Should I take guardianship of these kids?

Get guardianship and do what’s right for the kids

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Just remember if you take guardianship you will be responsible for them in every way

Take your sister to court for the wellbeing of those kids and kick her and her man to the curb. Seriously!

Young one - tell her what you want to do. Tell her that right now she is neglecting her children. This is only going to make them farther behind. If school finds out - you are going to get a visit - you and her may not be ready to handle. If you noticed you can bet others have to.


Call cps get guardianship and kick the adults out!

bs they’ve lived in your house and you don’t now they weren’t going to school


There’s bits and pieces missing here that some commenters mentioned


They could be considered truent

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If you feel like they havent been to the doctor for a reason that’s a red flag. That sounds like torture they aernt getting to socialize, learn or anything. Stand up for those babies

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Why are they living with you? Do they pay rent? Give them an ultimatum that kids go to school and doctor or they can find new place to live

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There is a process. You can’t just walk into court and file for guardianship. If the kids have previously been registered for school, and they’re not attending, it can lead to legal consequences and police involvement for your sister. With them moving school districts though, it may not be caught.

Taking guardianship of those kids isn’t a temporary thing either. You will be the one responsible for them. Yes, they will have their mother and father, but it gets complicated.

I would start with some phone calls, just to see what the process, consequences and complications are going to be.

Call CPS as well. If the children haven’t been to the doctor, and you have an “idea” of why, sounds like something that needs to be reported! After calls and documentation, then petition the courts for guardianship.


If you’re prepared for it. It’s not like it has to be forever. The mother should have time to get her act together. You’re probably going to have to make the mother leave too. Sister or not she’s lucky to even have you to have a roof over her head. Good luck. Either way someone need to be invovled to step up for these kids.


Yes absolutely hire a lawyer and file. And make the mom and dad gtfo


To be honest I would call cps on her. Cps could help you do all that or maybe it would get her moving.


Take care of those babies .

There’s bits and pieces missing from this story. These kids NEED to be in school!


She may be hiding from cps. There may be an investigation open already from where ever she was living. Lots of times ppl will flee . If u register them for school they know exactly where u are. There is a reason she’s keeping them home. Once u leave a district u have 10 days to enroll or truancy officers r sent out for the older ones. My mom was one. Most times they won’t even allow u to withdrawl them without the other school requesting their records. U ha e to have them in homeschooling or another district . Each state has their own laws. I had to provide a statement from my homeschool before I could even withdrawl. Something is going on here


Take a day off work and make sure she does everything in the one day and tell her if she’s not going to abide by your house rules she and the boyfriend have to leave and you will take guardianship of the kiddos


Do what is best for the kids.


Unless there’s pressing need for a doctor I don’t take mine since covid, no need to expose them to illness for a wellness check if they’re well. I also won’t enroll my youngest in school with our county mandates.
To take guardianship is drastically over the top. If you’re that concerned, reports to authorities are warranted not taking your sisters kids. Investigation always precedes removal from the parents, always! One step at a time


You are assuming they are not going to school when they can be enrolled in school virtually! You even said your “not aware”because your out all day with your own kids… your assuming you have it all figured out from a camera.

If her kids don’t need to go to the doctor there’s no point in going to the dr because they are healthy.


Taking guardianship isn’t as simple as that. But you might want to start with filing a CPS report, they are likely to place the kids with a relative whole the parents get their act together temporarily.


There’s definitely something more going on but regardless she’s not doing right by the kids, at all. I would contact an attorney before contacting anyone else. I’d be afraid she would take them and run if you called cps first.


You can’t just take guardianship… If you’re concerned about the schooling and welfare contact Child Services…


no matter what the kids come first… report her to cps and get the ball rolling… she’ll either get her shit together or lose her kids

Are ya going to kick the sister out and take guardianship? Are they going to willing hand over guardianship?
I took guardianship of my sister my mom had her on the road trucking with a sex offender and that was hard to get guardianship.
Good luck!
If you contact CPS expect them to also investigate you and your children.

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Absolutely, it sounds like the kids need someone who is a functioning adult to care for them. Best of luck to you and these kiddos.


Do what’s best for the kids. Doing nothing makes you as guilty


Call school and report her if she doesn’t go to school with you to register them. This is horrible!


First of all you cant just TAKE anything​:woman_facepalming::roll_eyes: So theres that and how can you not know these kids are doing any type of schooling…they live in your home…dont you ever even talk to them.All i can say is maybe tell your sister its time to go on ahead and move out because instead of trying to help her ect you trying to take her kids.


