Should I say something to my ex?

If he is good to your little one, you have won the lottery. Pick your battles!

I would let it ride and don’t worry about him and if your little one it’s okay with everything then I would just have fun with the your new friend and to heck with heck with your X he broke the agreement, his loss


You both are really fast. Is your kid already rather do people to?

Let it flow you don’t show him nothing or tell him nothing. Y’all not together no more so he does not have to know nothing point blank .

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I say something to my ex?

I don’t understand why you would need to meet them. Who cares whose dating who really as long your child is safe and happy. If you insist just wait until it’s been 6 months or you could meet each other’s partners on Christmas or your toddler’s next birthday?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I say something to my ex?

Going through the same thing with my daughter’s father. We broke up before she was born. She’ll be 6 this year. I feel like I don’t have to meet every single one of his "girlfriends ". But it would be nice to meet the ones he knows he’ll be long term with and have around my daughter the most. One thing about my daughter is she tells me everything when she comes back from her father’s house. Please know she is never forced to tell me anything. She just like to talk alot. I don’t ask to be best friends with the girl. I just want to know who will be around my daughter. The guy I’m with now set up a day for them to meet, offered him a ride, and everything. His response was he Saud hi to him one time when we picked up my daughter so he felt like he met him already.


My opinion is you wait quite a while before introducing a new significant other to kids and when that is about to happen exes should get to meet first. Not everyone that people date turn into a relationship or should be brought into kids life. If you share custody, date when your kid is with ex


You know me and my ex made that same deal. I even gave him the opportunity to meet my bf. My bf is fine with it. But it still hasn’t happened. The thing is I trust his judgement and he trusts mine. We co parent very well. We were married 12 yrs. I respect and he respects me.


Keep new bf’s/gf’s away from children and exes until there is a reason for them to meet. Kids and exes DO NOT need to meet every fling


I honestly wouldn’t sweat it, he hasn’t adhered to it, your child is happy enough, unless you have legitimate concerns i wouldnt push it, in all honestly if it isn’t done openly and with the best of intentions on BOTH sides, then the co-parenting isn’t at a place you should push it xx


Is the partner in the kids life? Because if someone was constantly around my kid in an intimate setting, I’m meeting them. But if the partner isn’t around your kid, then no, y’all don’t need to meet the others partner


My ex is with someone for 4 years they don’t live together. They are off an on. I just finally met his girlfriend this year after 4 years and she initiated meeting me.

Now she is insecure and apparently (according to what my daughter said) gets upset about me texting my ex about our daughter and when I pick up/drop off our daughter at his house :woman_shrugging:t2:

I told my ex to dump her ass! He can do better. She is causing trouble with us co-parenting our child she can hit the road. So next time I see her in person I’m going to have a few words with her.


That’s odd, wanting to meet each other’s new partners??? No thanks. You need to trust each other that you both will do the right thing for your child.

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I would just let it flow. It’s nice that you want to hold up your side but you want to do more for your ex than he is willing to do for you. If kids and stuff have no problem then just let it go. If he insists on meeting your new man then agree to meet his new woman. Sou ds as though he doesn’t care though.


If the father is a good father why can’t he be trusted to make a good choice of who he brings around the child? If he’s not a good father and not always present and he himself isn’t a good person then question it. There’s no need for the mother to “approve” or “disapprove” (because that’s really what it’s going to be) if the father is a caring loving father who is capable of making a good choice for his life and who he is with.


sometimes you have to pick your battles, since you just met this person in the relationship is new why would you introduce this person to your child. I don’t trust everybody around your child. Yes of course it’s much easier if everybody could get along and follow the agreement that you agreed upon. But it doesn’t always work that way.


Keep your end of the deal. Always keep your word.
Your child will have years and years and years of watching both of you and seeing which one is honorable and which one is not. Which one keeps their word and which one does not.
I raised two sons with an ex after we divorced. sure, we didn’t like each other but we love our children.
So both of us, where they were concerned, always did the right thing . where they were concerned we always spoke well of each other.
You bet there were days when I wanted to scream out the truth to them. But hurting them has no value.
Always…. keep your word. Do the right thing, your child is watching you.

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Just let it flow went though it years ago and they have a step mother loves them very much so they are lucky to have 2 moms

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Too early to meet esp for kids. Unlrss its serious, which u cant know unless its been a yr or more.


I wanted to meet my exes girlfriends that were going to be around my son alone. The father had a problem with it. My concerns were what if something happens to the father while he’s away from home or something happens to my child while his dad isn’t home (emergency)? How do I know who to talk to about picking up my child? What the person looks like who had my child in their care? My child is my priority. Date whom you want but life & emergencies happen. Whether I like who you’re dating or not, you’re gonna do you but I need to know who I’m picking my son up from or who’s caring for him when you’re not. My ex was in a relationship with a woman dealing with CPS. I wasn’t judging her but the reasons were unknown to me so I had a concern that wasn’t put at ease and quite a few times I had to pick my son up early from his dad’s place because CPS was at their home. A big mess. Communication makes things flow easier.

