Always believe your child first, let the adult explain the situation and what happened. If you don’t believe your child now they might not tell you of other instances in the future.
Protect your child by filling a report
File. It takes serious effort to pull a socket or break something on a toddler.
You have to so what’s for him and listen to what hospital tell u…not about others,your wee boy Hope he recovers quick xx
Report it! because it will only get worse
Report report report
Call the police. A 3 year old wouldn’t make all that up
Report it. The investigator will look at the bigger picture such as were trainings followed etc. if you disagree with the decision, you can appeal and it will cause a review of the investigation.
So I have a slightly different perspective. I’m not saying don’t report it if you feel in your gut that something is amiss, but it sounds like your child has nurse maid’s elbow. My middle daughter has the same thing. The first time her elbow came out of socket we were holding hands walking to the bathroom at church. She was hopping instead of walking and tripped and fell while I was holding her hand. That’s all it took to dislocate her elbow. Just her little 25lb body dropping dead weight will I was holding her hand. It has happened several times since so much so that the nurse at Children’s taught me how to pop it back in. (There is also a good YouTube video I can recommend) His elbow will most likely be more prone to it now for a few years. So maybe his teacher didn’t intentionally hurt him. Do they have any cameras that can be reviewed?
File the report and let them figure it out. That’s their job. At least get it on record, what if they do something worse next time?
After it happens once, the odds of it happening again are high. I’d report it 100%. Maybe the teacher is in the wrong field.
100000000% report them. This time it was a dislocated elbow whats it gonna be next time
It is your job as a parent to protect your child. File a report. If you don’t it can be seen as failure to protect or daycare could try to flip it on you then you have to deal with child protective services and that can be hell. ALWAYS file it.
If u don’t report it will look dodgy as trying to hid something which u r not xxx
Our 3 year old Grandson has had a dislocation 3 times. No one was hurting him!! I’m guessing it was indeed an accident and that he tried to pull away from her. Some kids are prone to this.
After 2 trips to ER(thankfully no suspicion as these people know this happens to some kids) they showed his Dad how to fix the arm himself.
Why you on the internet and not at the cop shop?
Shouldn’t the hospital have to report that anyways?
Dose the room have cameras?
Do as the hospital tells you and file a police report!!
It sounds like nursemaid elbow. It’s pretty common with children. She may have been holding his hand and (like a 3 year old would) he may have thrown himself down because he didn’t want to go. In his eyes she did grab him and tried to get him to play, but she probably wasn’t forcing him.
I would look back in her history before reporting it. Has she been forceful before? Did she seem genuinely concerned when she called?
That being said… personally I’d file a report just like the hospital suggested.
Hope your bebe has a speedy recovery mama.
Report it. She lied and tried to cover it up. No way your 3 year old is.
I’d report it so it could be investigated. Your child’s explanation isn’t far from what his teacher said honestly. She was holding his hand he yanked away bc he wanted to play. Sounds kind of like what she said, they were walking while she was holding his hand when he dropped down suddenly. Sounds feasible to me bc I have had to let go of my kids bc I felt they were pulling away too hard & I didn’t want to hurt them. But reporting wouldn’t hurt.
Absolutely call!!!
They most likely have cameras, but if not they will still investigate to ensure nothing else is happening.
It might be “only a socket” for your child, what about the next time…a child might break their bone, pull something else out of socket, tear something, etc.
report it to the police children don’t lie at the age of 3
Before u assume look at camera’s, kids make stuff up , he probably pulled away from here since u say he don’t like to be touched, kids make shit up all the time. Some one loses there job cause of a accident it’s not fair, u have to prove it,
REPORT IT. If you don’t, it will go unreported, no one will be held accountable & something worse can happen to your child or another.
File a report. However. Children under the age of 5 do have an issue with their joints and sockets not being fully formed. I would call the daycare and inform them of what you were recommended to do and them absolutely follow the directions given by his medical team. They have probably already reported it and you need to cover your own butt in this
It’s called nurse maid elbow. Happened to my girl when was 3. The ER doctor explained how frequent this can happened because the ligaments are not developed all the way. I would believe my child and make a report.
I’d tell them exactly what I was told by the teacher vs my child and take the advice of the hospital staff. This definitely needs to be investigated. Let the authorities get to the bottom of it. If it’s true that this teacher is manhandling children this is probably not the first incident and may not be the last. If It is found to be the teachers fault then she needs to loose her job before someone gets hurt worse than your child did. Let the authorities figure it out. I wouldn’t ignore it that’s for sure.
Report them. A dislocated elbow doesn’t happen from just “falling”
Do what your gut tells you to do. I question who else has she hurt. If she acted as if that’s okay… I’m sorry your going through this.
Perspective is a thing.
A child’s perspective of events isn’t always everything that happens.
Just this weekend my 4 year old and I were walking through the parking lot. I said something he didn’t like (I said no) he tried to run the other direction and when that didn’t work he did throw himself to the ground. Now he wasn’t hurt-hurt just his feelings… thankfully.