My children only go to the doctor when and if needed, a well check once a year is more than enough unless it’s needed. Even before Covid.

Yes many schools are still offering full virtual.

My county has a full virtual that will continue long past the distance learning.

Many state don’t require school until 7 if I went my this my child could start at age 8 based off his birthday if I wanted to wait that late


You can’t just take anything, there’s a process. So don’t get all high and mighty.
2nd, you need to tell her to get them kids on school or she’s gonna get into serious trouble.
3rd why do they need to constantly go to the doctor? That’s how you end up with a hypochondriac


Contact CPS immediately if you know for a fact they aren’t in school or if she isn’t doing any homeschooling.


Why would you even have to ask, but the answer is yes! Kids come first always!!


I’d say call a lawyer first and see your options. Be sure this is what you want to do. Remember you’ll be their legal guardian so everything will be your responsibility. If they decide to get up and leave. It’s obvious you love and care for these children. If it were me, I’d take guardianship.

Keep your nose clean and get off your high horse. Are the kids safe and happy? Your sister is probably keeping them home to keep them safe. With this pandemic I say good for her. You don’t know what she’s doing during the day. Maybe she is home schooling. Look after your own and let her look after hers


no do not take guardianship of her kids! who ever told you that has control issues and is probably an only child.

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Most definitely, go for guardianship! It is a comex process but it is worth it in the end. I went through this with my eldest (step) step daughter (I know it is a little different situation but either her bio mom or dad) cuz they can’t stay clean. Make sure you look into your options contact the county where you live so see what programs are available.


Get facts first. Ask the kids if they are doing online classes or not. Just bc noved in with you doesnt mean they automatically changed schools. May be finishing out the year at old school virtually. 2nd…why do these kids need to go to the dr? If not sick and up to date on vaccines…they are fine. As long as healthy and happy…sounds normal for kids to be at home a lot during a pandemic. Sheesh. Worst thing can do during a pandemic is go to a drs office full of germs. Unless have proof the kids are unhappy or abused,then i would leave them alone.


I don’t know where you live, so not too sure whether you can just take guardianship of these kids without a court order, But if there is some sort of child services where you live call them up & tell them just what you stated here. But unless the kids are being abused, you really don’t have much leg to stand on, I would ask if the kids are clean, healthy & happy.??? If not, call the services up, if not, just mind your own business

Sending kids to school isn’t mandatory, it’s a choice. Same as doctor’s. Schools and doctors are mandatory reporters of abuse and neglect. Maybe there is a past with either or both? Sounds like she’s/he’s avoiding something you don’t know about?


Depending on the state. In Florida with a simple signed and notarized letter from the parents stating (Jane doe)will be caring for child she could have full access to getting the kids to and from school, BUT in the schools eyes (Jane Doe) will be completely responsible for the kids attendance and academics. Unfortunately this is 1st hand experience and that was all that was required by the school for my brother to take over my care. Not sure if this helps… But the other commenters are correct it not so simple to take guardianship of her children.

Good luck :crossed_fingers: prayers it works out for both of you equally

P. S

If her children are not attending school in any form FL has truancy officers that actually go to where the children are ( if locate is known and take them from the mother. Again 1st hand experience. My mother’s wasn’t sending my siblings and I to school (no legit reason) so truancy officers came out took my brothers and I away and told my mother she need to contact SS to get us back. The officer explained to my brothers and I because we were upset and crying that we did nothing wrong and our mom should have taken better care of us and gotten us to school. We were then deposited to juvie until pickup.

if they are in the US that is not true - it’s the law for children to get an education. Compulsory Education Law.
I’d contact a lawyer, many do free consultations. See what they recommend. Document everything that is said by everyone in case you have to file for guardianship. Since it is your home and you have children too; you don’t want to get into trouble too.


It’s very hard to take guardianship of kids I suggest you call CpS

What about the father registering them for school and making sure that they are going to doctor. Of course want a written letter that he did these things. Then if they don’t do it turn them without them knowing you. Or they might take off with the kids.

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I would report her to the school. They will see to the rest.


You can’t just randomly take guardianship of kids there has to be more reasons than schooling


You contact a lawyer and do what they say. If she’s neglecting their education what else is she neglecting? Is she feeding the kids are they receiving medical care…. Seriously get with a lawyer and possibly CPS. They will step in if there’s no education happening.

Educational neglect and negligence at its finest… what the heck did I just read… act accordingly and help the kids someone has to stand up and do the right thing


Inform school…it’s called truancy if they are not enrolled in school.


I would suggest you get a lawyer. Because of the fact they are living in your house you may considered an accessory and now having known the issue you may also be held liable.


