Should I take guardianship of these kids?

My sister and her 3 kids and boyfriend(also kids father) live with me. The kids ages are 11,9,7. The 11&9 have not gone to school yet this school year. The 7 hasn’t even been registered in school. I was not aware of this situation as I’m out all day at work then after school activities with my kids so I don’t get back home until late. I came to find out when I installed cámaras at the entrance and around outside my house and noticed the kids don’t ever leave the house. So I questioned her and she gave me this lie that they were doing virtual - because she kept them at their old school district she thought I believed it. I didn’t! So I have been pushing her more and more and she has yet to do anything about them going to school or seeing a doctor. So I was talking to my best friend about it and she suggested I take guardianship of the kids just so I can enroll them in school and take them to doctors appointments etc. because I don’t think these kids have gone to a doctors since before they’ve moved in here back in September 2020 ( I think this for a reason I don’t want to share).

** I forgot to add the boyfriend works all day and when he is home he just sleeps. I have tried pushing the boyfriend about sending the kids to school or to see a doctor and all he says is “well I’m at work all day she has to do those stuff”

so my question is would you guys take guardianship of the kids or just not do anything at all?

I’m at a loss as she is my sister but she isn’t doing right by the kids.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I take guardianship of these kids?

Take care of those kids, they don’t deserve this mess

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First I would report this to the school district because that is illegal the mom will get a huge find or do jail time .
Second you have to prove they are unfit to be parents before you get any type of guardianship
3rd I think you need to kick the parents out you are not their parent and you should not be taking care of these people they sound like deadbeat, lazy pieces of trash that want everything handed to them

How do you even legally get guardianship if you’re not going to legally push for her to be reprimanded for it? I don’t think you can just go get it without there being legal actions first


You have no legal right! You need to offer the mom the help and talk to her telling you know what’s going on. Then you have to let her know you will be getting Child Protective Services involved if she doesn’t remedy the situation.


That’s abuse! Call the police or child welfare. They will make her send those kids to school!


For 1 thing, you can’t “just take guardianship” of anyone. You need to file through courts through your state, you would also need to hve the parent either found unfit and or have them sign over their rights to you. I’m assuming you haven’t even brought up the idea to the parents yet, you need to start there, not here. Get a lawyer, as you will most likely need one to fight for their custody to be in your hands. Then you will hve to take responsibility for them 100%, not just school and Dr. Visits, everything, and forever as well, not just while they’re living with you. This is not a quick and easy decision here!


I agree the kids should see a doctor and go to school, but be sure this is what you want to do before you get CPS involved. There’s no going back. It’s difficult to just “take guardianship” of children.


The parents would need to agree to this legally I imagine. Would she let you do that? What a terrible situation for those poor kids. Your only option might have to be to report them and have the state intervene giving you the custody.

My question is how has the state not stepped in? I know here in Texas if your kid misses so much school truancy gets called. You get fined, etc


This is neglect. Take these kids have her sign temp custody whatever you need to do

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You can’t just take guardianship over the kids they both have to sign stuff over to you and honestly I would just leave it alone. As for the doctors kids don’t have to go at all my ex friends moms never took them cause of religion. Also if she is unschooling them then they can’t do anything about it we all have rights there’s a such thing as unschooling and homeschooling


First of all you being the owner of the house I just call the school and tell them these kids have been living at your house and they are not even enrolled yet.


You have no legal right,she would have to sign it over. You need to offer their mom help, talk to her & tell her you know what’s going on. Then you have to let her know you will have no choice but to involve CPS if she doesn’t assess the situation. Be prepared for her to blame you somehow because I feel there’s something missing and maybe she does need support and help more than even you know :heart:


Lmao. You can’t just choose to take people’s children. It doesn’t matter who’s children they are.

Maybe they haven’t needed to see a doctor? My 5 year old has been twice since covid. Once because of an issue and once for a vaccine for school. That’s it. You don’t take kids to see a doctor if they aren’t sick.

How would you know the 7 year old isn’t registered or that they aren’t doing online work?

Call the board of Education and tell them. They can come in and test the kids and if they aren’t learning they can enforce she sends them to school.


