Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Why would you tell her husband? That’s supposed to be your “best friend” ! If you’re uncomfortable with the situation then tell her that, and that you can’t support what she’s doing, but telling her husband is completely off-limits. That’s really not your place at all.


Don’t compromise your morals!


Stay out of it and stay home


For me i will let her know that what she is doing is wrong and then cut her off. And if her husband come and ask me anything i will tell him the truth


You can get him to find out with out them knowing it was you tipping her off. Then you could either stay her friend or cut her off but personally I would cut her of she is toxic if she does that kind of thing plus a true friend wouldn’t put you in any kind off situation like that.


He won’t believe you and if he does, you will be the bad guy and neither will ever talk to you again.


Leslie Marie she ain’t a true best friend if she trying to tell her business :rofl::woozy_face:


Hell no don’t go tell ur partner too

Talk to your partner first about the situation. Then try to convince her to tell her husband herself and not partake in any of her shenanigans. Unfortunately cut ties if you have too.


The problem with all these comments is that they seem to think cheating is ok so mind your business smh. And when it comes to loyalty. You believe in it in every way. It’s ok to tell your friends when they’re wrong. If they don’t like it that’s too bad. That’s what True Friends do. Never switch up your morals for Anyone. You are who you hang out with. I personally wouldn’t go. I would also personally let her know that if she goes, I’m telling her man cuz it’s wrong. We need to stop that cycle of hurting each other. If she’s unhappy she needs to just leave. This cheating bs gotta stop being praised, protected, normalized, supported and condoned. People need to grow TF up. I, as a Woman, would want my friends to tell me if they know my man is cheating. I Deserve to know. What makes you think a man feels any differently? Telling him she’s cheating doesn’t mean you want him, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard out of all comments. It means you know he doesn’t deserve it.


The real question is are you comfortable not telling your partner the real reason for the girls trip?

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I don’t understand all the hate from people :woman_facepalming:t3:. If that was you - being cheated on and being played for an absolute fool - y’all would likely be outraged and angry with anyone and everyone that knew and sat there in your face smiling and said nothing. If it were my BF - assuming the husband is a good husband, friend and man - as soon as I found out there was an affair going on, I’d give her an ultimatum to tell her husband the truth.


Don’t go and tell her why! That you don’t feel comfortable nor agree with her decision and that she should tell him, leave him, work her marriage out. You don’t have to be apart of it and if you loose her friendship that’s on her. You have a choice and don’t have to be a party involved.


It’s really not your business or your place, but there is a lot more going on than just telling your friends husband she’s cheating. Most people react emotionally and without definitive proof, you will be drug through the mud. You should be honest with your friend about why you don’t want to go on said trip and then be a good friend back and call her on her bullshit. I’d ask her why she’s cheating instead of just ending the relationship. Sometimes being a good friend is telling them the things they don’t want to hear.

Loose lips sink ships - if she’s your best friend, the only person you should talk to is her.


I hope she punches you right in your face. :joy:


MIND YO BUSINESS and if it bothers you that much distance your self or end the friendship :woman_shrugging:


Damn every page I follow this same post is submitted anonymously :woozy_face: just don’t go. If she’s doing dirty her man will find out.

I’d say confront her about it. I mean she is your best friend so tell her off. I would ask her to make her choice because sooner or later her husband will find out anyway.
Would any of you guys like for your best friend to betray you and tell your significant other that you are cheating?

What does her cheating have to do with the girls trip if it’s a girls trip that means there’s no guys involved anyway and number two you need to mind your own business you’re supposed to be a friend supporter even if you don’t agree with her and what she’s doing

You should tell her how you feel


Would you want her to tell you that your husband is cheating?


Get some proof and then show him. No one deserves to be cheated on.

If you wanna lose your best friend, go right ahead.

I would not go so you are not a part of her misdoings. And then I wld not tell because it is not your business or marriage. That is their lives and it will catch up to her. I would just separate myself as much as possible from the mess.


I’d call her out privately and tell her that it’s not right and not who she is … youre best friends for a reason


It’s pretty disturbing the amount of ladies that are condoning cheating :woman_facepalming:t3: Are you all cheaters to or something? Yous have obviously never felt the pain an sole destroying from it.:woman_shrugging:t3:


Tell her husband he deserves to know and she not a very good friend if she expects that out of you. Don’t go it will cause problems for you if it all comes out and he know you knew it might make him question your loyalty.never worth it


Would u want to b told if your friend new your husband was cheating…just think bout it


Would you tell her if it was him cheating on her? Would she want you to? If it was your partner cheating on you would you want to know?

