I must admit… I stopped reading at the point of he calls your babies stupid… You obviously know the answer. Follow your gut and create better for yourself and your sweet babies.
What you allow will continue… Read that about 5 more times let it sink in and do what’s best for your childern… Poor babies
Leave. He won’t change
One thing I learned is your kids come first no relationship is over your kids, that POS has to go. Never will I stick around with someone that is going to sit there and disrespect my kids… I’m just shocked that you’d rather stick around with him than to be a single mother. Life has been so great since I left my kids father, it’s the best decision I ever made, being a single mother has its struggles but it beats being with a shbag
Why do women keep bringing these loser around their children!?! Are you stupid? Do you want your children murdered? Stop spreading your legs for every d*ck and focus on your kids!
You need to leave. It seems scary but you have to do what’s best for your babies 100% of the time. Staying with a “man” like that (no offence), is only going to bring you unhappiness and regret in the future, plus you’re going to have kids that act the same way because they do what they see. They will learn this is how a “normal” adult functions in society and it’s not. He’s the one who sounds “stupid” as he can’t control his emotions and anger as an adult man. Who bullies babies?
protect your children.
Take your kids and run.
You want whats best for the kids? Leave. Dont look back.
you need to think about your kids, that’s all I can say.
Don’t make your kids grow up in a house full of abuse, tension, and fear just because you think some garbage ass abusive man will change someday.
U no what ur answer is as u have said it. Do leave. He is not worth it. And especially him talking to ur kids like that. He is still mentally abusing them. U need to get out or put him out. Move on with u an ur kids alone. U can do it x stay strong.
My distant relative (that lives in another state) murdered his gfs precious beautiful little boy (not his)who was 2 or 3, similar story to yours leading up to the months before his death. I’m sure she didn’t want to be a “single mom” either, stayed to “help” him with his mental issues, cause he’d never do a thing like that right?.. he violently abused him while she was at work one day for having an accident and ended it with blunt force to his little head, by his boot or the butt of a gun, not sure which one. Makes me sick to hear about it. Now he’s in the cemetery and the baby that was his, was taken away from her after this. Pack your shit and GET OUT. Your kids deserve better. You and your kids aren’t his wonder drug to make him be a better person. He WILL end up killing one of you. I’m begging you, LEAVE.
Are you kidding me right now? If u stay with this man after he’s puts his hands on you and mentally and verbally and emotionally abused your children then someone should get child services involved and get those kids away from you and him for their safety in the end. You’re scared of being a single mom so you rather stay with an abusive man umm that doesn’t make no sense at all. Maybe it’s time to focus on you and your children instead of hopping guy to guy hoping to find a father figure for them cause in the end the kids will suffer and they’re the innocent ones in all of this. I’m sorry I won’t b nice abt it either cause you know he’s calls your kids names and he yells at them he’s puts his hands on you and you’re wondering if it’s the right thing to do is to leave uh duh yeah it is. If I was you I definitely wouldn’t be leaving the kids with him alone whatsoever.
You allow your boyfriend to yell and call your child names and you stay because you don’t want to be a single mom??? Holy fuck your kids deserve a better mom.
Never be scared to be a single mother, protecting your children is most important. Before you or they get hurt leave. It’s hard I know but do it for all of your safety. All of you are being abused mentally emotionally and physically. Prayers for you all
Absolutely,being a foster mom for 10 years, these are the situations that the children end up in my home.
Nope. Kick him out. Talk to his mom since she landlord and see if she would let u continue to live there. Tell her he put hands on u and u are scared it will escalate to the kids. Yelling at them n calling them names is emotional & mental abuse. Do not stand for this. No dad is better then an abusive father figure.
Are you kidding me right now!!! You would rather subject your babies to an abusive relationship than raise them alone!?!?!
That is the stupidest question in the entire world to be asking!!!
If you stay with him I hope someone in your hometown calls cps and reports you for not protecting them!! Good lord woman…gtf out of there before real mental damage is done to those babies!! Grow up and protect yourself your babies!!