Children can also be what’s called “unschooled” in many states so what she is doing may not be illegal where you live. I’d suggest an open conversation with her about what kind of life she wants to offer her children. As far as doctors, they probably not due for any vaccines until the age of 12 which is also optional in many states. A yearly physical is suggested but not required. Unless the children are sick or injured and she’s refusing them medical care. If they’re being fed, clothed and shelter then you can’t take someone’s parental rights away.


take the kids! you need file a report with cys hire a lawyer and get the kids.

You have no legal right to the kids and you can’t just get kids cause you don’t feel like the mother is doing enough.

It sounds like the mother could use some support and kindness. Not judgement and everything else.

Kids need school, if worried get people involved

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Maybe try asking your sister if she would like your help in getting everything done for her children. She may take it the wrong way if you just take over and try to take her kids from her. Sounds like she’s stuck and needs help herself. Let her know that you would love to help her get her and the kids all on track. I’ve been stuck in a hole like that myself. All I needed was a little help.


My 14 year old hasn’t been to a doctor since 2019. She just doesn’t get sick. She had her junior high check up and seriously other than severe cold and covid in 2020 (the first and strongest strain) which only lasted 7 days for her (and they don’t do anything anyway) she doesn’t get sick. When my kids were younger we did a once a year check up but it’s not required by law after a certain age.

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Go to the court and apply for emergency guardianship. Let them know what is going on. Make a report also with child protective services. Depending on what state you live in if you dont make the reports soon you might also get in trouble for not reporting since they are under your roof. And you sound like a great mother who dosnt need to be in trouble. REPORT TODAY.


Well first of all, you can’t just get guardianship of someone’s kids that easily. You can put in a call to CPS to have someone check and make sure that the kids are going to school And are taken care of properly. And then they’ll have to go through a home check and other several steps allowing the parents to make things right before they would even discuss removing the children from the home.


So for obvious reasons if you truly feel she is unfit you would 100% need to get a third party involved, especially because you don’t want her to take off with them once she knows what your planning/ thinking of doing. Keep in mind where I’m from, if you see abuse and don’t report it but live in the same household you can also be charged with neglect if someone were to intervene before you decide to handle the situation. Also in my state schools usually send CPS after a child isn’t in school for so long so not sure how she’s gotten away with it this far. I suggest speaking with her, informing her that she either needs to do her job as mom or you will be calling the proper authorities to get involved for the wellbeing of your nieces/nephews.


Well first of all if you even mention taking guardianship she is going to flip out on you. You’ll have to approach it in a way where she won’t think that you are basically saying you’d be a better parent to her kids than she is. That is so odd though I wonder why she’s so against It that she will lie about it… maybe just make a comment about doing that see how she acts about it and go from there. I definitely think she is going to feel attacked. But of course idk how a mother wouldn’t want that for her children anyway so what do I even know about it…

Police. It’s a welfare matter.

If you can get guardianship then I say DO it!!! you are in the right here. I’m sure that her not sending them to school is proof enough that she can’t handle being a mother.

Take the kids (through the proper channels) and throw your sister and the boyfriend out. You tried talking to her and him about school. She lied, he’s not interested. Get those kids out of that situation. They need your help.

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I sign up my nephew for school. All I took was his birth certificate and I had to sign an affidavit.

Call your local Legal Aid Society and see if you can get some legal guidance from them, this sounds complicated

Get someone else involved. Those kids need to be taken care of and they have to be in school pretty positive it’s illegal to not have a child registered for school. If you can get a guardianship of the kids or custody then it’s better for the kids even if it upsets your sister.


Umm…It’s not against the law for her to not take her kids to the doctor. You don’t take kids to a doctor if there is nothing wrong with them. They need only one visit a year and that was before Covid. Maybe she doesn’t want them to get infected and get sick. As far as school, she doesn’t need an online school as long as she is teaching them herself. No court is going to give you guardianship when she really hasn’t done anything wrong other than what you think is wrong. Unless she is abusing her kids, leave her alone.


You can get a power of attorney of the kids. You can print it offline and get it notorized. Your sister will still have all her rights but it gives you the power for school and medical. I’m involved with a program similar to foster care but the mamas keep their rights. The kids just stay with us while the mama needs help. I get a POA for every kid while they are here so I can do school/medical things.


