Should I stay with my boyfriend?

He is not a Christian man, he is a NARCISSIST


Thatā€™s no christian man


Leave! U donā€™t deserve that. Nor does ur child! I know. Easier said then done. Eventually u will have enough :heart:

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Uh get rid of the boyfriend

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You have enough reasons to call it quits


How would you advise a daughter, sister or best friend in this exact situation?
You have the answer for yourself. You donā€™t need strangers to tell you what you should do.


Narcissist. My ex did the same shit. Cheated on me with soooo many girls and questioned my every move because he thought i was doing the same shit he was. It wonā€™t change.

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Heā€™s pointing fingers at you because of his own guilt. If it happened once, and he has shown changed behavior proving that he loves you and is loyal, then stay. But from what Iā€™ve gathered, he tucks tail and runs to his ex everytime something doesnā€™t go his way. Thatā€™s a red flag. Leave him.

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No he doesnā€™t even want to stay with youā€‹:woman_shrugging:t2::tipping_hand_woman:t2:

Sounds like he isnā€™t fully in the relationship with you. If he goes to her when he is Angry or upset. Who is to say that is the only time he goes to the other girl. You donā€™t deserve this please see your worth. Settle for better you got this.


Girl, seriously he cheated on you and you still with him, move on! :roll_eyes: get outta of there , !

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Respect yourself enough to walk away from this relationship.


You should have been left

A man that has something to hide will always assume you do too. Heā€™s just projecting his own guilt back to you. Just go people like him canā€™t be fixed. Save your own self.


he doesnt sound like much of a christian to me . dump him asap unless you want to live with a cheat because once a cheat always a cheat

Leaveā€¦he will never change.

Is there any sole reason for staying in that sort of ā€œrelationshipā€? Is it setting a good example for your kids? Come on nowā€¦

Move on you deserve better

The ones who are always accusing are usually the ones who are doing the cheating. Sounds to me like he is a narcissist and you should leave and learn to co-parent

The answer couldnā€™t be more clear ā€¦and it sounds like you know that and just need validation. LEAVE.

Why have you stuck around all this time. Should have been gone.

He isnā€™t worth it then. I was with someone for 8 years and was mistreated, he cheated and I was faithful. He hurt me and made me feel so small and insignificant. I finally walked away. It was hard but I did it and now found someone who is worthy of my love and loves me backā€¦ donā€™t waste ur best years on someone who will mistreat u and make u feel like ur in the wrong

:v:t3: you need to throw up deuces and head out

The problem with him, he didnā€™t just make a mistake, he keeps making it. He would rather point fingers than see what he is doing.

Guilty dog barks first!Heā€™s a cheaterā€¦ respect yourself enough to get out

That ā€œmanā€ is not a Christian man. He is an abuser and a controlling liar. Run! Donā€™t walk!


Run - it will only get worse.

End it. If some girl was telling you these things, you would tell her to walk away. RUN!!!

It is so sad to see women not know their worth! Read your post as if a friend were asking you this same question. What would you tell them?

Sounds like heā€™s still cheating plus others are allowed to live and believe what they wantā€¦ I had a ex like that, wanted the house spotless and put me down when something was dirty but couldnā€™t lift a finger to help. My house wasnā€™t even dirty so thatā€™s why heā€™s an ex now

Seriously get out itā€™ll only get worse!

People treat you like you let them

Bye bye and I didnā€™t even get past the 1st sentence

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Get out now. Itā€™s not good for your child or for you

He cheated. Should have been gone long ago

Leave. Because if you stay, this is how itā€™s going to be. Are you really willing to put yourself through this constantly? And your chid?

Thatā€™s called a narcissist and you should 100% leave.

People like this give women a bad name, stop being weak and use some common sense.

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Raise your standards. Being alone is better than trying to change a man.


Donā€™t walk away from this relationshipā€¦ RUN !!! Never settle for being second best :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Seriously? Leave him. Shouldnā€™t even be a question

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You must love that he cheats on you or that you are afraid to be by yourself because I myself would have gotten rid of him the second he cheated on me.

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The fact that you wrote this shows that you donā€™t feel peace staying with him. Time to leave him. His behaviors are to blameā€¦

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I would of left the first timenhebwas in contact with the person he cheated on you withā€¦9 time out of 10 if they donā€™t trust you or accuse you is because they are already doing it. If heā€™s not going to get help then best you leave

He cheated with her and goes to her when you guys fight? Sheā€™s still around?! Heā€™s still cheatingā€¦ Christian or not heā€™s cheating. And putting his paranoia about you finding out on you to make you feel guilty and keep you on the defense instead of him. Leave.

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Take your son and walk awayā€¦ That man does not give a single shit about you if he runs into another womanā€™s arms every time he gets a little booty botheredā€¦ You are worth being loved by a loyal manā€¦ So leave this loser and healā€¦ So the right man can find you

Leave. If he had made a mistake once and shown change, then you could possibly move forward. However the fact he continues to go back to her, thatā€™s where his heart is. His actions are speaking much louder than words.

And he sounds like a typical ā€œChristianā€ alright ā€¦ a narcissistic one. Check out Mental Healness on YouTube, see if anything sounds familiar. But you deserve better!

If he cheated, heā€™s definitely not Christian


Thatā€™s No Christian
Especially to be throwing stones when
He is a liar
He is a Cheat
He is a User
Get rid of him, he is just baggage.


You know the answer to this.


Bin him. Get a new man. Simple as that really, if you value yourself that is. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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If a man wrongfully accuses you of cheating and your not, Iā€™ll bet he is.

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Run :running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4:

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Run away from this relationship. Get some counseling on how to live an independent life without this kind of control and abuse.

