Should I put my childs father on the birth certificate?

Birth certificates should have father’s names. I was a child support officers and with being in that field l witnessed how important it is… If for an unfortunate chance the child comes down With health issues it is good to have the father’s information for any hereditary matters

Why are women so quick to get with men who are recently split from someone, who has not been in your life long enough to make a commitment and then these situations occur and they are calling the guy names, ladies weather we like it or not we are left with the tough choices from these decisions, if he wants out let him go, you were obviously just the bed warmer till he went back to the ex, why punish the child chasing the man and his monies for a poor choice made by both

Dont put him on there. It really isnt worth the headache. If you end up needing financial assistance, they will ask who the father is, so they can go after him. If you decide to keep him off the bc (which i recommend) just say you dont know who the father is.

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You’re not married… it’s easy to file for child support. Put his name down and hold him accountable

They won’t let you put his name on unless he is there to sign but I would absolutely try for child support. If he decides at some point that he wants to be involved you can have his name added to the birth certificate at a later date if u choose

Do not, I repeat Do not put him on the birth certificate! I am giving you some legal advice. Not as a lawyer, but as someone who does understand the law. Yes, you may be giving up child support. However, if you put him on the birth certificate you give him rights. If he really wants to be a father to the child. Then make him work for it! Don’t just give him rights because he is a sperm donor. I believe father’s who truly want a child, will never stop.

I would not put him on the certificate. I would, however, try to leave the lines of communication with the father open, if he will allow that. It maybe that he is in shock at this point. A lot can change through your pregnancy. As I said to a friend, he may not be right for you, but he may be right for that child.

There is a lot more to being s parent than a name or even money. I wished I had got the moral support more!

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I think no. Here’s a future potential hazard for you. My sister named the bio father on her son’s birth cert. Her son at 2 weeks old had a tragic accident and received ACC money. The ‘father’ had nothing to do with him and didn’t pay maintenance. He had plenty of time to help with the caregiving but didn’t. When her son eventually passed away by law the ‘father’ was entitled to half what was left, the father who did care for him didn’t receive a cent. I couldn’t even do him for maintenance as WINZ said it was too long a period, he lived to 20, and should’ve been done in the beginning. Lawyer’s cost a fair chunk as well. Total loss $90,000.00

honestly i would go for child support without putting him on the birth certificate…i do think if he decides he wants to be in the childs life and u feel it is safe then you should allow that but not of hes just gonna bounce in and out as he pleases.

I didn’t name my first child father but you can still get child support. And child support doesn’t automatically give him rights either. Basically you can’t force him to be involved but just Bc he doesn’t want to be involved doesn’t mean you can’t get child support. How it was explained to me: I take him to court for child support. He has to take me to court for visitation. Don’t name him on the birth certificate though.

That’s sperm donor name on the BC for child support purpose only. Until he wants to be in HIS child’s life.

I’d be using him back and claiming that child support. Down the line the child may want a relationship with him and you never know, he may also come around when the baby is here. But I would definitely be doing it to make him pay for his child. But of course, your decision at the end of the day :slightly_smiling_face:

If you and your child need financial support, put his name on the birth certificate. There are too many dead beat fathers out there. It’s sickening.

You don’t need to have the dad on the birth certificate to claim child support in the UK, I’m not sure about the US. He may say he wants a DNA test to prove it’s his but that can be easily done

It takes 2 to make a baby so it should take 2 to make the decision about said baby! If he wants nothing to do with the child that’s fine, you guys didn’t plan to have this child together so he has every right to not want to be involved. You have chosen to keep the child so therefore it’s your responsibility to provide for this baby without his financial support.

I don’t have time for a whole story, but I did not put him on the birth certificate. 12 years later and no regrets

Only my opinion the father be put on the birth certificate. Suppose something happens to the father, God forbid, And he dies. That child would be entitled to his social security.

yes everyone deserves to know who their parents is …If he does not want nothing to do with the child that ok but the chid will need child support to help it out some day …

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Nope. My cousin put the father’s name on both her girls and now shes having a hard time finding him so that her husband can adopt them.

