Should I not buy my daughter so many Christmas gifts due to COVID?

Honestly because Covid has sucked the fun out of this entire year I’m going to try my best to do an amazing Christmas for my kids and if anyone has an opinion on it they can kick rocks!
This has been the worst year ever so we are going to celebrate it being freaking over

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Wtf why would someone try and tell you not to buy your kid a lot of presents? Because they can’t afford to buy theirs any? :woman_facepalming:t3:

Who cares you can do what you like

Why is anyone else’s business what you get your kid

If you can afford then buy gifts

I’m shopping myself but in my case is from Dollar tree

I also have a four year old. Only child. I will spend as much as I want to on him, what anyone else thinks isn’t my problem, it’s theirs. I have had his Christmas presents for months now. Lego, PlayStation and quad bikes. He’s spoilt but he isn’t a turd. He looks after his stuff, he is kind to others. At the end of the day? Your child, your finances. Not any of anyone else’s business.

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We start in January,we have 7 grandchildren to buy and we usually do secret Santa but not this year​:disappointed_relieved:.I am nearly finished.Our grandchildren,every year receive a Christmas box ,a stocking and4 small gifts . I would do what makes you happy ,and if that is buying lots of gifts for your child do it,plus it pays to start early.:blush:

You buy what you want your paying for it

Do whatever makes you happy. Christmas is a special time of year. Its absolutely nobody’s business how you choose to spend your money. You do you :hugs:

It is nobody’s business!

You do what you want, you have earnt it and have the right to spend it as you please.

Depending on the age of your kids (if they are old enough to notice) be mindful - as every year but particularly maybe this year while lots of people have lost or reduced work - that your kids might get 20 presents but their friends, neighbours or cousins might get 1, 2 or zero and not understand why “Santa” favours some kids over others.

There’s lots of examples online how to explain it to kids that every family is different.

I say buy her even more gifts this year if that’s what you want to do. Everyone is fighting their own struggles right now, and yours seems to be worrying too much about others opinions. Just DO YOU! Don’t worry about them.

You buy what you want, with your money, for your child. Nobody else’s business

Do what YOU want for YOUR kid! And anyways, ik it’s not always in everyone’s budget but 1 gift?? My 2 year old got beyond spoiled just by me and her dad for her first christmas not to mention the rest of the family and this year her and my new son will both get spoiled. You do whatever makes you feel happy! I started christmas shopping also. It saves so much money, time and stress for the holidays

Honestly f*** what anyone else has to day! Its your kid if you want to enjoy them opening alot of presents for Christmas then you go buy as many toys as you want! My daughter is 2 and I have spoilt her this year for Christmas because I did the Christmas laybuy so I was able to gradually pay it all off, all the clothes and things she needs are from Santa and the more extravagant expensive stuff is from me because I hate how Santa gets some kids so much but other parents aren’t able to afford it so the kids think santa doesn’t like them as much or they were naughty

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Do not allow other people to make you feel guilty because you made intelligent financial decisions for your child


Im trying to talk my husband into starting early bc its so stressful waiting then u get stuck freaking out at last min lol thats been my last two Christmases bc i waited last min then i didnt get to enjoy christmas. So this year im talking him into starting this month. I wanna enjoy christmas and i wanna actually not stress

Get whatever you want for her.

You spend what you can afford

Do whatever you want. It’s your kid.

It’s your kid buy what u want I have four kids I start in June by Xmas everyone had like 12 gifts.

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Do what?! Backlash? Because your buying presents early? It may be a bad year financially FOR THEM, but you do you! Shit, I must be the queen of backlash then because I buy my daughter presents all year long!

Buy her what you normally would!

If you’re financially secure that’s all the matters. I will treat Christmas the same as every other year for my daughter. :woman_shrugging:t2: I was out of work for a couple months but have been back since June and unless we get put out again (which is very highly unlikely) nothing will be different for us. Maybe follow the advice I’ve seen before and make sure she knows the gifts are from you. Just give her something small “from santa”. That way if she’s in daycare/preschool other kids won’t feel bad if she gets more from Santa then they did.

It’s been a hard enough year for kids and if u have done this every year before it might be disappointing and make the year just come to a sad end for her if she suddenly only gets one gift and don’t get why if u can afford it go nuts I am

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So because it’s a bad year for some people financially, you’re suppose to limit yourself? Even though you can afford it? :woman_facepalming:t2: Girl, whoever is telling you this is STUPID. While I agree with the whole ‘no big items from Santa’ because I know first hand what it’s like… This… This is dumb. I bust my ass to pay my bills and give my kids the best possible Christmas/birthday/whatever that I can.

Baby dont let ANYONE tell you how to live your life, raise your child or spend your money!!! Do what you do momma, nothing else needs to be said


This makes no sense. If your bills/necessities are covered you can use the rest of YOUR money however YOU like :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: sounds like whoever is jealous


Get ur daughter the gifts she won’t be little forever :two_hearts:

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My son is only two but I don’t think I’ll be doing Santa with him. I found out at 7 years old he wasn’t real and I was crushed so I’m saving him that disappointment but if you guys do, small stuff from Santa big stuff from Mama


Do want you want. You earn your money and if you want to spend it on your child, then do it! They’re just little for such a short while.

