The hospital should report it if they’re saying that happened.
Your responsibility is to your child. That’s it.
Remember accidents can happen and the stories aren’t that much different. If she was guiding him with a new direction and he “flopped” this could happen. Talk to the teacher. If it’s a center there are probably cameras.
REPORT HER!! If she is doing this to your child— imagine how many others she is doing it to.
The hospital is a mandatory reporter, so if they believe there’s been abuse, they should be reporting it. It’s probably reasonable to contact the daycare and ask them to look into it. Sounds like a pretty significant injury, and they may need the hospital report for their “incident report.” If they start seeing a pattern…
Absolutely file that report. No questions asked!
An never send him.back
If the hospital had any suspicion that he was abused, then by law, THEY HAVE TO REPORT IT. They don’t ask if the parents want to call the police or ask the parents for permission to call the police when there is a reason to believe a child is being abused.… They just call!
Now, I don’t know word for word what your child went through because I wasn’t there and I don’t know what your child told you either. Either way, our instincts as mothers are usually correct, which is probably why you chose to go get your child when the daycare provider called. If your child has been going to this daycare center for a long time and you truly believe it was an accident AS IT DEFINITELY COULD BE JUST AN INNOCENT ACCIDENT, then follow that instinct. If you have even the slightest belief that this happened out of ill will towards your child, then make that report and don’t hesitate.
I also recommend checking to see if this daycare is properly licensed, ask about cameras etc.
You have every right as a parent to question this situation.
Obviously turn them in. Why is this even a question
The hospitals are mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse! If you don’t the should be!
CALL THE POLICE AND MAKE REPORT, what if happens to another child but worse, please don’t let it happen to another child
Why would this be a question go file and report it that’s your child stop worrying what others think
Report it, a little incident, could lead to a bigger incident. Your child or another child. If it was an accident? They will prove it was.
She could do it again to another child
I’m an ex Daycare provider. Retired 2 years ago. Report it.
I’d absolutely make a police report. It takes a lot of force to dislocate an elbow. Save another baby from experiencing the same. Also F her for lying to you
File a report! The teacher should not be caring for children!
Report the teacher immediately before something else happens!!! This was not just a handprint or bruise (not saying those are ok either) but a dislocated elbow takes more force than how any teacher should be “holding onto” a child. Sadly not reporting her allows this behavior to continue and could potentially get worse for your son or another sweet baby in her care!
Are you kidding me??? Call the police and make a report, get an attorney, gee wizzz girl your CHILD told what happened!! What more do you need?
Report it. Idk why you would even question that. Youre going to have dfs up your ass now bc of a daycare teacher. She hurt your child. Id hurt her. Youre a better person than I am. She shouldnt be touching nobodys child with the amount of force it takes to dislocate an elbow.
I really don’t give any fucks if it was an accident or not, always believe your child. IDC if the story sounds made up, I will always be on my child’s side. File a report. There’s no such thing as accidentally pulling a child’s elbow out of the socket
Ask to review the cameras if they have any and see if it actually was an accident and if it was she should receive more training so it doesn’t happen again. If they don’t have cameras or if you look and see that it was on purpose file the police report and have them sort it out. their story isn’t that much of a difference kids have injured their arms doing less. But Daycare teachers today are seriously injuring the kids on purpose and you should protect your kid. Regardless I probably would remove mine
Not even a question!!! REPORT IT!
Make the CALL if she did it to him what else is she doing
If she was pulling on his arm hard enough to pop his elbow out of socket I’d report it.
Report. What 3 year old dislocates their elbow “walking over the rug” she pulled him
Fuck that teacher make a police report and also report to the paramedics, make sure they do their job too.
Report to police and DCYF
I can’t write what I’d do because I don’t wanna get banned again
It should at least be reported so that there is record of it.
Watch the camera and see what happened
You need to report this to the police. No child should be injured at school regardless of age. The fact his elbow was out of the joint the daycare employee need to be dealt with
Absolutely file a report. That teacher is lying. I don’t believe for a second that your kid fell from toddler height and dislocated his arm. Remember, the doctors and nurses have seen a lot more of this than you. If they don’t believe your son’s teacher’s story, there’s a good reason for that.
Police first…let them investigate it!!!
… your son was abused but you don’t want to cause someone to lose their job? Girl fuck that job she doesn’t need to be around kids or caring for kids in any capacity. She’d be lucky to have her fuckin life if I were you but that’s just me
Believe your child & be his advocate; report her… your poor baby; sending love♥️
My daughter was in daycare. They were outside playing and as they were going up the stairs on their way back inside. My daughter tripped and the daycare worker tried to keep her from falling. They called and we took her to ER. They said it was nurses elbow(out of socket). While taking an exray, it popped back in. ER said it happened alot in small children. Not good but was glad her face didn’t hit the concrete steps.
think about it this way… If you do not report her and someones elses child is in her care and due to her negligence and abuse the child is seriously hurt how would you feel knowing you could have stopped her and didnt. also how many other children have been hurt by her before yours… abuse is abuse and she needs help
report it she will continue doing it. save your child
Report it, your child was hurt by this teacher. Dislocating an elbow isn’t something that just happens when you grab a child by the arm.
Make the report don’t hesitate.
By all means report it
Trust your baby. Report it!!
She gonna hurt someone else’s kid!!! Report!
Just tell us the daycare. Don’t hold back let people know so no one takes their kid there!
Do you really , seriously need to ask?? I’d get documentation and call the cops.
Do u really have to ask social media strangers what do about this situation with ur child? Are u kidding me?! Your child told u and the triage nurse what happened so y haven’t u called the police already?! SMH
FILE A REPORT! 7+ years caring for children and I have never grabbed or hurt a child. There is no reason for that to happen at all!
Nurses maid elbow can result from the child dropping their weight while you have ahold of their hand.
There’s No cute respectful way to respond! She hurt your child!! Your stupid if you ignore it!! And your teaching your kid it’s ok if adults abuse you because they’re adults!!
Believe your child & report it! Save your child or another child from getting her worse in the future…
I understand I’d hate telling on someone too but we have to protect our children. You have to do it I’m surprised the Hospital didn’t call the Police for you!
Report her. No teacher should lay a hand on a child.
My own child did this very thing by throwing a fit. My child pulled away from me as I reached and got her arm. It can happen. If you do not see other abusive behavior trust your caregiver.
I’m sure you’ve decided by now. I would like to add though that this can happen very innocently, as well as with intent. I would check to see if they use video in their center. Many do just for this reason.
A quick pull or jerk with change of weight can easily cause this to happen. Ligaments and tendons are still very loose at this age and can easily stretch and let joints pop out.