Should I stay with my boyfriend?

Toxic drop him & move on quickly…run, run

You don’t have to prove anything to that cheating liar! Kick him to the moon.

He’s a narcissist, they love to hide behind Christianity and faux high morals while their actions are the most immoral. Please move on. He won’t change, but be prepared for the hell he will try to rain down on you for daring to leave him.


Trust trust trust me, I know we are strangers but from your short story, please please please leave him. You and your son deserve so much better- if he where a Christian man, he wouldn’t be doing that to you. He would be with you and your son. You are that babies protector and life teacher… you wouldn’t want your son to grow up being around that and then him doing that to other women. God will provide, just leave him. I hope and pray everything works out for you :heart:


Wow so many red flags!!
Life is to short the stay
Don’t stay and let your little ones learn it’s ok to treat a partner that way.
Show them how to set boundaries & how stick to them for yourself ,your mental health, and your child’s happiness and mental health as well.

Good God. Why are these questions even asked? Get awayyy and find someone who truly cares! Life is too short for this nonsense, and you will NEVER be happy wondering if he’s Still cheating all the times.

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Bye bye I’d pack his stuff and tell him he can pick everything up outside in the yard

In the first place, he is not a Christian.
In the second place, he is not a good man…or maybe he is a good man who does bad things
In the third place, you already know what you need to do.
Love yourself more. :heartpulse:


Run do not walk take the baby and go

Lol. He’s not a ‘Christian man.” Okay. He’s a pos hiding behind religion and you’re allowing it. Leave the as*hole.

I feel like you already know the answer. Leave.

He’s getting mad at you for something that he did, and accusing you all the time, he is most likely still doing it and feeling guilty so his putting all his guilt on you. And his still seeing and talking about the girl he hooked up with. He sounds like a narcissist. And it seems like he is trying to push his religion on you. Sweetheart get out of there while you can.

Get out of that relationship if you feel the need to defend yourself or your worth. He is a user and abuser. GET OUT

Leave him. He is only doing this because he knows he can come back. For you and your son, you deserve better.

Sorry to say but it sounds like it’s time to go. He’s pushing his guilt off on you by accusing. I’ve been there. Your worth more and deserve way better. You and your son.

I think if you read the post the answer would be clear. He’s no Christian and he’ll stick around and use you as long as you let him

I’d leave. Your not happy.

Dump him him and run. Unless you want to waste your lifetime…he won’t change.

Leave the relationship. He doesn’t respect you, why put up with it. You will be happier focusing on yourself and your child. Dont settle for man who would leave you in heartbeat.

Leave him immediately

Anything he accuses you of, he’s doing, from my experience. Being a Christian doesn’t make him a good man.

Tell him to get lost. He’s not a good person. I hope you see it soon. My ex cheated on me I don’t know how many times. I finally told him to get lost. Wish I never met him.

Sounds like legally and emotionally you have no valid reasons to stay. Bye

Leave, hes wasting the best yrs of your life He isnt forever partner.

If you’re having to ask, you already know the answer, honey :heart:

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This is exactly how your life will be. Are you happy with it? If not, leave.

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Run forest run. See ya. Bye Felicia .

Absolutely get out. He has shown you multiple times that he doesn’t respect you or your relationship. Listen to him.

He dont trust you, because he’s projecting what he’s doing onto you. Cheaters always do this. You would be smart to leave. Sounds toxic, looks toxic by your post. Better ppl out there.

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He sounds like a narcissistic guy. I know your probably thinking about your son. Happiness is sustained by getting toxic people out of your life, be it family or friends.

Walk away and both your child and yourself will be more content and happy.

He needs to do more than go to church in to be a Christian. You are not married to him and even if you were, he has abandoned and abused you. Get out now.

Let him go. If he had the ability to cheat on you once. Hey! He will do it.again

What a perfect example of a narcissist. He accuses you because he is worried you’re doing what he is doing. The fact you even need to ask this. He is clearly continuing to cheat on you every time you fight. You are allowing him to treat you this way.

He’s showing you who he really is, and you’re showing him you’re accepting it. If you’re okay with this being your life and what your son grows up to see as an example of a relationship then so be it. But if not, I’d haul ass.

He doesn’t trust you and questions you because he is guilty. Period.

Leave women!!! This won’t ever end in your favor!!! He will continue to constantly do it if you allow it, and it seems like you are that’s why he thinks he can get away with it!!!