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Don’t do it. I did that once and it backfired on me. Mind your own business

Wait, so the only reason you’re snitching is because you don’t wanna do a girls trip? Not because it’s against your morals or anything? Yea I kinda hope she puts her foot up your ass cause that’s petty

All these cheaters in here says don’t tell lmao bet 90% of you saying don’t tell are doing the same thing to you op and can’t stand the thought of someone telling on you bunch of c#nts


Give an anonymous tip to him with some proof

Funny I just went through a situation like this. I didn’t tell her husband. But I let her know if things are not great with her husband then instead of cheating separate or divorce. Now what she did after I have no idea but The guy knew she was married but also knew things weren’t great. But I do know the guy isn’t forcing her to get divorced at least separate. She no longer lives with the guy they are still technically married. But she’s saving money for the divorce

No, just don’t. Unless you want to lose a friend and it’s none of your business.

I would make it known that you don’t agree with what she is doing. But leave it at that.


The folks telling you that you aren’t her friend and that you should mind your business are liars and cheaters too. That’s the ONLY reason you defend that kind of behavior.


I won’t give advice, only experience. I’ve done it twice and it never ends well. It’s messy and painful for all involved. But I chose to do it because it was the right thing to do. It’s a personal decision only you can make.


What would you want if the roles were reversed?


Have proof if you’re gonna say something but be prepared to lose your friend if you do

Okay but I’ve seen so many posts with the guys cheating and everyone is screaming to tell the girl. Why is there such a double standard? This poor guy is being cheated on, and it will probably hurt him just as much as it would hurt any of y’all in a relationship.

Yeah, talk to your friend first I guess and tell her that what she’s doing you can’t support or be around, and ask her to be honest with her husband, but if not I wouldn’t be able to just watch someone get hurt like that.


Personally I’d tell her about herself and tell her you want to stay out of that and stay home. If she then choose to go by herself that’s her business. Karma never just lets things go.

Tell her your not interested in supporting her cheating habits.
Thats a horrible person.
Give her the opportunity to tell the husband before you do. You may loose your friend but will always have a clean conscious. Good luck

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You’d want to know right ?

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Don’t go and support bad behavior ! That’s the same as cheating ! She needs to tell her husband - before she leaves on a trip :disappointed: poor guy !


Leave the friendship until her own shit hits the fan…

Don’t go. But, she is your bf, also don’t tell her secrets. Advise her that it is wrong, but if you tell him you risk losing your friendship with her.


If she is cheating she deserves what she gets


I can’t be friends with someone who cheats on their spouse


Its not your story to tell and the fact that you would tell says she’s not your best friend. Since you have a problem with her chose of lifestyle then you need to talk to her open about how you feel. Then tell her if she wants to continue with that lifestlye you can’t hang with her. Let her tell why you aren’t going on vacation with het. But her life is not your story to tell.

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Yes do it !!! I would

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Just make sure you have proof, because in the end if/when they patch it up and pretend nothing happened you dont come out as a crazy, jealous witch that tried to break the happy couple apart. I’ve seen this happen way too many times

Cheating is disgusting and honestly I couldn’t be friends with someone that cheats, I’d tell her husband because if he was cheating I’m sure she would want to know


I would definitely confront her and I would tell her she’s pretty shitty for cheating. And end that right there. I wouldn’t get involved with other peoples relationships! Somehow it might back fires. However sometimes you holding in all that makes a person make assumptions about you … I wouldn’t even allowed that stuff near you especially if your happy with your husband /bf or whatever

It’s none of your business.

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Well it depends if it’s worth the risk and choosing to being put in the" moral situation " honestly , your bf could view it as" the company you keep" and situations you choose to be apart of type thing as a moral and character issue. Don’t put yourself in a situation to have to choose between your bestie and boyfriend. I don’t like cheaters so I’d prob give the ol’ you tell him or I do lecture.

Be prepared to lose your friend and have your name be trashed.


Here for the comments…


I got caught up in this situation several years ago she knew I wasn’t impressed and ended up saying if the husband asked me then I wouldn’t lie to him. So he asked me one day to confirm what he already knew. After that she went next level physco with me and my family it resulted in a fight and then years of hell and abuse followed by a restraining order against her. She cheated all the way through their relationship he did aswell in the end. He moved out and she moved another guy in the same day! It’s not worth it to be honest, id end the whole friendship and walk away…


It is ultimately your call based of your moral judgment. If you think it is morally correct to tell him and you feel guilty for not then I would. I definitely wouldn’t spend much time with her if your happy in your relationship. The 5 people you spend the most time with are who you become. When you roll in the mud with the pigs you get dirty. Would you be comfortable with your husband going on a weekend trip with his friend who cheats on his wife? Just things to consider.


If it were my best friend I would totally call her out and ask her WTH. And no I would not be going or helping in anyway. And if she kept at it after we had our convo you better believe I am telling her husband. That’s just crap and I love my BFF like she is my own sister and no I am not putting up with any of that.