I’d be the bigger person and talk to your ex about setting up a time/place in meeting your new partner because that’s what you said you guys would do, tell him to bring her along make it a thing, as a blended parent myself it’s much easier if everyone can be friends or at least mutually respectful, and it’s brilliant for the kid to see too


I would only want to meet her if she was going to be around the daughter , if he hasn’t introduced her to your daughter yet then I wouldn’t push .
When I started dating someone serious I made sure my daughters dad met him since he was gonna be around her frequently

You can meet the other person all you want. If you don’t like them then it’s your problem the ex has a right to date anyone they chose. Hopefully they are mindful of the kiddo. Same goes for you! Teaching your child as they grow what a decent human is like will help.

My ex and i had the same deal. Me and my partner met him at a park but according to him his new woman thought i was being controlling and wasnt over him… (even though i moved on before him and not with a online dating site, i was also the one to walk out of the relationship!)
Now the @##** is trying to replace me as my daughters mother, her parents even dismiss that i am my childs mother…
People cant be decent in this day and age!
Peole are sad and so up themselves.
Dont give him ammo to use, set a date for the meet that way you can show your putting the benifit of your child fist not your own. If your ex doesnt show note it, note everything incase it goes to court but get legal documents to protect yourself and your child.

I wouldn’t let my partner know until I was thinking of introducing them to my child.

That would be when I knew it was serious and going to be a permanent thing so about a Yr in??

I honestly wouldn’t let my kid around another woman if I didn’t meet her cuz then that person would be spending a good amount of time with your kid and you need to know who’s around your kid

Simple Don’t introduce your kids to new people without it being serious and alternate when you go on dates or find a sitter.


Keep it simple your child is young. So no need for intros unless things get real serious. Just my opionion


Personally I’d keep to my word… don’t lose your integrity just because he dishonoured your agreement…
That being said you need to do what’s best for your child, if this new man intends to be a part of your lives then your child needs to see everyone being amicable and stable :heart:

Let if flow ! People need to understand yAll children don’t have to meet everybody you dating or having sex with - neither of y’all took time to time to heal and already in a situation— that is likely not to last anyway :woozy_face: —— poor kids be done seen several before you find “the one “ so naw baby let it flow if he ain’t introduce you - she probly ain’t his final destination— it’s almost like you just being nosey IMO

No need for introduction’s. Prob will not last anyway. Same with dating new ppl. No need to introduce to child until after many dates. Too confusing for your child.

I dated lots of guys casually, my daughter met none of them. The only boyfriend she’s met is my SO of the last 4 years. My xh, her father, hasn’t met him bc we don’t share custody and I have a protective order against him.

My SO has a son and I met his mom after SO and I had been dating around 8 months ? We had met each other’s kids on our first date (highly unorthodox but it was a super casual concert in the park event and that family he warned me about :joy: we had already met bc I was friends w his cousin). Ex-wife got wind of it and didn’t want me (or any gf) around unless the relationship was serious (6m+). Ok fine, we’ll respect her wishes. We all get along - me, SO, xwife, and her 2nd husband …

Eh I don’t think it’s necessary on either side the baby shouldn’t be introduced to anyone before you make a year together

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Let it go. Until it gets serious I wouldn’t worry about it. He didn’t keep his end of the bargain. As long as she’s happy. No bruises or attitude haven’t changed be happy she has so many people to love her

at the end of the day, its nothing to do with either party, who’s seeing who, once you’ve split. The only thing tying you together, is the child. New partners are irrelevant in the equation.

My exes new flame is NONE of my business!!! That is unless my kids give me reason to believe so.
Don’t rock the boat. Let it go. Move along with your flame and ignore his.

Personally I’m a believer in “don’t change who you are and your standards because of someone else’s behaviour” if you feel that it’s what’s right do it, no matter what the other party has done.

Only if they are moving in together in my past experience. Of course my ex moves from girls house to girls house so… but there’s a big difference in living with someone and just going out on dates and ish

Every person that comes into a child’s life for periods of time is a loss when they go. If that person eased especially good with the child it’s worse. Best to introduce that person when the relationship looks like it might be permanent.

First of all, you don’t owe him anything. And clearly he didn’t feel he owed you anything either so go about your life and as long as your child is happy, that’s all that matters.

First of all he’s already obviously broke in the commitment so I don’t think you have a commitment to honor with him secondly I wouldn’t allow him to meet said party because it’s really none of his business. I wouldn’t want him (ex) to have the faults security of having an opinion in the matter


let it be, good song from the Beatles

nope nope nope:NEVER ever ever make it a tit for tat. never. YOU model character that is what a child needs. Tit for Tat reveals two people concerned about each other more than they are concerned about the child.