Why they living with you?
Stop trying to be Captain Save A Ho and distance yourself from all of that drama on the horizon.
Did you ever consider that they might be hiding from the law or cps regarding those kids?
That’s your sister but remember yo relatives will use your love for their kids to drag you deep into their drama if it benefits them.
#GotYourOwnShitToShovel :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Remember Boundaries in this decision


First, to actually take guardianship… you have to go to court for it. I get you are a good mom… work, after school activities, but any judge will frown upon the fact they have been living with you and you JUST noticed they hadn’t been going to school or doctors… just a glimpse of what they would be like… they would be extremely curious as to why you think the court or state would grant you guardian ship when you don’t know what’s going on in your own home. (You claim you didn’t for obviously a decent amount of time) so, that reason will be completely shot down. They may take the kids, but doubt you would get them. Also, maybe the right thing to do is stop asking others and going behind people’s back and deal with this situation directly with the sister. Try, look… they need to be in school and at least checkups, dentist, ect. Clearly, they aren’t totally neglected or that would be your first sign, not the cameras. Also, ask her why, hear her out and tell her you will help her enroll them and set up well check-ups. If the reason they haven’t been (that you didn’t want to share) is drugs, alcohol, sexual, or abuse… then you are already in the wrong for not offering to first help your sister into rehab & help, secondly if she refused help and doing the right thing, not reporting it yourself. So, maybe be direct… assuming with the post they were moved from a school and in to a new home. Why? Maybe all of them need counseling first. No offense you either are choosing not to share all of the information or don’t even really have it. You are her sister and them kids aunt. I feel like it would be in the kids best interest for you to make an honest effort to help other ways first. If they are already struggling (and it’s not completely terrible living conditions) they may need your help, not you trying to take them from their mother. She may need your actual help. You can’t protect her and take her kids. Not how it works. Also, if she is bad enough to take her kids away… that will raise questions on why would you allow her around YOUR kids. Not being ugly, but when CPS and lawyers get involved it can be ugly. In this situation could end up causing yourself and own children some issues, so chose wisely about what you do. Good luck

Do you really believe you need to jump straight to guardianship? Maybe your sister has some mental health issues that are preventing her from showing up the way she should… if she won’t address the fact she isn’t showing up the way she needs to by going to a dr, psychiatrist etc then ok fine escalate the situation and seek guardianship. There’s not a lot of context here. These children aren’t babies, they obviously have been taken care of up to the age they are now. Without concern for their safety and well being until now. You should attempt to support your sister so she can take care of her children the way she’s supposed to before anything else. Good luck!

Sounds like theres some mental health issues with your sister… my advice is be a good sister… do what you have to do to help her and her kids… remind her you care and are not trying to hurt her…


My question is, is she homeschooling? If she is doing a type of homeschool (whether it is unschooling, curriculum based, of child led) it’s really not your place to force them to go to public school just because that’s what you do. Next, are the children sick? Do they have an obvious need to go to a doctor? If she is tracking their growth, and making sure they are healthy why does she need to take them to a doctor? Doctor’s are supposed to be accessible in the event of sickness to diagnose and in some cases treat with antibiotics (if needed) or to help with an injury. There is a lot to unload in you seeking guardianship over her kids just because you don’t like how she is parenting. That being said, why is she living with you? If she is a threat to their health than that’s a different story. I.e. the child breaks an arm and she still doesn’t take him/her to a doctor to get it set and checked. Or she doesn’t set it herself (if she has the knowledge and capabilities to do so) than start with talking to her. Then escalate to more firm boundaries for your household. Taking someone else’s kids can be more damaging to the child/children than helping the parents become better parents would be. But IDK.:woman_shrugging:t3:


You can help your sister enroll the kids in school without taking guardianship. Help the kids and their Mom, don’t take over and own it.


What are you thinking? You can’t just take guardianship of somebody’s kids. Honestly your sister and her boyfriend would have to be pretty shitty parents to have their parental rights taken away or guardianship given to somebody else.
And from what you wrote there’s no court that would give you custody of them. They have a clean, safe place to live there’s food, dad works, you do know in most states that it’s not even illegal to be homeless with children. You can live out of your car and not lose custody of your kids.

