Should I stay with my boyfriend?

I have a bf been with him for three years he cheated on me when we first met n were just dating. Everytime we get mad he always calls her or goes back to her but he said he dont love her n then he comes back and he dont trust me questions my every move, makes me feel like I have to defend myself and my worth. We have a son but I feel like I can't go on like this. He is a Christian man but dies not talk or walk the walk n points fingers at me for everything little thing my friends because they don't go to church. Advice please

Girl, leave and live your best life. He’s obviously doing something if he accuses you of doing something all the time. & to put it nicely, I’m not a fan of people who call themselves Christian, but then judge others. Everyone has their own relationship with God & they’re all different. Your friends aren’t bad people just because they don’t go to church. He isn’t that great since he’s cheated. Sorry if that sounds harsh, just remember your worth xx

Not Christian at all or he would have married you not shacked up and had a baby. Respect yourself and leave. Once a cheater, always a cheater. You and your son deserve better.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I stay with my boyfriend?

Pretty sure you already know the answer hun.


Sounds like he isn’t dealing with conflict well. Let him go and mature on his own.

Move on! You sound Miserable

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Why would you stay with him? Have more love and respect for yourself.


He’s a waste man, accusing you of things cos he has a guilty conscience, do your self and ur child a favour and leave his ass

Been there, done that, left. I tried for 4 miserable years.
I’m mentally and physically, happier and healthier now that I have left that relationship behind me.


The relationship isn’t worth it.

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Christian? Hum
You need to run :man_running:


Leave before you get pregnant again


Yikes… if that isn’t enough red flags to leave idk what is :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Walk away very quickly

It sounds like maybe you need some confidence. Seek counseling and dump the cheater.

Hes playing you, girl. Run.


Leave…he will always run to her.

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You should of left a long time ago

When they are the ones accusing, they are the ones doing. :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

Shes never left.

Think if you are even asking this question says alot. Leave

He just trying to make sure you not cheating. He doing that stuff cause he is

Run. Just run. That’s a whole bunch of bs to be living

Can’t trust 'em…don’t want him…show him the door!!

Just leave. It doesn’t work out. I was in the same boat, finally left. Now, we are best friends. I wouldnt have it any other way. We just weren’t meant to be.

95% of the accuser is the guilty one…once a cheater always a cheater


We have a word for that…


Girl. It’s because he is still cheating on you. My dude did that too. It’s NOT worth the pain and bullshit. You’ve put up with it far too long. Let it go.

If he points fingers at you chances are he’s nervous because he doesn’t want you doing what he’s potentially doing. Drop him imho. You can do better. :purple_heart:


LEAVE. RUN. He is an obvious hypocrite who doesnt practice what he preach. My gooodnessssss. Run!

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He is not a Christian. He is a narcissist. Break the cycle and get away before there’s no turning back. He doesn’t love you. He loves that he can control you.


You should have never stayed after he cheated! Get your shit together and make a plan to leave. You and your child deserve way better than he is willing to give.

Absolutely NOT, kick him to the curb!

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So hes a narcissist. They love to turn their problems onto others. Hes not a Christian, but rather has some kind of god complex and thinks hes holier than thou. You jump, he cheats. I’m sure jesus would be soooooo proud. This is not a preach post. Ditch his ass!!! Let her have him.

He’s pointing the finger and questioning your loyalty because he’s the one that’s guilty. Get out of there


Im sorry thats happening but u need to leave. I know easier said than done. Some men yell christian to make u feel like your a problem. My ex did this i have complex PTSD cause of him mostly. He started with the running to a girl when mad at me to make me feel like i wasnt enough then yelling at me and my friends for our music wouldnt let us watch movies that werent “christian movies” then it turned violent. On the outside of the home everyone saw the good guy the man good with kids that treated me like a queen then at home torture women counting food abuse. Im not saying he will do this not all will but sounds very manipulative and very unhealthy. You just have to breathe and make a plan.