For you and your kids safety you should leave but he would need supervised visitation to see his child always stay safe your kids depend on you
If he does that to you, he’ll hit your kids too if left to fester long enough. Run run run.
U clearly don’t wanna do what’s best for your kids you wouldn’t be still in that situation coming to a group on social media to ask what’s best . First time he would’ve called my kid names he would’ve been gone . I don’t play that shit about my kids. Y’all must have life itself fucked up cuz ain’t no way in hell…
Single mom of 3 here… Your kids will be fine without an abusive father figure and a mama that loves them. Leave.
You need to leave, he may not be physically abusing them yet but he emotionally and verbally abusing them which can be worse. Dont be selfish they deserve better
You’ve answered your own question. Is that the person you want your children to be around?
Leave. You cant help someone who wont help themselves first. It will be better for both you and the kids in the long run.
You already know the answer to your question. He is on medication for his anger and depression and he is still lashing out. His own mother has tried to help because of her concerns about you and the children. He needs to seek therapy to get to the root of his emotions and behavior and you need a safe space so like all the other responses given, yes you and the children need to leave.
If you are trying to “save” him, is gonna cost you your kids. Are you sure you want to be the one responsible for their trauma?
Get out fast ….verbal abuse is first … there WILL BE physical abuse …and no ones worth a child being called names …it’s a no brainer…… get out NOW
Kick him out and stay away from him. You don’t want your children growing up being abused mentally emotionally and physically
I didnt even finish reading… recently on the news I saw a “man” killed a 3 year old boy bc he pooped on himself… he has anger issues & drinking issues & you have 2 babies seriously? Leave
Leave him. That’s abuse. It’s mentally damaging to not only you but more importantly your kids. That would be the day!
Run with your children and when you’ve ran far enough run a bit more! These babies will be just fine with a strong Mum!
leave and leave fast before one of your children end up physically hurt by him…and I can guarantee him being around treating you and the kids the way he does is doing more emotional damage to your children then him not being around!
Is he the dad you want your kids to grow up to be?
I didn’t even read all this…LEAVE! And let me tell you from a woman who has been in similar shoes. If it’s not good at the start, it doesn’t get better.
Leave a d take care of your children! Any abuse is abuse! You can get emergency assistance from DCFS.
You’re kids are going to resent you if you stay and dont choose them
If you don’t leave you’re allowing your children to be mentally abused by a man who has no self control
Oh please please leave before he “accidentally” seriously injures you or one of the children. Theres no excuse to speak to kids that eay. And you are the one whos supposed to protect them. So protect them…
Babies first, always!!
Run! Leave. It’s not ever going to be a good relationship. Your kids need a healthy life.
Leave now you and your kids dont deserve this
Get out of there. Your kids are suffering trauma that will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
You’re their mother and need to protect them. Get rid of the guy and concentrate on taking care of your kids
You know that your kids are being verbally and Mentally abuses! Why in gods name would you let some man do that too your babies!! Idgf about you,you wanna be beat on go for it! But for the love god get those babies out before he starts beating them. My god woman you have 3 babies do something for your babies for that matter help yourself.
I think you know the answer already …
Don’t be scared of being a single mom. Protect your kids from an abuser. I wouldn’t allow anyone to call my kids names and scream at them.
LEAVE! It won’t get better it will only get worse. Protect your children.
I didnt even have to read the whole story to know you need to leave! If hes verbally abusive to ur kids its time to go no if’s ands or buts!!
Um… A man calls my kid an idiot and I would be in jail.
Please leave asap.,There’s no telling what his capable . Get help find a shelter. I wish there was a way us women could help you. I know the unknown is not so easy but protect your kids please mum
Sounds like the story behind those mug shots of the men that kill their gfs kids while she’s at work. just saying. It’s obvious to me you should leave
Is he the type of dad you want your kids to grow up to be like? If your answer is no then you need to focus on getting you and kids out
Alcoholism is horrible. If he doesn’t stop it will never stop. You and your children will suffer if you stay
Stop trying to get validation from strangers on Facebook and get those babies away from that man. It’s not going to end well if you stay I that chaos. If your stressed about the situation your kids are too and the only way they know how to address that is to act out or have accidents. Your kids deserve better and you CAN do it on your own.