I would find a better person. Tell him good-bye

Perfect example of a narcissist who is gaslighting you. Make a plan and exit as soon as you can. Good luck.


Leave … his pointing finger is a distraction from his transgressions … it will be better for you and your son

I highly believe He is cheating on you every time he calls her and goes back to her obviously for something. If he did it once he will do it again. There should be no reason why he goes back to her?? He has shown you that he does not care about you and he does not respect. He won’t change and you are letting it happened. Leave.

Real Christians don’t have babies out of wedlock.


Sounds like three years too long… Get out now and be happy.

I didnt even read the whole thing. As soon as I read he calls her when you get mad at each other that’s all I needed to know. GET OUT! He has absolutely no respect for you. He doesn’t respect the relationship. Lose the dead weight and do better for yourself.

Your just an easy out , he has his cake and eat it too. So when he wants her he just picks a fight. He likes stepping out but wants you at home to keep house cook do laundry he gets to play then come back to old faithful. WOW

If you even have to ask if you should stay, I think you already got your answer :v:

Move on not only for own wellbeing but especially for your son. The best to come. Gods perfect plan for your lives.

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You already know the answer honey.

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It sounds like he is a narcissist. If I was you I’d tell him to take a f***** walk. You dont need that , plus get him for child support. I went through some like u are going through . I left my man and didnt look back.

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He’s a hypocrite and you deserve better.
Leave him

Not a real Christian

Just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. The Bible says " You will know them (Christians) by their fruit."
If he’s cheating on you why would you stay?? He’s guilty so he’s putting it on you. RUN Sweetheart.

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Leave that POS no one deserves this kind of treatment. Sorry you’re going thru this you deserve better honey

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No thank you
Keeps running back
He can stay there then
Fuck that
If he can’t stick around a sovle issues
And runs to another women he cheated on you with nah
Not in my book she could keep him

Are you happy and is this how you want to live?

Kick his ass to the curb and do t let him back.

That’s so sad for you and your son. Not only is he hurting you both but he is also teaching his son how to treat women like crap and that it is okay to abandon his wife and child. He has put his family in a very toxic environment. Trust me on this, it effects children more than you think causing anxiety, therapy and possibly medication. That can happen to you too. This man is extremely abusive to y’all. I would get out right now. Also what he is doing is called gaslighting and he is very narcissistic.


You deserve to be happy and if he cheated once he will do it again. You have to do what is best for you and your family. And if he wants to cheat and point fingers way I see it he is not family

Get rid of him honey. He is not a healthy role model for your child.

Leave NOW!
Took me 10 years to get out of a narcissist relationship. I now have PTSD and night terrors from everything I’ve been threw. He still uses our children against me.
Don’t believe what he says when he comes back.
If he has issues with you now and complains, why is he coming back?

Tell him to take a hike. And get a custody agreement asap… cuz if you don’t, he can use your little one as revenge and blackmail you, to get back with you.

Go be happy, don’t hurt yourself anymore.

You are asking if you should stay with someone who treats you like shit. You already know the right answer, you’re just having trouble accepting it. You don’t have to stick with a mistake just because you spend so much time making it.

Is this the relationship you want to have? Is this how you want to live? Is this how you deserve to be treated? Is the relationship actually making you feel happy with your life? My guess is that the answer to all of these questions is no, because if the answer was yes, you wouldn’t even be here asking what you are. Embrace that inner truth you’re trying to avoid.

You know you can 100% fall in love with the completey wrong person, whom you shouldn’t even be with, right? Loving them doesn’t mean you are destined to stay together forever. Not every relationship is meant to last; sometimes the real point of a particular relationship, in the scheme of life, is to teach us an important lesson. It’s not a failure if you learn from it, you know. Learn your lessons and move on!

Leave him if he keeps going back to another woman that isn’t love and he is using you. You deserve better love and light babe

You need to leave. NOW. People like this never change. My ex was this way. Stayed through all the BS, had 2 kids, got married all because I thought I was doing the right thing, even thought I KNEW it was wrong for me. That lead to 17yrs of abuse, gas lighting and severe manipulation. Has done God knows how much emotional trauma to our kids. I kick myself every day for not leaving 10 years ago. If you can’t do it for yourself then do it for your kid. I can promise it won’t be easy, be it will absolutely be worth it.

