Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

My best friend of 10 years wants to go on a weekend away (girls trip), but she is cheating on her husband, and I don’t want to go. I am very much happy with my partner. Should I go and suck it up, or should I tell her husband what is going on?


I would talk with her and if she won’t put an end to it or tell him herself then I’d tell him

I would talk to her and tell her to come clean, or I would tell her, I am going to tell him if you don’t

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Depends on if you want her as a friend after this


Tell her how uncomfortable you are with her choice and steer clear of it.


TELL HIM! If roles were reversed, you’d want to know.


Ide stay out of it because in the long run they’ll probably get thru this and you’ll be left on the curb


If you were in her husband’s position would you want to be told? I personally would. I would have more respect for that person who told me and thank them.


Tell ur best friend how u feel about it but don’t rat her out. That’s ur best friend


Tell. If roles were reversed and she knew your husband was cheating you’d trust her to tell you. She is garbage & the husband deserves better. Nobody deserved to be cheated on.


I wouldn’t do that to my friend, but do tell her that your not happy with what she’s doing and you don’t want to go with on the trip if it involves her cheating


I would want to know if my other half was cheating. But if your uncomfortable telling him, you could maybe encourage her to tell him herself!

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I’d say secretly get photos evidence (where she cant trace it back to you) get it printed out, chuck in an envelope and address it to her husband.


Sticky one😬 if you don’t mind loosing her as a friend I would say no and mind your business. But if you can’t bare it and if you think shes dead wrong and you don’t want to be her friend anymore then go ahead.

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I mean, do you still want to be friends with her? Because she will find out. And is it worth the loss of a friendship?
And even if she cheats on the vacation or (girls trip) doesn’t mean you have to.
Maybe she’s going through something and you don’t know because she hasn’t opened up to you about it.
Idk. I’m one of those, mind your business types. :woman_shrugging:


If she was ur bestie then she wouldn’t put you in this spot. I didn’t tell on my bestie, but I refused to cover for her. I basically lost her over it and while I miss her , I still know it was the right decision for my piece of mind.


Tell her husband. I don’t play with cheaters. Don’t care how long I’ve known you or how close we are, if I find out you’re cheater you’re getting snitched on. :woman_shrugging:


Don’t go on the trip and mind your business


people say mind your business but they’d wanna know if their spouse was cheating on them tell him :woman_shrugging:t3:


You should stop being friends with your best friend because clearly you are NOT AND MIND YOUR BUSINESS!! You must not have a babysitter!! Get you some business.


Basically tell her that you don’t want to associate with someone that is willing to cheat on their spouse. Give her the chance to fess up and warn her that if she doesn’t, you will. Cause if it were me, I would want to be told. I wouldn’t trust anyone in my life anymore if they kept that kind of a secret from me.


Eh, I told my mate how I felt and she kept doing it so I stopped talking to her. If I told her partner then it would cause alot of drama and they would end up blaming me so :woman_shrugging:

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Be her friend encourage her to tell him herself but that’s as far as ur involvement should go

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Stay out of it and don’t go. Life will work itself out without your help.


I have been in this exact situation. Don’t go on the trip and don’t say anything. He more then likely already knows or has some sort on inkling about it. In the end you will lose both.

Don’t go, but I don’t know that I’d say anything. I’d not be a part of it tho


I would create distance between my friend and myself before I ratted her out. If you have shared your feelings and her behavior continues, just create space. But telling, thatll be an explosion and usually, youre the one burnt.


Tell her that you are her friend, but you don’t support cheating and hurting people.

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Stay as far away from it as possible and get a new friend and tell her why.

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I would not want to be involved or around anyone with morals like that.

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I would tell her she is wrong and if she doesn’t tell her husband you will! (Get proof first)

Don’t go; don’t tell not your business because she is your friend your not his friend; don’t hang out with her since she is not a person whom you would want to associate with and in the end her cheating ways will come to light. Don’t bring drama to yourself whe your happy and healthy she might retaliate and try to run what you have going on :woman_shrugging:


I wouldn’t go and tell her why. I’m not sure if I would tell the husband, but I definitely wouldn’t cover for her or participate.


