Should I stay with my boyfriend?

He sounds like a narcissistic, passive aggressive, little boy. Move on sister…just co parent!

Leave him, he is a plastic christian, as fake as can be… he is toxic, go get the life you deserve for you and your son…

Girl… Go back and read your post. You will find your own answer.


If you’re even asking then you already know the answer lol. Why would you even allow yourself to be an “option”, dump his ass :raised_hands:t2:

What an idiot!! You don’t need advice. You need a therapist.

Self respect. Get it and run with it.

When someone shows you who they really are. Believe them.

That is NOT a Christian man. Leave him

He’s a hypocrite. Leave him and be happy

One word for him=narcissist

You already know the answer

You’re worth way more

Walk away fast :dash:. Now

Btw… he is no Christian.

You already know the answer…:heavy_heart_exclamation:

Why would you stay?? :confused:

Lemme guess, he’s good looking and the sex is awesome.

Know your worth. Life is too short.

He is a narcissistic person. Leave

Why is this even a question


He doesn’t trust u because he’s the one doing the dirt… no u should not stay because what u allow is what will continue…

He sounds like a hypocrite and you deserve better. I would find someone else

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Classic narcissistic twat… run and never look back.

Some of the worst people in the world do things in the name of god ….

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Do you, make a better life for yourself

He didn’t cheat on you while your “first “ dating but when he went to her while you was, you shouldn’t have taken him back the second time

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I think you would do better without him.

You tell him to stop going over there and stop talking to her and if he doesn’t your gonna leave and if he doesn’t do that thin that should tell you who he loves more

Run. He’s still cheating and gaslighting you about it.

Young one - you deserve better- if he’s doing this now - it will never change only get worse.

He is so guilty (and still cheating) that he has to make you feel like you did something wrong .do you really want to live like that …do you really want your child to think that it is ok to cheat and put your spouse down

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Leave leave he’s playing you. He’s only with you till you have a fight then he goes running to his side peice. He doesn’t love you cause if he did he wouldn’t be going to the other female all the time

Go. Do not look back.

He’s playing ya both.
He’s probably doing the same to her. Has her thinking she’s a main and he just goes to you when he’s mad at her…
Girl run. Co parent and move on. Find a partner that’ll honor your worth. Cuz this one ain’t…so time to fire him.:person_shrugging:
Cuz minute my Mr ran back to his ex…he ain’t coming back to me. Cuz that just proves whatever they got going on, isn’t over(even if he says it is)if he can hop back that quick…that door has to be open for him to enter…just saying.:person_shrugging:


Narcissistic human. Leave him

Sounds like he’s projecting onto you because he’s up to no good

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boy bye :wave:t3: make sure the door hits him on the way out.

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He’s a Christian man? Girl no. Just no


girl run get away from that a…hole.sounds horrible and you know you have to get away from him

Why stay with someone who cheats and accuses you of everything they are doing…why live your life unhappy…simple answer is walk away…

Girl no. Don’t walk, RUN. I know you wanna do whats best for your baby, but being with him is NOT whats best. Do what makes you happy, stop trying to please him & walk that tight line.

And you need someone to tell you to drop it and run like ticking bomb. Take a tip from Aretha Franklin RESPECT YOURSELF

If you have to ask…you already know the answer… he is using you …hes getting 2 slices of cake now


No no no. A Christian for one, does NOT act like that. That is just a lame excuse. A Christian would know that it is wrong to cheat, dating or married. A Christian would not point fingers and judge others. A Christian would set good examples for their child. He is treating you VERY wrongly and you need to either set boundaries or leave him. You are NOT in the wrong for that. Go find you someone that treats you like a Queen and not like a dog. He is using you.
I’ll be praying for you. :heart:

Kick that to the curb yesterday done :heavy_check_mark:

If you knew he cheated in the beginning why would you be so stupid and stay with him. I guess you thought you deserved what you got. Self respect

Leave that boy! I say boy because no man would act like that. You deserve someone who wants to be with you and only you

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He’s NOT A CHRISTIAN. He treats you like crap…RUN… away. Your son will grow up to be a good man if you do, but teach him how to respect a woman and love you.

If you don’t want to live with a guy who pretends to be your boyfriend or pretends to be a man of faith, then set yourself free. It’s always harder when a child is involved but please don’t raise your son to see that a behavior like this is acceptable by staying and giving in. If that’s all what he sees when he grows older, there is a good chance he will mimic this behavior because that’s all he ever knew.
Do it for yourself and your child. You don’t lose this guy, he was never committed to you in the first place. By starting over, you give yourself a chance to be treated with love, kindness and respect.
Leaving a relationship is hard, staying is harder. Choose your hard.
I wish you happiness but first you have to wish it for yourself.

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Please leave! He is not a Christian if he doesn’t walk the walk and he isn’t even close! He is very controlling and he’s a narcissist! Get some books and read about what that means and the techniques they use to control. You can Google it! A good one is The Wizard of Oz and other Narcissists.

You do not have to live this way. You already knew he could not be trusted. YOU DESERVE SO MUCH MORE.

Tell him buhbye. I’m sorry but I don’t believe you have to stay with someone just bc you have a kid together

Dump him, you can do better.

Those who abuse are always the ones doing what they’re accusing you of. Kick him to the curb while your son is young enough to be influenced.

Run for the hills girl and dont look back …

Honey, you should leave because he doesn’t deserve you

How come you’re still with him?

get rid of this loser . once a cheat alwaYS VA CHEAT