Report report report
So it sounds like Nursemaid’s elbow… my nephew had this happen before and it’s shockingly easy to do this to small children (also keep an eye on it, once it haopens the first time it can happen more easily in he future). If there’s no other signs of abuse I’d say it’s probably okay, HOWEVER… she should have called up much sooner and with more urgency.
Working in a school, children say lots of things that are not true, BUT I would still advise that you speak to the nursery and they will certainly log it as an incident and a review will be made. She won’t necessarily lose her job, as in most nurseries there are many staff, so someone else will have probably witnessed it and if it was a genuine accident, the member of staff would be mortified. Accidents happen - It really doesn’t take much for a child to have elbow joint pulled out - My godaughter was holding hands with dad and fell down a kerb and that pulled her elbow joint out.
Why are you asking fb it’s your child i don’t care who it is that needs to be reported immediately
Actually, I would like to point this out - that teacher is a mandatory reporter. She should report this herself if it was truly an accident. File the report. She abused your child.
I would ask to see the video they should have a camera
I don’t think either are lying necessarily. The child admits he pulled away because he wanted to play and saying she hurt me is also accurate but in itself doesn’t accuse her of doing it maliciously or intentionally. He’s just stating a fact in its simplest form. I would however follow up with the school and see if they have video and put it on record how he was actually hurt.
You are your child’s voice, is it. Does his daycare have cameras?
Also I work in childcare and I’ve worked with toddlers(younger than him) and I can’t tell you how many times I was actually holding their hand or trying to redirect them they throw their self into the floor, I have NEVER dislocated anything on a child, maybe an accidental scratch but that’s the most.
REPORT THAT SHIT ASAP. Call the police/ daycare to report the situation and tell them you are also filing a police report because SHE BROKE YOUR KIDS ARM.
I wouldn’t even be questioning it honestly.
The nurse has told you.
Your kids elbow was out of socket… what is there to question?
I’d be asking to see cameras and filing a report.
contact the director of the daycare also because if you file a police report the daycare will have to be investigated by ocfs or at least in ny that’s what would happen
There should be cameras in the daycare… I would definitely want an investigation into it… if she is innocent she shouldn’t mind the enquiry !!
There will be follow up. She won’t lose her job for nothing. She’ll lose her job for hurting a child. I would definitely file a police report and move my child’s care.
i would follow up the with daycare and see what they say and if theres cameras. if it was an accident then no… my daughter was playing with her dad and she got her arm hurt, little kids bones are super fragile.
Report it. They never should of used enough force on his arm to do that kind of damage
My personal opinion and I’m sure I’ll get hate for it… I would immediately be talking to higher ups at the daycare, and asking for footage. I definitely wouldn’t be taking my child back there while doing my investigation. Children to make up stories. Obviously something happened to cause this. I wouldn’t file a police report until I knew what for sure happened. Every child is different but at 3, my child was throwing tantrums… which could result in injury. They’re holding hands, the child doesn’t like their hands touch so they are pulling away and throwing themselves on the ground while the teacher is trying to hold them up right. I am all for protecting our children 100%, my child is my life… I just always do my do diligence first.
Protect your kid. Whether she intentionally caused that much harm or not, she was being way too forceful with your baby. This shouldn’t even be a question. The ER staff is going to report it anyway and you’re going to look like a mom who doesn’t care if you don’t report it.
I’d be upset because
A. She lied about how it happened.
B. She didn’t properly try to treat him or care for him at all after the incident. It was like a suck it up buttercup when his arm was dislocated. Nope!
First of all was your son misbehaving? She said she was walking across the the rug holding his hand. Was she putting him in time out? Did he jump to try to get away from her? There’s alot of missing parts to this story. How long has he been going to this daycare? An with this teacher? You don’t want to mess up a teacher’s carrier until you know all the facts. Yes I know it’s your son but until u tell us the whole story then I’m going to say wait. People are so quick to judge.