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You need to get the hell out of that relationship asap!!! No questions asked!!


The answer is pretty clear. Why did you procreate with someone that showed you they were from the very beginning?

Once again cheat always a cheat if he dnt trust u itā€™s probs cos he upto no good himself

oh hunny u basically answered ur own question u just canā€™t see it. get out. start new. stay single. focus on u. weā€™ve got so caught up in the idea that a man and woman need to be together to live a happy life and itā€™s not true ! yes itā€™s nice to have a partner but not if ur going thru hell and back and they just keep repeating the toxic behaviors. so get out and donā€™t look back. u can miss him but donā€™t go back. know ur worth.

He has a guilty conscious and is pretty much telling you what heā€™s doing behind your back if heā€™s constantly accusing you of things. Time to take that little one and move on

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Look up the signs of a narcissistā€¦
And Iā€™ll say that the one doing the accusing and finger pointing is 99% of the time the guilty party :woman_shrugging:t3:


Honestly it sounds like a guilty conscience and that heā€™s gaslighting you. Trying to turn things around on you to take the attention off of him.


He does that too try and shift the blame from himselfā€¦because he has already cheated and you havenā€™tā€¦just leave him once a cheater always a
cheater and he will do it again

Run baby girl , those type of men never change , and his definitely a fake Christian , thereā€™s many Christian men out there who are loving and loyal and most of all respectful .

Heā€™s got two girlfriends. Her and you. Are you ok with that? What about when she gets pregnant?

You are living emotional abuse, also called ā€œ gaslighting ā€œ. Actions speak louder than words. Cut your losses and leave for good!

If youā€™re asking then you already know the answer

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Leave him. He sounds like a douchebag! The fact that youā€™re even asking is a clear sign you need to get out.

Leave. Heā€™s got a guilty conscience & this will only get worse - Iā€™m speaking from experience.

Girl I feel like you already know the answer to this :woman_facepalming:t3: heā€™s gonna keep it up forever. Leave.

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Run girl run!! He sounds awful. You and your babies deserve better then that

Church guy yet he acts like that lmfao :rofl: thatā€™s sad.
Suppose to love and respect your woman in general, common sense reallyā€¦
3 years and this still goes on, nothings going to change. Wait another 3 years if you want too but if his not growing up now whoā€™s to say he ever will.
Should grow up to be a man for you and you guys son, I vote on you kicking that to the curb and find someone worth investing your time and feelings into.

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chuck dem :v:t3: & skid his ass down the road, tellā€™m ā€œkick rocksā€

Leave and Donā€™t look back!!!

Cheat onhim just tell him it didnā€™t mean anything turn the tables I came back didnā€™t I ? Kinda hard to bitch when heā€™s doing exact thing

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Reading the first 2 lines screams leave him

Heā€™s a narcissist. Look up the term GAS LIGHTING. leave his Lyin ass asap


Peace dude! Your child, unfortunately, will grow up seeing this behavior & think that it is normal & okayā€¦ And in my opinion, it is not. I believe in your heart you know it isnā€™t either. Good luck & be strong :muscle:! :purple_heart:

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Let him off and know your worth. It was never gonna work after he first cheated on you in the first place. Co parenting relationship only if i was you!

Ugh girl really?! Why are you even asking?


Surely if youā€™re talking about him like this and posting it then you know your answer. Flip the script, what would you say if your friend came to you with this? Xx

He is Accusing you, out of GUILTā€¦He knows what he is doing is wrong, so he accuses you of doing the same to make himself feel betterā€¦:rage::rage::sleepy::sleepy:ā€¦
My opinion, and Im sorry your going through thisā€¦:green_heart:

I stopped reading at ā€œhe cheated on meā€ ā€¦ get the hell outta dodge girl youā€™re better than that


Girl. Throw that entire man away.

Leave. why even question ur decision? U know it isnā€™t a healthy relationship so why stay?

I think you should leave. You are worth more than what he is giving you.

Time for you to move on. We teach people how to treat us when we allow them to do the hurtful tings they do.

Dump him wtf you know this already girl u better then that

Itā€™s not cheating if you were just dating. The fact that he gose to her every time you fight is a huge red flag. Heā€™s probably been seeing this girl your whole relationship. Run

Take your child and go. Never will change. Sounds like a narcissist

Just because you have his child does not mean you need to be with him. Especially if he is treating you like that and still talking to the side piece. Like no. Rum for the hills.

Think of it this way: if your childā€™s partner was treating them like that and asked youā€¦what would you tell them to do?

Talk to the hand cause the ears donā€™t hear

You need to leave him, he is still cheating on you and he accuses you of doing stuff, because that is what he is doing, he is also trying to control you by isolating you from your friends, things are going to get worse not better, he will carry on cheating and make excuses to blame you for it. You are better than this, and it is not a good environment for your son to grow up in. It might be hard but leave him and donā€™t look back. You will be happier in the long run.


The fact u even have to ask this question gives u your answer #RUN and dnt look back!

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Leave. You know you should run.

None of us is perfect, but if he doesnā€™t at least try to ā€œwalk the walk,ā€ heā€™s not a Christian. Drop him like a hot rock and find someone who treats you with respect.

You can do better !!!There is someone out there who will appreciate you !

Move on and block him, u deserve more and are worth more than that crap

Take your son and GO!!!
You donā€™t deserve to be treated like that and he obviously doesnā€™t deserve you.
Plus if you stay your child will grow up to think that this is what a healthy relationship is and will either model this behavior in their own life or date someone who will ultimately treat them bad.
For you and your child please leave this unhealthy relationship

get the hell out of that situation. , while u can

if you have to ask if you should leave him, then your ass needs too run for the hills and run fast.