Take guardianship. I did for my niece and nephew. I had 7 kids at the time. They will remember what you did for them when they have a family of their own… kick sister and boyfriend out. Call a lawyer get papers ready…. Document everything. That helps your case


Report her to CAS and get ready to fight for them and advocate for their well-being because it’s obvious their parents don’t give a :poop: about them

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Shes clearly unfit…:disappointed_relieved:

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I’m surprised social services or the school district has not reported it. Cause where I am if you miss so many days or don’t reenroll the kids cps gets involved. But if you want to take that responsibility, which is huge then do it, but kick out the parents doesn’t seem like they care at all.


You don’t have to do “typical schooling” to do schooling.
I plan on unschooling mine.
That’s no curriculum, no 7-2, no paper work unless the child wants it, no pressure, just following the child’s wants/interests.:woman_shrugging:t3:
And she also hasn’t been to the doctor since 2020.

Neither of those 2 things indicate maltreatment nor taking guardianship. I assume she said it out of annoyance as in “if you think you can do better take them.”

I think you’re over stepping unless there’s TRUE neglect.:woman_shrugging:t3:


Their is a lot og information missing here.


Yes I agree with other people that your sister may be struggling with her mental health however if the case her partner should liven up and take the lead and do what he needs to do for his children as well all sounds very one sided he thinks because he goes to work that he don’t have to worry about his children’s education and well being

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Their old school should know they haven’t received a transfer records for another school. Contact them. They should have took action by now but can’t do anything if they don’t know where the kids are. I’ve dealt with this because I live in the district the kid should have been transferred from so talked to the school and they were in contact with truancy but didn’t know where the student was to take action.


In the field. Your first step is to report to child services. And go from there. They will call her and set an appointment or show up. They will ask about school and Dr appointments. At that time she will have a certain amount of time to get them in school and to a Dr. Social worker will verify and ask for proof ect. There is a process you can’t just take guardianship. They will give her a chance to do right. In the event she doesn’t you report her again. And go from there.


She needs help. Contact adult protective services.

Talk to her first!!! And yes why are they there? There are ways of doing things without just taking over. She may never forgive you and take her kids for good somewhere else. And yeah you can be enrolled in virtual for a different school district. I did it for mine because I do not like the school of the town we are in. It’s called open enrollment.

Sounds like ur sister is having mental health problems? Maybe help her take her to enroll them. Do they have medical? If not take her to sign up for it. I’d be pushing my sister to do right. Than if she refuses ur help kick her out n take kids they deserve to be healthy and in school learning.


Currently if you don’t do anything and cps comes all three will be in trouble. But if you make moves to try to do something and they do nothing then the two would be in trouble. It is against the law to not send kids to school. So they are messing with a dumb game. Saying I’m at work won’t get anyone out of it either.


Take guardianship and don’t listen to the others saying not to on here. This mother is not fit with mental health issues and the children will suffer from her actions in the long run. I grew up in a similar situation like this with my siblings and it’s been a long continuing process to heal from. I use to wish someone would take action when I was a kid but I never said anything because I didn’t want to get in trouble or like what my mom told me “never see my siblings again”.
It’s a awful situation but if you can help these children then please step in.


Do what is best for them babies


I would definitely do something! This is harming her children and unfortunately it sounds like she needs some help and isn’t capable of taking care of her kids. I would contact DHS or CPS and ask questions and tell then what you just posted. She is your sister but she is grown and can and should be taking care of herself and her kids and she isn’t. So you need to file for temporary custody until she can do better. You are enabling her if you don’t do anything about it and the kids are the ones suffering and getting further behind in school, their health, etc. Please do something to help those babies!!!


Contact CPS. And do it legally. Your sister will hate you for now. But who cares. Get your foster license and the state will help you with everything. Seriously. Ask CPS to have a home tutor at first. Get them caught up before tossing them into mainstream. Even after you are granted guardianship the state will still assist you. It takes about a year for the whole process to work its way out. Boyfriend has no say (in the state I live in) even if they are his kids. Unless he has gone to court to get that. Kick your sister out and allow for those kids to flourish. I’m currently on year three of raising my brothers kids. I’m going to tell you that it is not easy. Every day. Allow yourself two days a month. Either back to back or spread out. Two days to be alone and remind yourself why you are doing this. It’s hard.