Don’t tell her husband! Her husband ain’t your friend and it’s really not your business. If u are uncomfortable or don’t wanna be involved in anyway just let that be known to her! Don’t snitch on your friend that 10 years of friendship would be gone an for what? Cause honestly he still prob won’t leave her. I personally think cheating is wrong but I’m not gonna go put myself in someone else’s drama. Just my opinion tho.


Oh that’s a nope and , damn to some of these comments.

Id give her the option of coming clean if not then id be the one tell…


Don’t tell him just like help him catch her on the sly :joy:. Honestly if she stops being your friend is it really a lose? if she can betray her own husband do your really think she’d think twice about betraying you if the opportunity came up?


Snitches get stitches!


Is she going away to cheat on her husband or is she going away for a girls weekend?

Are you not wanting to go away because you just don’t want to go or are you not wanting to go because she’s going to cheat on the trip ?

Either way , if she’s your best friend, be straight up with her with what your feeling and you can’t be straight up her then she’s not your best friend

The woman is your friend. Not the husband. I wouldn’t say anything. It will eventually come out. Its not on u to tell & if u do im sure she won’t talk to u again

Talk to her about Ur feelings

I wish someone had told me

Yall is diguesting. If you were in the husbands shoes you would want thier best friend to tell you. Honestly I’d be runnibg my mouth. If you keep quiet you are encouaging her and enabling her to do so.


I wouldn’t go and I would keep out of it and keep your mouth shut! It’s not your business!

Not your business, stay out of it. Your her friend not his. Remember that


Don’t go but don’t tell if you feel uncomfortable. It’s not position to tell.

Why do you feel the need to tell her husband anything?? Don’t go if you choose not to. You can TELL HER why and that you do not approve but because you are HER FRIEND telling her husband would do nothing good for your friendship. You can tell her that you are very disappointed in her and that you find it disgusting …but there is nothing good to come of telling her husband.

Mind YOUR business!!!

If the woman has best friends like you…wow!
Unless you want her husband that’s not your place. By all means call her out on her bs and say you want no part of it but running to her husband pffft.

I wouldn’t go and wouldn’t say anything

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I wouldn’t be calling this girl my best friend. It sounds like you don’t even want to be her friend anymore because of the moral she places upon herself by cheating on her husband. And again with that being said it’s not your story to tell. She’ll get caught eventually. I’m currently in the same situation only I don’t call her a best friend anymore she’s just an acquaintance now I can’t be friends with someone who can sleep around on her husband like that especially if her husband’s going to bat for the family. It sounds like a lot of drama I wouldn’t want to be a part of.

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Tell him. It’s the right thing to do… she would want to know if it were her. Sooner or later she’ll learn her lesson that cheating isn’t okay. It’s simple.


Tell her to tell him or you will. It’s only fair.


Tell her how you feel about it and if it were me I would also tell her that until she stops cheating I will not be going anywhere with her. I wouldn’t tell the husband unless you’re ok with the storm that will be headed your way if you do and also your friend will be gone


Where’s your loyalty? My bestie was a hoe and I wouldn’t snitch him out like that. We been close since high school tho so maybe that’s a different level of best friend. I’d lecture his ass and give him a piece of my mind but wouldn’t betray him like that

I would tell him … if roles were reversed you’d hope someone would tell you🤷‍♀️ in my opinion


Just don’t go it’s not your concern. You get involved and end up being the blamed or even hurt physically people are crazy out there you don’t know what that man might do

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She will turn on you. You loose your best friend.

You might want to consider voluntary isolation for a year or two … you have no bright future in this one … :frowning:

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No, it’s none of your business. What goes around……

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It’s always best to mind the business that pay you!! Your business!!! Everything done in the dark will come to light, without your help. Geesh i would hate to see if you were her enemy!


I mean… is she going on the girls weekend to cheat or is it just a girls weekend… thats all kids of messy…

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I wouldn’t go and I’d also rat her out. Turn the tables, would YOU want to know? 100%


A true friend wouldn’t want to encourage or condone that kind of behavior. If you love her, encourage her to tell her husband the truth. :black_heart:


I wouldnt go and I would tell him


What kind of friend are you. Smh I would not tell him anything. What good could possibly come to you by doing that ?


Keep away from her and her husband. Let him find out what she’s like in his own time as he wouldn’t thank you for it.
Not your monkey or your circus :wink::kissing_heart::sparkles:

Don’t go but don’t tell on her. You take some shit to the grave with you.

D not go on the weekend and end it with your friend, She apparently doesnt understand what a friend is and is not. Friends are friends to build each other up, become the best human we can… and to lean on now and then… NOT to use to back her up and hid immoral behavior.

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I did not put myself in the middle of her cheating. Tell her to stop and tell her husband or you will. A best friend would not put you in that position.

Just be a guy and laugh about it on the side lol.