It amazes me that you think you can just take these kids away from their parents so easily. You don’t just wake up and take custody of kids like that unless something extremely serious happens or the parents make that legal decision. Why not ask her if she needs help with getting the kids in school or looking into the different options offered. Maybe she is overwhelmed because covid has made sending kids to school a hard decision for many parents. As for the Dr… Unless anything is wrong with the kids it’s not a MANDATORY thing to take them to the Dr that often. The youngest most likely already had his shots and the older two would be good until 7th grade.


U are jeopardizing your children since your nieces/nephews are in educational & medical neglect…. This is your home & your children is under that roof as well as your nieces/nephews. Get CPS involved so u don’t jeopardize your children!!!


She won’t just hand over guardianship, they would most likely have to be reported to CPS and it will be granted by court.


Would report her to child services


I’ve heard if you see and know a child is being neglected! Are abused! And you don’t report it you can be held accountable in some kind of way


I would report her to CPS. Evict the sister and husband and offer to take the kids. Kids need more than just someone in the house. Sadly they are being neglected and you gave the father a chance to fix it. He should have put his foot down


Hi. I would have a sit down with her. Ask her if she needs help. You have to talk in a non judgmental way to her. She may want you to help. It’s just that you can’t be busy or controlling. In order to get guardianship, you would have to get the state envolved. They would decide if she is unfit. Obviously, the kids need help.
Is your sister mentally I’ll? Is she on drugs? Why aren’t they in school? Were they homeless or moved around a lot? Tell her she had to comes 100% clean with you about what has gone on. Tell her that she could go to jail. It is law that kids go to school. I would work with her as much as possible and get them enrolled in school. Help her figure it out.


Time to call a lawyer, get the kids legally under your care and show your sister and boyfriend the door.
Right now you are an involved in knowing illegal child neglect.


This is your sister. Sit her down and have a serious talk. Tell her if she doesn’t do right for her kids that she can either get out and leave the kids or you will kick them all out and report her. Stand up for these poor kids!


Seems to me you’re sister is lazy and doesn’t care about her kids education…get social services involved…cps in your case…must be so frustrating for you… and why are they living with you ? Time to tip them out…they need a kick up the arse and get thier children an education…we get fined in England if our kids don’t attend school…good luck sweetheart…:heart::england:

I think the problem is your sister so things wrong is she backward or have metal illness is she deeply depressed you didn’t give enough information to go on but it’s her that has the problems You took them in very kind of you but now your seeing things you will probably see even more really think of the harm to you and your kids before you make a move There are people out there that can help your sister bea better mom

You didn’t explain enough . Is she mentally ill? Maybe she needs help.No one in the right mind would do such a thing.


I’m so confused as to wording here because I already have 50 questions to ask just in order to comprehend the Situation because if the kids live with you do you not interact with them, ask them how was school …: like wow there’s no right or wrong answers here… little more details maybe


My kids don’t go to school and my youngest is almost 3 and he has never seen a doctor. We never see doctors. But that doesn’t mean my kids aren’t healthy and learning and being loved and taken care of. I mean, for me, there would have to be more going on before I would see a need to take guardianship.


Get legal advice asap.

Personally I would have a heart to heart with your sister and give her a date that she has to prove to you that the kids have been enrolled in school. If by that date the kids have not been enrolled then get in touch with the school district and find out what the laws are for your state and local area, then I would let them know your concerns. More than likely the school will send out a truant officer.


You need step in help them kids

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Id have a heart to heart talk with her

Before involving lawyers have a sit down with your sister, address your concerns and listen to what she has to say. If you feel that she is neglecting the children, let her know you are going to legally intervene


Some mothers are just too lazy to be bothered making kids go to school and the kids know how to push the right buttons to stay home.

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Have a talk with your sister , ask her if she needs help.

What country/state r u for a start cuz in qld the start day has been pushed back until the 7th of February and do they have health issues and are being neglected or are they not seeing a doctor cuz they are healthy

I’d report her to FACS…they can direct them in parenting and get them help if needed, they’ll also should help you with getting guardianship if they think it’s needed.

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I have custody of my niece for most of the reason you stated above . My sister had mental illness and my niece was paying the price. And obviously you are concerned about the doctors for a reason. Your a mama trust your mama gut if you feel like they need you then step in and step up . It’s hard when it’s your sister I know from experience but 4 years later I know the right decision was made and my niece is doing great and I’m so thankful I was able to get her before she ended up in the system with God only know who…


You just can’t take the kids the parents have to give it to you done been there done that before


Tell her nicely they have to move other than that mind your own business they aren’t your kids :woman_facepalming:t2:


For the well being of the children I would assume guardianship. Obviously from what you have mentioned they are neglected. You should have a heart to heart with her and tell her whats going on and what the deal is.

