Should I stay with my boyfriend?

I’d kick him to the curb.

Leave his stupid ass

Get out. Get out now.

No. You deserve better.

Kick his butt to the curb.

Kick his ass to the curb… NOW

cut his pp off then leave


Get out fast , run , you deserve better

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:Go now. Live your life and stop settling :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

I would leave him. That ain’t Christian of him. People like that you cant trust

Get out NOW!! He is not a “christian man” at all. He is a narcissistic lowlife and does not deserve you. He will not change … ever!!


Is this a serious question?! It’s a no brainer :woman_shrugging: GET OUT

No brainer. Dump him.

Break up with him he nit Christian

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I stay with my boyfriend?

I think if the serious question “should I stay with my boyfriend” ever arises, you have your answer.


The only one that can truly decide to go is yourself.
If you feel like that’s the direction you’re heading then trust your gut.
It sounds like he keeps her on the back burner which indicates that he’s not really worried whether or not he has a future with you.
He blames you and doesn’t “trust” you because he knows that he’s in the wrong.
People with a guilty conscience will always accuse you of things that they are doing themselves. ALWAYS!
The best thing he knows how to do is point fingers so it takes the focus off of him about all the crappy things he has done wrong.
Regardless if you guys have a child together, your mental health and happiness are far more important than staying with someone who treats you badly.
Be strong, girlfriend.
You are worth so much more.

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So I don’t know the situation or anything but girl let him walk!!! He’s using you as a security blanket, if he can easily walk away like that, and come back just let him go!!


I would have been gone within the first year before ever had a child with him. I don’t know your situation or what’s going on and I’m sorry you have to share a child with a man like this. He don’t deserve you and clearly you’re not his only one. Seems like he’s just string you along because he knows he can get away with things. Very narcissistic behavior and sounds like he gaslights you a lot. Pack your things and move on with your life find a better man that deserves you and your child


just remember your son is watching you both and learning how to love and be loved. if that’s not what you want for your child’s future then that’s your answer.


Dump his arse. He’s having his cake and eating it too. You don’t deserve to be judged or have your friends judged by someone who goes running to another woman every chance he gets. You need to know you are worth more. And what’s just as important your son needs to know it.


Darling, he’s cheating. I know from experience with my now ex. He cheated and any time I went out with my friends I got the 3rd degree because he felt so insecure in his life by thinking I was cheating, in the end I found him to be the cheat and we finished… he’s sending you red flags there girl take them as your sign to leave you’ll be better off xx

What you see is what you get, what you allow will continue. He has shown you who he is, believe him. You and your child deserve a healthier life. Please be better to you and your child

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He turned the tables on you. Everything is your fault… You do everything wrong… Because it’s easier for him to shift the blame on you than deal with the situation. Plus, if he was a true christian man he would have married you when he found you were pregnant rather than continuing to live in sin. Some people hide behind the church and still live a sinful life. God knows the difference and we will all be judged differently. Remember what your son sees his father doing your son will most likely do too. Do you want him treating his girlfriend or wife like you are being treated? Let that sink in… If you don’t make a decision for yourself… Make it for your son.


I think you know the answer. No amount of any of us telling you to get out is going to work until you’ve had your gut full and get mad enough to leave him for good.

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Girl leave. No one deserves a man like that! Hes trying to make himself feel better by accusing you of things he does

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It’s easy to tell you to get out. However you have to make peace within yourself first. Nobody deserves to be cheated on and/or treated bad. I totally agree your son needs both parents, but do you think this guy is the role model your son deserves. You and your baby deserve a kind, honest person that will love you and him and not use you as a backup or keep a backup so when he’s angry he has someone to go too. He doesn’t have faith in the relationship apparently. Why put your faith in him?

You self worth is more important so you deserve better let him go and move on to better things in life


It’s hard to believe women live with so little self worth. This shouldn’t even be a question.
If not for yourself, leave for your son because he deserves better.

Walk ahead with your son, he will never change!! Believe me ny son was 22 months and i was 3 months pregnant never regretted it, take care

Girl do you really need advice about this?! LEAVE HIM!!! Have more respect for yourself and your child than letting some man run over you like that! Let him go! You can and will do so much better!


Leave it’s better to be alone taking care of yourself and your child more than bullshit drama. I left my husband with my 2 and 5 year olds a year ago but it’s hard at times but I’m better of without him. And days you think things won’t get better but believe it does.

Don’t be with someone just because you have a kid with him.
Your son will eventually see this. You don’t want him to learn this behavior.
Be with someone who treats you right . Think about your kid first and what’s best for him.
And that would be leaving that bf in my opinion


If he keeps going back to her and then yoi have to explain yourself. Sorry girl, but he is in love with her.


