Should I say something to my son for not getting me anything for Mother's Day?

We are far to quick to offer condolences to ourselves for the lack of appreciation from our children. Next time your are at dollerama buy him a blank card and a chocolates that you like. Give it too him with the receipt in the card with a note for $5.60 you could have told me you loved me on Mothers day. Instead you did your laundry at my expense and gave me a lame excuse for not celebrating the fact that i gave you everything you could want for 18 years (how ever many years till he moved out for good). $5.60 cents a small price to offer but if its too much I understand and the laundry matt takes quarters dont forget to get a couple of rolls


He must be trying to impress his gf.
I would be also letting him know about boundaries.
He doesnt need to spend every last dollar to impress a partner and if a partner expects this, what his options are.
People with kind hearts get used.
I think theres a lesson here for him.

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Wow ! I recommend you don’t say a damn thing !! How very judgmental of you !! He spent his money on his girls mom - perfect - she’s the mother of his children !! If he’d had more money he’d of got something for you too - he doesn’t have enough money to buy a washing machine or go to the laundromat !! He needs to do laundry so came to his mom’s house - perfect I’d go to my mom’s too if she was close enough & I needed clean clothes - she’d welcome my visit !! And my adult children are *always welcome to do laundry at my house if they need to ! Hell it give us a chance to visit & helps them out too !!
He doesn’t his *time with you !!

Grow up !! Suck it up !! You got an apology because he cares & had nothing to give you !!! Be glad he came over, be glad he acknowledged you, be glad he’s alive & able to speak to you !! Hug him & be grateful your Son comes to you !!!

Capitalism has brainwashed us into believing our time is worth nothing… only value is in a product… Truly the opposite of how we should think.


If they just spent time would make me I was along…I did get flower @ balloons. But I was very sad and my self …ate dinner with the dog .he was all I had .thanks for max

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It hurts I’m sure…but the good things far outweigh the bad…be hurt, but don’t let it eat away at you. Invite him out to dinner just the 2 of you…and have a good time…

Regardless of all the arguments or comments, the Lord above said Honor your mother and father, and that is a good enough reason.


Oh yea you have every right to be upset he should have done something for you before his girl mom she should have done something for her mom and him for you my personal opinion


Wow, he probably feels that he has to woo her and he felt his mother didn’t need to be bought or won over. We often overlook those things and hurt others unintentionally. I wouldn’t take it personally.


Did they at least tell you happy Mother’s Day?

I have 4 adult children and they all have their own family I’m super happy with them telling me happy mothers days and telling me that they love me, I dont need anything🖤 me husband was the one that got me something and that was fine too…


Remind him about priorities. Remind him that this girl and her mum may not be there next week but you have been there for him since the beginning. Tell him he needs to make it up to you. Excuses don’t cut it. Remember you teach people how they are allowed to treat you.


I’m sorry, but your son is a jerk and. A brat. No no more doing laundry at your house. Yes. Definitely tell how messed up he is! He could of At Least gotten you a card!!! Spoiled selfish brat, treating you with no respect! Respect yourself and he might start respecting you!


When you are gone and they get older the regret will be very strong don’t let it happen

Well so they didn’t prepare for the up coming event, I would have been hurt too!! People make too many excuses, knowing that, that Day was coming up! It’s a sad world we live in, when children don’t even acknowledge their Mother’s, I’m so sorry Mam.


It could be because he knows you have unconditional love for him, so he doesn’t have to try to earn your love, or impress you! In the big picture of life, its all good, you have a son that comes to see you, and knows where to come to get his needs met…the place of refuge, and safety!!:heart:

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Don’t buy them anything for their birthday :joy: then show up at his house for dinner


Your son probably feels just as bad as you do. It seems he at least thought of you even if he didn’t prepare for the holiday.  I would at least talk to him and see his side of the story. 

Why do we need a holiday to see or do something nice for our parents anyway?v

Absolutely say something, and I would’ve also told him to go do his laundry at his girls moms house!!


If you “don’t expect anything from your kids” then you shouldn’t have expected this either.

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Absolutely, he knowingly spent on his girlfriends mom.
I wouldn’t let it slide.

Tell him he can go do his laundry at his girl’s mumma’s…


Let me say this. Our kids buy for who they want to buy for. He could have gotten you a $1.00 tree card and a $1.00 tree balloon. Just show some kind of appreciation. Yes, I would have said something.

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Not sure what I would say other than you better save your money and buy yourself a washer and dryer.


