I wouldn’t cause he didn’t keep his word
If hes not going to respect you and keep up his side of the deal then why should you. I wouldn’t say anything and wen he finds out n if he try to kick of call him a hypocite
Why would you tell him?? You guys are split. What either of you two do doesnt matter to each other now.
Oh well he didn’t keep his end of the deal why should you.
You want to tell him? Or you want him to meet your new person. Honestly I would just give you and new person time to bond and be stronger because ex drama although seems like the other would be fine but in my case usually are not and ex drama will break a new relationship real quick if they aren’t strong enough
Be the better person… since you mentioned him not letting you meet her it mist bother you a bit? Maybe he will introduce you to her after that… or maybe he doesn’t see it that serious with her
I say, be the bigger person and stick to your word.
Let it go. Why shake the boat if it’s steady? As long as your child is healthy and happy, don’t worry about meeting the new girlfriend and him meeting your boyfriend. Let it go and focus on your child.
I would if you.guys end up.living together. you can’t control what he does only what you do, Just remember its what is best for the child
I think it all has to do with morals I belive in meeting the other person but my ex does not belive this. Your better off just letting it alone. Just because you belive in doing it right does not mean he does.
You don’t have to be like him . Be you ! Just say if you would like to meet him it’s okay with us. Be the better person for the kids.
And it doesn’t have to do with who he’s Fuck ing it has to do with who is around your child period
I apply meeting a S/O to serious relationships or you’ll be meeting a lot of people.
Is he having the new girlfriend around your child? If so I would invite them on a double date or something so the 4 of you can get aquatinted with each other. Include your son so it’s not awkward.
Nope none of his business right now if gets serious then maybe
Invite him and his girl to a game night or bbq all ya can hang out with the baby and get to know each other’s new person
You can just let him know you’re seeing someone and that’s it.
He obviously isn’t that concerned since he didn’t hold up his end of the deal. I’d just communicate with him about the child only and keep your dating life and his separate.
I don’t think any partner should be around your children until ATLEAST 2-3 months of dating and you get an idea of what kind of person they are and to make sure shit works out so your kid isn’t constantly being introduced to new people, off topic but kinda not, and yes I think you should tell him, and then maybe he will as well.
He didn’t keep up his end of the deal so no.
It’s been like 2 years and I still haven’t met my sons dads Gf… she’s good to my kids, they say nice things about her so I just let it flow I wouldn’t mind meeting her. Down the road if the kids want us all at their birthday party together etc I feel like we should be on a kosher level… I’m with someone & happy & so is he. Whatever is best for the kids
Ask him? Use that as a way to talk about his girl and meeting her?
Just let it flow everyone will meet at some point during a drop off/ pick up any how
If y’all just broke up 7 months ago, it sounds like he has not been with her that long. My kids dad and I made a similar deal. So we would know who is going to be around our children. And he has met my gf, but I have been with her going on 3 years. And he has been seeing someone since February, but I have not met her yet. He said when he knows it’s getting serious, and it’s going to be a long term relationship, he will introduce us before bringing her around the kids. And I said okay, because that’s understandable. I don’t really feel like or have time for meeting anyone that probably isn’t going to be around long time. But whenever he decides that’s how their relationship is going, it’s really not that important to meet her right now. so far I have primary custody, and until I get real visitations set up through the court so they could spend the night with him, or go with him alone. I’m always there when he comes to see them. I just hang out like a fly on the wall though and let him have his time with the kids when he wants to. Lol so maybe he doesn’t think it’s that serious where she has to meet you yet, and if you just started dating someone I think it’s too soon to introduce him to your ex.
I would want to meet the other person to see who my kids are going to be around
Let it flow but heads up he may throw a huge fit cause u didn’t tell him tho
Maybe he doesn’t feel it’s serious yet? If they’re not around the kids yet, then I don’t think it’s necessary for you to meet them yet and vice versa.
My thing was when it got serious and we knew that person was gonna stay around. I’ve only had a problem with a couple girls he chose but thankfully they didn’t stay long. But anything outside of a serious relationship really isn’t the others business. I get it though bc she is around the kids. I would just tell him like hey the kids talk good about her, eventually we will have birthday parties and such that she will probably be at and I’d like to meet her before then as it won’t be so awkward for all of us etc. tell him you are seeing someone if he’d like to meet them he is welcome to. there’s nothing wrong with wanting to know who your kids are around, that’s your job a a parent
My ex and I agreed that new partners meet the other parent before meeting the child as well. I entered into a relationship nearly a year after we split and I offered him the chance to meet him. He declined my offer. However he still knows I am not going to decline and want to meet his partner before she were to meet our son (he hasn’t had a girlfriend since we split). I’d still offer to have them meet. If he declines, he declines. However, I do think it’s important the other parent meets partners before they meet the child. Perhaps see about having that added to your custody agreement
You give him the same respect he gave you and when he goes to bitching you tell him you did exactly that. Truth hurts but it normally opens people’s eyes
You can meet these people all day long. But your opinion of them or the situation does not matter. You don’t get a say in who is around your kids at the other parents house. So as long as things are good and kids are happy I wouldn’t worry about it
Does your child come home neglected or abused? No? Then let it flow
I tell him about him bc kid will sooner or later by accident so i be like i like go double date or meet at park so all us can meet if u want meet my new man i want meet ur new gf if not then we let it be then in nice tone…if u get court order u want add that or he can w out telling u for next time
Until kids are meeting the other person there’s no point to meeting. Hold your end of the deal though. That way you can never have it thrown in your face.
