Should I say something to my ex?

STOP bringin every random dude an bimbos home to your kids!!!go fkkkk in your car or your weekend you dont have your kids fkkk!

Nope you guys are exes for a reason.

No, Fu** him Periodt. Do you.

No need too make ur life

Match his energy. When heā€™s ready, you can be too.

Nope surprise him lol but donā€™t b surprised when he freaks and tries to turn it because he will

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Let it flow. If he asks why you didnā€™t follow through, ask him why HE didnā€™t :woman_shrugging:t2:


If he canā€™t observe a simple courtesy, then itā€™s none of his goddamned business.

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Listen, I reachex out to my exā€™s new gf. I was very polite and told her I wanna meet when sheā€™s comfortable. No reply. That was 2 months ago. Ex claims she isnā€™t ā€œready to meet meā€. Which is fine (i mean itā€™s not but ya know Iā€™ve let it go) but I hope she knows that I already donā€™t like her.:woman_shrugging:t3: You donā€™t get to be around someoneā€™s kid and not meet their mother. How disrespectful. My ex says he isnā€™t ready to meet my new bf either bc ā€œitā€™s too hard for himā€. :roll_eyes: anyway, I say stick to your end and if she is anything short of a decent person she will want to meet you as well. Good luck!

Maybe ask for a meeting between all of you so itā€™s easier and less tense.

I think itā€™s too much. If they are going to start living with each other then maybe. But otherwise keep your personal life personal. Gotta trust each others judgment to an extent unless proven otherwise

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Keep your word. That way it canā€™t bite you in the butt later!

If your child is going to be around her, Iā€™d 10000% want to meet her and I canā€™t understand why any parent wouldnā€™t. It would also make me question why heā€™s so reluctant for you to meet her.

If it was me, he wouldnā€™t see the kids again until I met her and see if sheā€™s safe. And then, it would be a while until she was around them with me not there. I hear too many stories about the new boyfriend or girlfriend hurting the baby and nope nope thatā€™s not gonna be my kids!!!

Let if goā€¦why the heck do you two need to meet each othersā€™ new peeps.

Everyone is different. I waited until after my divorce for 5 years to date and my children were adults. Even after I waited until we dated for 2 years before he was introduced to my children. I didnā€™t want to pick the wrong person and my children not be able to speak up or defend themselves. Turns out my husband now loves them as his own. My children appreciate that I waited and I am now happy. I figured my kids came first.

I see no reason to push the issue & potentially create drama right now.

IF, and only IF, there is a time when his GF (or your BF) becomes someone that is spending one on one time with the child in a parental/supervisory role should you push it. And then it is a matter of safety. Parents should ALWAYS know who is caring for their child; it doesnā€™t mean you have to be best friends with that person.

If I ever get a divorce my two sons will never be around another man as a dad, and no other woman will be mom unless unless I meet him do background checks on him

has the new person met your kid yet? i would only push if thereā€™s a chance that could happen. however his situation sounds new & he may be trying to figure it out himself.