Also no just your child needs protection the other children need protection from this day care to, even if you don’t report it be on hospital file noted this and as a parent your responsibility to safe guard your child, not even
Consider about the day care being closed down after the police and relevant authority s investigation if the hospital inform them anyway
Bring your concern straight to the manager , ask for cctv footage , tell her exactly what she done to your child and tell her to explain herself. But yes I would report to police
I would have Zero hesitation. I’d report her for sure! Especially if he’s 3 and saying that. A 3 yr old wouldn’t make it up. Report it!
There is NO excuse what so ever, for a teacher to make a child’s arm come out of socket unless she was forcing something. REPORT IT NOW!!! She knew she messed up when she called you and told you that you’re child is favoring the other arm. Did you ask how hard it was to make the elbow come out of socket? ‘ cause I do believe it takes quite a bit I know at that age they’re very sensitive and bones can come out of socket kind of easy but an elbow, come on…!! REPORT IT, Don’t worry about somebody losing their job worry about your child getting hurt. Your child comes first.
Actually a 3 year olds weight can cause dislocation, because their bones and joints are still growing, my 3 year old granddaughter was playing on monkey bars, swinging back and forth, dislocated her shoulder, hospital was adamant about it saying, you can’t pull little kids by their arms, I was furious at their insinuations that I caused her injury, point being that it can happen that easily. However you are the parent, so follow your gut
She expects you to believe another toddler pulled your sons arm from its socket? Nah, even if it was an accident she needs to be held accountable. Another toddler did not do this.
Does daycare have camera’s? Ask for access to see the situation record the situation and if it wasn’t accident I’d definitely file a report and cps call. I used to jump straight to cops and cps with child care now I demand footage if none I would file report
Its obviously been pulled yanked
To HELL with the teacher losing a job, your child was injured. Legal proceedings should take place.
Nurse maids elbow can very easily happen. So easily.
I was a daycare teacher for years. In my opinion it’s very unlikely that was an accident. I know parents sometimes don’t want to believe the teachers they trusted would hurt their kids but I think you should report them and find a new daycare.
File. You are your child’s advocate regardless of what truly happened I think you would regret not filing. Let the school handle it from there.
Yes if the teacher did that to my kids arm and pulled his arm out of socket then yes I would call and make a police report and have your lawyer pull their cameras
hospital should of contacted police and children services
When it comes to my kids, I don’t care who I’m dragging to hell if I have to. Nobody, NOBODY harms my kids at all cost. Why do you care about her job when she doesn’t give 2 s**t about your son’s arm? Today arm only we’ll never know what’s gonna happen another time. Just report to the police
Report them let them sort out the details. If it truly was an accident that will come to light and she won’t lose her job. If it wasn’t an accident you could be saving another parent/child from what your going through now
Mother of 4., I would report it, there are numerous other ways this could have been handled.your child could have been picked up if he wouldn’t cooperate accordingly., A daycare worker should know how fragile a child’s extremities can be… you are your childs only voice…adults can be cruel to children, just bc they can…don’t worry about causing problems, this lady knows it’s part of her job & if nothing done,she may do worse to someone next time,at least she will think twice next time or may not need to be in this line of work.
Find a different day care for special kids
Dude. So not an accident. You see this all the time in daycare. Yes I worked it one. Yes sometimes it’s an accident but not always. Look at the video tape. File with the police. Idc if she was just tired. NOT OKAY
Id report it! My son was hurt by an elementary school teacher (they denied it) made a difference for other kids the teacher was monitored and I think had some form of discipline…at the end of the day you decide but your child was today’s “accident” the next child could be hurt even worse
How is this a serious question, report it, He’s 3!! you’re his voice!!!
First check to see if the daycare has cameras, and if so, was the incident seen. If not then I would report it, specifying that you want it on record just in case there is a problem with that teacher…because if there is and no one ever reports because they aren’t sure who to believe then there will be no evidence and other children could be hurt. Tell the police you just want the incident on record for now.
