I think the best thing to do is leave before something bad happens. Put your trust in the Lord. He will supply your every need. God Bless
My dear girl…been here. This exact spot. Leave. It won’t stop and it won’t get better. Its the hardest thing you will ever do. I’m 9 months out from this. I’m scared. I get lonely. Its hard. But girl, I’m free. You can love him. And you always will. Love YOU MORE. LOVE YOUR KIDS MORE. YOU WONT REGRET IT. I stand and fight beside you. You may message me anytime. Peace and light to you and yours.
Leave. The longer u stay the more long term damage to your children.
You need to take your kids and leave. Period.
This. Is. Not. Love.
It may be what HE calls love, and it may be what you’ve been brainwashed into THINKING is love, but IT. IS. NOT. LOVE.
Love does not belittle.
Love does not display unpredictable anger.
Love does not make you feel fear.
Get out and give yourself a chance to understand real love.
Is your babies mental wellbeing more important than your fear of being alone? I think you know the answer. Time to take the trash out babe. Boss up and do what you need to do for your children. It isn’t just about you now.
You and your children deserve better leave him now who cares if you have a mate you have your children
Leave and take your kids out of there. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Absolutely not get those kids away from that monster As soon as possible
You already know what you need to do. Just do it, have faith in God he will help you.
Omg why are you even still with that please no one and I mean no one would be mean to my baba
Leave. Quickly. Don’t look back. If not for you, for your kids.
I’m a man get out now save urself an ur kids
Wow he’s abusive to your children no way tell him to leave
I got to the middle of the fourth sentence before I stopped reading. Dealbreaker for me get outta there
You already have your answer. You just need some support.
Get those children away from this abusive man!
Whats best is to take you and your children and leave
Put ur kids first and keep them away from him
Run run run as fast as you can
Please leave him now cos if he hurts u or ur babies he will walk cos he sick
You need to leave. Your kids are more important than him .
Girl… just go! Now! Run!
Get put while you can.He might hurt the kids sometime.
I’m sorry you are going through this. I would say to leave
He’s phsycally abusive to you. And mentally abusive to your children. Staying, is only putting them in harms way and not protecting them. He may not be hitting them now, but one day, that mental abuse, will soon turn to phsycal. When they’re older and can talk back. Or try and defend themselves. That’s when he’ll begin hitting them too. His own mother is worried about you and your children. He clearly has some reason, that his mother doesn’t trust him. And he has anger issues. Leaving is the right thing. Being a single mom might be hard at first, but it gets easier, and is A LOT better then letting someone abuse your children and coming home one day, to finding her beat one so bad that they have to be hospitalized. He’s not a father figure. My husband’s the step dad of my kids, and more of a father figure then their own dad. And he may yell at them at times when they don’t wanna listen. Or get mad at them. But he never calls then any names. Unless they are all joking around, and they’re calling him names. But it is never anything bad like that. A parent doesn’t act that way. He’ll either start abusing you worse, or turn on the kids and abuse them phsycally instead of just mentally. Leave with the children. Being a single mom, and happy, is better then being in any kind of abusive relationship and ALWAYS walking on egg shells. Trust me I know this from personal experience.
Omg run ! This will never change.
You either fight fire with fire are you extinguish his ass. And don’t wait for him to hit your kids for it to suddenly be a problem with his anger that you leave, because staying around knowing that he’s physically abusive is your fault once he hits them. Not trying to be rude, it’s just the truth.
You need to leave, right now don’t hesitate get your stuff and go
Leave. I wouldn’t want that around my children. Leave now
This shouldn’t even be a question.
Leaving is the right thing to do
I didn’t even read it all
Run. Now. Get your kids and go.
I couldn’t even read it all… leave! Leave now!
Sorry but whats more important your kids or a man.Thats your answer.
This poor woman is probably so scared about what may happen if she did leave him. It is so easy to just say to walk away. But in reality it is alot harder. One of my exs threatened to kill me and my kids if I ever left him. I stayed out of pure fear. I did manage to get help and thankfully the courts seen him for what he was and he has no parental responsibility over my children so he cannot have any type of access to them. My advice would be to talk to a close friend for moral support and get some advice from a professional. Big hugs hun x
Leave now before it gets worse
Yes you definitely are doing the right thing
LEAVE!! Obviously the medication isn’t working.
