Should I take guardianship of these kids?

They need to move asap. If she doesn’t want her children have her dignity them over to you. Either way they need to go. What a cushy life they have.

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Aside from things are the kids being treated poorly or are they just missing school. If the kids are in good health and being taken care of well th n you should just mind your business. I understand the frustration and the fact that school is important as well as being seen by a Dr, kids need physicals at least once a year but to go as far as taking custody thats to far for me, talk to her try to make her understand that the kids need their education and that if the authorities were to find out the kids arent in school that her and the boyfriend could possibly do jail time. I say sit both of them down and explain it to them

I would get something done forsure

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Not sure about all states but in my state is illegal to not have your kids enrolled and going to some type of school(public, private, virtual, homeschool). So I would at least file a report and let them know that your willing to take on guardianship.

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If something doesn’t happen about the kids not being in school i’m sure the state will step in. I would definitely do something because obviously their mom isn’t caring right now. Maybe she’ll step up once you intervene.

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It’s hard to believe they’ve been there for 2 years going on two years and you didn’t know they wasn’t in school and wasn’t going to the doctor until now something don’t even sound right


You can’t just take guardianship. But you can call Dept of social services and let them know they haven’t seen Dr or been enrolled in school. You can also offer an eviction which takes time and obviously difficult because you are related to said children. Take control where you are allowed and let it go where you cant


She’s neglecting them. Go for it.

I’d call cps and file for emergency custody. Boot them the fuck out if your house too.

If you do nothing at all, and does gets wind off the situation, you can be in terrible a well and possibly have your kids taken too because you are an adult in the house that did noting about it. Yes, I know they aren’t your kids but they are in your home. I would definitely take guardianship if at all possible. If their parents try to fight you on it, report them yourself and explain you just found out as you did in your post.


First I would take a day off and drag her behind along with the kids to the school, sit with her and make sure she applies for public assistance if for nothing else than health insurance for those kids and
Go from there. You can viewed as just as bad as she is because they live in your house and while not your responsibility it still looks as though you contribute to the neglect by claiming ignorance

Either she does it, you do it, or the state does it.


Give her a warning shot. Get your kids in school and to the doctor’s office or I will and you and your man can go elsewhere!

I would first maybe give her a firm deadline to enroll them by. If they don’t go once they’re enrolled then the school will step in for truancy. Do the kids have a doctor?

You could ask her for power of attorney. That would allow you to enroll them in school and take to dr. A guardianship is harder to get and will put their parental rights on hold.

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i mean they dont really have to go to a doctor. my mom rarely took us except for the vaccine checkups for school lol
but i mean in my state all kids need to be in some form of school by age 6 so you may need to look into that and let her know what shes doing is neglect. :grimacing:


You need to report this to the authorities. Maybe you will end up with guardianship, but you can’t just “take them”
It has to go through the authorities


if you’re that worried call DCs. They will handle all of that. Before you do, think about this, can I watch them, will I be there for them when they are ripped away from their parents and need intensive in home therapy,. Cause it sounds like you work a lot. When kids are removed from parents you will have doc appointment s about every week , 3 visits a week from therapist. , and school.

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I would absolutely report this. Those kids are being neglected :pensive:


All dfys report it. And then take over them

Go to school n doc get paperwork for sister to fill out in front of you gather everything needed take her to the school and doc office have u as 1st emergency contact for the babies. If she does not do that then have a paper typed up or court docs stating you are taking guardianship over kids and have her sign.

Honestly last resort even though I do not agree with CPS they do help work with family and can be a wake up call… again last resort is them.

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Maybe sit down with her and have an actual conversation. No accusations, no blaming, no criticizing. There may be a reason why she is doing what she is doing. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, I’m saying have a conversation before you try and take her kids away.


Maybe start with seeing if your sister would like help getting them enrolled in school.


Kick her ass to the curb if her boyfriend works they can get their own place or live in the streets and state will take them ! And they will be put in a school !!! They a mother they need an advocate

You can’t just take guardianship of someone’s kids it’s not that simple. You can ask her for permission to enroll then and she can sign papers for you etc but taking guardianship, especially without her consent, means proving her an unfit parent and is a huge deal plus a court battle. They’ll give her plenty of chances to fix the situation before handing over guardianship and you’ll likely ruin any relationship with your sister. Not to mention there’s no guarantee you’d receive custody, they could end up in the system.

Have you actually talked to her about these issues and offered to help or have you only asked questions regarding it?