But he did blame me.
In his mind I was being mean.
All of that said, file the report. Give your child’s side…and the workers side.
With any luck this happened in an area with cameras or where other workers were present and it can be cleared up quickly and easily.
Just incase this comes back at you… I’d just call tell them the situation and the authority’s can decide of there should be further action
So if your child is 3 why were the holding hands while walking across the carpet? Unless your child just started walking I dint see why they would need assistance with that. Unless of course she was trying to get your child to move in which case your childs story makes sense. I would reach out to the administrator at the daycare and if they are no help make the report.
Do they have cameras?? I would first confront the daycare director and ask for a review of the recordings. If they don’t have cameras then it’s really hard to know what to do. I know my 4 year old get a bit dramatic when telling stories sometimes. But if you feel that your child is in danger, then the other children are too and you should report it. I work at a daycare and I know some kids who will throw themselves on the ground, but you are taught to never pull or lead a child by the hand when in a situation like that. You should always pick children up under the arms and carry them, if they aren’t willingly going the direction you want. But I also see the other side too because I have a certain child who is accident prone. The first week I worked there he fell back outside and busted his head on a fence. The difference is that his parents also witness his behavior and how clumsy he is. Such a hard call when accidents do happen, but I’d report it if you think any child is in danger.
As a mama whose daycare did abuse my kid… PLEASE. PLEASE. file the police report!!
She shouldn’t be around children call police
Believe you’re child and make that report. My son was 3 and his daycare teacher left marks all over his arms and back from grabbing and pinching him!! CPS found her guilty.
This doesn’t need to happen to anyones child especially your own. File that report
I suspect she was way more rough with him than lead on because honestly I don’t think the odds of him having his elbow out of socket are of that easily!!! I’d report it before she gets more aggressive.
I understand feeling in a hard spot but think about how hard she would have had to pull his arm for that to happen? But I’ve never experienced this to really know
I think you should have a conversation with the school first. If she was holding his hand to walk and he tried to break loose it’s not really her fault
Report… police can then request the cctv you will soon know x
If a hospital tells you to make a report then that’s what you do. They can see what kind of injury he has
My daughter had what they call a nurse maids elbow. I popped her arm out trying to help her up stairs or one time in a parking lot when a car whipped out and I just grabbed her arm. Some kids nothing would happen if you pull like that others it will dislocate. The dr told me that I need to try to just pick her up instead of walk hand in hand. Or to tug on the jacket or hood if I need to make a quick adjustment to our surroundings. Now what your child said is alarming. I would ask why they were walking what were they gonna go do? To make sure she wasn’t frustrated and just yanking children around.
You’re your childs advocate i say report it and the police should investigate no matter what!
Report it right away so it doesn’t happen again
Why would you question your child?
Have the Police conduct an investigation.
Holy Dan. Nope. Call them police girl. I’d have done it as soon as the nurse asked them questions and your child replied. This is absolutely abuse and they need to be arrested. Asap!!! Your poor baby!!
The force used wasn’t accidental…they lost their temper .
Report the teacher to the school they’re at, and the police. This shouldn’t be a question
They should have cameras in there make the police report they’ll take the cameras and they’ll go from there
I think you should take the findings to the daycare owner and discuss them. Ask for a thorough investigation and if you are not appeased with their findings take it to the police.
“YOUR” child isn’t coddled there, either suck it up or move on
You can report it to the state and have an investigation open to make sure if you feel that it was intentional. I don’t know because that has to be a hard position from your child saying she hurt your child but the teacher also contacting you to let you know that happened. I know you said your child doesn’t like anyone touching his hands but it could be different. Maybe go in to speak to the center director. The daycare classroom should have cameras (I could be wrong but the daycares I know about have cameras) and if the teacher truly didn’t do it intentionally, the footage should be able to show what happened
It sounds like your little one has nursemaids elbow. My niece had that once when she was little because she fell off my grandmas bed and my grandma grabbed her arms to try to get her and it caused that. You can get nursemaids elbow from doing the one thing (can’t remember what it’s called) but two people are each holding a kids hand and pick them up and gently swing them.
I definitely think you should follow your mama instinct and do what you think is best You know your child better than anyone else!
I don’t ever play around when it comes to my children!
If you are worried about who reports it, ask the hospital to report it that way you can say “the hospital reported it”.
Make the report for purposes of having record in case u need to pursue them for payment of medical bills…and do some investigating into the incident and just make it clear you’re not trying to get anyone in trouble,it could’ve been an accident…but you just want to make sure
Massive reg flags!! Obviously something fishy for them to also down play his injury and not get you in asap so it can be tended to! Hell no!
An elbow cannot cum out of place if der was no force
I would request to see video
I lost my daughter to murder in 2018. by her daycare provider. get off Facebook and report to the police.