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Leave as fast as you can!


Get out. Get as far away from that toxic nonsense as you can. That’s not love.

Leave while you can… the more you stay the more of a bond y’all will have and be harder to leave. Chances are hell never quit.

That is the total opposite of a christian man, or even a decent one for that matter…LEAVE…you can do it on your own

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If he is pointing his finger at you that is a form of control .you did to think about your son

He’s not some good Christian man, he’s a shit. Let’s be honest. Then again a lot of Christian men are and think they’re above you. Never let anyone throw anything in your face using religion, ever. I don’t usually say leave but you need to leave. You deserve a real man and that’s not even a man, that’s a boy. Do better for yourself girl, you should be happy.

He sounds like a serial cheater and narcissist. Leave. Don’t walk, run.

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I learned that when my heart has had enough, it’s ok to walk away. I’ve done it in 3 serious relationships. The first I was so brainwashed by his treatment of me, I was lost for 3-weeks trying to get back to the me I was before him. And I found I was stronger and smarter than I realized. The second was after 21 years of marriage, and 5 kids—3 still at home. I packed them up, moved across country to be with family—no regrets. I learned I CAN manage money and be successful. The last time, I promised myself I was going to be alone for at least 30 days. That allowed me to clear my mind to set my life path for myself.

Each time I asked myself: who was I before he walked in? Where did SHE go?

Good luck to you!

Half the females always ask this question :roll_eyes: do u really want to live your life with someone who cheats goes to anthor female :thinking: each time answer is No life is to short to be dealing with that unfaithful relationship move on no matter how much you love him :thinking: he doesn’t love you what he is doing to you and they assume shit half the time they are the one’s who is doing it behind your back been there done it for 12 years best thing I ever did for me and my kid’s was to move on leave him than found someone who adores me and my kid’s doesn’t cheat so nice not have to always think the negative because I left that person for a better person

Get rid… know your worth girl x

Leave once a cheater always a cheater

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Sounds like to me you need to move on

Not only leave, RUN!!!

He doesnt trust you because he isnt honest and I would leave if i were you . You deserve someone who stays at home and works through disagreements not runs to some side chick also i dont think he loves either of you

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Your first sentence answered your question. Leave that looser :heartpulse:

That’s a manipulative narcissist. Leave!

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Time to not just walk, but run! And fast!

Controlling,. Move on. Everything is by his rules.

Your boyfriend is using the Christian man stuff as a coverup for who he really is which is a controlling lying cheater who thinks he owns you basically which is y that other girl still lets him in her life because he controls her just like he doing to you.


You need to pull up those panties and let him kiss your ass goodbye. He isn’t worth your time or heartache. He is a classic skilled manipulator and he has you where he wants you. Show him you can and you will leave.

He is not a Christian man. Leave him

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Get rid of your just feelings these thoughts it’s enough you really are worth more

Pretty sure you already know the answer.

Butt definitely stay in you want an OPEN relationship because that’s what you are in.

If he was a Christian man he never would have cheated on you in the first place, let alone run back to her every time you have a disagreement. And then placing the blame and his jealousy on you?! Narcissistic tendencies all over that honey, he’s not worth trying to fix, you need to leave.

You’d be better off without him. He’s toxic. That’s not the example I would want for my son.

My ex husband was the same way. Every time we would argue, he would remind me that his ex and their son was his”real family”, even though we were married and had a daughter.

Know your worth. You and your son deserve better!

He’s far from a Christian​:woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:


He needs an attitude adjustment…

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That ain’t no Christian man. He’s a boy. And not walking with Jesus. If you have to ask yourself, then leave.

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Not worth it, I am sorry

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You don’t need advice because you already know what needs to be done. Leave. As fast as possible

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you need to leave your christian man he dont sound so christian to me,and why do you put up with him going to his ex’s when y’all fight.?


Nope. You are not an option or a choice. You are awesome and he is trying to make you feel guilty for his poor choices. Move on and choose happiness.