Well you need to report her bc these kids are going to have a hard time in school…and she must have something to hide if not putting in school or taking to a doctor. You need to call DSS and report bc you are just as guilty and bc you live in the same house you can get in trouble too and could take your kids…I would sit her down and talk to her and let her know what you going to do if she doesn’t get them in school it is against the law not to have them in some kind of school…


Do something, those kids deserve an education and to be able to go to the Dr. when they need to as well as yearly check ups!

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Put the parents out and keep the kids

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That’s their future she’s messing with. The dr I wouldn’t really push if they’re healthy. I HATE taking my kids to the dr but I’m in there every week with at least one of them​:weary::unamused: but schoool is very important and tbh school is my brake time so THEY GOTTA GO :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It is neglect and you also can get in trouble knowing what is not being done for those children. You are already guilty for not reporting it .


I’m a bit confused…how do you know they are not enrolled virtually? A lot of kids are right now. As for the doctor, I’d think there needs to be a medical need to visit the doctor. Like vaccinations or they are ill. I would say be sure you have all the facts before jumping to conclusions and making accusations. Doing so could have significant consequences for you, your relationship with your sister and especially the kids. If this is a matter of your sister not doing the same kind of mom things you do then that’s her decision. Ask her to join you or something… Just be compassionate if reasonable.


Ask her for guardianship so u can enroll kids and such. She can go to jail for not putting them in school.Its called neglect


You can’t just take guardianship. Just because her kids don’t go to public school or the Drs doesn’t make her unfit. I homeschool my son and work a full time job. My son has only been to the dr once in the last yr and that was for his 6 yr well child check up. Do you know for a fact they aren’t doing virtual school?


Have the police deal with it or school district


She would still have to sign for you to have guirdinship i mean have they had any reasons to go to the doctors seen, as you only go wen ya need to so I wouldn’t say that’s anything wrong the schooling is thou

This is child neglect and if anyone gets wind of this then cps will be called and the kids could be taken away. You need to get guardianship of those kids and kick your sister out


This is not your responsibility. Call CPS and kick them out. You have to take care of you and yours and this would be an unending fight with family.

you obviously have concerns other than the schooling or doctor - for reasons you wont state - so something bigger may be happening


You can’t just take the kids and get guardianship. First, the mother lives with you, so you need to either ask her to sign over custody of the kids willingly or, you will then seek legal action and report her to cps… mind, again, she lives with you. Once you notify cps, they will come into your home and probably look at your kids too bc not getting them an education and health care is neglect. Either way, you can’t just get guardianship that easily.


You just can’t up and take guardianship of them unless she agrees to it. You need to contact a “family law” attorney and go from there. Btw the yearly physical is important but school is more. They need schooling whether it’s home, virtual or in person… period!!!

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Report her!!! I bet it gets her moving, and if it doesn’t CPS will give you custody, the you kick her out!! What is she doing all day that she can’t enroll her kids in school and get them to the doctors?

You should really take the advice given above. You could get in serious trouble for not reporting it being that you live there as well. If you are 100% positive that they aren’t doing virtual, you are not wrong to call. Those poor babies. Seven and has never been to school? My four year old goes to school five days a week. That’s the biggest part I’m having trouble wrapping my head around… A mother not wanting the best for her children and one way of doing that is making sure they get a proper education and learn social skills and communication… If you’re not positive, you need to get positive and fast because those babies deserve better!!!

So my husband got custody of his 2 youngest… they was supposedly doing homeschool. come to find out daughter was lying for mom saying they was enrolled in home school in another state (Mom was hiding out of State with kids and got caught selling to undercover in school/church lot, cps took kids that’s how we gained Custody)
We took son to enroll in School (5th grade) his son enrolled in Kindergarten and NOTHING ELSE EVER!!! They was trying to arrest my husband for failure to send!!!? Said son was educationally handicap
My step son Hated me and school because we had to play CATCH-UP for 2,whole years of in and after school tutoring and ALL KINDS OF EXTRA WORK EVERYDAY!!! DO SOMETHING FOR THOSE KIDS!!! Give your sister the ultimaton that she has 2weeks to get them IN SCHOOL AND DRS APPT. Or you have NO CHOICE but either take custody or REPORT TO CPS!!!


Report it or you are just as guilty as them. This is those poor kids education and future. How terrible and heartbreaking

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What does child services say about this? And aren’t they truant?