I think that if he wanted to be a part of your child’s life, that you should put him on the birth certificate. From what you’re saying, he doesn’t want anything to do with it. It is entirely your choice to go through with your pregnancy. But he has voiced his wish not to be a part of it. I think it is unfair to both him and your child to force him to be a part of it. You can always add him to the birth certificate later if he changes his mind. But if you put him on the birth certificate, and force him to be a part of the process, you’ll end up with a guy who despises you, and resents your child, for no other reason than existing.

I would put his name on there but only because of the chance that there might be a medical reason to contact the father.

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I don’t believe an unmarried mother in Texas can just put a male’s name on a child’s birth certificate without having his consent on an Acknowledgment of Paternity. Maybe it can be done in other states, but I’m pretty certain it can’t be in Texas, unless he signs the AOP or there is a court-ordered DNA test & follow up Court Order to put it on.

A father’s name on the BC does not mean the mother has to seek child support; nor does it mean the child has to use the father’s surname. It does tell the child who it’s biological father is, which can be important for health/medical reasons & the child’s personal knowledge/peace of mind later in life.

Not having the father’s name on the birth certificate can, however, does frequently entitle single mom’s to welfare benefits for which they might not otherwise qualify — which is why many women pretend not to know who the father is.

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Put the name on the certificate for your s
Child. Find out his ss# and birthdate. Your child has the right to know and may need the child support or other benefits that the father may have.

Claim child support and if the child wants relationship with him and he is willing to have one; let them.

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If he’s not on the birth certificate you won’t be able to get child support without getting a proper ( through the courts ) DNA test
Even probably with him on it if he fights

If you don’t - he has no rights at all and can’t come after partial custody should he / they decide later

Do it on your own, he doesn’t want a child. It’s totally fine to put your name on the birth certificate and I would put nothing in the father’s section. I did this and later on my now husband had to adopt his own kid’s.

It’s her Dad regardless of how everything happend… If one day he comes around to wanting to be involved in her life you can rest easy knowing you did right by her.

I’m 51 yrs n I don’t know who’s my father n I sometimes wonder who could it be, not for financial gains but for health history purposes, to know wat my genes is lik to understand me better, my mom passed away without telling me anything, so even if you don’t put the name on the BP, at least let the child know the history of the father

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Naah, if you wanna keep your unborn, just think of him as a sperm donor!! When your kids old enough you can tell them what their father wanted for them! It’s up to you!
My mother actually told me my father told her to abort me… so we’ll here i am 31 years later…

If he doesn’t want to be there to sign the paper then he doesnt get to enjoy first kisses, first steps, first words and so forth. His loss, not yours.

I was in the same boat and chose not to add his name to the birth certificate.

If there’s ever a want for regular visitation on his part he will have to pay for an attorney and pay for the process of getting paperwork filed to have a judge order a paternity test to prove he’s her dad, and in doing so he will automatically have to pay back child support and start making monthly child support payments in exchange for visitation…

I left my kid’s dad off of all paperwork. If he changes his mind I figure he has to be committed because he will have many hoops to jump through.

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Depends if you want his money or not, if your not bothered then forget him and if you want his dollar then put him on. Just remember though by putting him on you automatically give him parental responsibility which means he can ask for access at anytime and make your life harder.

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He clearly doesn’t care about your precious little bundle. Do it by yourself mumma, it’s better to have an absent parent then a dead beat one. If he wants rights later on then he can put in the hard yards to make it happen and prove he’s going to put effort where needed.

In CA the father doesn’t have to sign the certificate or be present for that matter. I was married and my now xh (my daughter’s father) didn’t have to sign the certificate. When we divorced, I wanted a clean break so I never pursued child support. I earn enough where it isn’t a necessity but a nice to have. I’m not letting him off the hook, it’s that I know a transient addict has no money and no means to pay so why bother. The judge gave me full legal & physical custody and no visitation (supervised or not) to him.

Well regardless of what you do, you should put his name. Every human has a right to know where they came from, and if by chance something horrible happened to you, your child would have some documentation.

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Do not put him on the birth certificate. I went through that with my youngest daughters dad and I didn’t put him on the birth certificate

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Definitely! Your child has the right to know who it’s biological father is. My husband was lied to and it really caused him a lot of mental anguish which has affected his whole life. He is 57 and is still coming to terms with the deceit.

