Look at it this way. No father is better then one who freaks out and calls them stupid.
They are young enough to forget him.
I’m assuming he’s not the bio dad.
Pick your kids over him
Kids come first. Leave.
When I finally left a situation like this I had to ask myself is this who you want your children to marry or become
Dear lord, run as fast as you can. He needs help!
LEAVE! This should have happened the first time he said something derogatory to your child, or to you for that matter, and he put his hands on you?! LEAVE. You’re displaying to your children that it is okay with you for them to be mistreated by others, both by allowing him to speak to them that way and put them down and also by allowing yourself to go through the same thing. Coming from someone who grew up in a very similar environment and was left to put myself back together with years of therapy as an adult, LEAVE!
I would much rather be a single mom than ever feel regret that i didn’t leave and he raised hand to one of my children…situations like this only tend to get worse and i can understand anyone’s frustration with children as it can be hard but verbally abuse your children and to shout at a 4 month old baby is just wrong.
I mean it in the nicest possible way but stop thinking of yourself for a second and put your babies first. God forbid anything happened, it’s been known parents losing their shit and lashing out at children and not realising the damage they’ve done until it’s to late. Imagine the guilt you would feel if he hurt one of your babies. Also you shouldn’t have to put up with it, a relationship shouldn’t be a battle. And if you really need ask the question over leaving then there’s your answer. Staying with someone who clearly is damaged will only damage your children.
Kids come first. Get rid of him.
Get the fuck out. If he puts his hands on your then you should’ve been gone already. I understand it may be hard to leave or get away but please do before things get worse
Fuck that, leave him. He might (definitely) hurt them if he’s home alone with them. Dont take that chance, please.
How is this even a question? Leave him. You said most days are arguing? And the fact he talks like that to your children? AND put his hands on you? The list goes on and on. Clearly the bad out weighs the good.
First off… he is NOT a dad figure… hes your kids first bully. I didnt even read the whole thing, I didnt have to. Leave with your kids, like NOW.
Leave. That shouldn’t even be a question.
You absolutely leave! Staying will only cause pain and trauma in your kids lives and your own. He will not change
Leave it’s only gonna get worse. They kids dont deserve to be treated like that and it’s called abuse.
Before he puts his hands on your children get out now!!!
Take your kids and RUN as fast as you can to get out.
Oh honey I am seeing so many red flags here for you and for your children. Their emotional and psychological well being is of utmost importance. This is NOT a healthy environment to be raising children. It may be hard with 3 children on your own but they will be safe. As will you
Verbal and emotional abuse is still classed as Domestic Violence
Why would you let him verbally abuse your children? Your children come before any man. No chances he goes now! Your children deserve better
Run now save ur kids mam!!!
Girl RUN! Your job is to protect those kids. Staying with him is the exact opposite of that.
Leave. It never gets better. Only worse. Get out while u can.
This shouldn’t even be a question!!! Leave. It is our Jon to protect our children.
Leave. Now. Before he hurts you or your children. It’s coming, if he hasn’t already.
Get out of there as fast as you can. He’s already on medication for his anger & depression. Get your shit & go.
You know the answer. Leave now and never look back. The 1st time a man puts his hand on you should always be the last. And any man who calls your children names and has that kind of anger isn’t safe to be around those babies! I know it’s hard being a single mom, I’ve been there. But trust me, you will be so much better off without him and his issues. It’s better for your kids to not have a male role model than to have something like that. You don’t want your kids growing up thinking that behavior is ok, because it isn’t! Have respect for yourself and your babies and get out while you can. You all deserve so much better.
Remember this: It’s better to be alone than to wish you were…
Good luck❤️
Yikes mommas get out of there, your kids deserve better. That and they deserve to see their momma really loved and they deserve genuine love and happiness too.
Whats better? …having the children grow up in an abusive toxic environment that will permanently scar them. Or being a single parent where they see mom happy and are no longer subjected to abuse. Take it from a woman who grew up w an abusive alcoholic stepfather, I was diagnosed with ptsd at the age of 14 because of it. Leave and protect yourself and those children at all costs! Please.
You not gone yet ???
Leave now that is not healthy for your kids to be always put down by a man adult he’s putting hands on you now, it will get worse hope you leave him
You shouldn’t even have to ask. Reread everything you wrote. Then you’ll find your answer.
If you need to ask this question; I beg you to seek therapy…I’m not being mean, I’m concerned for you and your children.
