Should I report my sons daycare teacher?

I received a call from my sons daycare, the teacher called me… she said I’m just calling to let you know me and your child was walking across the rug holding hands (my child don’t like NO one touching his hands) and your child decided to jump up and drop on the ground… I think they hurt their arm it’s been about 15 minutes and your child is still favoring their other arm. So my response was so should I come get my child… her reply was that’s totally up to your discretion… so I went and picked my child up… my child is 3… I went to put my child in their car seat and my child couldn’t move their arm! I went straight to the ER… we’re in the ER and in the triage the nurse is asking my son what happened… mind you my child is 3! My child tells the nurse my teacher grabbed my arm and I tried to pull away because I wanted to play and she hurt me! So the hospital told me I should file a police report, and I’m torn on what to do… I know that sounds crazy, my Child’s elbow was out of socket and it took them 3 tries to get it back in… and he still won’t use his arm… I just don’t want to cause someone to lose their job if it was really an accident, but I don’t see a 3 year old making up so many details… what would you do in this situation?? Please any advice is appreciated


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I report my sons daycare teacher?

Absolutely! Police report & call the school and report her immediately!!!


Do they have cameras? If so demand to see them.


File a report! May not the first or last child to do that to.


Make a police report. If it happened to your child, who is to say it hasn’t happened to someone else’s…


Yes you should. Report it. Why is this even a question? Let law enforcement figure out what happened instead of asking for opinions on Facebook


Demand to see the cameras and police report

Police report! Do it now! Do not hesitate!

Always trust your children when they say someone did something to them like that!!


Seriously lady why is this even a question.


Omg …u make a police report…she dislocated his elbow…are u that stupid?


Protect your child at all costs!! No way a 3yo yanked away hard enough to dislocate their elbow!!


I would def file a report as per the childcare center they will do an investigation and see if there was any foul play on any employees part… they wont necessarily be fired but your child had an injury occur there, it could at least cover any incidents or issues in the future


your his mama go with your gut you are theyre to protect him do what you need to do mama

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Listen to your child.

Kids can definitely make up stories….


There is no way to know the exact truth unless there are cameras. It very well could have been an accident BUT I would still report it, that way you at least have a paper trail abd proof that there were issues, if something were to happen again


Sounds like she made up a story to cover her butt if they got cameras thatd be great

Advocate for your child, the teacher can advocate for herself, trust your kid always, even if he’s misunderstood the situation he’s telling you how he feels x


My child had nursemaid’s elbow…easy to dislocate…it did several times on my account…you don’t have to pull too hard…but if it was mevid file a report…teacher should not be rough with a 3 year old…the teacher should listen and let the child play…

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Report!!! She’s not innocent she hurt your baby

Report it. Meet with teacher, see if there was cameras. Let her get investigated. If it was an accident it’ll be proven but his arm POPPING OUT OF SOCKET? Don’t think that was accidental

Absolutely-report them! Next time it be worse for your child or someone elses!

Call report kids don’t lie at that age

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Stand up for your child

First, my child would never go in that facility again, no matter what. Second, I would ask why the hospital didn’t report it. Third, report it to the police and child services.


Report that’s you child

The ER nurse/dr should also be liable for contacting children services.


Ask the daycare director to review the camera footage and then proceed accordingly.


You don’t pull an elbow out of socket by accident.

Protect your baby & don’t give a fuck about someone else’s job. She shouldn’t have that job in the first place.

File a police report.
Take the summary & notes from the hospital.

File the report and let the police handle it

Call the police!!! There is no way a 3 yr old would pull hard enough to yank their arm out of socket. Screw that teacher

ALWAYS BELIEVE YOUR CHILD. Absolutely fucking turn her in. Don’t hesitate. Fuck her. His elbow out of socket is not just from him falling a short distance. It sounds like he was yanked.

File and let the police determine what went down.

Does this daycare have cameras they should if they don’t but if they do you need to ask to review the video footage

A 3 year old doesn’t know how to lie nor would they. File a report asap.

I would rather be wrong and trust my child

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The teacher lied about it anyway.

Make a police report. It doesn’t matter about someone’s job. Kids don’t lie especially at 3 years old.


I mean, my son pulled away from me on a ride in the mall when he was 3 and it gave him nursemaids elbow. He was crying so much and I felt so guilty, but the doctor says it’s common in kids that small. Believe it or not, shit happens.

Absolutely positively file a police report. I’m not understanding how you can be torn about this.


File the report, this will happen again to another child! So sorry your child had to go through this :sleepy:


Hospital will make a police report for child abuse, and who know who else that teacher has hurt, and the child was too scared to say anything. So that’s a big YES, report it.

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File. Your child is telling you all you need to know. You have to support that.

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Start with speaking to the childcare director

Not really sure what else should be said besides following ur instinct. Three year olds aren’t liars. They don’t know how to lie


File a report. Also, idk where your child attends daycare, but in Louisiana a strong majority of daycares have CCTV. Find out if theirs does. Get the video. It’s invaluable


Protect your child! That should not even be a question. And when it happens again? Or to another child?

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Trust your child. The teacher needs to know how to remain calm if she’s working with children not pull on his arm because he wanted to do something else. The fact that she’d call and make it sound like it wasn’t a big deal and lie about how it happened is concerning.


Call the head of the daycare. See if they have the incident on video.


I have a 3 year old and I couldn’t see him making something up like that… I’d definitely file.

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Ummmm report that teacher and also question her yourself bc wtf.

Report the shit out of that. Believe your kid

File Report, ask for footage. Trust your kid!

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I’d Report it. Most daycare facilities have cameras so it can show the incident. But I’d definitely trust my kid in this situation.