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Why ask -do what you want

Buy your child whatever you want. As long as bills and food are covered, what you do with your hard earned money is your business.


I think you should do what you want, when you want, however you want. This year has been financially hard for allot of people but, what does that matter? I personally am not going the whole Christmas extravaganza anymore, as we choose to do bigger birthdays

I think you can get her more than one gift but just remember as she gets older these gifts will get more and more expensive so I wouldn’t get her so many gifts that you can’t keep up with her expectations year after year. And also Christmas is about the birth of Jesus not about gifts.


I auve a 5yo and 2yo (3 by xmas) amd im already dome for xmas amd bubs birthday. Buy what you want. Its your money amd your child. I dont even know why this would come up in conversations lol
Anyway, my kids will be spolit and I will make the choices and everyone’s opinions came eff right off :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Shit I would do the same, do you boo and don’t worry about anyone else!

Don’t be silly it is your child.You work hard to give your child what you can.
You do what you feel is good for your child.

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Girl, you do you! It’s your child, an your lucky to be able to afford to do this. Who cares about others. Their jealousy isn’t your problem.


I was raised to know the truth about Santa. I am raising my kids the same. Ive gotten the statement of let kids be kids. But truthfully I dont want to lie to my kids. I want them to trust me. I know a lot of people who have been hurt by their parents/grandparents when it came to learning the truth about Santa. So my kids don’t believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, Easter bunny etc. My kids don’t hate me but know that I tell them the truth. Plus on the side note I buy their gifts early! Like one or two a month! :sweat_smile:

It’s your money, your kid, your bills… Who are you even talking to that feels they should have input on how you spend your money or do your Christmas… Nobody’s business… Do what you want… This is still a free country…


Tell the people with opinions to kick rocks

Umm absolutely not! You buy your baby whatever you want to!! I can’t stand when ppl tell you what you should or shouldn’t do for your kid!

This can’t be real, also why do people know about what you have bought? Keep it to yourself= no problem…

If you can afford it why not? Covid has caused so much uncertainty and anxiety for children and xmas is something the kids can look forward to after a shitty year.

Buy your daughter anything you so desire it’s noones business but yours if you can afford it do it.


As long as your necessities are covered you spoil that baby! People are weird.

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You do you. Who the f$#@ cares what you do?! Buy all the damn presents. If no one else is paying your bills, then they don’t get an opinion. I don’t care what anyone thinks about the gifts I get my kid.

Those people aren’t the parent to your child. Do what YOU want for her! If you can afford it and want to do it, then do it! Don’t let them and their nonsense bother you.

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I do the same nothing wrong with that has long has bills are paid

You should what U want to do

No you definitely do what you want!! That’s your only baby, spoil her while you can.

Honestly, I wouldn’t give a rat’s a** what anyone had to say about it. Your bills are covered, there’s food on the table, and well… it’s your choice! Not anyone else’s!!!
Feather more I’ve got 3 kid’s. I plan on starting tomorrow morning. I did the same when our first was born and ive carried that on over the course of the last 15 years when ever possible.

I think it’s totally your decision :two_hearts: never mind what anyone says, you just do you!

You do whatever the hell you wanna do. She’s YOUR kid. My daughter is an only child who’ll be 3 at Christmas time and she already had 7 or 8 Christmas presents that I bought and my husband still wants to get her more. If you can financially afford to get her 100 then get her 100 :joy:


Unfortunately not everyone I financially strapped by this virus, but then there are many that have been. And in the end, its too each their own how they decide to gift their children at Christmas. Some people have been tight all year so they go all out at the holiday to make up for the year, that’s how we do it in our house. While some prefer to buy what they can afford which is only a little. If you raised your child correctly, they will be grateful and appreciate anything you get them. Only a spoiled selfish brat will look at you and say “that’s it?!” after you busted your ass to afford even two nice gifts that you knew they’d been wanting. A gracious child will thank you and love their present even if its a knock off barbie from the dollar tree. My kids would be glad to open anything no matter what it is. And my middle would be happy with a plain old empty box. Lol

When you become a parent, you realise from the moment theyre born that everyone has an opinion on your parenting. Take their opinions are shove them… they mean nothing! The only opinion that matters is yours. Your child, your business. If xmas is the only day they get spoilt. Do it! I always spoilt my eldest at xmas and yes, I copped alot of “opinions” too. “You’re raising an entitled child” “kids dont need that much” blah blah. Guess what? she is 10 and doesnt ask for much and now reminds my youngest that there are kids that go without. My youngest also gets spoilt. But I find 2nd time around it gets a bit much.

If you haven’t been financially burdened by Covid then go about your spending as you would any other holiday. It’s so stupid to me that we have to feel bad for buying presents just because other people can’t.