I’d tell him just because that’s what I agreed to
Your not responsible for what he does however you are responsible for you
I got divorced eight years ago and my kids 8 and a half. He’s only met one gf before . I wait atleast six months of dating someone to introduce to my son. Because most people break up within that time and finding out who someone really is before my kid meets them matters. Who care if your ex meets them or not.
Leave it alone. You don’t need to meet her
Its only necessary if you plan on bringing him around the kids.
Suggest you all go out to dinner or lunch in a neutral setting.
I think you should be the bigger / better person and initiate a first meeting.
Hell it could be a double date🥴 make it a joke. Hey, let’s all grab a bite, annnd a drink, and just make sure we’re all on the same page
I think this agreement is ridiculous, my ex is not going to dictate who I can see. Because that’s really you’re agreeing to. What happens if either one doesn’t like the new party, they will expect you to end it. Also you should have enough trust in the person you have a child with to make good choices in who they have around their baby.
Children should not be introduced to new relationships. Also, if it’s new, why would the other parent need to meet them? Until, you are absolutely sure that the person you are dating is the real deal, why subject your children to them.
Unless its in court papers you can’t force him to allow you to meet her.
You’re over complicating it. Everyone will meet when everyone meets. There’s no reason to rush or force it. Especially because both of you are in new relationships and have no idea where they’re going. Y’all could wake up and find a deal breaker tomorrow ffs. Let it happen naturally, because it will eventually happen no matter what.
Let it flow. Your business is your business. If the time comes introduce them.
Let it go. None of you business who he sees. Also none of his who you see. That
Unless they are around the kids it shouldn’t be an issue.
My ex and I had that arrangement but it didn’t really ever work. But his girlfriend now, I have met via video chat and we seem to get along( he’s in the army 3000 miles away from us). Also his wife I knew back when him and I were together. I haven’t been in a relationship but told him when I was talking to someone else aNd that our daughter met him. Had he lived closer he forsure would’ve met him.
He doesn’t respect the boundary you set so you have no obligation to do the same
I don’t see the point if it’s a new thing. Wait awhile before doing all that.
In a month if it doesn’t work out, you’ll be introducing someone else all over again.
It can’t be forced but each parent deserves to know who their kid is around. He should respect that. Honestly i would worry about it and if he brings it up then he needs to hold up his end of the stick. Maybe y’all could do a meet and greet as two couples.
I believe that children shouldn’t even meet a new person until the parent has been dating them at least 6 months and not know they are a boyfriend/girlfriend until it’s been a year. That way no one is getting too attached before knowing if everyone in that part of the equation meshes…then I’d let my ex meet them if he felt he needed to.
I’d just keep it to yourself. The communication should be a two way street and if he doesn’t wanna uphold his end you’re not obligated to either
Flow. You don’t need to meet her and he doesn’t need to meet him if you aren’t ready… but I’d say if he says anything to you… your only response should be sure let’s have a dinner together, let’s double date and accept nothing less for the first meeting
You will meet in time it’s not a big deal. You guys don’t get a say on who each other date anyways. Unless they getting married don’t worry about it.
My ex and I had this deal. When I started seeing my now fiancé I offered to let him meet him before the kids did. He was otr driver. I was gonna wait but he said he didn’t really care and trusted my judgement. It was good blah blah blah. Well on fathers day he introduced them to his new female friend. They went to the movies and dinner. He then told them to keep it a secret from me. Oh I was so pissed. We do not keep secrets from me. I am the only consist parent they have. Anyways I think you should always be the bigger person. This may help you later on.
Let it be for now. If you are both with someone that is going to be around for awhile then eventually you will all meet each other. I love co-parenting with my ex and his new girlfriend. My fiancé and my ex don’t talk to each other but we can all be at the same function and it not be awkward. My ex’s gf will take my son to work or pick him if my fiancé and I can’t, we will all go in together on big gifts for our son (split the cost between the couples or 3 ways because our son is now 15 and has his own money). I wouldnt have our co-parenting situation any different way. But believe me, it wasn’t this easy in the beginning but it gets batter with time
They shouldn’t meet your kid if they don’t meet you first
You made a deal. Do. Better than him, don’t lower yours to his level! Ask him to meet the person your seeing
Don’t do on your own time with your child is really no business to the other you can’t control what the other does on their time and as far as seeing other people go the third party should have kept their mouth quiet go on be happy with who you’re with and live your life as long as that child is not being neglected or abused then there shouldn’t be any problems on either end about either end seeing anyone
Even if you meet his gf & you don’t like her, there’s really nothing that you can do about it. You are both adults and can date anyone you want. The chances of her being a child abuser are pretty small. Just pay attention to your daughter’s behavior and address it if you have any concerns.