Side note. CPS will pull the kids unless you kick your sister out. Work with CPS about it being better for them to not have to move and loose mom at the same time. After you have guardianship of the kids no one can tell you how to do what with them. But until that happens CPS runs the show. Lots of appointments and lots of meetings. Work with them, not against them. It’s very trying most of the time. Good luck. Having a good heart is not always good for your sanity. Utilize all sources of help offered. There are a lot of programs to help. Don’t be to proud to not accept it. Good luck. This is a life changing decision. BTW. Talk to your kids about it. Before you decide. If they feel they had a say in it, they won’t resent you for giving your time to other children. And maybe, just maybe your sister will get her act together and do what needs to be done, once CPS is involved, they for the most part want the kids with mom or dad. But talk to them and see what options you have.


“Talk to her first” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Naw. If she was gunna do it she wouldve already done it. Home or public schooling. She didnt do it so she hasnt cared. If there was other issues it wouldve been mentioned. Shes just lazy.


Just call CPS. They need to handle this.

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Warn her first,if child enforcement gets involved you will be a responsible person and may take your children, don’t stand for mistreatment

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The kids are what count do it for them it’s not fair to them that their mother doesn’t care.

You got to get the kids help. I would talk to her and give her an ultimatum straight up. She does it or you will. She can go to jail for all this. Js


So many other questions. You willing to provide all financial support or are you already doing that?

File for custody of them I would :woman_shrugging:t2:

That’s a lit log responsibility to take on the kids. Maybe you should just talk to a school counselor

OK so from a professional point of view bearing in mind you haven’t said why they live with you or their situation before moving. It sounds almost like their hiding them, not registered at a drs or school makes me wonder if they had social services involved at their old place and she panicked. Try sit down and talk to her or just contact cps and see what they suggest. It may cause difficulties at home and between your relationship but it’s not really adding up why she dont want any authorities to know anything about them xx


You need to sit down and talk to your sister. Is she hiding from the kids dad or something else. Does your sister have mental problems that aren’t being addressed. One way or another these kids need an education.

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The school needs to report it too.

I mean you can’t just “take guardianship” of someone kids. You would have to get CPS involved which btw surprises me they aren’t already with the kids not in school and not going to the doctors


At the moment you have no legal right maybe ask her if she needs a helping hand…
You can’t just take legal guardianship both parents have to sign over and you have to go to court and prove that they’re neglected


Theresa Wilson is going on here reporting people so watch what you say she will report you. All I said was to talk to her sister first she didn’t like the solution


Is there a specific reason the kids need to go to the doc? How are you sure they’re not doing any learning at home? Learning doesn’t always require textbooks etc. If they’re warm, fed and lived then leave them one


Well first of all, just because you don’t believe her doesn’t mean it’s not true. Have you asked any of the kids what their “school” day was like or how virtual school is going? Perhaps you see them more on the weekends and can initiate that dialogue?? To echo everyone else, you don’t just get guardianship because you want it. You should talk to your sister and let her know your concerns because you might find out more information. Home schooling is a thing and is VERY popular these days with Covid. Also, you really don’t need to go to the DR at those ages unless you’re sick and maybe they haven’t been. If there really is neglect happening then you need to involve a 3rd party. Being as though these are your sisters kids I would start with a conversation. It’s hard to unring that bell once you involve CPS.


If the kids aren’t going to school and never go anywhere, it sounds like abuse going on!! Sounds about like the kids in California!! Please do something to help these poor kids!!!

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In my state page 7 is when they have to be enrolled by.
Plenty of kuds don’t see a Dr every 5 mins. Mine don’t. We don’t get the flu. Never has broken bones. UTD on shots.
Unless they get really sick & need it, what’s the point??
As for schooling, that’s a legal requirement. We are homeschooling & there’s no schedule. We’ll work on weekends to fish during the week. We do baking & stuff for math assignments. Homeschool doesn’t have a schedule.
But, before you got doing anything, talk to her. Really talk to her. Find out what’s going on & offer to help.


Do whatever you have to in order to ensure the kids are getting everything they need!!!

It is hard to get custody of a siblings children. I would call department of children and families on her and let them know so they can begin an investigation and may motivate her to get the kids into schooling. Also, it begins a paper trail of her behavior with the children. Hopefully it would teach her a lesson and allow her to start parenting her children so that you don’t have to take on more responsibility and the children can live a normal life with their parents.

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Unless she gives it to you willingly you need a court to give them to you. Now that you know the kids have no schooling and it’s in your home you are responsible and it’s not legal to not have them in school… you need to do something.