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Ask to see the cameras - I think it’s plausible that the child could pull away or sit down causing injury. Follow your gut

ALWAYS BELIEVE YOUR CHILD… why are you worried about a child abuser losing their job? Why are you worried about a child abuser not having access to abuse children going further?

If the hospital says file a police report, absolutely do it! You don’t want your 3 year-old to think that you are not going to protect him. 


The only job you worry about is being a mother to your baby and believe him and open that report. If nothing was done wrong then the worker will be fine and if something was done wrong you just keep yours and other babies safe.

Your asking here? Call the cops.

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Ask to see the video. Day care have cameras

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Go with the advice of the hospital - if your child is only 3 and was that detailed then your child is telling the truth and his teacher was a tad bit too forceful and rough with such a young child to begin with and report her - she called you to let you and then gave you the option of picking up your child sounds like she was trying to cover her tracks but since you did pick up and took straight to the ER you cannot be blamed for the injury to your child.

It’s caused nurse maids elbow and my daughter had it . She would do it to herself just playing outside on the swing set or just hanging from something. Do what you gut tells you.

File the report, details will be investigated . If it’s an accident then this will be seen as there should have been witnesses

I’m amazed you are even asking the question :rage:Do you realise how hard you have to pull a child’s arm to dislocate it . Be your child’s advocate and call the police

File the report asap so it don’t happen again to ur child or another child

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Why are u torn report her thats your baby, and who knows who else’s other kid she may be hurting

I’m a head start teacher for that age, I would ask for video of the classroom and file a report. Yes you may cost someone their job but it takes a special kind of person to be a head start or childcare worker. Not everyone is suitable for this job. I would definitely do something


If they have cameras ask for the footage immediately and definitely file a police immediately. It is your job as a mother to protect your child from any and everyone. This shouldn’t even be a question

File that report! Same thing happened to my son and the teacher called and tried to explain away something tht happened to him and I was dumb enough to believe her , until DCF called me to tell me they were removing her from the school because she was abusing 8 or 9 children. File that report mama. :purple_heart:


GO TO THE POLICE. I feel like if it was an accident, she would not have lied about what happned

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I’d report it. Not worth giving the teacher the benefit of the doubt and risk it happening again, or something worse. Some people just have no business being around kids. Better safe than sorry :100:

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Talk to the teacher face to face and if it doesn’t really add up I would file a report

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No matter if it was accidental or not, they shouldn’t be holding a child like that if they don’t want to be held. And if it was an accident, then there won’t be a problem. (Previous director of early education center)

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I would file a report. Talk to the head of the daycare. See if they have cameras in that class that maybe you could go back and watch to see what happened. It could’ve been a pure accident on both parts but I would always trust my child and my gut!


The hospital says you should file a police report you file a police report. If you don’t, that can come back on you.


This is like the most common accident anywhere I did it grabbing my daughter’s arm so a car wouldn’t hit her(she told the doc she was tryin to be a big girl n cross the street but muma saved her but hurt her ) but BELIEVE YR CHILDREN yes they can tell stories but better safe than sorry if there’s nothing going on she’ll be fine

I would report it asap! Before they try to call on you. My first born had tripped on a toy (at home) he had a scab (already healing) I told daycare when dropping him off but they decided to call cps after I picked up my son. So ridiculous.

I’m sorry but there is not a fat chance in hell your child jumped up and fell to the ground and dislocated his elbow, especially if there was someone holding their hand. Absolutely no way would my child ever go to that daycare again.

I wld fule the report I’d he did jump up and fall he wldve had to done that very VERY hard for that to happen so that for me does not make sense


I have 2 boys who have literally dropped their whole body to the ground while I’ve been holding their hands and it has not once ever pulled anything out of the socket! I would 100% listen to your child. If you don’t advocate for him no one will. Plus most daycares have cameras and I would 100% file a report and ask to see the footage if they do have cameras and if they don’t that daycare is a major red flag in general.


Trust your babies. Report it!

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I would definitely file a report because if you don’t you never know if something worse would happen next. Our first instinct as parents are first protector child nothing else matters.

I would talk to the teacher in person relay your sons version of events and gauge her reaction then go from therw

File the report, then talk to the daycare director. See if there is video footage. If the teacher was in the wrong the director should back you. If there is footage or evidence to show otherwise they can always add to the report later.

Definitely fine a report!! That is not okay

When my daughter was around that age her elbow would dislocate very easy. We were at the er often finally the dr showed us how to do it ourselves. It very well could have been her dropping while the teacher was holding her hand


I would file a report and report it to the school also.

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Omg your child was injured!! police report and contact cps ASAP!!! Also report the daycare centre!!! Pull your son out of there ASAP!!!

So what the hospital says and also ask them to file report

100% file a report amd withdraw his enrollment immediately

File a report, if nothing wrong happened no one is at risk of losing their job
Easy peasy


This happened with my daughter on her first day of preschool. I was collecting her and her teacher had her hand and she pulled away to go back and play. Her elbow came out of the socket, she was in a lot of pain and had to go ER.
Apparently this is a very common thing in children. I don’t know if I would report it to the police as accidents happen unfortunately.

File the report… Ur child’s life matter, and so does the rest of the kids in that daycare.
. They need to investigate.
Teacher should be suspended this then.

Heck yes file a report. Trust your kid and ask the daycare for a copy of the video.

Trust your child. File a report. Talk to the director also

File the report, she lied, always trust your baby first. You’re their biggest advocate! Protect them first, and
Accident or not, she lied to you. That’s not someone I want watching my child

File that report!!!

Report. immediately.

As a daycare provider this is fishy as heck and something is DEFINITELY off.