Word to the wise, she can and will be back with him. Being a part of any marriage problem for them will cause future problems with you. Tell her NO & be her friend. Telling him is crossing the line. Maybe she’s having a midlife crisis. As friends, we handle the underlying issues. Hugs.


He will find out, he might already know. I definitely wouldn’t go away with her though.

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Stay out of that drama


How that’s your best friend but you willing to tell on her? No I don’t condone cheating but that’s her life and why would you feel the need to tell her husband anything when your loyalty is supposed to be with her. If you don’t feel comfortable with what she does then tell her not her damn husband. I’d hate to have you as a best friend. My personal opinion but to each it’s own

What kind of friend are you :flushed:


If she’s using this trip to cheat on her husband don’t go. Don’t tell the husband and quit hanging out if she’s including you in the cheating.


Personally I’d tell. But I’d tell my best friend first and give her the opportunity to tell her husband. I’d want someone to tell me.


Only if you one hundred percent have proof in hand to show.

If your husband was cheating on you, do you think his friend was going to say?
Once again, I confirm my theory that there are no friends and that none can be trusted, while men take care of each other, you want to give away your so-called friend, that you have nothing as a friend, surely you are in love with her husband And you are envious of him, how sad you give me, so sad.


Don’t go, don’t tell


Wendy Gonzalez :woman_shrugging:t2:

I wouldn’t go but I wouldn’t tell her husband.

How did it go from girl trip to cheating lol

Stay on ur lane. Most likely the husband already knows and if he dont most likely he will not believe you.

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Walk away and ignore them and her phone calls. This is a pot of beans that will be spilling soon.


I doh even read further than the topic… u want ur best friend’s husband… shame shame on u… I doubt u were taught to mind ur business growing up…


Just get proof and send it to him anonymously… I would tell on that b*+$$… Too much of that mentality in his world where people preferred to not tell. Maybe if we were a society where exposing this kind of thing was the norm, there would be less cheaters :woman_shrugging:t2:

I would tell her I’m not going because I don’t condone what she is doing and tell her how u feel about it is friend supposed to go as well??


How about telling your best friend to tell him. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Best friend or not, I don’t associate with people who hurt other people for their own pleasure and I’d tell her husband if she won’t.

If you were getting cheated on by your husband, would you want his best friend to tell your or just shut up?

I know it’s hard to hold your tongue in a situation like this but you should just tell her you don’t want anything to do with it and leave it at that

No it’s not your place to tell him!


Mind your business, and just don’t go if you feel some type not way… If what she is doing is not effecting your friendship what’s the problem.


A girls trip but she plans to cheat on her husband? Sounds like she is using you as a cover up. I say screw her. We are meant to be there did our friends but this is not friendship to me. Wrong is wrong. As for the husband, maybe just point him in the right direction and drop some clues. If he’s smart, he will catch on.


Mind your business damn!!! I dont understand why women do this crap to each other…

If wouldn’t tell you dont know situation at home and would cause more harm than good

Tell the husband duh

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She is your Best friend…not her husband. U may not approve but snitching on her your best friend to her husband is petty betrayal


Bruh I wish yall would go snitch on me Nazhua Ramos Adrian Snow :rofl::sob::skull::woman_facepalming:t2:

Well If u want her to still be ur best friend no , it’s not ur place .

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Hmmmm - rough position to be in - since you disagree - tell her - tell her to find some else to join her. Tell her you don’t want to be in the middle and don’t put you in the middle ever again .


Cut ties but I know I’d want to know if mine was so I would probably bring it up to him somehow or talk to my husband about it first. If she was a friend at all she wouldn’t include you in her nasty side quests.

Mind your own business :100::woman_shrugging: he will find out.


Wheres your loyalty to your friend? Its gonna look like you want to hook up with him. Stay out of it.


Stay out of it as much as you can so that you can’t be blamed for anything.