He “Doesn’t trust you!!!”…because HE cannot be trusted…Actions speak louder than words with dishonest men. Just watch his behavior and actions. That tells YOU that HE is not being honest. This is a man you cannot trust. Rather than asking the forum if you should stay w/this man, ask yourself… how much are you willing to put up with? And compromise you own standards? The only one who can answer that is you. You have to decide if that behavior is worth it. Do you agree with it? Do you want your son to model that same behavior? Really? Thank your lucky stars you are not married, get up and go start living a happy life!

Your still there?? Girl i hope you left already but if you didnt…why?? He has already shown you his true colors. Im sure you dont want your son growing up like that!!

Wrong wrong wrong. He is so wrong. Girl ask home to sit and pray with u about this situation. Even tell him u guys r going to ur pastor w this situation. Watch him then… I already can see his face. Been there

When he SHOWS you that he does not value your relationship (if that’s what this even is)…believe him. He does not respect you and there is NOTHING Christian about him. He is a narcissist…move on and don’t waste anymore time. You and your child deserve better.


Been there done that. Dump him do 50/50 custody . and move on for your kid . yall deserve better. If you have to question it you already know the answer.

Girl he’s had her and you in a situationship from the get. You say he cheated once in the beginning 3 years ago but runs back to her every time. Well he probably never stopped seeing her to begin with.
The partner meant for you will never make you question how they feel about you.
He sounds like a road block on the way to a blessing and I hope you find the strength to let him go.

I’d say… read your own post again and pretend someone else wrote it and give that someone else advise from third perspective… its clear as running water . It’s right in front of your nose.
Good luck.

You have GOT to put yourself first. Whew, how you got to three years when he started off cheating is beyond me. I was with a “Christian” man who did these things. Do not fall for it hun, they like to use god as a crutch against you to make themselves seem like a good person. That man has no business in your life if he can treat you that way. You are not a puppet that he gets to play mind games with. Let him go to that girl and don’t look back. Protect your peace at all costs. :heart:

That’s a joke…:smiley:. He is just using you and accuses you so he can have a reason to go back to the other person…been through the same situation and don’t have that problem anymore .:smiley:

Girl leave he does not respect your or your relationship at all!

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He is questioning your every move because he is the guilty one. He makes you question your self worth?? Not to be rude…do you blame him?? He called your bluff…he cheated and makes you feel like you need to beg for forgiveness. He does it and will continue to do it…you have shown him he can. It doesn’t matter if he is a Christian man…now sure we all makes mistakes…we should all learn from them, we should forgive them…and you can forgive. But you don’t have to accept. You don’t have to forget. You can forgive and still walk away…that man…does not love you.

Girl!!! Leave! Sounds like a narcissistic ass to me… Coming from someone who spent 7 years with a guy who did the same thing but it was “his best friend”. Please leave! Please leave for your mental health and your babies mental health. You do NOT want your son Thinking this behavior is normal or acceptable!

Obviously you know the answer. People who are in the wrong will always try to pass the blame to you and gaslight you. They’ll make you think you’re crazy. Leave him and move on. You know he’s not worth it that’s why you’re coming here looking for advice.

No you should leave. If he’s cheated and keeps going back to that girl after every little disagreement then leave. You can allow him to see your son but you deserve better.

If he keeps going back to the girl he cheated on you with its time to leave. Not cool.

Been in this situation and all I can say is move on!! You deserve better and he won’t change. My ex that did this ended up marrying the other girl bc she got pregnant and no he cheats on her and tried to cheat on her with me. He’s a dog and you’re too good for that!

Well, he sounds like fun. :slightly_frowning_face: This other gal is really not what you want to focus on, she is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he thinks he can treat you that way. I would walk.

Take time to spend with yourself and son. And someone that treats you right will come along

If he cheats on you every time he gets mad at you… But comes back every time… it isn’t cause he loves you… You don’t do all that when you love someone… He knows you’ll always be there to take him back. He’s teaching his son, to treat women that way. And grow up to be just like him. You really want that for your child?

You know the answer, get out he will not change and his accusing you is his way of making you feel like you did something wrong when it’s him going back to his ex, but as long as you take his abuse he will keep doing the same thing. It’s time to cut him out.

You need to move on he has no respect for you at all.

He should of been gone hen he cgeat d at the beginning… Pointing the finger and blaming everything on you is a way to try to distract you from having m cheating…u believe he still is

It says in the Bible “ By their work will you know they are My disciples”. Also “by their actions you will know them”. I let God be the final judge of a person’s heart but I’m sorry I would advise walking away. He is accusing you of what He is guilty of.