I had this happen & they dislocated my child arm at 3 as well. Please make a police report, get cps involved, & ask for a video. They are not suppose to touch them at all.
Report it, if this teacher has a bad temper and is rough with kids when they don’t do what she wants she really shouldn’t be in charge of children. Al’s if it’s an actual facility I would ask if they have cameras
Out of socket?! HELL NO!
File a report now!
Report Report Report!!!
He admitted that the teacher hurt him not another kid But the teacher I would definitely make a complaint and then if it’s found out that it’s not true the complaint goes away
Always report it…needs to be investigated
If you even have to ask, you already know you need to report her.
They didnt fire her . My daughter was moved to another class . DayCare was great to my kid. We became close to the staff and that teacher left on her own that week.
There should be cameras in every room of day care
Definitely report it your childs elbow was dislocated by a so called childcare professional…Even if it was accidental she needs to learn childrens arms cant yanked in that manor…I would ask for witnesses or camera footage
That’s your child, I would report and even write a news article about it if I had to!! Letting everyone know what happened, you may save another child!
I’d be raising hell. Do as the hospital said.
Nursemaids elbow is incredibly common. I pulled my daughter’s out of socket at least twice when she was under 5. Once when she flung herself to the ground snd the other when she was about to fall in a pool when I yanked her back.
It probably wasn’t as violent as it is coming off. It’s a very common injury at that age
Yes! The nurse recommended it and call the daycare
Call police!!! Your the mom if you let this slide your child will observe everything else you let slide an then hate you for not protecting em…
It’s probably nursemaids elbow which can very easily happen in young children. Nonetheless, I’d call the daycare to err on the side of caution. You’d hate for another incident to happen to your child or someone else’s in case it was something more. Most daycare facilities have cameras, so call and speak to the manager/owner. She should have filed an incident report anyways with her supervisor. The nurse is a mandated reporter, so I’m not sure why she told you to call the police when she knows she should have done so if she suspects abuse.
This happens often. It is so easy.
Whenever I worked at a daycare. The lead teacher at the time. Told me how she was holding a kids hand, kid throw himself down. And his elbow came out of place. She felt so bad.
And made sure every new employee knew how easy it is.
I then passed it on, once I replaced her.
Anytime they pull away I will let go. Kid might fall down, but at least I won’t pull there arm out of place.
Also the teacher was possibly told not to call. And she couldn’t say just straight up tell you, to come get him.
What it sounds like your son is saying and the teacher are saying relate. She said he jumped up and fell to the ground, your son said he tried to pull away (remember, he is 3 and the teacher is an adult…different terminology, but basically the same scenario. It most likely was an accident but it still needs to be reported because it happened on school grounds. Not to mention, the teacher just didn’t seem very concerned (of course she may just not have realized the severity and thought it was just sore) I would also explain to any future teacher that he does not like to be touched so grabbing his hands is a big no. The hospital also has it on report so I would definitely file just to cover your trace but explain when you do that it was most likely an accident. That way they will investigate, give the teacher a warning but most likely she won’t lose her job unless the district decides that she went against their rules. Soo sorry to hear that happened to your son. My son has SPD and hates to be touched on his hands as well.
Definitely no accident! Can’t believe you’re even asking!!
Turn that teacher in. Let her superiors sort put the details. If she loses her job, that’s not on you.
Yes cameras. It’s very easy a child’s elbow can come out of socket. As a daycare worker, we are taught not to ever EVER pick a child up by the arms or hands. Only the torso. No swinging around and actually not to even hold on to the child’s hand…they should only be holding our hand/finger if they want to.
Yes file the report ! Next time it might be worse !!
That kind of injury is not an accident especially with the perfect story.
Report her. They have cameras set up and will find out if it truly was an accident or not. However she should have seemed more concerned about him!