If you are asking this question, then it sounds like you’ve got 1 foot out the door. I made the mistake once of not standing up for my son when he did something really really wrong. - he was 16 almost 17 and waited till we left to out to a club for my birthday and left my oldest in charge of my youngest. Well my oldest waited until the youngest was asleep and he snuck out to go meet a girl. We came home at 2 am to find cops at my house bc my youngest woke up to an empty house and got scared and called the police. I was nearly charged with neglect and they wanted to have my son removed until my family was checked into. I became hysterical and my oldest walked up to the house at the moment. Before I could say anything, my now ex punched him in the face. He later apologized, and I stayed. Chalked it up to emotions getting out of hand. But we later broke up bc my oldest couldn’t get past what happened. He still brings it up years later, and it breaks my heart that I allowed that to happen. These are your babies. That man is NOT their father, sorry they dont have any other father figure, but doesn’t sound like he has his shit together. You need to stand up for your kids. No one should EVER call CHILDREN idiots. Wtf. Please leave this man. Your children would rather grow up without any man in their life than to grow up with an abusive monster. He is the one who needs therapy.
Pack up your stuff when he is gone and leave.
Please leave love start planning your escape and don’t look back !
LEAVE. Your kids are first…
Get the fuck why do you even ask
I know it’s hard. But you NEED to leave. If not for yourself, then for your kiddos. They don’t need to think this is all normal. If you won’t protect yourself, protect THEM. They have no choice. If you won’t protect them by leaving, let them live elsewhere with guardians that you trust and who WILL protect them and raise them in a healthy environment.
Please. Please. Please. Get yourself and them out.
Definitely shouldn’t be around any kids.
If not for your self but your kids LEAVE NOW!
You don’t need a bunch of strangers to tell you what you already know.
If your asking a group of strangers chances are you already know the answer so I’d just go with your gut.
If you leave yes you will will doing the right thing. He gonna cause your kids to be emotionally damaged and make them feel like they aren’t wanted. It’s better to to a single parent then to be with someone like that. They come first. Look at it from this angle . Say their father was around and he had a girlfriend who does the same to the kids as your spouse is doing would you want him to leave her or stay with her ? If he won’t stop drinking then kick him to the curb .
You need to leave. Don’t make the mistake I did. My guy ended up hitting my 14 yes old years ago while drinking on his prescriptions for chrohns disease. He did jail time and he paid severely. He chose to never take another prescription again, in order to keep us. Most families wouldn’t survive that, and most men will never listen until it’s too late. He didn’t…and he hangs his head in shame often. Don’t think it won’t happen, bc it will. I hate myself at times for not putting my foot down, until it was too late. Pills and alcohol DO NOT MIX. Idc if they are prescribed or not, THEY DO NOT MIX.
This gets frustrating. Sometimes I wonder if people just post because they want to post and get some attention. There are things that is just common sense, you don’t have to ask.
I only read about 4 sentences before I stopped. I would absolutely leave.
It is best to leave before he harms your children
Leave. Its doing the right thing
Not healthy for you or your children
So bad for your kids and for you. Leave before he hurts one of them or you. You all will be so much better off
Been where you are and sadly leaving is the only option, if his behaviour doesn’t change. Remember you are setting an example by letting him treat the kids poorly, and that’s what you’ve witnessed. You have kids you don’t need another drunken toddler - you and your kids are worth more and better off without him. Tell him to get help and go xxx
Why are you still there? You don’t let no one call your kids names. Please leave for your kids!!
U r clearly not happy and that’s not fair to u or those kids. They shouldn’t see mommy upset and stressed and worrying about them like that. Those kids r gonna grow up thinking that’s what a normal relationship looks like. That that’s how a dad is supposed to raise and treat the kids. So If u stay u r ok with ur kids being like that with there partner and kids one day. Ik being a single mom of 3 is hard (not single but I do have 3 kids) and is scary but if u feel like u can b happier and more relaxed and live in peace with ur kids more without him then I would leave. No one needs someone in there life if they are toxic and there r plenty of organizations and programs that would help u out with the kids if needed. At the end of the day u r the mom and u will do what’s right for u and those kids. Just listen to your gut. It’s rarely ever wrong whether we like what it’s saying or not
Leave stop having kids that are being damaged!!
He’s definitely not a dad figure. No-one needs a dad figure like that. He’s abusing you all and you need to put your kids first, put your fears aside and leave him.
Leave for yourself and for your children. You don’t want them growing up in an environment like that.
Get the fuck out now while you still can
Your kids would rather come from a broken home than live on one!!!
Your children will grow up with mental health problems because of his behaviour. Please leave for the sake of your children.
People don’t realize the struggle and support you need when being in and leaving a psychologically abusive relationship so ignore all the bitchy comments on here from people who have no fucking clue how hard it is or the damage they themselves are doing by belittling you for asking for help in this form. Yes you need to leave, yes it is 100% the right thing to do. Please feel free to message me if you’d like to talk.
Leave… like yesterday.
Get therapy for yourself, it’s pretty clear you may have autophobia, since you choose this guy over the mental health and safety of your children.
They come first—forever.
Would you want your daughter to stay in a relationship like this? What advice would you give her?
Once someone shows you their true self believe them! Leave. Your children deserve better.