Leave before he kills one of you.
yes leave before something terrible happens.
Leave now it won’t get better!
You should be ashamed of yourself for subjecting your kids to this detrimental behavior. You very low self esteem. It’s sad!
Leave. He will never get better. Been there. Dont be scared to be a single mum! Its wayyyyy easier to be a single mum of 3 than to be a single mum of 3 with a 4th out of control baby to deal with. He doesnt have to hit those kids to harm him. He is already harming them by the emotional and mental abuse!
He is not a dad figure. A real dad or father figure has patience, and can understand children make mistakes. Don’t stay and teach your kids that relationships like this are love. They will have trauma. Get out before he does decide to hit your kids. Respect yourself, and protect your kids. Be strong and get out now. It’s not easy, but you can start over. Don’t be afraid of the change.
Trust yourself. You already know the answer.
Get out of there as fast as you can
Get out … before its to late … to many red flags hun . Prayers going up
As a mother your job is to protect your kids. LEAVE HIM. He’s already mentally abusing them and physically abusing you. It’s only a matter of time before he’s hitting them to. Protect your kids! Leave!
LEAVE, protect your kids. If somebody ever called my children names I’d be decking them. LEAVE it shouldn’t even be a question. You’ll do the right thing by leaving
Run as fast as you can!!!
Do you not love yourself enough to realize one damn time is too many to put up with any man putting his hands on you? And any man calling my kids names idc if he is the father or not would have to get the f$%$ out my house period! You tell him to get the
f$%# out and if he doesn’t file restraining order and make him. Why are asking this here. I didn’t even read it all to know that was enough to go off of. Either dump him and kick him out now or leave his ass. Men DO NOT put hands on a woman period! You need to love yourself more for the sake of those kids at least. Smdh
I didn’t even finish reading. LEAVE. NOW. I spent 3 years in an abusive relationship, I almost died. Please, please leave.
You should leave immediately!!
U know what u must do…u r insecure and looking for attention…
Leave - it will only get worse
I’d rather be a single mum than put up with that I can’t believe you have to ask the question …leave
One day he will let his anger get to him and the kids will pay the consequences. Leave before it gets bad
Leave. Protect the kids.
Get away from him. NOW
Get out. He might not put his hands on your babies now but there is NO guarantee he won’t. Leave.
Get OUT NOW !! Don’t wait another minute.
I feel for you. But I got to the part wheee you said he is verbally abusive and you have to stick up for your kids. To put it bluntly, your a mother before a partner to him. He is harmful to your children and you already know what’s right. Children deserve the best we have to offer them.
Why ask for advice when you clearly know this is wrong your children should come first all the time could you live with yourself if anything happened with yourself regarding your children so the smartest thing to do is get out now
If u don’t leave he’s seriously gonna hurt you and your kids.I see it all too well.he needs therapy and much more.he’s gonna end up in jail sooner than later and I would not trust him alone with those innocent helpless kids EVER.I can garuntee if u do you will regret it.get out NOW while u still can.and don’t go get with anyone else and don’t have anymore kids.you’ll be doing yourself a favor.and I’d get a PFA against him and have him arrested for putting his hands on u and you need to go to women in need and ask for some help.or you’ll never get anywhere.
I am a mom of 4. It isn’t easy being a single mom but sometimes you have to do what’s best for the kids and yourself. Your kids should never see , their mother being disrespected by their own father or man period. I’ve been doing it for the past 8 years , it’s not an easy journey.
I would definitely keep track of the bad days & good days. Name calling is unexceptionable. U are the voice for your innocent babies. I know u know that, that’s y ur reaching out. If u have it on paper for 4 weeks and u can actually see in black and white, how many good days your actually getting out of this relationship, and u can show him, out of 30 days, we had 5 great days. Or however it may go. Alcohol and antidepressants don’t work. If he doesn’t have a problem w alcohol, then it shouldn’t be a problem to stop. U have asked him to stop and he won’t, so that’s a whole other issue. Ur trying to set healthy boundaries and he’s knocking them down. Alcohol is also a depressant. Proven fact it makes people sad, mad, and down. Definitely start keeping track of good days and bad days. That’s ur pros and cons list.