Well, their really isn’t any reason to go to a doctors if nothing is wrong. My kids are 4 & 7. It’s been at least 2-3 years since they went as they haven’t needed to. But, school… that’s a different story. They need to be enrolled!


Call CPS. She can’t do that. You can’t just not sign your kids up for some form of school & not take them for check ups.


U let a family live with you since September and didnt know they werent in school? BS ! And u just cant take guardianship over someones kids their is a process but if they havent ever been to doc or school in anyway your just as wrong for not reporting it


Get custody of the kids and kick out your sister and her bf

What I don’t understand is in my state where I live if a child hasn’t been to school the school will call cps.


Are they addicts or just lazy? This isn’t right,those kids need to be in school. Cps would need to come in,assess and then you over guardianship with them. This is family, but the children have needs and it doesn’t sound like anyone is providing them.

How many hours does the BF work? If he’s working 12 hours or more I’d come home and sleep too. What happens to the money he makes? Is he the father of the children?

Have you popped in during the day to see what’s going on with the kids? Are they watching junk on TV or playing video games all day? Or are they learning online, doing science in the kitchen, or watching educational programs? We’re they ever enrolled in school or registered as being home schooled?

Are they paying rent? Doing household chores? Are you jealous your sister gets to stay home with her kids and you didn’t? Why haven’t you contacted the school district first?

Did your sister have some sort of trauma? Is she depressed? Can she get into therapy? Do the kids, your sister and the BF have medical insurance? Are they eligible for Medicaid? Is it a cost thing that they don’t go to the doctor? Are her kids clean, clothed and well fed? That’s what child protective services looks for.

Is your sis afraid of exposing the kids to COVID? Is everyone eligible vaccinated and boosted? Have the kids had their other vaccinations (MMR, DPT, etc.)?


Talk to authority. Tell them they need to get out on their own.

You can help without do all of that…if that is your true intention. Go to the appropriate school and get the enrollment packet. Fill it out and have her sign off on the applications. Take everything back and make her and the kids go with you. For the dr, same thing. Its called a consent to treat minor form. Get one for each and do the same process.
It sounds like you’re doing a lot already and she absolutely needs motivation to do daily tasks. Good luck auntie.


She’s neglecting her kids so yes you need to get guardianship of them but if you call CPS you’re opening yourself up to possibly having all the children removed from the home including yours do not trust CPS


You would need to go to court to ask for guardianship. She would have to show the kids are virtual or signed up for being homeschooled with the state and if she cannot then she can actually go to jail for that which in turn can actually put you in trouble for knowing because they live in the home with you. Maybe give your sister an ultimatum to put them in school or face jail time and loss of the kids. I know it sucks but sometimes you have to show tough love especially to those closest to you.

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Find out if there’s something going on with your sister. Is she depressed and it’s spilling over to the kids as to why she isn’t more proactive in their upbringing? Even if you take guardianship, are you going to take the time off work to get those kids to school and be there when they get home or arrange for day care? Are you going to be the one helping them with their homework? If your sister is in no condition to care for those kids and their schooling and health right now, she certainly won’t be if they need help with school things, and then that will be up to you. Does she make sure they’re fed, or is that left up to you now as well? Bathed? To bed on time? This might go deeper than just not making sure they’re schooled.

Why you sit here make a post about your sister you are just as guilty. U never sit and ask the 7 year old what they learned. You never interact with these kids they live in your house! Gtfo here. Your not making this post about the kids but to get sympathy. Get off your rear if you really care. And start by reporting YOUR SISTER. Then take action to get custody if the situation presents itself. You either wanna fulfill the parent role or you don’t. If not report it let cps handle it.


Just because she’s not raising her children like you doesn’t mean that she doing anything wrong, FYI just because kids have after school activities does not mean they won’t do drugs or get into trouble, there are alot more drugs in these so call sports then anywhere else


in my state, if kids don’t go to school it’s called truancy & the parents face jail time and fines


I don’t think you qualify for guardianship if you didn’t even realize 3 kids in your home don’t go to school or the doctor. You are enabling, though, and that’s garbage.