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You deserve better. He is no christian…He is user/ looser. Get out it only gets worse. Take child and move far away. I have been there done that.

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Even the devil was once an angel.:woman_shrugging:t2:
Manipulative, and narcissistic are the two words to come to mind about your “Christian” man. My advice, leave him while you can, honey.

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Leave. No one has time for that. You deserve so much better

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So he’s a beneficial Christian. He uses his faith as it benefits him. He sounds like a waste of time.

Why do you put up with his crap? Then he has the nerve to want to know what you were up to. All this does not should like a good relationship

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Sounds like you are the other woman if he keeps going back to his other chick. Get out. Claiming to be a Christian doesn’t automatically give you a “ I’m a great person” card. He’s manipulating you.


Leave him! You don’t need that in your life

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He goes to church and is Christian but cheats on you? That’s a hypocrite and a narcissist… I know it’s hard but you gotta go and do what’s best for you and your son.


Why ask people to tell you what to do do what you want to do


Leave he’s cheating and projecting that’s why he’s always accusing you even though you’re not the one who cheated. Also he runs back to her because he’s obviously cheating with her. You can do better.


I would think a good Christian man wouldn’t cheat , wouldn’t have already married you instead of having a child out of wedlock, and wouldn’t judge your friend over their church attendance.


the answer here is no and that is not a “christian”


Leave girl! It’s more about you and your mental health at this point!!

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You deserve better. You are not an option. He is manipulating you.

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He doesnt trust u cus he knows u shouldnt trust him!!!

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He’s trying to make you feel like it’s your fault it’s not get rid find someone who wants to be true to you

I usually don’t tell people to leave their relationships but it sounds like there are two women he is dating right now and if you are not okay with that you need to make his mind up for him and let him have her. This man is a fucking loser and will immediately learn his lesson if you leave.

Leave his ass and get that child support for your baby!

Not a very good Christian man……. Js

Doesn’t sound like a Christian, Not even just an ordinary person! He sounds like he’s guilty and trying to justify his actions by pointing fingers at you! Let me tell you from experience, he’s doing you wrong and as much as you think he loves you….he doesn’t! Let him go or you’re going to have a miserable life with him UNTIL it’s over!

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Hypocrite much?? Wow. Move on

Next time he leaves you for her, let him stay there. Don’t take him back. He’s manipulating you and gas lighting you. It’ll never stop unfortunately. He’s in the wrong. You deserve better. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Stay strong. You can’t always stay with someone just because you have a kid. Sometimes it’s better to move on.

Uuhh this man is a hypocrite not a Christian. Let the other woman have his indecisive ass

Leave him, he clearly wants the other women. He’s also manipulating the shit out of you. You deserve so much better :heart:

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Sounds familiar to me. Move on for sure. He won’t change and next thing you know you’ll be pregnant again. He’ll be talking to the same girl or other girls and making you feel bad for it or bad for not believing him. Save yourself the continued heartbreak and the self worth. Believe me :cry:.


You are an option to him. He is a douchebag that is using both of you women. You deserve to be respected and loved. If you don’t want to be a secondary choice when he’s pouting like a child then tell him that and don’t participate in his game and don’t take him back. Plenty of women and men coparent that aren’t together in relationships every day. You need to listen to your heart and conscience and end this situationship . If this man can get on you for friends that don’t do to church when he is lying with two different women and lies about it -he absolutely has no place to judge anyone else. Stay strong.

Definitely leave you deserve better. Get proof of cheating and take the kid :woman_shrugging:t4:

Dump him. You already know or you wouldn’t ask. Gather your strength, your child, and you dignity and walk away.

What advice are you asking? Every time you fight he runs over there. Hes still cheating on you

It sounds like you’ve already wasted 3 years of your life, don’t waste anymore thinking he’s going to change.

I read 2% of this. Run.

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Just dump him! To much of a headache for me!