Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Why would you tell on your best friend


You clearly don’t approve of her affair, so maybe you should tell HER that. She is clearly NOT your best friend if younare contemplating telling her husband that she is cheating on him. It is not your business. He probably knows already. It’s not YOUR place to tell him, unless you have reasons for wanting to do so? Like maybe you have feelings for him? You might as well end the friendship.


I wouldn’t tell— not my business. I would make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that I don’t approve and encourage her to talk with him to discuss steps towards reconciliation or divorce. I also wouldn’t agree to any facilitation either. I’m not going to tell her business, but I’m not going to lie for her either. A best friend wouldn’t put you in that position.


Keep your mouth shut…it sometimes backfires for the one telling…

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Stay home and keep quiet this will explode in your face guaranteed


Never participate in the coverup. She’s an adult, let her figure it out. It will come back and haunt you if you do.


If she’s your BEST FRIEND then you shouldn’t even question that. Tell her if your worried, tell her if you think he know, tell if if you don’t agree… but then shut your samn mouth and let her make her own big-girl choices. And yea, if he asks, you cover for her because that’s what your best friend does for you.

Be honest, its better that you’re honest then it is to lose a friend and her trust.

Don’t go and don’t tell, there easy peasy!
If he was your best friend then yeah hell yeah tell, but he’s not she is, so… :shushing_face:

Im always one to say its about the person who is right not the person you like more. Unfortunately, your friend is in the wrong here. If you havent told her your opinion on it i would talk to her first and let her now you feel. Tell her she should tell him so she is not leading her husband on. Dont tell the husband but let him find out. Imagine if your friend was doing drugs and planned to drug him . wouldnt you put an end to it? Kinda worse but same kind of situation.


Don’t go and don’t tell her husband tell her she has to tell him xx

If you were the one getting cheated on wouldn’t you want someone to tell you? Talk to her! Tell her to stop or you will tell her husband. She’s trying to use you so she can spend time with this guy. Therefore she’s putting you in it and making you just as guilty. Is your husband friends with her husband? If so you could ruin everyone’s relationship for not saying anything and he done out later. I would be livid if I found out my friend knew but never told me. The fact that you’re asking this question should tell you your answer.

TELL HIM. he needs to leave and better now so he doesn’t waste anymore time with a cheater

Hell no!!! Best friends keep secrets!!

Mind your business…karma will handle it

That’s your best friend!! You ain’t see nothing you don’t know nothing and have fun on your trip.


Don’t get in the middle of that hell storm. I did one time and they both hated and turned on me for telling the truth. Her husband called me a liar and dared his wife to ever speak to me again.

Tell you friend she shouldn’t put you in this spot and then butt out.

Saying something is no win situation when my ex did her affairs people who told me I was initially mad