You do you! Like you said you have everything else covered , so give your little princess a beautiful Christmas :sparkling_heart:

Well she’s only 4… she isn’t going to go to school and brag about all the gifts you bought her so it doesn’t matter. Your child, do what you want! Covid shouldn’t ruin our children’s lives more then it already does.

Unless they are your partner or financial advisor they can mind their own business.

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You do you. If someone tells me how to spend my money, then they can also tell me which bills they’ll be paying. You work for it, so you get to decide. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad. There will always be kids without presents. That doesn’t mean other kids have to go without too.

Your money, your decision. The audacity some people have. Whether or not they agree with it, you can buy your daughter whatever you want. Just because they can’t provide the quality of life they want for their kid doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.

Why are you asking the world this should be between you and your child. Maybe the reason you’re getting so much backlash could be because your saying it in the first place.

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I think you should ignore everything telling you how to parent your child. Buy them presents like you normally would. There’s no reason not to. Just because others are struggling doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to buy your child presents.

We spoiled our son on his birthday in July because we could afford it. We’ve already bought all of his small Christmas and are starting on our daughters now. I don’t see a problem as long as it’s not going to put you in debt to do it🤷🏻‍♀️. As long as I can afford it my babies will always have good birthdays and Christmas’s.

One gift? Forget that you do what you feel is right

My kids know Santa’s not real but they still believe in him I start Christmas shopping about July and finish up in December I start early because I have three boys and I like to plan ahead of time

You do what you feel is right. We will be buying our daughter gifts from us and Santa. It’s not her fault Covid happened so why should she be punished. If you can afford to do it I say go for it.

Do what YOU want to do. Don’t let others dictate what your family does at Xmas time. You don’t have to change what you do because of someone else’s circumstances. I wouldn’t.

That is Your business…no one elses…

I got told not to get our kids PS4’s because “it would make other children wonder why they aren’t good enough for Santa to bring them one.” Shut up! I don’t smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, and I black friday shop. My kids shouldn’t go without to make yours feel good about YOUR lack of financial responsibilities. You do what you want for your little girl for Christmas and forget what anyone else says!!!

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If it’s not hurting your budget then you have nothing to feel bad for! Don’t listen to other people, buy your baby girl as many presents as you want

Your money
Your child
Your celebration
Do what you like
It’s no ones business

Why are you asking strangers what you should or shouldn’t do? Have confidence! You do you, and tell everyone else to f*ck off for trying to make you feel bad about doing something that feels good!

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Your life, your money, your child = your choice

Live within your means!!!

do they give u any money to buy her presents? if they don’t then tell them to stfu


If money is not an issue, then you buy her whatever you want to. It makes us Parents fulfilled if we see them happy, so.

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Let’s celebrate Mama , get your baby all the stuff you want :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


I am raising my grandbabies, we do home made gifts to share with teachers, friends, and church exchange. For our home, it’s something you want, something you need and something to read. I do this because it works for me. We get a book and pjs on christmas eve. Then they’ll have something lively to sleep in while waiting for Christmas morning. You need to do what works for you.

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Educational gifts are best


Do what you want to do. I plan on buying my daughter her gifts ahead of time when I build up enough money cause work has been slow lately

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I would blow out every Christmas every single year. My mother once told me I did way too much and that less was more. She said someday I may not be able to do that and that they would feel it if I couldn’t. But if I started small when they were young and could afford to go bigger as they got older they would be old enough to understand if I couldn’t do it

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When they little they ask for very little, no tall orders yet, its when they become teenagers that want more experience toys. Eg cellphones, playstation ect. So while they tiny enjoy what you can afford to give them in toys! They grow so quickly.

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Tell them that when they start paying your bills then they can say something but mind their own business now


Buy her what you can, dont listen to others x


Your life, do what you want


…are you hurting financially? If not then do you and treat your baby to a good Christmas


Hey! Buy what you buy for your daughter. If you’ve got extra to give, give to toys for tots or take presents to a womans and family shelter


You do you! Shes your child, and it’s your choice how you do Christmas! I’m exactly the same (my son is 16 months) and I do buy ahead also, while hes only 16 months and not into electronics i can buy things all year round to be put away x

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Do what ever you feel like don’t let others decide for you

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Why do parents feel the need to question what they buy their children because of others who cares buy her as much as you want mumma! Your baby, your money so who cares I always go over board on Christmas but hey they’re my babies and if I want to buy expensive gifts and shit loads for them I will they have everything they need so who cares :blush:

Want to start Christmas shopping but without my grandchildren around don’t think I am doing Christmas sorry peeps

This has been a shitty year…get her the presents

Kim, there are people dying!!!

I think buy her whatever you can afford, it’s nobody else’s business


So let’s start with one question.

Can you afford the gifts? If yes they can sit down shut up and mind their own business, if you cannot afford so many gifts then scale down.

I get my kids loads of smal items that are not expensive you do you

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I look at it this way, it doesnt matter what others think. Do what you can, and give your baby all you think she deserves. If I could I would buy my five children as much as I can. The world is unpredictable and you never know about next yr. :woman_shrugging: