Leave his ass when the kids r in there teens it will get worst if he hit u once he do it again get out now
Yeah I stopped reading half way through. This is terrible, and I can’t believe you actually need to ask if you should stay or leave someone who calls your children names, makes fun of them and has put his hands on you. Be a real woman and a good mother and take those kids and get them the hell away from this man.
I only read the first sentence. A human that can belittle a child in learning stages…is a dick. I understand that we all want to sympathize and give benefit of the doubt because there is a mention of mental health trauma.
He is an adult. He is directly avoiding healing by continuing to drink while he shouldn’t.
This isn’t the guy you or your kids need right now.
I would be giving this person the boot
Do yourself a favor and ditch this clown. You don’t need the trouble if a drunk asshole being a father figure to your kids. That will only cause issues. He should not be name calling and putting hands on anyone. He needs to go bye bye like yesterday. Plenty of fish in the sea that are much better than this so called man.
Leave now or see if his mom will kick him out so u have a place for the kids than get a restraining order against him u can do this raising kids alone is better than raising them.around abuse
Pack those babies up and get to steppin, girl. Acknowledging the burning red flags, don’t just sweep up the ashes and move on. These are YOUR KIDS! You’re the mom, the safety, their last chance at being safe and raised healthily and taught how to be a good person in the world. If you stay with this dude you’ll have three kids that act just like him and you’ll continue to be miserable forever. No one deserves to have to walk on eggshells in their own home. ESPECIALLY when you freely admit the shit is over the line-over and over and over.
Be smarter and do better. It’s on you.
I couldn’t read it all I got angry af !!! Leave him kick his ass to the curb where he belongs !!! Do your job as a mother look after your babies!!
You’ve allowing him to abuse your kids… The kids are better off without him as for you being scared to be a single mom grow up
At the first stupid his ass would of been kicked out. Respect your kids and yourself and get him the hell out. Toxic.
Absolutely leave. He’s abusing your kids. Staying makes you complacent in their abuse.
Grab those babies and RUN!!! Or if the place is your ask him to leave ( when the kids are not there) If he won’t get a restraining order
Leave. Don’t wait until he snaps for the last time and does something that can’t be fixed. Leave now, I can’t tell you that enough. Please.
Leave his ass. He deserves to be by himself and your children deserve better.
I couldn’t even finish reading this !!! GET OUT !!! RUN… RUN…RUN !!! It WONT get better !!!
Move out, leave. Kick him out. Those children do not deserve that. Run now.
Hes abusing your kids, you need to leave
Never put a man before your children.
How is this even a question?!?! You’re being selfish af, you would rather let your kids be tormented than be alone. That’s disgusting tbh.
Leave leave leave!!! ASAP!!! Always choose your kids and their well being.
You should already know the answer
I can only read about half of this before I couldn’t hold back any longer! I HEARD ENOUGH! Kick his ASS to the curb!! What are you? Crazy? Do NOT let this idiot victimize those precious babies one more second of one more day! It’s not just about YOU !! Don’t let another day pass before u set him on the path of BYE BYE!!!
Leave his abusive ass. No one is more important than your kids ever.
S T O P. You are teaching your children to be powerless and victims, it is ok to be violent.
Yes he makes you cry sometimes, but there are really good times too.
Sometimes he can be scary, but he loves you so much.
He can be violent on occasion, but it’s only because you upset him.
He can make you feel worthless but he’s so charming.
You’ve thought about leaving, but he knows all the right things to win you back.
It’s all going to be okay, right? He wouldn’t actually do anything, right?
Leave and don’t look back
That is Not a father figure. Leave now.
Sack him off the gowl
Kids ALWAYS come first…
Oh yeah pack those bags and go
Get out while you still can…please
Take your babies and run. Don’t look back.
please get the kids out
Love your kidsmote than
Walk away. Walk away now.
Get out immediately!!!
Kick his stupid idiot ass to the curb NOW!
Protect your children !!!
Go. As soon as you can.
Please leave this a-hole ASAP
Girl leave, your kids deserve better
Please protect your kids.
I dont know if this helps but you can definitely raise 3 kids on your own. Ive seen many single parents do it. My dad raised 5 kids on his own. Idk how he did it every day im very thankful that he divorced my mom she was abusive to him. She bit him so hard he bled tried to hurt herself many times to keep him.
Even now my full siblings and myself are not close with our mom not cause what she did to him but growing up she was very narcissistic when we visited her. So we just stopped all together stop talking to her.
Just I want you to know even if you feel like you don’t have support you can find support with me. If you need resources on how to find a job or extra income. I know a program that helps with that. Look up helpnow.org
And I can even help you do some research for shelters and food drives.
I am a single mom too I live with my dad and step mom now til I move out in Feb.
Def try to ask any friends or family you have to find an escape plan.
I know you asked if leaving is a good idea but I want to offer help too leave. Cause sometimes it’s easier for everyone to comment yes leave but I think it’s better to offer aid too.
You need to leave and protect your babies before he gets too angry and starts beating them or you or both … I’d rather stay single then let my kids be treated like by some POS
Leave his ass for real.
Def leave if you love your children why would u want ur kids to go Thro trauma like that u would be a real piece of shit to stay putting kids through mental abuse and when they’re older they will resent you it will only get worse he’s not a man but scum
What’s wrong with you???
Get out NOW !!!
No rude comments?! The fact that you even have to say that should be enough to tell you that you’re in the wrong by staying. You don’t want to be a single mom? Do you want to be a dead one? Because that’s what you’re risking. “Oh, he’d never go that far!” I’d be willing to bet nearly every woman murdered by her partner at one point said those exact words.
You know, when the police got involved and my mother finally divorced my abusive father, they threatened to arrest her, too, for staying in a situation that put children at risk.
If you care about your kids as much as you say you do, you’ll do what’s best for them rather than what’s easiest for you.
you know the answer to your question yes get out and have the wit to stay out if not for your safety then for the safety of tour kids
Are you having fun?
Doesn’t sound like it.
So subject your babies to that because your “scared of being a single mom?” That’s 3 lives you are talking about. Those 3 lives are worth any struggle on your own.
You need to leave before it is to late if not for for your kids please please leave or you will never forgive yourself if something happens to those poor kids
You need to leave. If you won’t do it for you then do it for your children. They don’t deserve to live in that hell because a grown man doesn’t know how to act.
It makes my blood boil when I read a story like this. I cannot stand to hear a child being treated in this manor. Take your children and run they don’t deserve that kind of treatment and yes it will definately shape them as they grow. Please don’t let this happen to them.
Give him a choice. Get help or you’re leaving.
Ugh leave for sure. I’d never let anyone talk to my kids and call them mean names. That really messes them up over time hearing it all the time. It won’t be an easy thing to do to leave, but your babies mental health and not getting the verbal abuse is so more important as well as yours.
Leave him right away
Get out. Make a plan. Leave at night. Find a safe place. You need to leave, it’s only going to get worse or physical if it hasn’t already.
Leave. This will eventually transition to him physically abusing your children. We see these kinds of stories all the time & it always gets worse. You wanna be a single mom of 3, or a single mom of a deceased or traumatized child/children? Cause either way, this relationship isn’t going to work out. Get out before he does something no one can take back
Get out while you can before you or the children are hurt
This isn’t even for discussion you should’ve left him the moment he first lay his hand on you…do what right for the kids you’ll get another boyfriend because it’s seems you want some for yourself
You haven’t packed yet what you waiting on the kids are first
Why take the time to write this post
Just leave
I’d be more scared of the damage he’s causing your children than being a single parent Jesus christ read your post out loud these are your BABIES imagine a friend was telling you this what would you say?! Grow some damn balls and leave.
RUN!!! Fast!!! Do not stay until he takes his mental illness out on you or your babies!!! LEAVE ASAP!!!
I am sorry you are in this situation. It isn’t going to be easy but for the safety and well being of you and your children most importantly……. You must leave as soon as possible. This behavior may have long lasting negative impacts on your children let alone the risk of physical harm. Loo into places that can help with resources and support. You can do this… please do it now!
Get those babies out of there now!
I understand been there but I didn’t have kids. I lived with physical & verbal abuse & words stay with you forever & will break you & make you feel worthless & unfortunately your kids will feel the same. Life is hard but also can change, think about what future you want & I’m sure you want & deserve happiness, not to be torn down. Sending good karma, turf times will end, all the very best
Listen to the words of this song and find the courage to leave. You and your kids are worthy of better. https://youtu.be/MDKoQfoylRE
Better to be a single mother than let the kids suffer
My ex husband was that way, towards my child and me. Run. It gets worse, so much worse. Pretty soon he’ll start punching you in the face in front of the children and he’ll look at your child while they’re hysterical in tears and he’ll tell them “shut the fuck up and stop crying, your crazy ass mom brings this shit on to herself!” Like my ex husband told my 5 year old… and that’s just one incident out of hundreds over the years. they don’t change. They’re mentally ill. Look out for your children and yourself. And please be safe. I had to utilize restraining orders.
Run. Please!!! Do it for your children. I tried so hard to make it work because I wanted my kids to have a father but it wasn’t worth it. They have told me that leaving him was the best thing I ever did for them. My kids are happy even though they never see their father and we struggle financially but peace and the time we spend together is worth more than money
Get out of there now. It’s a toxic environment for you and your children. He has all of the signs of an abusive partner.
Just remember that mental abuse is as bad if not worse than physical abuse. Pray about it and do what you know in your heart is the right thing for you and your kids. God bless you all.
You need to leave. He’s calling your child stupid. He’s only 3. He’s put his hands on you. It’s only a matter of time before he does the same to the 3 children. & he gets angry when the 4 mo old baby cries! That’s what babies do. First of all, your 3 yr olds potty training isn’t going to get better until you guys move out. He needs positive reinforcement & encouragement to instill in him the confidence to start going to the potty. None of the kids should be in that environment. Your bf knows he’s not supposed to drink while taking prescription medication. So he’s choosing alcohol over doing what is right for his own health care. You deserve someone that will put you & the needs of your kids above their own selfishness. You need to leave. Like yesterday
lady, YOU are responsible for your kids physical, mental, and emotional well being!!! LEAVE that dude before you and your children end up on the news. Nobody that loves you will treat your children that way!
Staying there you are choosing him over your innocent children he will only get worst this is your red flag girl and his mother knows there is a past problem that’s why she constantly ask. These children are babies and deserve better staying with this person you are taking the chance maybe he will hurt one physically and it sounds like he is already verbally abusing them If you stay DHS might even take them from you. Do the right thing for your children run like the wind
It’s going to be hard but for your kids sake and their best interest, GET OUT. There are a lot of Red Flag Warnings. Many of us have done it. You can and will have the strength to leave him.
His issues are NOT yours to fix and it’s hurting your children
Leave. Protect your children
Girl leave. Especially since he’s JUST a bf. Never put anyone or anything before your children because you will regret it and they will always remember.
Leave! You kids come first!
Run it will get worse, my kids and I came from an abusive husband (father of 4 of them). When I started dating and all through my current marriage I always told him my kids come first they will always come first you will never be first and if you ever step outta line we’ll be stepping out. I also made him well aware he is to only be their friend, he was NEVER allowed to discipline them. You just going public tells me you know what you need to do you just need to do it, as hard as it is.
Leave him,honestly your children will suffer in the long term , so will you ,him shouting at them demoralising them has a long term affect , know you probably think how am l going to manage , you and your children are the main priority , get out now, he’s on medication and drinking , please take your children and go ,think of your sanity too
I’m sorry. Yes you should probably leave. Situations like these usually get worse not better. God bless you.
Get out…lots of fish in the sea and your kids don’t deserve to grow up like that
No just no. You and your children are much better off without him. He sounds awful. U can do better.
If you don’t want your children to grow up with anxiety, depression, or any other mental illness, you must leave ASAP!!!
Run and don’t look back , and don’t let him see his kid , if his mother is asking about you and the kids then there is a big problem there .
Run!! Take all those babies and run. Find a safe place away from him and his family. I hope your family will protect you if not friends. I am she She is me. Been there
Get out before something horrible happens.
Kids come first Leave the ys
run…it will get worse…much worse…
Why are you still with him? He is abusing your babies and you feel you have to ask if you should leave?
LEAVE HIM NOW before he kills one of your kids.
Get out now honey while you can
kick his ass then toss him out
Girl RUNNNN, & don’t look back!