Sit her down and tell her this - tell her! If she is not gonna grow up and look after her babies the way they deserve, then you’re legally taking them!

if you think your capable of doing that, talk with her or give her an ultimatum things have got to change what kind of mother would deny their children an education and the right to see a doctor

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Report her. IF it is found that the parents are unfit THEN get custody. There is a process you can’t just take the kids. Also they’ve been with you since 2020? You haven’t noticed in almost 2 years they aren’t at school. This isn’t the whole story. Maybe none of you should have the kids


Firstly, those kids have missed nearly a YEAR of school! By age 7 in the states by law they have to be registered. These poor kids are being horribly neglected including medically. It’s also shocking you, nor the other children in the home had any idea until now. The kids absolutely need a new guardian at this point. They’re suffering, and no one even noticed for months :pensive:


That’s neglect so get guardianship asap

First of all yes guardianship it’s against the law to keep kids out of school .if it’s online it’s obvious but the parents could go to jail . You must be the responsible one in this situation

They need to move out and you need to call social services and let them decide. They need someone attentive and you having no idea about this means that person isn’t you. I don’t buy you didn’t know til the cameras. Kids talk about school. Cannot stop them from talking about school. And you were there for your own to go and never one single time noticed they were never up getting ready or signing in? Cmon man.


Are the kids being homeschooled and you just are unaware???

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Throw you looser sister and the useless pile of crap she has as a partner out to begin. Get assistance from Child Protection Services for the children. If they agree you should have them, fine. But do not go alone. Oh, by the way, quit enabling them!!!

If you’re in Nz , enroll those babies into school. I just enrolled my sister into high school without being either of her parents xx good luck mama , I hope your sister can see it as help.


First you don’t just get to decide your taking the kids and boom you take them. You need to report them to child services and then if they are taken you will have to kick your sister and bf out bc you wouldn’t be able to foster them while living with her. As far as the Dr goes have they been sick if not that is not neglect. Should they have a check up yearly ya probably but I have skipped a few well check up bc my kids are healthy but that don’t make me a bad parent. Now not being in school will get her in trouble but doubtful she will lose the children they will probably say enroll or we will file charges. How do you know they are not virtual learning? I just ask bc this is going to ruin your relationship with your sister so make sure it is 100% worth it and you have all facts straight before calling.

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I’m confused as to how you haven’t noticed they weren’t going to school for a year? You can’t just take guardianship over someone else’s children without getting child services involved and even then it is a process. However they can step in and it may make your sister step up and get them enrolled in school and to the doctor.

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Usually I would mind my business but because kids are involved I would definitely take Guardianship and get those kids enrolled in school

You should ask them to find their own place to live. This isn’t really your business and you don’t have any right to have a say in how they choose to raise their children.
You need to separate yourself.

Hear me out… so where I live, if you chose virtual, it is kinda like Penn Foster… through a 3rd party and you can go at your own pace as long as you sign in daily. I’m not saying they are or not in school. I’m just saying that we were given that option last year towards the end of the year and many parents love it because of the convenience. Or the kids could just be enrolled into Penn Foster. My 18 year old is and loves it. Even though you pushed your sister further, doesn’t mean she is telling you the what you think is going on. My family asks about my kids all the time BUT I’m that blunt one to tell them “None of your f**king business”.


You sound like you just trying to get a paycheck for those kids. And you wouldn’t have to go to work while they wouldn’t have to go to school. HA!

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Definitely step in n take guardianship! Did u ask ur sister y she doesn’t take them ? Maybe she might need help? Sometimes people with mental health can shut off n not want to do anything but definitely do right by those kids if u can x

All of saying these kids are being neglected don’t know what neglect is. Dr visits and vaccines are not required. Even public school isn’t required. Neglect would be not feeding or bathing your children. You can’t just take someone else’s children because you don’t like how they are being raised. I have a friend who just had her 5th home birth. They have never seen a Dr nor do they vaccinate. They homeschool. And guess what these kids are the happiest and healthiest kids I know. Stop letting the Govt tell you how to raise your children! Raise yours and I’ll raise mine.


Get CPS involved. I hate to say that but not getting an education is going to ruin their life. Please don’t look the other way. Most likely CPS would force the mom to put them in school and have an open investigation and not immediately do anything so drastic as removing them from the home.

You can’t just take guardianship. She has to be found negligent or abusive. Then you might be rewarded as foster parent. Becareful though. If you call CPS she can run. Then you won’t see the kids again.


Have you talked to your sister about this? She’s living with you I think you should talk asap so those children can get into school!

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Shouldn’t this be about helping your sister, not stabbing her in the back? You need to talk to her about how you feel, not run behind her back and do things like you are talking about! And how do you really know that she’s not doing virtual schooling? Some schools are still doing that! I’m confused why anyone would jump all the way to taking someone’s kids from them instead of first trying to help! This is your sister, not some stranger so why can’t you talk to her and find out then help? UGH!!!


I think the sister needs to see a dr too. Make sure you can’t be held liable if you don’t report it. Is there any more forms of abuse going on?

I would tell her if she’s not going to do what’s right with the kids she can’t live there… and worse case you will take guardianship if it goes that far. You can’t just TAKE guardianship unless children and youth get involved or she voluntarily gives them to you but being she’s living there I would just tell her your house your rules that what’s best for the kids comes first and she better get a job too.

Be very weary getting children and youth involved… they will get into your life too. They’re a pain and hard to get rid of believe me I’ve been through it.

You cant just take it. Sooooo

Isn’t it a LAW that kids be in school wether online or in person? I know where I live it is… you can get fined and have your kids taken away.


You have to be awarded guardianship you can’t just take it

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Talk to your sister about this one on one, ask her if she needs help maybe she doesn’t know the next steps or is embarrassed because it’s been so long. Is she suffering from something? Off work due to disability or mental illness. I know it’s hard to try to get them to understand the importance of school and just regular check ups but I would start with her first before getting ahead on guardianship

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This is neglect in my opinion if she is in fact not educating her children. Virtual and homeschooling would count as educating but if these are not happening then she is failing as a parent. I’m surprised she hasn’t gotten charged for truancy. Contact child protective services and go from there. Is she taking care of them otherwise? If not, then yes guardianship is advisable. I would consider talking to her and doing some research about what she tells you before you go to drastic measures. To be honest, I do not take my son to the doctor unless he is sick/hurt or for his wellness checks for shots and school physicals so her not taking them isn’t too concerning unless they needed to go and she failed to do so. How is she with them when you’re around? Does she feed them properly? Provide clothing? How does she keep the house when your gone? All those answers should guide you in making the best decision for your nieces and nephews.


I can tell you this from personal experience if you took guardianship of the kids her and her boyfriend cannot live with you so are you willing to take her kids and kick her out with nowhere else to go and if so then yes you take those babies and you get them in school and you get them to the doctor


Tell you will take guardian ship and they need to move out give her a ultimatum

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That’s awful- I would def talk to her maybe she’s terrified of covid and having a mental block herself- I do think this requires addressing and since they are living with you, it must be addressed. How does that even work- did they go to school last year?

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Its not a legal requirement to send your children to school or follow the curriculum if you home school. They are not required to sit exams.
Can the children read, write and count. Does mom teach them other things…cooking, shopping etc…these are educational too.
You should of course be registered with a local Dr but its not necessary to attend appointments if you’re not sick and vaccines are not compulsory
Id be looking for more info before reporting her anywhere tbh.


You need to do something because if cps is called it can affect you too . I know a lady who let her daughter live with someone and when cps was called they took her child too and didn’t give her back to her ! She ended up in the system simply because she had no one to go to !!

How has truancy not been brought up? My 15 year old fights me to go to school and they jump in my life instantly.

Who cares if she is your sister! Someone needs to step up for those kids period! I think you know the right thing to do and if she gets mad she’ll get over it! Those kids deserve better!


Take her to court!! They will grant you guardian ship.

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I think she has untreated postpartum depression. I would talk to her and let her know she isnt alone. I’m a stay at home mom and have had it myself and then got better then I now am dealing with major depressive and panic disorder due to the loss of self, loneliness, lack of appreciation and no self worth part that comes with being a stay at home mom longer term. Don’t get me wrong I love my children and I’m grateful I’ve got to be here for every milestone and moment some parents miss out on. But it sucks to not have a voice if your unlucky to have a partner who believes since they work and they bring in money that you are just some sort of slave to everything else in your lives. I’ve worked and I’ve been a stay at home mom and I’ll tell you that working is the easier Deal here because of the feeling of having purpose and being the reason your family has the things they do instead of washing dishes you didn’t pay for, eating food tou didn’t pay for, wiping your ass with toilet paper you didn’t pay for, your not the reason your kid has anything she was so happy to get your not the reason they have a roof over their heads your not the reason they have anything and your not even able to put on a pair of pants you bought yourself which matters so much when your partner is being a douch and is helping you feel the way you do. I’d just talk to her. Postpartum depression mixed with what I’m going through leaves me seeing how someone could be taking the path she is walking down. Because if there is no signs of abuse and the kids are happy, fed and she shows them support and love and comforts them when they need to be comforted then I assure you this is happening because she is depressed and feels alone even if she isn’t willing to admit it right away keep going to her because it’s hard to trust that anyone cares when you have yourself convinced no one does