Should I move in with my boyfriend after 4 months?

Time shouldn’t be the question my husband an I moved in together within 2 months of being together we now married n have 2 children 8 years later


I was kicked out of my house (for breaking curfew by 3minutes🙄) at 18yrs old and I moved in with my boyfriend of 3wks and we were married after dating 6months and we celebrate our 17yr anniversary this year, so it can be done. Best of luck to you and your situation with your siblings.


Family first always , I would never trust a person after a few months.

Your mother needs to be reminded of her responsibilities, perhaps by the authorities. Maybe start by spending the occasional weekend with your boyfriend and see how it goes

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My boyfriend and I started dating Feb 2021. We moved in together in May. Best thing for our relationship. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I’d wait. It hasn’t been long enough. Don’t add any unnecessary expenses right now.

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I can certainly understand wanting to get away from the abuse. What will happen with the kids not old enough to care for their selves Who would provide for them then? I suggest you get child services involved if you do decide to move out. No one likes that idea but it may be better than the circumstances they are living in now. It is very noble of you to care for them. I can see how it would be a difficult decision.

Apply for assistance to get yourself and your kids out of the current situation.

I moved in with my now husband after 2 months. If he’s willing and actually is helping you and understanding of your situation and taking care of your siblings than go for but definitely try to have a back up plan if ever needed.

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I have found that the first 3 to 6 months in any relationship is called a honeymoon stage . It takes time in relationships to know the real you. Going into a relationship with the realization of knowing you understand this then make a choice and don’t beat yourself up for your choice :woman_shrugging:t4:


I understand wanting to get away from the toxicity. But I don’t think I’d be able to leave my siblings that have been depending on me for support. It’s not your responsibility but I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing I was the reason they were being fed. Good luck with whatever you choose. I hope it works out for all of you.

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14496 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

8 month to 12 month rule

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15736 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

My boyfriend and i moved in together after 3 months

I moved in with my husband 2 weeks after we met and we have been together 22 years and married 16 of those. It can work

I say go for it but what about your brothers though

Why don’t he come stay with u where ur at on a temporary basis…just to test the waters