Leave him! It will only get worse. It may be difficult for you to be alone with the kids, but imagine how difficult it is for your kids to be around him. There are many support groups for single mothers. Reach out to them and family members who are willing to help! Protect your babies!!!
Take the advice given to people in that kind of relationship. Get out of it. The girl that was missing recently should have left. She would still be alive .
He put his hands on you and has already escalated to verbal abuse of defenseless children-GET OUT ASAP!
Coming from someone who’s mom went through the same thing, leave. It’s only a matter of time before he puts his hands on the kids. It’s not a good environment for them and your number one job as a mother is to protect your babies. Protect them by leaving and putting them in a safe environment
When you posted this you already knew "what you should and that is to leave " do it quickly, and quietly. You just wanted confirmation that it was right. Seek out help from your church raythat you will have the right kind of support. If you don’t have a church please find one. Praying for you and your children. You can do this. For yourself and your children
Many years ago, before there were so many places to get help, I left my childrens father. It was pretty scary for me, but safer for the kids. Now, they are adults and doing great. - If there is a women
s “shelter” in your area, it would be a good place to start.
I’d say yes you’re doing the right thing I would leave take the kids and go I know it’s going to be hard been there done that
Youre scared of being a single mom again but not scared of possible things that might happen to your children… put your children first above all else…
You must leave him, yes, you’re doing the right thing. Your kids will have a much better and so will you. You will find your wY and make it work and you will be making room for that right person to eventually come into your life❤
Run before he kills your children. Read about this every week…sorry to be so blunt.
There is all kind programs to help you get up and do something about it and don’t make excuses
Sounds to me like take the drinking away. You can give him a choice. Drinking or you. It probably wont work. But it will help him reach bottom alot quicker while your gone. Maybe a year later he will be a different person
Get the hell out now. I haven’t even read all of your question but yea your kids don’t deserve that and neither do you.
Please leave him and get yourself and your kids out of there. It will not get better, only worse!
Only separate , get away before too late ! You will regret . He needs to change . Get help , programs , low income housing . Get away . You are suppose to be happy in life not scared .
Absolutely leave my lovely, honestly… I only read the first sentence x
Get rid of him now before he hurts one of you.
Try to guess what opinion your kids may have.
It sounds like you already have the answer to your question
Leave… don’t look back! Your children deserve better and so do you!
Leave. He ain’t worth it.
Nope not for my kids move on quick
Get the kids away from him
Leave it’s only gunna get worse
Is this even a question ! WTF
Get out while you can and your children or you aren’t hurt
Why are you even asking, get out!
He sounds like an idiot to me
Run. Run now. Kids first.
Personally I say he needs to talk to his Dr and let them know his medication isn’t working . They need to try something else . The drinking depending on the amount and when he takes his medicine more then likely isn’t effecting it but if he has never not drank with it then you really can’t know for sure. I would 100% say if you are feeling this way (as you should) he needs to be told his behavior is not acceptable and he needs to get help for it and work on doing better or you and the kids are gone … I am against taking kids from the other parent but honestly in this situation I wouldn’t trust him alone with my child so I would straight up require supervised visits and if it as done through the court I would ask the judge to grant it due to his mental health.
Ugh! I didn’t even want to read all that! He’s calling your kids stupid and idiot! If you don’t leave him you’re an abuser as well! It’s your job to protect your kids! You know you should leave him! That’s why you’re asking! Hell yes!! Leave him and don’t look back! You want him as your children’s role model? Your kids to turn out exactly like him? Because they will if you don’t leave! Protect your kids, because it’s only going to get worse as they get older! That’s a living nightmare! I left my ex when I had 4 kids under the age of 8! You will be ok!
Run don’t walk…
He is clearly an abuser