First off if he was a real Christian man he never would have cheated in the first place. So he’s not a Christian. As far as everything else goes. I am a Christian and believe that people can change through prayer and if they want to change. That being said if this has been happening for 3 years I’d say the best option would be to leave. He doesn’t sound like a good person. Tho if you can make it work I say give it a try. I don’t know the whole situation and I’m not saying just leave. Just definitely think about it and if you aren’t happy and he’s not willing to change then I think you know what you need to do

Leave him. Everytime you fight he goes to her? That means he’s not fully committed and probably sees her on the side even when you’re not fighting.

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He clearly doesn’t love you if he’s running back to her everytime things get bad .
He tells you he don’t love her but what is he telling her about you when he’s running to her?

Seems from what you wrote, he maintains his relationship with her, regardless. He has lost respect for you.

I mean if you’re having too ask a bunch of strangers this question its probably time too go. I hope everything works out for you and your little.:heart:

If he’s accusing you of screwing around, and you’re not, let him walk!! He’s guilty and taking it out on you.

GET RID OF HIM ! He’s NO good, plus he might give you a disease! He accuses you because hes the one doing it. Don’t be used! Move on with your life you deserve better.

Omg get away from him! :person_facepalming: A Christian man does not behave like this. He’s still cheating on you. Don’t you & your child deserve better?

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What, screw that No way, the sooner you leave the happier you’ll be, and you’ll realized you should have done it a long time ago

He comes back and doesn’t trust YOU? He is the cheater. You have got to let him go. If he is a “christian”(I was brought up with this faith) he should know better and the Bible even states that sexual immorality is grounds for divorce(or the breaking off of a relationship) in Matthew 5:32, and 9:19. Leaving scripture and religion out of the equation, you deserve better. It’s hard to walk after investing time and a child together, but you will see over time how much better off you are. I have lived this. Blessings to you and hoping the best.

Why you even asking you know you should leave. Hell you know you should have left a while ago. Just do it already.

If he keeps going back to her every time y’all struggle she’s been there the whole time.

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You are better off with out him.

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Baby girl you gotta let him go. I know it’s hard and you love him. But just posting this you know it’s over.

DUMP HIM! These qualities are dealin breakers and promise a lifetime of heartache and misery! No question!

Tell me you with a Narcisist without telling me you with a Narcisist…

RUN!!!..better yet, dissapear from his life, because coparenting with a narc is a losing battle…RUN!!!

He is NOT a Christian man. Leave, girl.

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Leave him. Once a cheat always a cheat. No excuse to go running back to her.

Leave and live your best life for you and your child.

sis leave dat man alone, for u and ur baby well being!

He’s accusing you and being controlling because he’s unruly and disrespectful to your wishes.

You need you leave for yours and your sons mental health.

Once a lier and cheater! Always will be a lier and cheater. They would never cheat in the frist place if they really loved you! Worthless is worthless! Love dont hurt ladies😍A real man provides…not goes out to hurt. Take it from someone who has been there. Don’t need a man for happiness are live life to its fullest.

Can’t believe you even need to ask the “shall I stay” question :raising_hand_woman:

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If you need to ask then you already know the answer, run!

I don’t think that’s what “Christian man” means. And he’s gonna keep doing this hurtful stuff as long as you let him. Put him out. Go to court for child support and a visitation schedule. Be the grown up.

Girl leave and know yourself worth and leave

Church attendance does not a christian make !

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Leave :woozy_face: and DONt go back.

Drop that zero and get you a hero!:100::+1::rage::grin:

Run as fast as you can!

What in the world. Leave that boy

Don’t be silly… the answer is no… dump him…

Time to thin the herd…

Leave, leave now. He does not trust or value you. Don’t let a man make you question your own self worth. He is toxic…

Sounds like you already know the answer… you don’t need our permission.

You know the answer just do it🤷🏼‍♀️

That’s called a narcissist. Run.

You need to get out of that relationship. He’s toxic.

Lmao why would you even need advice about this? I think you know the answer you just don’t wanna accept it and we can’t give you advice when you already know the right thing to do and just don’t wanna do it. :woman_facepalming:t4: like wtf grow up and make the decision for yourself that you and your son deserve better, or stfu on social media. You choose to stay and put up with that shit

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Actions often speak louder than words. He is a prick. I’m all for giving a second chance, but he’s out of line and you’re teaching you kid how a woman should be treated.
If you’re going to lay there and let him walk all over you, you can’t complain about being his doormat.

“He is a Christian man”….

Honey, a real Christian man doesn’t treat people like a doormat… Let him go & be done. You deserve way more than that & your son doesn’t deserve to see you in that environment.