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Sounds like textbook projection. I was in a relationship similar but thank god no kids involved. Honestly I’d leave you can’t trust someone like that.

Well I mean, leave with your son? What kind of example are you setting him up for?

Why he with someone who clearly goes elsewhere when you “fight”!

I don’t understand these woman…

Stand on your own two feet and don’t depend on any man!

You continue to let him come back, so he will continue doing what he does… it’s THAT simple.

Good luck :heart:

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Dump him!!! He’s trash

He is mentally and emotionally abusing you. God does not expect us to live with someone who does that to us. If your faith is really, really strong, you can give this all to God and wait until things around. Otherwise, run as far and fast as you can.

Your right , it’s it christian to have more than 1 woman. In God’s eyes you are married and he is commiting adultery. Tell him he needs to repent and reevaluate his faith. As for pointing fingers , tell him not to throw stones at glass houses. Tell him your done with immature little boys. It’s time you had a man. Don’t waste money on a marriage service. You deserve better. God has that , just ask him. Pray about this and ask for guidance and direction. God bless.

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Ummmm… even having to ask, should be your answer. Get going girl

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Run! You deserve better and he won’t change!

Leave him. He’s an idiot. Everything you’ve described is psychological abuse.

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People point out in others what they ignore in themselves

Dump him life’s to short for that.

Do you really need us to tell you to dump him…I guess so dump him


He’s a narcissist. He will never take accountability. If you want to stay with that then stay. If you know your worth which is 100times better than him then go. It will be hard but if you stay you will be in way to deep. Nows the right time to cut the strings with him

Honey run as fast as you can, from experience, I can tell you that the one pointing the finger and accusing, is usually the one thats doing all the things there accusing one of. Narcissistic pos, run as fast as you can and don’t look back.

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Linda, look for a counselor a marriage counselor.

Love yourself enough to leave.

Projecting his infidelities on you to cover his ass. Leave him.

Just stay there and be miserable. Get less than what you deserve. FOR GOODNESS SAKES WOMAN! PACK UP AND LEAVE! you deserve so much more and deserve better than what has offers you. You dont need him. If he has other women he can go to, let them deal with him. Go be happy and live your life for you and your child.


Run away from this loser now. You can do far better, and give yourself the chance to meet someone nice. He doesnt know what love and respect is, and he will never give it to you. Wake Up Now.

Guilty conscious projected onto you

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Why would you stay with him when he keeps running back to her. Sound like both of you are being played by this pos

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Hypocrite much? Dump him now.

He’s a narcissist RUN

Clearly, he’s not a Christian. He’s merely pretending for the optics it allows him to have. No God fearing man would cheat, then come back and constantly insinuate it was you. That tells me he is insecure. His behavior is causing him to be paranoid and do anything to point the finger anywhere other than where it belongs. He’s insecure in himself and also your relationship. What you allow will continue. So quit letting it happen. Stand up for yourself and stick to your guns. If he’s not acting the way he claims to be, call him out on it. And demand better. If he doesn’t or can’t do better, this relationship is over.


Well I mean, should have left him when he cheated on you the first time. He’s going to continue to go back to her because you allow it. People will treat you how you allow them to treat you. Know. Your. Worth. :clap::clap::clap:

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See when you have to ask someone else if u should stay or go you already know yiu should go but you’re looking for at least one person to tell you otherwise. You are the only one responsible for your happiness and life so only you can make that decision when you’re ready too

Leave him, if there is not a single drop of trust leave him. Not worth your time with someone who doesn’t believe in you. Don’t let someone walk over you

Your the only one that can fix it.up to you what you want…

Respect yourself enough to walk away from the toxic situation you are in. He will never respect you so you really need to respect yourself. Nit only is it toxic for you but your son as well. Kids emulate the way the man in your life treats you. Be with someone who treats you the way you want to treat his future partner.

OMG, i could only get thru the first lines. Put your big girl panties on & leave.


You’re just being a door mat. Wise up

He can go to church all he wants but it dont make him a good person… Run n dont look back❤


Narcissistic traits there

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Should have left him way back when he cheated.

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from experience, those who accuse are the ones that do.
do not stay, it will just get worse.


Why do you think you deserve this? Your child is learning from him… learning things that are not faith based.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I stay with my boyfriend?

……. Seems pretty obvious……