If you don’t take guardianship they will be taken away


You need to drag her to the school and get them in is she to lazy to do it

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Is your sister gonna agree to this? If they live with you, you’re about to open a can,that is gonna make your home a living hell. Unless she agrees to it, you have to have facts, on why you want custody or guardianship, and under some circumstances, the parents, may not be able to live with you, if the children do. You need to conversate with the sister!!


A lot of suggestions to just call cps and foster them . Just FYI every state is different. Here kids can’t share rooms with the foster family related or not . So make sure you know the laws first I am by no means sat do t get her help. Just letting you know I’d you go that route and don’t have the space you may not be able to family foster. I

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So do they even help pay bills or living off you?? I would take them & have your sister & bf go!!!

We don’t leave the house hardly ever. We unschool/ wild school and guess what? We aren’t sick either so we never see a doctor more than a chiro. Oh no! Seriously, unless they’re being directly harmed, (and not sitting at a desk 8 hours a day or going to a doctor regularly is NOT harm) it’s not your business.


U can’t just TAKE guardianship of the kids…u can petition the court system but often that leads to social services being involved…and tbh im kinda shocked they aren’t already. She definitely needs help and a push in the right direction, threatening to take her children away behind her back isn’t really helping anyone


The question really comes down to what state you live in but also you should know that you don’t need any type of physical paperwork to register a child in school or to take them to the doctor you just need to have up-to-date imitations for the school and as for the doctor you can take the kids to the doctor even though they’re not your kids they’ll send the parent of Bill or they’ll ask you if you want to sign up for access for the kids and then from there d e s Department of Economic Security will take the steps further to help you and assist you in gathering guardianship. but you can enroll the kids into school immediately you can put them in virtual school now so that you don’t have to deal with the immigration and then next year when school starts have them attend in person School. but to be honest with you if you’re going to take these steps you’re going to have literally no choice but to kick your sister and her boyfriend out and keep the kids there because you’re just enabling your sisters horrible parenting by allowing her to still remain they’re not working and not being a proper mother when she literally has all the resources for free in front of her.

Uh that’s considered child endangerment she can get in deep crap for that Def do what’s best for them

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Just a heads up if you go through with taking her to court for gaurdship all the people living in your house besides your kids n the kids your trying to get will have too move. I just did this with my sister took us a year to get full guardianship but they give you letters every court date to take the children to the doctors or school whatever the case may be. You need emergency guardianship.


So if the kids are not enrolled in school the state can get involved for truancy amd the parents can face fines and jail time. At least in ohio


Yea advocate for those children no matter who’s feelings or toes you step on


As a social worker you have grounds to have a case open and get the kids the help they need. Court can give you temporary custody or what we call a kinship placement since they live with you already. It’s neglect if she is not taking them to school or Dr appointment


Have you talked to your sister about this or just Facebook :thinking:

If you do nothing and you have knowledge of the situation you are as guilty as she is


Lol you can’t just TAKE guardianship. You have to prove everything and it had to be awarded to you or she had to sign them over. Stop beating around the bush and straight up tell her you can SEE they aren’t going


Yes. Take guardianship. Kids need to be socialized have a public education and see doctors regularly. No way in 2 years these kids haven’t had a cold or flu 9r needed to be seen by a doctor for one thing or another!


Shes gonna get in alot of trouble for missing dr appointments and school. And if they havent been to the doctor in who knows how long, then they might not be able start school without the proper vaccines if shes doing public school. Does she have a car? Maybe offer to take her and them to do all of these things. And ask her if she knows the consequences if she does not. Maybe itll light a fire under her ass.

There’s something called “parental rights”, whether we like it or not. Unless the kids are sick and refused medical treatment, all you can do is read to them and fill their educational gaps in fun, game-like ways :woman_shrugging: Kids aside, maybe they need to get their own place :woozy_face:

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You can’t just take guardianship if you are concerned call cps

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First of all it’s abuse not to let a child get an education . I would sit down with her an let her know she has to sign them up for school and make the doctors apt. Tell her it’s abuse and I’m sure you love those kids they need to get an education and see a doctor or you will be getting other people involved. Maybe call the school and see if the older one is even enrolled because a school should be calling if they are absent without talking to a parent for a period of time. The school should have reached out to services since he isn’t in school . Those poor kids will be behind significantly more also because of the pandemic.