My wished me hmd and also said im here to do laundry…he said i will take you out for dinner so dad can join…of course he said later he fell asleep…i texted saying thanks for taking us to dinner it was great…he apologized and said maybe next week…my hubby took me out for chineese because we just knew he wouldnt calll…my daughter who lives 5 hours away phoned me at least but i dont expect anything but a phone is nice to get…

That would hurt me …I would be upset… :pleading_face:

On his birthday conveniently forget as well.

Talk to him about your concern. I wouldn’t feel good too

Do you have a close relationship with your son. Regular communication and a generally close bond. Or is he closer to his girlfriends mum .

Definitely let him know that it’s not about expensive gifts but love and gratitude. Simple things to show a person you care can go a long way.

lol Seriously? mothers day is a joke. It is one day out of the year. You’re going to get upset over one day? Does he show you love and appreciation other times of the year? If yes then no don’t get mad. If no then you shouldn’t be surprised. A mom shouldn’t be shown appreciation and love just because it is mothers day. It should be shown throughout the whole year.


Men Don’t know what it means to be a woman. DON’T be angry with them , Mother is always their first love, men just don’t always know what to do or how to show it.

Your mother would be proud :smiling_face_with_tear:

Although I don’t celebrate holidays anymore but I am a mother of 4. How could he dare to open his mouth n say those hurtful words to his mother?! He would’ve done better if he’d said he didn’t have any money n couldn’t get u anything! I know ur heart is crushed n I know u bent over backwards raising n providing for him making sure he had all of his needs mets n a lot of his wants as well! U definitely need to let him know how bad he hurt u! :heart:


Tell him how you felt disipointed
It’s not to late to get a bunch of flowers, a scratchie , some chocolate or even a card
Or even a cheep stuffed toy

He spent all of his money on his girlfriend’s mother? That’s where he should be doing his laundry


I feel your pain. My adult son didn’t do anything. I even cooked dinner for everyone that night.


Wait … He spent all his money on his girlfriend’s mom? Or the mother is his female children. Because if it’s the mother of his children then you’re being ridiculous. If it’s it’s girlfriend mom I might beat little upset too.

you got to understand something - it is very simple - not all mom’s get something for mother’s day from there daughters/sons they have there own families now and r moving on . i wouldn’t be so dam upset like that cause there will be a day where they may surprise u with something - chin-up girl things will be just fine !

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Mother’s day isn’t about who gets presents, plenty of presents that don’t cost, its about appreciating your Mum love her etc, gee whizz


Get his girls mum to do his laundry :rofl:


It’s ok momma to feel hurt. Tell him how you felt then let it go. Continue with unconditional love. We mommas are rocks for our kids. They will learn when they parents one day. Hopefully.

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i told my youngest you could at least have texted me happy mothers day, takes like 2 seconds , his answer “i was busy” mmmm and i could hear crickets from the oldest, nothing what so ever either ,makes me feel like im a bad mum and they hate me tbh

I’d be happy he’s taking care of his family :woman_shrugging: I’d rather my granddaughters get attention than me…


The fact he came over and was honest and helped you with your day… sounds ungrateful. I always tell my boys I don’t want anything just spend time with me. Mother’s Day isn’t about gifts. He spent his money on his daughters mom… which is how I took that… why is that bad? CRAZY. This is why so many people don’t like dealing with the mother in laws of boys.

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U should at least have a card,i would talk to him lv

the way l feel too a card from $ store

Folks, Mother’s day comes once per year. These kids have all damn year to pick up alittle something or plan something. It’s not about gifts but it is about showing the Mother’s in your life that you appreciate them. Period. I’m thankful he offered to do laundry but seriously how hard or expensive is a card or flower??? A handwritten note??? Something to say I went alittle extra to show you I care. It’s complete BS to do nothing!!! And work schedule and money are irrelevant. There are 50 other ways to show you care. #ungratefulasschildren

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All I need is time from my children. The wish is good.

A letter is such a great idea I would ask if he would write you one and let him know how special this would be for you

It’s okay he didn’t get you anything. Don’t measure his love for you in the value of a gift. Talk to him and ask him to take you to dinner etc to be fair it’s about his kids mum in his own family dynamic, just tell the kid how you feel and move on happy days


That was nice of him unfortunately it was a bit thoughtless did the girlfriend pay for any of the gift or was it just your son …I would say something if he ended up paying for it all but honestly it’s not worth it … now when your birthday comes round see if you get a lovely present

His girls mom is this his girlfriends mom or his wife and his girls( your grand daughters) If the former I would be hurt too but if his wife then let it go,

Do they make you a homemade meal or do anything for recognizing all you do for them? How about a letter of kind words?

