Hi mommas this is not baby related. I just want to hear your opinions. Hopefully, it can help me decide what to do. If you and I used to be friends and just lost touch due to our lives going into different directions, but we’re still friends when we see each other. Would you like me to tell you if your bf is cheating on you? Also, the bf is cheating on you with my best friend, but I didn’t know (as I didn’t/don’t condone) it until I caught my best friend with the bf in question. My question just is, do I listen to my conscience or go with my loyalty towards my best friend? I, however, am so sad that my ex-friend doesn’t know what is happening behind her back. Do I say something or just leave it? I don’t want to hurt anybody, but my conscience is eating at me. Sidenote, my bestie, knew about the relationship and the kids involved when she decided to hook up with the guy. When she mentioned the guy, I told her oh yes I know him, his with my friend, etc… Hence my best friend lied to me and said she cut all ties, until I caught them in the act (so to say)
Yeah! You should tell her!
If your positive,yes!!!
Tell her. If it was reversed, would you want to know?
I’d tell… Especially if she knew what she was doing. Potentially breaking up a family. It’s goin to be hard. But it’s … The right thing to do. Cheating is horrible.
If you don’t tell her, then you’re not even a friend at all. Having to even ask that has me doubtful
Yes. Just rip that bandage off.
If you know for sure, tell her! I wouldn’t want to live my life not knowing my bf is cheating.
For sure. Wouldn’t you want someone to tell you? She’ll be upset, but will respect you for it.
And your BFF is a dumb home wrecking skank
Yes, wouldn’t you want someone to tell you if your partner was cheating?
Also why would you want to stay friends with someone who willingly slept with a man who has a family already.
You should tell her. My bf was cheating on me and his roommate, who I had become friends with, called me and told me. I had suspicions, but wasn’t certain. It hurt, but I was so thankful that I was told
Yes tell her, wouldn’t you want to know? Best friend or not, wrong is wrong. Especially when your best friend KNEW he was with someone and kids are involved. Disgusting to both of them.
You should tell. You would like to know if it was reversed
You tell your friend sorry but the bestie shouldn’t be with him she has no morals!!! And she should know better so what happens to her is on her you need to stand up and say something wouldn’t you want that if it were happening to you
You can tell her, if you are prepared to lose that friendship for good. Even tho he is the one cheating & she does deserve to know it NEVER ends good when you have to be the one to tell your friend that their bf is cheating on them with someone else.
Tell her, but be ready for her to not believe you. Some don’t want to hear the truth and she may lash out at you
Yes she needs to know. Cheating is one of the worst things you can do your partner
Yes tell i don’t care who you are if you know this please tell
Sounds like an awesome best friend ya got there
That can go either way. She could end up hated you or thanking you. . Your choice
This is not your pot to stir.
Especially if you’re not really the best of friends with the person who’s being cheated on anymore. She might end up interpreting your warning as a thing to make her jealous.
I wish someone had told me. It would have been better knowing sooner than later.
Tell her & have supporting evidence.
Sounds like your best friend is a tool, forget her!! Let the other friend know.
I would tell her. But just be prepared to not be friends anymore. Somehow the messenger always gets reprimanded in the end. Good luck.
I would want to know, but you may need proof because she may not believe you, my ex husband cheated and kept denying it even when I caught them.
If you were her friend, you wouldn’t need to be asking this question
Yep you tell her. Sorry to your “best friend” but can’t have your cake and eat it too. If your best friend doesn’t know he’s in a relationship I would also tell her. Because fuck this guy.
My so called “best friend” knew my ex was cheating on me and nobody told me. They knew for a while and never said a thing. Please tell your friend. She deserves better then this.
Put yourself in her shoes. You’d want to know. Yeah you may lose your best friend but how good of a person is she really if she has no regards for relationship boundaries? What would stop her from trying with your man (not saying every man would stray. Just a scenario to think about)
I don’t think it’s any of your business to say anything because you are not close friends anymore…if you feel you must say something to someone then say it to your best friend who is doing the cheating…
All you can do is follow your own moral compass
I would tell her honestly. If you are a true friend whether y’all talk all the time or not I would be honest . She will respect you more than when she finds out about it and knows you knew about it it will cause much more drama
You tell if he cheating on her he’ll cheat on your friend eventually
she deserves to know
Ummm this is a no brainer…tell her!