And for all the other comments about mental illness and lack of information, she is asking if she should take guardianship of her sisters 3 kids who 1, don’t go to school and 2 don’t go to the drs regularly. So the big issue here is neglect. Not lack of info or mental illness.

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If she’s not doing right by the children then someone has to! Get guardianship but, first tell her of your intentions and why. If she don’t step up within 2 days go to the courts and get the paperwork.
I know it’s your sister but, she is neglecting those children.
Good luck.

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It’s a hard place you are in but you have to do what’s best for the children

I believe it’s a crime for your kids not to be in school at least it is here in Oklahoma. The parent can do jail time and or have to pay a big fine. As far as the doctor there are many anti vaxers out there who don’t get in trouble for not vaxing there kid. But if a child is extremely sick and she eventually takes them in they will be asking questions and CPS will get involved.

Personally I wouldn’t sit down with her or give her a date to let you know by because you already have questioned it and she could end up trying to up and leave with the kids and come up with some excuse to try avoiding all the repercussions.
At this point I’d get the school district involved, the doctors involved and if need be a lawyer. The doctors will call cps because regardless if u get ur kids vaxxed or not they still have to be checked up on. The school district should send out a traunt officer and if the 7 year old hasn’t been to school at all they may end up arresting her.
If I were you I’d make sure ur ducks are in a row so if cps does come and want to have the children placed in your care and her kicked out then they can. Personally I wouldn’t put up with that from my siblings at all. It’s not fair to those kids that NEITHER of their parents want to be parents.

You should probably report this the Children’s services/CPS. This is educational neglect

That’s a rough place to be in. How come ur sister can’t get up off her butt and be a parent??? If she’s capable of doing SHE NEEDS TO. Keep telling her nagging her, what u need to. Otherwise she should find somewhere else to stay because u could get in trouble too!! I have a sister who doesn’t even take care of her kids. I take care of one of them. So I can understand how frustrating it can be. But at the end of the day they are HER and the bf’s responsibility. They should be grateful u are letting them stay with u. I cannot live with my sister, she’s lazy and always talking to n hanging out with different guys.

Yes, do it, those children deserve someone who cares, it’s not easy as it’s family but in your heart this is a must.

I don’t know if you can get guardianship just because they aren’t in school. And unless you can prove that she hasn’t taken them to the doctors when they actually needed too it’s not a crime. Check the local laws regarding schools, but it’s also not something that they will typically give you guardianship over. They only remove guardianship from the parents because of neglect or putting them in danger. Not going to the doctor for regular check ups is not neglect.

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Yes take guardianship. The reason they are not doing it is because there is a thing as educational neglect and since it has been that long prepare for having to go to court and explain the situation about the parents. The parents of those children will more than likely go to jail.

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is she mentaly ill? if not mind your own business. they are not, NOT your children they are her children, just because you dont like things its not your choice


I’m actually surprised the school hasn’t gone after her. Most States dont allow a child to miss over 14 days of school without CPS being involved

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Keep the kids and let boyfriend and sister move out

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Go to a lawyer and get legal advice first and go from there.

Is there a chance these kids were in the system or caught the eye of social services before moving there? She could be hiding them for fear of losing them. I will add that they often try to remove children from parents for monetary gain and I can understand her fears. Just make sure your home is in order before you open a can of worms on yourself. Everyone needs a bed with sheets and blankets and usually to take over guardianship you would have to provide each the appropriate space requirements. Some places say a bedroom, or at least a true bed with boys and girls in separate rooms despite being siblings or cousins.


I would figure out what to do so you can get the kids medical attention and started in school. They are neglecting their kids

What is she doing. Does she take care of them. It’s a hard call. Can you handle 3 more kids. Do what is best for the children.

I would assume guardianship for the kids best interest the kids need to see a dr and be in school they will never be able to male a good life for themselves without schooling and from what u have said this is neglect let her know what u are doing after u file the paperwork in case she tries to run with them I have seen this before

My opinion, she is a grown woman and she is making these choices for children that do not have a choice. Either do that or report her to CPS. It’s what is best for the kids. There needs to be intervention. To take guardianship is a big responsibility. Think about what’s best for you and your family and then what is best for the kids. Good luck

Why is the school district not sending a truant officer to do a welfare check on the children. If the police or cps get involved guardianship goes to family first.