You have to leave. Or he has to leave. He can’t be around you and the kids anymore.
From personal experience I think you should leave. But with that being said you do have a child with him and I think you should tell him that you are leaving and he needs help…sometimes it takes rock bottom for the person to get the help they need and other times they don’t care…his mom seems like a caring person and maybe you should ask her for advice and guidance as well…this is definitely a difficult situation but you must do what is best for you and the kids
Why is this even a post? He is treating your CHILDREN horribly. Hitting you. Really? LEAVE. Don’t let your kids suffer, dude.
Get out, throw him out, which ever. You’re children don’t deserve to be treated like that.
Get the kids and yourself out of there before he hurts or kills some of you.
I have 26 acres and a bulldozer…just sayin
Get your shit together and your children and leave!!!
You need to leave. Words can affect the ability of a child. Hes put hands on you. Would you rather leave with your kids or leave in a body bag?? And leave your kids with him or even split up. You know what you need to do. You sitting there saying you don’t want to be a single mother of three…be a single mother cause your kids deserve better
I didn’t even read past the sentence of verbal abuse to your kid. LEAVE
If you actually want to do what’s best for your children as you claim, then it’s time to leave the alcoholic a$$ hole who is verbally abusive, and with time will probably become physical. You can ‘claim’ to love anything. Claims don’t make it true, actions do. And his actions are opposite of love, from what you’ve said.
You say you are scared to be a single mom of 3, but u r with what sounds like a drunk abuser. I would be more scared to have someone mentally damage or eventually beat my children rather than being single. It will come down to him hurting you and your children. Screw that! Get out now!
That is a carbon copy of the last man I was with. Trust me. Get your exit plan ready, and get out. He knows full well that his actions are unacceptable. He thrives on the drama and enjoys the control. But there will come a day, when he won’t be able to stop. Get out because your lives depend on it.
Oh hun, you leaving would definitely be the right thing I say that with so much love for you, internet stranger. Being a single mom isn’t ideal but so worth it. We never plan to be single moms, but it’s possible and you’ll make it. Breathe, and take care of business.
Give him an ultimatum tell him to get therapy quit drinking or leave
Umm what was the question? If your asking if you need to leave? That shouldn’t even be the question! Wtf Yes leave now! Smdh what kind of mom wouldn’t leave in a second. Wow. Be a single mom as long as (YOUR) children are safe if you can’t even protect them…who is going to? Obviously no one.
I am afraid things will only get worse, especially if he is a drinker.
Get out before things get worse.
Please put your children first & just leave
You need to leave. The mental damage he will do to your kids will be irreversible. And to get mad at a four month old baby for crying! He sounds like a POS. If he really wanted to make a family with you he’d stop drinking and seek therapy for himself. And really lady you have to question this when he is verbally abusing your children. You can replace a man but not your children. When you decided to have them you made the decision to put them first!! Also, he put hands on you, you need to leave before he hurts you or your children. Please gather your strength and leave for the sake of those children.
Leave for the sake of the kids and they deserve to grow up in a healthy loving home even if its with just you.
No man should come before your kids , RUN!
Leave leave leave girl. He needs to work on himself before your kids are the ones who are broken and need help
You can either be a true crime story waiting to happen or you can leave…
The choice is yours
You answered your own question by saying you know you need to do what’s best for the kids.
I think you know you need to leave you just don’t want to accept it.
He’s not the right “dad figure” for your kids. Don’t be with someone who belittles your kids. They don’t deserve that. Think of the emotional damage they will endure growing up. It’s not worth it just because you don’t want to be a single mom. Sorry but that’s selfish! Kids come first.
& also, if he’s laid hands twice… he will keep at it… get out while you can!!
Firstly he’s definitely not a father figure at all!! Good fathers don’t yell, scream and call there kids names! Second of all as a single parent myself no way in hell would I put my child in this position!! I would literally have left this man at the first name calling/yelling incident! You need to put your babies first and leave this piece of garbage!
Is this a real post? LEAVE before your babies are just another statstic
Leave. I know it’s hard but you know it’s the right decision. I just had to leave a situation like that. I still love him but when he drinks he is a completely different person. I allowed him to talk down to me and both of our kids and I regret it. Without alcohol, we had no problems. He drank heavier as time went on and things got worse. I know it’s so hard. But these problems get worse. you are stronger than you feel that you are.
being a single mom is far better than raising children that will need to recover from their childhood or worse burry their mother soon
Hes showing you who he is take it at face value and run…and don’t look back.please
You know what you need to do. You’re just looking for validation. Please get those babies out before they are struggling for life. I was called an idiot for every mistake I ever made. Even spilling a glass of milk. I’m now a 32 year old adult with mental illness, no self worth or confidence and carry the guilt of never being perfect. And no control over my emotions . He will destroy your kids Will a smile on his face. They will grow up believing that’s what love looks like. Please don’t do that. Being a single mom is HARD! Trust me I know I work my ass off and barley keep food on the table. But I left anyways. I’d rather struggling being poor and my kids be safe and loved than every staying in that abuse for security. Sending love and light, I hope you and your babies can find peace.
I didn’t finish reading this sorry, not sorry. Leave. Do not let anyone talk to or about your children that way!
He’s no dad, definitely no step dad just a Sperm donor. Get out. Leave him
It don’t matter if your scared to be a single mom. Just do it. You have 3 yr , almost 2yr and 4 month old hunny. But your kids first. Rock that signal mom life .
Get rid of him already
Leave. Ur kids r watching you and what ur allowing. They will probably resent you more for allowing it then him actually being abusive, because it is abuse.
Sounds like a ticking time bomb, take your babies and seek safety… Waiting until after a tragedy will do no one any good… Him yelling at the babies and calling them names is already shaping them for the rest of their lives…being alone is never as bad or as scary as being abused …his put his hands on you before and there will be a next time…time is nit on your side, you gotta get out…you owe your children safety and security
Protect your children and leave
As soon as anyone put their hands on my I’d leave I’m sorry but u must respect urself first
Get the hell out of that relationship. There are worse things than being single with 3 children. I know because I have been there myself.
As soon as I seen you wrote he put your hands on you, you need to leave. Pack up your kids and all your stuff and leave. Because if he’s putting his hands on you think about what he could do to your children.
Yeah I’d leave so fast you get a report against you over it you will lose the children same thing happened from friend as she chose to stay , so please for the good of the children leave anger issues or not screaming at a 4 month old is a no no for me you know the answer already
I just read the first few sentences. About the potty training and yelling and calling the kids stupid.
Run. Run fast.
Why are you staying in that?
I literally stopped reading 3 sentences in. How is this even a question if you should leave? Let someone call my kids stupid or an idiot…
If you want to protect your children, get the heck away from this abusive, hateful, mean person. If he gets angry with children that are this young, just think what it could come to! GET THE HECK OUT before he hurts or does even worse to your children. Your job is to protect your children. I’d get on welfare, go to a shelter, live in a tent before I’d let somebody mistreat my children!!! NEVER!!
Get out NOW! It will only get worse. Further, you may want to make a plan to get out safely. Sounds like he’s the abusive type to me, and will not let you go without violence. Good luck Honey!
Your kids will be better off as you being a single mom then having someone toxic in their life. I was with someone who would call me names and disrespect me in front of my son, he would nonstop out my down so I ended it with him because I don’t want my son thinking that it’s ok to treat someone like that, let alone a woman especially that he’s being raised by a woman. If he’s acting like that now, it’s only going to get worse. You need to do what’s best for your kids, trust me I don’t want to be a single mom forever, I don’t want to be alone but my son and I are very happy and when the right one comes along, I’ll be happy but next person will really have to prove to me who they are.
You need to leave asap. No question here, he is abusive to you and to them. Get out now and don’t go back!