If it was you would you want someone to be honest with you?? Blast them for what they are doing especially if kids are involved. They don’t deserve to watch a boy like that pretend to love their mother and she deserves to be allowed to make the choice to move on
Tell her. I wish somebody would have told me but I had to find out myself.
Tell her but if you aren’t friends anymore you may need proof.
Wow your friend is shady. I’d be careful. Yes tell the other lady.
I would likely use a complete strangers cell or block my number and send a text. Informing her to start snooping on her bf as you’ve witnessed cheating.
Would you want someone to tell you if your bf was cheating???
I would tell her. Save her from lifelong STDs etc. Be there for her.
I knew my x husband was cheating on me (so did everyone else) I was in denial. I would have been up set with you if you told me.
Definitely open your mouth
That’s tough, I thought I was doing the right thing when I told my cousin (who was like a best friend to me) that her man made me feel uncomfortable when he asked me to sit next to him while my cousin wasn’t in the room. That backfired on me, she stop talking to me, went on to have two kids with him and it’s been over ten years now and our relationship had never been salvage and she still is with him but appears to be unhappy, I only ever see her at family gathering for xmas, were civil but we are not friends anymore bc of her pos bf
1st off tell the friend about her boyfriend.
2nd off drop the best friend. She put you in the middle of it all.
Sounds like you need a new best friend.
I’d tell her. Like previous people have said. She deserves to know.
Yes. Always tell. Then she can decide if she wants to stay or go. But she should at least know.
yes i would tell her… if it were the other way around… you’d want to know. good luck
Tell her. If the shoe was on the other foot so to speak, wouldnt you want to know?
Your “best friend” lost all loyalties the moment she lied to you, in my opinion.
Either way you go, someone’s going to end up mad and heartbroken.
ps your friend sounds like a classy lady… eww
Really… To be honest the situation is a double edged sword. If you tell her, she may not believe you, could ruin both friendships, etc. If you don’t tell her, if she finds out and discovers you knew, friendship over, she sees it as a betrayal, your “bestie” now knows she can do whatever and puts you in similar situations a lot more, etc. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Not if you want to remain friends, almost all will not accept the information willingly and will blame some part of their difficulties on you. Or be so embarrassed that you know they will back off of any contact. A long time later they may thank you, but don’t count on it.
Create a fake profile send proof and info so she can’t be mad at no one, and she can do what she wants with info and she stays there is no shame when she is around you
Yes. My friends didnt tell me and I felt betrayed.
If she’ll do it with that guy she’d do it with your guy. No respect for relationships. Tell the ex bestie ASAP.
Tell her for sure even if she gets upset .
Please tell her…it’s important. You would want to know if you were in your shoes…and it will always bother you inside if you say nothing.
Sounds like you need a new best friend, I wouldn’t want to be friends with somebody like that. Tell her and if she gets upset then so be it it says more about your character and later on she’ll be grateful
I would want anyone to tell me friend or stranger. You would want to know if it was you. Tell her. Its a lot mentally and emotionally but she needs to know. I’ve been there.
Don’t wait until he gets your friend gets pregnant tell her now! Save her from more heartache.
I’d tell her. Wouldn’t you want to know if your boyfriend was cheating? If your answer is yes then say something!
I only read the first line and OBVIOUSLY.
Sounds like your friends a hoe. Yup I’d say something
I would have a conversation with my bestfriend about what she is doing. From experience the other girl knows but just fails to accept it and by you telling her she will just turn on you and belive his lies, I would leave it alone. The other friend needs to get to the point on her own where she has had enough and you telling her will not make her come to that conclusion. Unless you help her bust him but then that ruins your friendship with your BF. Again I would discuss it with your BF only
First off ditch that best friend .there are name’s for girls like her . second yes you should say something to your hardly ever seen friend …
I’d tell any women if I know because I would want to know.