JUST MIND YOUR BUSINESS…it will come out eventually


I would never do that to my best friend :open_mouth:


Girl you are not her friend. If you were you would be trying to talk to her about her cheating and if that’s what she wants then you mind your business. Best Friends have each others back no matter what. You don’t have to go on the trip and please MIND YOUR MF BUSINESS!


Neither, I’d let her know that you’re not going because you aren’t comfortable with her actions and don’t want to be put into the middle of it. Then you mind your own business.


Some things are better left unsaid!

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I’d want to know if I was being cheated on. So ignore these people who are telling you to ‘mind your business’ and tell the poor guy!


i guess how would you feel if you were in her husband’s position.
I feel like sometimes we put others feeling above right and wrong, morals.

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She is supposedly your best friend and you want to rat her out? You’re not much of a friend. Sound like a low key hater. Her relationship is HER business not yours.


He deserves and needs to know, she made a vow to be faithful to him (and did as well to her). She broke it, and lying to his face every time she is with him. As for inviting you along, you’ll end up being her unwitting alibi and accomplice to the lie.


Do not go, and do not tell.

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Mind your business. Your damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

Lot of these comments look like they’re coming from cheaters :joy:


Well I wouldn’t go. Given the nature of the relationship. That’s really your call. But I definitely would not and as far as letting her husband know. Idk if that’s a good idea. Don’t get me wrong I really am all for honesty. But unless you have actual proof. She may just say you’re lying and then they still stay together or he could find out and choose to stay with her anyways. But it puts you in a bad spot either way. Which I also want you to ask yourself, is she really your friend if she’s cool with putting you in awkward positions like this? I personally don’t think so. But it’s your call. I just don’t think it may really turn out okay and you more than likely will lose your friend too. So, I just want you to consider all of this before moving forward.

If you tell her husband she might think you have something for him then it’ll turn out worse lol. You are her friend stay out of it. That’s their problem not yours

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Kep your mouth shut and stay home. 9 times out of 10 he already knows.

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U don’t say nothing but u also don’t gotta go

Don’t get in the middle of relationships. Unless your friend is in danger if not don’t

Loyalty to a friend should never require you to compromise your morals. She doesn’t sound like a very good friend.

I would tell him but I’d tell her what my intentions were first because that’s who I am.


Ummm I wouldn’t deal with it and be used as an excuse. It’s up to you if you tell him or not but I would straight up tell her how you feel

I’m confused about why you added the comment about you being happy with your partner. :thinking: what does that have to do with the question?


ANYGIRL ON HERE SAYING NO, if they were the ones being cheated on they’d be saying omg yes tell me if he’s cheating please …. But now that the role is reversed they’re going to be acting as if what you’re doing is a sin. It’s not. Go ahead an tell the husband ! If I was the wife I’d want to know you marry someone and say sacred vows he has every reason to know. Also if you don’t want to tell him so that she doesn’t figure out it’s you I would send him a message off of texts now and explain the entire situation


Don’t go, don’t tell

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Talk to your husband about it? Maybe he will have some input on how to handle it? But in my honest opinion ,I would tell, because I would hate for the situation to be opposite and no one tell me. No one deserves that


Tell her how you feel. If you are uncomfortable, don’t go. Maybe she thinks you think it is okay and that you support this behavior. It is not your place to get in someone’s marriage though. Let her make that decision.

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i wouldnt go and i wouldnt say shit.

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Idk just cause you’re friends doesn’t mean she should just get a free ride or that you should compromise your morals… do what you think is right. If you were him you would want someone to tell you.


First off she sounds like you’re her excuse to go cheat, saying she’s on a vacation with her friend and going to cheat on her husband. That right there makes her not a very good friend. I’d tell her, youre not going on this trip and she needs to tell her husband. Those people saying that she’s a shitty friend for even thinking of ratting her out… Her friend is a shitty friend for putting her in that position in the first place.

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Not your circus not your monkey’s

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Smh, if it was the girl getting cheated on then it would be all “she deserved to know”

Honestly have a buddy of his tell him. No one deserves to be cheated on.


I would be telling her she needs to tell him before I do. I don’t care if you’re my friend or not, nobody deserves that.


Dont go. If u feel u need to tell do it anonymously.