You guys haven’t even been separated for a year. Don’t bring casual dates around your baby. You really never know the intentions of that person.
I would keep my end of the deal. It’s a good deal.
2 wrongs don’t make a right. Be a woman. Keep your word . Tell them they need to meet. Just shows you know what respect is.
I think it’s a courtesy if things get serious and you introduce the child to them as someone special, not just a casual friend. Maybe he sees his girlfriend as a booty call who may not last long, or he hasn’t introduced her to your child. Introductions to the co-parent are only appropriate if your child is going to be around them more than 8 hours and/or will be spending the night while the child is at the home.
You know where he lives, right? You should do the ol drop in for a visit
Just let him know that you are seeing someone and give him his first name in case your toddler says it so he understands what the little one is talking about if and when that happens - I wouldn’t bother fighting about it as it is about picking your battles.
Until youhave had a least a 6 month relationship with the new person don’t have him around your children. There is no reason to discuss it with your x until then. If then they want to meet that would be ok. But most men don’t want too.
Um, I definitely would not be bringing every Tom or Karen around my kid immediately. This is just not normal and confusing for the child. Once either party commits to a new relationship like getting engaged, then introduce the children but until then, keep personal relationships away from the child to maintain a healthy environment. Good luck.
No don’t keep your end of the deal because he didn’t and he won’t let you meet her. Let him find out the same way you found out.
Keep your end… have them meet. Be the bigger/ better person. You nor him have to like eachothers other but they must respect the child at all cost. What counts. Goodluck.
Don’t stop to his level. Your better than that. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be asking.
Show him …and her , you are.
Teach your child what honor is.
They understand more than you think.
They see more than you think
They see…you.
Be a good role model.
God bless.
Why introduce a child to new relationships that may not work! Give it time!
You should both meet the person around your child.
I honestly don’t get why people let their new partners meet their kids so soon. But hey each to their own.
Petty on both ends. Grow up the lot of you
Say something. You don’t have to break the deal just because he did. Be the better person.
Stay true to your word.
Maybe reach out and all go out to lunch or the park and then you all can meet? It’s better just to be upfront with people.
No… and stay single till ur over him anyway…
Maybe he does not like her enough to intoduce you…just saying
You’re doing the same thing so no need to be mad at him. Maybe just mention it in passing?
I never made it a point to go out of my way for a meeting. Just let him know you are seeing someone and a meeting will happen naturally at a pickup or event or something
My ex and I have never made a point to meet the others SO. I remarried so it’s only been one person. He has had a few women over time. I’ve had this current as she drops the kids off. If there is no issues of danger it’s outside of your control. Just let it be.
If you trust his judgement as a parent to not have harmful people around your child…then leave it alone. I promise you, you do not want to have to report to your ex over all your movements and with who.
Have you tried bringing it up, saying well now that we’re both seeing other people maybe we should meet up so everyone can meet each other. Maybe all 4 of you take the kid to lunch or to the park. Somewhere casual but where you guys can all talk and visit and the child have fun to. The child seeing stability an unity among the parents is really important
Apart of coparenting is also understanding that what happens with bubs when with dad, is out of your control.
Unless of course bubs is in danger…
I agree with Amy just let him know you are seeing somebody …end of story …I want to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is not too solid about the relationship yet and probably feels he should wait till he feels okay with her …to introduce.
And anyway give yourselves time to adjust to new people. .tiu are nor getting married yet… Right Time will bring itself
Just let him know and tell him if he wants to meet him then y’all can all meet up.
kinda go with the flow. but he can be with u at meet up and just introduce them then
It’s nice when everyone can meet and even attend events together, games, parties, etc. That doesn’t always happen though and you honestly can’t control what dad does during his parenting time. If you feel like being the bigger person, offer to keep up with your end of the agreement. If not, don’t. As long as kiddo doesn’t seem bothered by it, I wouldn’t worry.
You both made a verbal agreement, he did not keep to the verbal agreement, hence there is no longer an agreement.
Can only imagine how awkward that “official meeting” might be…
I wouldn’t let a random woman around my child without meeting her, but that’s just me. Especially if they just started dating, he may barely know her too.
Just let things flow maybe hes not ready yet for various reasons, just do you and your kid
Just let things flow. If the kids seem happy there is no reason to upset the balance.
I’m seeing someone else, have been for a few months, my baby daddy met him and actually likes the man I’m with. He just made it clear to not try to overstep his place. Which is understandable, but me and baby daddy always was fighting and hateful and toxic and now we’re finally our best selves for our kids.
I think unless kids involved with seeing new partner then don’t need to know