marere your prayers indeed work. You can call or whats-app Sir marere on +2348109805184 Email: marerespells@gmail. com incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you that even don’t know the situation you are going through, all that matters are the results so feel free to contact him.

Keep doing what you r doing