You should put him on birth certificate and file for child support. You will need support for that child. The truth is always best.

If you are able to provide by yourself then fuck him. You’ll spend more in legal battles for child support and other things then prob what you would get from him. He doesn’t want anything to do with it so his loss(from my personal experience, my baby daddy abandoned as well and my girl is almost 10 now and is as tough as nails)

If you’re choosing to have a baby by a man who’s made it clear he doesn’t want it, then I think you should support it yourself. Can’t do that? Then don’t have it. Or put it up for adoption and consider the whole thing a learning experience.

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Name him as the father (but you do NOT have to give the baby his last name!) - - the state will go after him for child support, without you having to initiate a thing. And the state will make him submit to a paternity test - - to either confirm he IS the father, or to eliminate him as a possibility.

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I wiped my hands clean and went forward with my life. My daughter is 4 now and he met her once (at his request I said not after 2 years old so she won’t remember if you turn out to be a disappointment) he promised to start regular visits and child support… Never heard from him again.
Absolutely best decision I’ve ever made. Her life is full of people that love her and want to be in her (and my) life.

Regardless the baby will become an adult and want to know. I am 50 years old and don’t know who my father is I still think about it everyday. I feel like I’ve been kept under this dark cloud of a lie all my life. It would be nice to know who the other half of my family is and where they are.

Claim child support! Whether he wants to be in the child’s life is up to him but he’s half responsible for the life he created

Think about your baby…this is about your baby,not about you or the baby daddy…
Does that baby have the right to know there daddy? Does that baby have the right to grow up sharing there life experience with there daddy? It’s the baby,the child that needs to be considered…your fling ended up making a new life so you owe everything to that new life you made…please consider your child future before you make your decision and it’s not about child support or what is best for you or the child daddy.Its what is best for the new life that you made…
May god bless you and your baby…

Put him on the birth certificate. It is nit going to hurt you. It can also hold him responsible for his child. In the future your child will have the ability to find their father.

Personally I wouldn’t put him on the birth certificate. If he decides to be a dad you can have him added at a later time but from the sounds of it, he doesn’t deserve the recognition.

Don’t eventhink of putting h on the birth certificate. Raise your baby yourself no support nothing and don’t get anyone in his family involved in the baby’s life

involved. Speaking from going through same experience with a daughter

I had this dilemma forty-some years ago, deciding to put unknown as the father, although I did know, as we had lived together.
Anyway, he died when she was fifteen, but without his name on the certificate, she wasn’t entitled to Social Security benefits.
PS: I had had her Christened at my church, and his name was on those records, so I did get her the benefits.

Depends on your steady income but kids usually want to know their parents even bad ones. His parents may want to know and love the child and the more people who love him the better for him or her.

Do what ever you want if you prove paternity his family may want visitation ! Does not matter if he pays child support or not he will still have parental rights per court. For me not worth it your child can decide when/if they want to meet him. If he is so interested in being a parent let him do the legal legwork. Give him your name he will be gone before the ink is dry on the birth certificate. 20+ years in labor and delivery is where this answer comed from

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First to the person that said about not his responsibility, his name do not have to be on the birth certificate to pay child support second, leave his name off the birth certificate because if it is when you need a passport or the child have to travel you need his permission if his name is not on there you don’t need him to have the child travel and he still have to help you with the child.

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For medical history and family history I would write it down. Your child will want that information at some point even if the parent is never present throughout their life.

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U wouldn’t be able to put is name on without him being there so thats ur choice made really by what u already said unfortunately but he will still av to pay child support for the child x

Your anger is obvious, but this is about the baby, not you. If you are choosing to raise this potention human to aduldhood, the child needs support and will want to know their history.

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DO NOT!!! put him on the birth certificate He told you what he wanted now wipe your hands clean

Well if the only reason you’re considering putting his name on it is to get him for child support in the future then you’re already lost and really need to evaluate your choices and decisions regarding your pregnancy. As a father that’s been raising 2 boys for over 9 years by himself. Just saying!!!