Do you trust him to make a safe choice in who is around your child? If you do there shouldn’t be a need to meet her yet.

Hold up your side of the deal. There is no need to be at his level. You’re doing this for the good of your toddler.

If the child is well looked after there shouldn’t be an issue, that’s the number one concern not meeting the ex’s new partner, get on with your own relationship paths will cross at some point don’t make it ‘a thing’

Let us go until you know it’s very serious and long term. There is no need for your ex to know every person you date.

Just let it be. As long as you two can co-parent, that’s all that should matter

Neither of you should be introducing these temporary partners to your kid

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Well he made the deal and is not doing his part does not make it ok to be like him be the one that keeps there word and if he’s hiding shit it’s most likely he was doing it before you left

Pick your battles! Believe me, you will have bigger battles than this.

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There is no need to meet each other’s partner

Don’t tell him anything, however don’t introduce your child or children to any new boyfriend yet, give yourself time to get to know him, one never knows what could happen to your children due to not knowing very well the new boyfriend

I honestly think that if there’s a child in the mix then y’all gotta kill that bad blood, if it’s still there then just don’t talk unless needed.

Wait until you know it’s a for sure thing with new bf.

Unless they are around the kid it doesn’t Matter

Why would you want to meet a new girlfriend or vice versa? Sounds as though you cant let go of one another…

You don’t have to meet them and some you don’t want to meet if it’s getting to be married again yeah coz ya want to for the kids happiness and yours knowing there a good personave

Why don’t you arrange a meal the 4 of you? Then you can all meet at the same time

Go with the flow…maybe it was only when it was long term or permanent

I would bring it up in conversation again face to face

If he just started dating them then no you don’t need to meet them yet.

I wouldn’t worry about telling him anything. Honestly and the girl he’s hiding… maybe a friend?

Let it go as long as your child is good

Let it flow for now. I would wait and see where the relationship goes firstz

I say let it flow. If your kiddo is happy thats all that matters

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Let it go leave as is no need to say or introduce anybody!

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When n if necessary then fine dont over think too early

Let your children live their lives. Don’t bring them in your issues with your ex.

Let it go, it won’t help anything unless your concerned for your child

If he’s doing his own thing you do yours. End of the day as long as your child is taken care of by both parties what’s it matter you have no obligation to tell him since he doesn’t tell you. My ex is engaged to another woman and she refuses to meet me even after being around my son for 4 years. Unfortunately sometimes people are just immature. So just do you mumma xox good luck

Treat him like you want him to treat you.

The other female is someone you know

Did you set a time frame when you needed to introduce each other? If not who is to say you will not be introduced? Your mentality of what he does dictating your behaviour is a bit childish… How long have these new relationships been going on? If you feel like introducing the person in your life to him then do it, lead by example…

The the key word here is he refuses to let me meet here!

As co-parents, you guys are supposed to work together and you have every right to know who’s around your child. It’s a respect thing. My question is, what is he hiding? If he’s not willing to let you meet this person then what about them or himself is making him not want you guys to meet?

He was probably already seeing her when y’all broke up.
Let it be until they are getting serious, and/or hanging out with your kid.

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I would let it flow to a point. I would try to set up a meet and greet. Maybe go out to eat as two couples. If she is in your kid’s life best to get to know.

Why do you have to see anyone at all . I never brought anyone around my child when they were young

Let that shit go. Do your own investigating on fb and if you see any flags then you have a right

Just keep walking in the other direction and don’t look back… You owe him nothing

Suggest the four of you go out to lunch together

Meh… too much work just worry bout your own life you guys could go through many partners.

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Live your life. You don’t need to meet his new girlfriend nor does he have to meet you’re. Just co parent, communicate regarding your child and live your life.

wait until you know if it’s someone WORTH introducing- he has ~


I wouldn’t unless you know it’s serious enough to meet your child . No use confusing children keep it simple

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Tell me you were too young to have a kid without actually telling me.

Unless they are living together I don’t think it’s necessary

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Maybe he doesn’t feel the relationship is going to go anywhere and doesn’t feel the need to say “hey ,were just having sex,wanna meet here?”

If the other person is around ur child then you have every right to meet them…

Why are you letting the child meet either of your dating partners. I don’t get it

Horrible deal unless you’re with the new person 8-12 months. Otherwise you live your own life.


Keep your child out of it for now …feel your way …

Mind your own business unless your child is bothered by it

Fuck 'im . Go about ya business .

You don’t have rights after a break up. Your child life is now in the hands of the court system. No court is going to order either of you to meet the others boyfriend/girlfriend… you want control over your child. Don’t separate or divorce.

you owe him nothing.

Let it go and move on