I I have three daughters all in their 50s, I got a text a phone call and a Snapchat I was okay with it but they always make up for it sooner or later

Look honestly he has a right to treat his baby’s mumma like that. It’s his family. It’s a bit different once your children become parents themselves.

I haven’t given my mum a gift in a few years because I can never afford to but she doesn’t care for gifts (or at least I hope she doesn’t. Sorry mum :joy:) but she knows (I hope) that we care and that’s what matters most.

He came over to help with cleaning that’s pretty good in my eyes! And I’d be quite appreciative of that.

If you’re that upset then maybe talk to him and say how you’d like to at least get a card as it is upsetting that you don’t feel AS valued.

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U tell him how u feel. I didn’t anything from my son either. Know how u feel!!


Tell him to do his laundry at his girl’s mom’s house!


if u don’t tell him, he will forever remain clueless. i reminded mine lol but i do tell him when he is being thoughtless & unaware. he’s 18, so i’m thinkin’ they need to be trained for lack of a better word. the only reason he got his gf mom anything was to impress imo

Mabey he should do his laundry at his in laws.come spend day with you .not every mother wants a gift .it’s your love.

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At least he came over and helped out. He should spend most of his money and time with his baby mama. My husband spent the day with me and the kids…took his mom out to eat two days before,and i sent my mom flowers. Our mom’s live too far away anyway to go to their house for holidays. Be glad get to see him in person. Maybe ask him if can go out to eat, or just eat together,next Mother’s Day. You might have to cook or pay for the food if he isn’t making much at moment or broke,but get to spend more quality time together.

You could tell him that even a card would be nice. Course I lived with my husband for 34 happy years and he never remembered my birthday or anniversary or anything. One year I got a brown paper bag with my name written on it under my Christmas tree…had copper bottomed pots and pans in it. That’s just the way he was. Still loved me and I him.

Unless you have a pond in your backyard,I guess he used your washer&dryer and ,soap and fabric softener plus your water& electric,tell him his laundry cost money to do,so put up or shut up.If you didn’t have those things ,where would he have done his wash?

Did he atleast say happy Mother’s Day or a card or dinner anything even the smallest gesture would be ok

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I don’t expect anything and I’m so upset he didn’t get me anything I want to confront him kind of contradict each other. Just be happy he’s in your life in my opinion.

You’re gonna have to get over that. I have 4 adult children. My daughter and my youngest single son took me to brunch and bought me flowers. My son also bought my daughter tulips cuz she loves them. But my two oldest didn’t give me anything. I don’t really care. One of them is struggling and the other is is jail for failing to pay fines. I’m just glad all of them are alive and relatively healthy.

You can’t say you never expect anything and then get upset because you actually expected something. My kids are grown and have lives of there own and this year everyone was out of town. No biggie cause all year long the show me how much they love me. I really hate all these man made Holidays. People get so bent out of shape if on one particular day it doesn’t work out like they want. You focus on this one perspective and not the whole picture. Yes it’s lovely if it works out but if not oh well it’s one day.

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if you’re hurt, say something!

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Tell him your his mother not his gf mother .

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You did expect something and that’s ok, I’m sorry that your son disappointed you. Yes, say something. Let him know that a heartfelt card would have been just as special and that you are disappointed that he didn’t acknowledge your day.

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I never get anything from my kids

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I didn’t get a thing for Mother’s Day I have 5 kid 4 grown 4 of em wished me happy Mother’s Day but i don’t expect anything from them times are hard and I’m just happy with a happy mother’s day mom

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Tell him to wash his clothes at his girlfriends house! That was so inconsiderate of him! And then to tell you that!


I’m confused by “girls mom”, like his girlfriends mother or the mother of his girl- as in his daughter?
If he spent the $ on his daughters mother than I wouldn’t be upset. If that’s the case you raised him right and he’s respecting the mother of his child. He could have still at least gotten a card but the fact he came to help with laundry or other chores- he still remembered you and loves you! :heart:
If it was his girlfriends mom- then his girlfriend needs to get a job and buy her own Mother’s Day gifts.

We all need to stop putting each other under so much pressure for a consumerist holiday! No don’t be upset that he didn’t get you anything! You obviously have a good relationship because he is doing laundry at your house, none of us should need trinkets to feel cared for or loved! We all need to stop looking at others to feel fulfillment!


Just seeing my adult son made my day :slight_smile: It shouldn’t be about any object weather it’s a card, hand written note or a gift it should be about the time and that is worth more then any materialistic thing. If your hung up on not receiving something and not content with just seeing your son (even bringing his laundry) you have a lot of self reflecting to do :woman_shrugging:


I felt sorry for u till I read ‘but I’m here to do laundry’ be happy his PRESENCE is priceless

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