If he didn’t want the child born, doubt he’s going to want to raise it, if, God forbid something happened to you. Your family, the family that will already love your child, is your best bet! No on the BC

Claim child spourt and if he didn’t want the kid then don’t put his name on the childs birth certificate if he used you to get back with his ex then wipe your hands free you’ll find someone better

I assume you didn’t use birth control. You should , especially when having a fling. I don’t think you should put him on the birth certificate. You both have a choice to keep or not keep the baby
You choose to keep it and he chooses not to.

For health and family medical or mental issues it would be helpful! If your child ever want to know the biological father later in life this is an asset. Some children, as adults, have a need to know biological family. This door should be left open.

He doesn’t have to be on the birth certificate to own child support. Many situations even if they are on the birth certificate they still have to do a DNA test, and thats all they would do now if you pursued it.

If he really wants you too abort I wouldn’t give him any rights to the child even later on. Not point in fighting for child support with a man that doesn’t even want the kid

Put him on the birth certificate and drain him. After all, with DNA these days, he could come back and claim the child years down the road.

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As someone who grew up with a vacant space on my birth certificate where your fathers name should be. DO IT!!! You just put your feelings aside. Realize there’s another being that’s going to grow and want the truth. No matter how hard it is for you. Don’t do it for you but rather do it for your child in the future.

I have mental scars from this…. It’s just a name on a piece of paper but to some. It’s their only connection of actually knowing their birth father.

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If you want him to be a part of your child’s life then yes…. If you are willing to do the single mom life (financial, emotional, good and bad) then don’t do it. If you want him to have the option to spend time with your child or if you plan on asking for support then do it. At the end of the day- it’s up to you if you want him to be responsible for your bundle of joy. Also consider whether the person he is with is someone you want in your child’s life- because at the end of the day you have to be willing to allow that person around your child as well

4 week fling and you didn’t use protection honestly you are both adults ffs now that baby is the 1 who is gonna suffer :angry:

Wipe it clean for now. Your choice to keep the baby so it’s all you, when the baby’s an adult he/she can look for dad if desires

Someone else post about this. Alot of comments. I got from that is you should put him on the BC because if something happens to him it might be hard to get any benefits for the baby.

Me personal I would put him on it. If he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby then he could surrender his right later. Best of luck.

Wipe your hands sweetheart. It’s not worth the headache or heartache. Obviously if he wanted you to abort he has no plans on being there or supporting. Don’t hide who he is from your child. Tell him/her when they are old enough to explain that they chose not to be there. But allow them to make their own judgement on how they want to view them as a person. Being a part of their DNA doesn’t mean they have rights to the child. That is something that is earned.

It isn’t fair to your child to not have a father listed on their birth certificate. He may not want to participate in the care and raising of said child but you at least owe it to your child to list it’s father. You don’t have to give the child his last name. And also if you want to go after child support down the road it will be easier.

No name on the birth certificate, but keep some record of him, pics etc, in case she needs to know later in life. Nothing negative, she don’t need that.

I would talk to him and let him choose. It’s still VERY early. If he chooses he wants nothing to do with baby then wipe your hands clean, but he is still the father so let him have some say in this. If you make the decision to wipe your hands clean even if he ends up wanting to be in babies life that’s not fair to the child and your child might resent you for it one day. The hardest part about becoming a mom is having to learn to put your child’s wants and needs before yours no matter how you feel.

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Some states he has to give permission to put his name on birth certificate. I did not put his name on certificate but took him to court for child support he can pay to change certificate and put name on

His name should go on the birth certificate in case later in the future your baby needs family medical history. Also, I would pursue child support. You and the baby will need it.

Its all what you can deal with because when the kid have questions about his father are you ready for the reaction I never want to be a reason my kids resent me for me not leaving door open for dad to be there so I would leave it for him to be there but don’t sweat it if he decide not to step up that would be up him to explain to your child why he didn’t show up when u left the door open… I’m kinda in the same boat my daughter dad does not want parts and haven’t been there daughter don’t even know him but I’m prepared to hit his phone up when she ask who he is if she ever want to know.

I wouldn’t give him rights to my child, especially if he wanted an abortion. Wipe your hands clean and be done with it.