Report it. The child story does not match & is too young to just be making it up. She hurt that poor baby, she deserves repercussions. Call them call them asap
Honestly I think the child is telling the truth. I’m not sure a 3 year old would make that up. He’s hurt so he remembers what happened. I would file a report so that this doesn’t happen to another child
I would definitely report her…In my opinion, she had to pull him hard enough to pop his elbow out…I bet if he went into school with any marks on him, they would report you, especially if he had to go to ER….Have the police get the video footage, and go from there.
Yes! Clearly she made up a story to top it off. The ER should have mandated reporting anyways.
Id report… and maybe check into a new day care…
Report the teacher. Him pulling away won’t dislocated his arm that way but a teacher yanking his arm would. Weight difference and Height difference. An asshole teacher would say whatever they could to cover their own ass. You on the other hand have the right to speak up for your child. Report the teacher. Also ask to see video footage as well. It will there unless it’s being covered up. You can decide from there.
This should not even be a question:bangbang: REPORT HER:bangbang:
Uh don’t worry about their job. Report them and file a report. Press charges. She could very well hurt another kid or have something else happen that a child might die. Don’t let them get away with this
I would report it your child’s safety comes first don’t let this person do this to another child
Kids rarely lie about this kind of stuff
Follow up with the director and let them know you have filed a report. You had conflicted stories and want to know what happened. Ask for video footage if possible. Hope your baby feels better soon!!!
My 3 year old son said that a dog pushed him off the couch. We don’t have a dog. Widows elbow is extremely easy to cause in small children especially when they drop themselves to the ground. I would talk with the teacher and the director about what happened and then go from there.
Omg file a report!!!
Well just to give another view point. My daughter had this happen several times. It is called nurses elbow. The child lunges down from the person holding their hand and the elbow goes out of socket. The care giver might have just been holding the childs hand trying to walk him somewhere. And all the child has to do is lunge down.
I would investigate further before involving the police.
Report it! At least to whomever is in charge at the daycare. Mishandling children is a nono.
Report report report!
Listen to your child
File a police report. It will help keep this from happening to another child. This time was an elbow popped out of socket . Next time will probably be a lot worse. I’m not trying to be rude or hateful, but I do think filing a police report would be best.
Also write reviews everywhere about that daycare and name the person that pulled your sons arm put of socket. That is NOT ok
She shouldn’t be putting her hands on a child to the point their arm is pulled out of the socket. Definitely would be reporting.
It’s called nurse maids elbow. It’s very common. My grandson just has his out of socket when he was getting off the bed and held on to the sheet.
I’d report her but when something is out of socket, I think you only get one chance before surgery. Not 3…
The dr and medical staff are mandated reporters. Meaning if they truly feel or suspicious of abuse they are required by law to report it. Then the proper people will investigate it. You can report it as well but by law they should have reported it with or without your consent.
Why wouldn’t the ER Dr call the police themselves?!?!!!
My husband dislocated my childs arm at 3 with her just lifting her legs and swinging…its quite possible he did what she said and he viewed him dropping to the ground at trying to get away so she hurt him…if its looked into and she did nothing wrong that will be the decision
Child abuse police report…
You don’t want someone to lose their job?! They lied to you as to how he got his arm hurt trying to cover their ass. Why is this even a question. Advocate for your baby.
Report it! My 3 year old is in preschool and his teacher called me a couple of weeks ago with an accident which required some glue from the ER. When they asked him what happened it lined up with exactly what his teacher said. Kids that age are too young to lie. Report her now!
Screw her job, she can’t be pulling kids arms off! Report her, straight up evil arm stretching wench shouldn’t be working with kids.
I diffently would report it
Always trust your toddler and let the daycare attempt to prove him wrong. The truth will come out but you believe that child now or when he is older he will think you don’t believe him about anything.
Fuck what cori talkin about. You file a report regardless if it was an accident or not you don’t be grabbing on a kid hard enough to hurt them.
Call the police the teacher should have told you it was an accident and not lied she should be fired I worked in a daycare for almost 7 years and I have always told parents the truth even if it was an accident the fact that she completely lied she should have some kind of repercussions for her actions
Report report report!