Bad carma is a bitch.
Take a pic of the bf and ur best friend for proof and then tell her don’t let her look like a fool no woman deserves that
I would want to know if it was me in that situation. I think you should tell your friend… as far as your “best friend” is concerned I would no longer consider her a friend. If she’s willing to do that knowing the man she’s with is with someone else imagine what she could possibly do (or at least try to do) with your man.
I always ask my self if it were me would I want someone to tell me!?
Yes! How dumb she will feel if she doesn’t find out until much later. What a slap in the face if she knew you caught them and didn’t bother to mention it to her.
I probably wouldn’t get involved with the ex friend if we were no longer friends. If anything I’d go to your best friend and the man. They need to be the ones to come clean about it. Not you.
Screw loyalty to your best friend. Tell your other friend her bf is a cheater
Yes. Tell her. I would want to know. You would want to know. Why you do you think she doesn’t want/deserve to know? He’s in the wrong. If he didn’t want her to find out, then he shouldn’t have done it.
I’m so tired of people keeping secrets like this.
Tell the other girl that this isn’t right, and ask her why she’s doing this.
Nope, honestly just be an adult and mind your own buisness. Unless it was my best friend I wouldn’t be saying anything
If you saw it with your own two eyes, then you should tell her.
Tell her and let her decide what to do with the information. Your best friend sounds like a ray of sunshine.
I wouldn’t get involved but if you do make sure you have proof
Would you want to know?
Would you want to know? She’ll probably go after your guy next. If she knew about the girlfriend & kids & still done the nasty with him she’s no more than a sorry slu–. Watch your man.
You gotta decide what you can live with. Your best friend is probably not gonna be your best friend after you tell. But would you want to know? Can you live with keeping the secret?
If they have kids together TELL HER. Your best friend is being scandalous anyway. And when kids are involved I don’t mess around.
Send an annoymous message. Then nobody knows who told
IDGAF where we’re at in our friendship, if I know you’re significant other is cheating on you, you’re going to know. I’ve reached out to men’s wives whom I’ve worked with that I wasn’t even friends with and told them their husbands were cheating. Was it my place? Yes. Omission is betrayal. So, even if you’re not directly involved, you ALWAYS say something. Always. It’s your karma, girl. Keep it straight.
Ask yourself if you’d want to know if you’re SO was cheating on you. Morally, you should know what to do!,
I’d tell and step away. I learned the hard way liars don’t play favorites. They lie to everyone.
I would want to know. Being cheated on hurts. However I would 1 make sure you have proof available if you tell the young lady and 2 i would be prepared to lose a friend. If your friend knew he was already with someone and there are kids involved and still remained she is not a good friend and certainly not trust worthy. I think the girlfriend should know but I also think it could cause turmoil between you and said people. But I would be hurt if my man was cheating and mr friends knew and did not tell me
If it was me getting cheated on. Id want to know. Thats just me though. If she was a good friend of yours I’m sure u have had a convo similar to that when gossiping together. So if u think she would want to know, tell her. If u think she would rather not know, then dont.
I’d tell her… even if y’all aren’t close because that’s just wrong on every level
If this was me I’d tell immediately… I won’t even think about it or write about it… because if I was the one being cheated on and you where my friend and you didint tell me… I’d end the friendship there and then sorry
If shes your friend you tell her
Your “best friend” sounds like a shitty person. You need to call her on her BS and tell her up front you’re gonna tell your other friend the truth.
Cut off ties with your best friend as you can’t trust her and I personally don’t associate with hos . Yes tell her. Wouldn’t you want someone to tell you
Tell her he cheating what I want to know
I would def tell her. I would want someone to come to me if my husband was cheating.
Id tell. I can’t tolerate a cheating pos. No one deserves to be treated that callously.
I would send an anonymous message to her. She needs to know. She has a right to look on the relationship and decide if she wants to deal with it or move on.
Oh I’d 100% tell her.
I would maybe tell your friend that her man is cheating, but also warn your “bestie” that you told or are going to tell.