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Dont see it as giving rights, but letting your kid know who their father is.
FYI You can have the dad on the birth certificate but give your child your own last name, I did.

Just wondering - He may be ok w murdering his child although You’re making a decision of a lifetime !!! Being a single Mom has it’s rewards - If possible you can receive $$$ help at no cost (the State is available to help w Dr care and food for you & the baby) You will become Head of Household & other benefits says our government - Please make Copies of his request & keep a Journal !!! Later your child will understand - Good Luck - God Bless you and your baby :pray::ok_hand::pray:

My advice is don’t. He doesn’t want anything to do with this child which is obvious. I had a husband that wanted our child that was excited and slept with my child’s babysitter. After that he wanted nothing to do with his daughter. We got a divorce and he never wanted time with her I basically had to force it. Later when she got older 12 she saw for herself and asked not to see her dad and his wife (old sitter, they ignore her) anymore. Two years after that he signed his rights away and my husband adopted her. If they tell you they are not in it take it as a gift save yourself the headache and lawyer fees, I can’t even tell you how much I’ve spent on that and counseling for her.

Check with local attorney. You do not know father’s medical history which may be very important for the child’s life. Support is important even if minimal. Not knowing what future holds it is important to protect the child’s right from the beginning. Planning ahead is more important than emotional responses which are here and now.

Clean slate, no need for his name, you are a stronger human, so your name for baby. He does not want baby, sorry you and baby are going through this

Personally know a man who just found out he had a 16 yr Old daughter. He only found out now because the mom realized that money isn’t the only kind of support the child needs to grow up grounded. He got a DNA and she is his daughter and they have alot of catching up to do. But what im trying to say is your decision is not final. You can always decided later if you do need him in your childs life.

You always have dna testing later on …which goes for the dad too. The birth certificate isnt what it used to be.

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Later on down the road it won’t much matter with the birth certificate. All that would have to be done is a DNA test and if he is the father he can have rights to the child. My suggestion is if he is truly the father out him on the birth certificate. It will show in good faith that you didn’t deny him his rights he chose not to be in their life.

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Your child has a right to know who is father is. Secrets are destructive to a happy family. No matter what you do, don’t lie to your child. Whether you put the father’s name on the birth certificate or not, he is this child’s father and yes he can come back and get a court to order a paternity test and will then have rights. The child support issue is up to you and whether you can live without the money.

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I would say put him on the birth certificate. Because then your child can have the opportunity to meet him or have the correct information if he wants to pursue anything.


Well people can always change, so I’d at least try when the child is born. He might need time to come around as it’s a shock! If he doesn’t come around no I’d leave him off.

You can sue for child support even if his name is not on the birth certificate. .give your baby your last name and sue for support. Your child deserves it …you can still have full custody…good luck to you and your baby. God bless you :pray: :heart:

They will not let me put my kids dad on the birth certificate because he didn’t have an idea to prove who he was and then with my last son he wasn’t there so they would not let him go on the birth certificate so if no one’s there they won’t let you put him on there. Well that’s in Ohio

If you dont put his name on the birth certificate then dont expect child support he will say the baby is not mine doesnt have my name as the father

You are almost 12 weeks, still very early on. Id be giving him a chance to wise up and adjust to the idea before writing him off. Could be shocked, not ready etc but I’d say give him a chance a little further down the line. If he still isn’t interested then to hell with him x

Also, get full child support for your child. If you don’t need it to live put it away for your future.

Can’t deny the child of knowing who their father is regardless of how you feel.

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When you go to register your child, without the father you cannot name him on the birth certificate, so the choice is entirley yours on name!

Im pretty sure you can not put him on the birth certificate but claim child support. Your child deserves that regardless whether he wants to be in the childs life or not.

Do not let him get away that easy is 18 years that you will be getting child support. If I was you put his name on the birth certificate and add a DNA. To your files and go to get child support office if he acted that way he deserved to be use
For child sjpport.

He doesn’t want to be around- I wouldn’t give him credit for shit :woman_shrugging:t3:His name would be on the birth certificate as the FATHER- and he ain’t no dad, telling you to abort it and all that :pinched_fingers:t2::fire:

I would be easier if you put his name on there… for child support reasons