I would just be gone. You’re enabling him to being abusive and your kids are going to pay for it.
Leave! It’s only going to get worse!
Are you the idiot?
My God save yourself.
Go get therapy so you have some self worth.
Our jobs as moms is to protect our children.
Leave now! This will not work in your kids will never forgive you get the hell out now
Poor kids! Smh how do you even type up something you already know what needs to be done. Get your kids & get out.!!
If anyone finds out about his verbal abuses, child services could get called and you will lose your kids. Leave him before you lose your kids
I’m appalled you even have to ask if you should stay or go. If you’re not changing it, you’re choosing it and those innocent children are collateral damage
He’s physically abusing you and verbally abusing your children, it’s time to go. it’s only going to get worse. This could affect your children years from now get out and the sooner the better. Do you want your kids growing up thinking it’s OK to treat someone that way or allow someone to treat them that way? I’m not trying to be mean or harsh because I know that you probably love him or you wouldn’t have stayed this long but there are millions of men out there that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated and Treat your children the way they deserve to be treated. You do not deserve to be abused and neither do your children. I know thinking about being a single mother can be scary and it’s definitely not easy but It’s better your children have no father figure than a father figure that is abusive. You will find a man that is worthy of being a father figure he just isn’t it.
Leave asap! Sounds like he’s going to fly off the handle and hurt someone, this sounds like what happens when a child ends up dead.
What frightens you more being a single mom or your guy “accidentally” killing one of your kids while he can’t control his anger?
And you’re still there, WHY???
All I had to ready is that he calls your kids names… fucking leave… don’t stay with someone who calls your kids names… wtf kind of question is that?
Yes you are definitely doing the right thing by leaving!! There is all kinds of support for single/abused moms out there and you can always start by contacting your local social svcs dept and I’m sure they will have a list of other places that will help you out as well.
Not only is he abusing you, he’s abusing those babies too and your teaching your kids that this is a healthy relationship and they may even repeat these relationship patterns once they are older and getting out now will teach your kids that it is not ok to EVER be treated like this… ever. Good luck momma
I think you already know the answer
Or are you waiting until he levels up and hurts the kids
I wouldn’t take the risk… get out now while you still can
LEAVE!! When he does hurt them you’re responsible for failing to protect them. It sounds like he’s verbally abusing them daily. For the love of God, leave and save those babies. You’re scared either way.
Leave. He put his hands on you. He’s verbally abusing both you and your children. He has known anger issues. He’s going to hit your children at some point. You could lose your children by staying with someone like this. I don’t even understand why you’re asking this honestly.
Leave!! I’m so sick of these stories of women letting men treat their little ones like crap ! Why does this even need advice ?? Please save your children and yourself
I didn’t even read the whole post. Got to the oft where he’s calling the kids names and putting hands on you. Say it with me. Love does not hit. Verbal and emotional abuse is still abuse. Just google women killed by partners or family annihilater.
Please get your children out of there and leave! Prayers for your babies and you
He’s calling your kids stupid. This shouldn’t be a question
Don’t you dare subject them kids to that ABUSE any longer. The ONLY option is to take them and leave and make sure he doesn’t ever get to be left alone with his biological child. His mental illness isn’t an excuse. Leave him immediately.
Woman what are you even doing typing this… C’mon now… Just R U N. And run fast af.
Your kids comes first get rid of him
You already know the answer if ur asking!
The second he would have called my children 1 name would have been done and over at that moment!!! He wouldn’t have a chance to do it again
I can’t believe you are even asking this. The answer is LEAVE, and do it now before he hurts one of you.
Obviously you leaving is doing the right thing. Always think of your kids and put them first. You don’t need to be putting up with that crap either.
Read your 1st two sentences, that was all I needed to know your living with a very dangerous person. Leave NOW but you knew that already because you aren’t stupid.
Pack your stuff and take you and them babies out of that toxic hell you’re living in.
I would rather be single and struggle the rest of my life than be with a man that bullies my children!!!
Don’t walk, RUN
Didn’t read it all…any man that abuses my child or talks to him like shit would have no balls left
You didnt need to write this post, you already know what you have to do. Leave. Being a single mother isnt failing its just doing what needs to be gone to give your kids the best possible life.
Please please leave
He calls your toddler stupid and you’re asking if you should leave?
You have a man who physically abused you and verbally abused your kids. Get him tf out.
Run! Your kids will grow up thinking that that behavior is normal and so the cycle begins. I’m sure you don’t want them to treat others with disrespect and abuse.
Well, I’ll tell you one thing. The minute someone calls my kids stupid or an idiot to their face, is the minute they get hit in the f***ing face with something hard. I dont know why people put up with that kind of behavior from their so’s man. I guess because I had a while there when I was treated wrong and made that shit turn around real f’in quick. Never. If you love your kids, get it together quick and get out.
Leave! Run as fast and as far as you can.