&&& most adults in these situations that abuse children get off because they’re good with words and know most parents won’t trust a child so young to tell the truth.
Your baby isn’t lying momma.
It needs to be reported with it happening at daycare. Period. Honestly the hospital has a duty to report it and probably already has but you need to as well. I will also say my five year old daughter has had this happen twice though and it was from her older sister (7) swinging her by her arm (just kids playing no fighting or anything) and the other time she said she got her arm stuck under her mattress (lol idk how/why but she swears that’s what happened and was alone in her room).
Always trust your child!!!
The last thing that would be on my mind would be to post it on here.even worse posting on here about it before filing a
They should have camreas. There’s a storyline that’s not adding up. It’s hard to believe a 3 year old but I really don’t think he lying in this case.
My son’s elbow came out 2 times on me back when he was that age, it’s not uncommon because the elbow joint is still not totally developed, but if a daycare worker has any involvement in that happening I would definitely file a report even with both hers and your son’s explanation… Does the daycare have camera’s? Can you request to view the day of the occurrence? Either way it needs to be on record…
Huge red flags being raised there on the security and safety of yours and other children. I would report it immediately
It’s called nurse maid elbow and its very common… Happened to my 3 yr old too, from her jumping up and down swinging from my hands… the hospital won’t report it… over reacting
Report for sure. Sorry that happened to your baby.
I would ask for surveillance footage which they should have for being a daycare.
Call the police.
They will pull footage from the cameras and find out what really happened
Idc what happened… They got seriously hurt, I’d be reporting immediately especially if the hospital said to.
Report it exactly why my girls went to a day care for all of 1 week and never again we figured a way that would work without day care and with them only being with family after my then 3 year old came home and told me the day care lady smacked my then 2 year old in the face and she then goes on to tell how she locked them all in a enclosed glass room wich was the outside back decks that was closed into a sunroof and that she would go lay down and come get them before we got their it was horrible the things she was saying to us so we took her to the dr and she told them everything they call3d cps and I left that dr appointment on a mission I was going over there to do to her what she did to my babies I did exactly
what I set out to do I got a hold of her and that was that and then a week later she was arrested and charged with multiple counts of abuse not only.on my 2 girls but on several other kids as well and she was a well known daycare in our area so from that day on my mom my sisters and my mother in law have been the only ones to ever keep them they are turning 11 and 12 this month and next and my 12 year old still remembers it all and how she tried to protect her sissy now she is super protective over her as for me yeah she tried to pursue charges against me but my attorney stated mental break from the trauma my child received and once the prosecutor heard all the details and all the charges pending on this lady oh and come to find out her husband wich lived with her and worked at the daycare was a convicted sex offender and during the investigation it was found he had messed with a few of the kids my girls were checked but he was out of state during the week they was there in her care so I ended up not being charged with battery wich I really didn’t care I would have smiled big and wide in that mug shot this is why it’s so hard for mothers to go back to work after having a baby the fear is real and I would definitely report it had we not God knows what else could have happened
It takes considerable physical force to dislocate a joint, and if the nurse said to contact the police, then do so.
Believe in your child. 3 years don’t.make that up. Young children are the ones that tell the truth for the most part. Listen to that child at all cost.
We are our ONLY advocate for our children you definitely need to report her immediately!
Yeah you need to file a report with the police
Common injury for little ones. Nursemaids elbow, happens from holding a hand while kid throws a fit and falls down, causing sudden full body weight, the elbow takes the brunt of it and slips out of joint. I may be in the minority, but i don’t think it sounds suspicious. I think your child was pulling away/dropping to floor, and teacher still had hold of his hand.
Report and let them figure out what happened
File a police report. At the very least, they’ll be able to get camera footage you might not have access to and figure out what actually happened.
Why is this even a question???
Ask to see the video footage with owner/manager. Daycares should always have cameras for their safety and your child’s. It would help you make a more informed decision.
File a report and let the police sort it out
Ask to watch the video from the classroom…
Children don’t lie always take a child serious no matter what they are our blood we have to protect them do the right thing mama
Talk to teacher & principal then take it from there
Definitely report it , this person should not be around children
Call and file a report, I dont know how this is even a question. Your child needs YOU to be their voice.
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I would follow the advice of the Dr
Report it. If she did it once she will do it again
Definitely I would call the police and file a report
My child was 3 when she made comments to her teacher about what her father had done, repeated the same to the head master. Of course they called cps as mandated reporters. The exam in the ER corroborated her story. Long story short, the judge deemed children under a certain age “unreliable” so he got away with it. Still pisses me off.
Always believe your child
Plz file your report 3yr olds don’t make up lies
As they say, “out of the mouth of babes!”
Why is this even a question. I’d file a report right there at the hospital!!
That sounds like nurse maids elbow and it might have been an accident but I’d probably report it. Honestly they should have filled out an incident report for the injury and it needs to be filed with the government (assuming your in the US) for record keeping anyways.