Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Mind your business … It’s not your place to tell that man anything. If your best friend is not happy with her husband then she should tell him up front . Just tell her you don’t like what she’s doing and carry on .

Tell your best friends hat she’s doing isn’t right and that she needs to come clean.

Might not be your buisnesses but I’d like someone to tell me. So yes please tell.


I don’t think you need to tell him anything but I also don’t think that because she’s your best friend you need to get involved in any bullshit she’s got going on. I definitely wouldn’t go on the trip, let her fuck up her own marriage by herself. Don’t get yourself any more involved than you already are. She shouldn’t be putting you in this position in the first place.

Tell your friend how you feel and leave it at that. Not your place to discuss with her partner.

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Just tell her you don’t want to end up involved in her affairs. Don’t tell the husband unless he’s a good friend and asks. Either way you lose both friends

I would just tell her that you do not want to go, because you don’t agree with what she’s doing. Also that you don’t want to be put in the middle of it.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Mind your business, why do you care anyways ? Maybe got a thing for her husband see a way in

No. Mind the business that pays you

Your best friend is trash

Don’t go but don’t tell either

Don’t go and don’t get involved in that


And ur her bff :flushed: damn that’s scary with friends like that who needs enemy’s :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Jasmine Savage wtf we would slap each other silly

Don’t go and don’t tell!

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He deserves to know.

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You don’t need to be friends with such a person. She’s trash.

I wouldn’t go. Ignorance is bliss

O WOW!! That’s a concern you talk to your best friend with not the husband

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Mind your own business


Geez tell the poor schmuck….would you want to be told if that shit were happening to you??


For me it really would depend on how close I was to all the people involved. As for taking the trip, I couldn’t. I’d would be on my mind the whole time and make myself and everyone around me uncomfortable.

If you do not feel comfortable just politely decline going on the trip

If you go your condoning her actions. I wouldn’t go & I would tell her husband . That is not cool.

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That ain’t your best friend. She should know she’s friends with a snake. Guess snakes run in packs.

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Stay out of it and don’t go on the trip.


That is your best friend. Your loyalty lies with her. You should encourage her to quit what she’s doing or be honest, or both.
Secondly, I’m a little confused as to why you mentioned yourself and how you feel about your partner. I think your relationship is irrelevant.
Sooooo I’d go on the girls trip. It may be a good opportunity to just have fun and you don’t have to mention anything at all! At the end of the day, it’s her own relationship that’s being affected. If yours is fine, keep it moving.


What others do reflect their character, what you do reflects yours, your loyalty is to truth and dignity, he deserves to know. Would YOU want to know?

If my best friend wants to cheat, that’s her decision. I’m not gonna help her but I’m also not gonna snitch and if she gets caught and her life falls apart, I’ll be there helping her pick it up.
Thinking you’re better than someone is a dangerous game.


Not your business, chances are he already knows and you will just make matters worse

You put yourself in the middle you wind up being the bad guy either way.Do what you can live and sleep with.

No u should not b the tell.

It’s not your place to tell him. I would tell her the truth about how you feel though her being your best friend you would think you could be completely honest with her and talk to her about it. I can tell you have morals some don’t I guess. Now your letting her relationship eat your lunch don’t … Tell her you simply don’t agree with her action’s and keep going with your life but I do definitely think holding this information from her isn’t right seeing as she is your best friend.
Good luck I’ll be holding you and her in my prayers. :heart:


Nope. If someone I know is cheating sorry we’re not going anywhere together. Best friend or not. Who knows what or who she’s going to bring around and I wont be a part of it.

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Talk to her about how you feel about. If its that big of a deal for you just stop being her friend, cause if your even considering doing that obv you don’t want to be her friend anyway.

what kind of friend are you mind your business hater


I’d leave it be. I wouldn’t want roped into that mess.

Would you want to know? Do you really want to be a part of this? Ask yourself, you know the answers. It is called doing what is right. Not being a hater! I would hate having friends like a lot of you people. I would rather have truth. I would trust you more and feel I have more loyalty. TWO wrongs do not make it right!


If you like drama and want to lose your best friend, the answer is yes. That doesn’t mean that you can’t tell her that it makes YOU uncomfortable…I think THAT is the part that the best friend should play. The rest will work itself out the way it is supposed to.


Tell him!!! Youd want to know, if it was you!!!


If you don’t want a best friend anymore tell him . That will be the outcome.


You tell them the right thing to do my friend is going through the same thing with his wife I told him everything she wants a divorce it’s not right

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I told a mutual friend one time that her boyfriend cheated on her. This was a band and we both were seeing band members. It blew up in my face. She blocked me, so did the cheater and my boyfriend was furious and ultimately ended our relationship. I couldn’t go to gigs anymore because the vocalist and his gf hated me… I just mind my business now when I hear or see stuff.

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Maybe this will help you: everytime my best friend gets a boo or a boyfriend, they have all hit on me one way or another. I don’t like that, so I tell her what happened. I show her proofs.

She gets the message and knows I’d never betray her like that, so she knows I got her back. He was in the wrong, not me.
He’s gets the message to not mess with me.

You have no obligation to your best friend’s wife. Your best friend will be hurt but he’ll be thankful to you. But before you tell him, you need to show proofs.

Or just show him proofs, put all the receipts (pics and texts and whatever else) in a folder and deliver them anonymously to him. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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If you want to lose your friend tell.


I would be pissed if my best friend knew my husband was cheating and didn’t tell me.
I would be pissed if my husband’s best friend was cheating.
I’d be pissed if my best friends husband was cheating.
My best friend would be pissed if I knew her husband was cheating and didn’t say anything.

I’d probably tell :woman_shrugging: idgaf. Hate me :clap:


I would stay home and not say a word. She will get caught sooner or later and this way you won’t be a part of any of it.


I wouldn’t go but I wouldn’t get involved. Learned that a long time ago.


You women telling her “it’s not your place mind your business” “You’re gonna loose your best friend if you do tell him.” are SO wrong. If you turn the other cheek to someone getting wronged you are trash and will receive that same type of treatment in the future or at least I hope you do. Tell her husband, girl. That’s wrong and you’d want someone to tell you.

I’d tell HER you love her but can’t be around her if she’s cheating! It’s not fair for her to put YOU in that position in the first place😡NOT a good friend


Don’t go if you feel uncomfortable but don’t tell her husband. He’s going to know somethings up when you don’t go.

This is my personal opinion: if you don’t want to go because you’re uncomfortable, then don’t go. I would not tell her husband she is cheating if she is your best friend. Your loyalty is to her, not him. However, I would definitely have a long talk with her and tell her you think it’s wrong and why it’s wrong. If she doesn’t want to be with him, then she should leave him.


What would you want her to do if tables were turned?

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I would stay out of it. Personally, it will all work out eventually. But then again all my people know I dont do drama, I dont feed into drama, I dont care about other people’s drama. But if I was asked directly I would be honest and truthful about it.


I wouldn’t go away on the wknd with her

Kayla Treadway. Best friend what would you do? Cause I know I wouldn’t do you like that EVER lmao

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Grow some courage and tell your FRIEND how you feel. IDC what your friend is doing SHE is where your loyalty lies. Unless she’s not loyal to you? Maybe her home is not as happy as you think. Be a friend not a snitch.


That’s not your best friend if you need to ask


I would want someone to tell me… And I also wouldnt want to associate with someone with such low morals and respect. I think sitting by doing nothing when you know what shes doing is shitty and anyone saying “mind your own business” is shitty as well. It isn’t about loyalty, its about being a decent human being!

Even as a friend of so many years I’d likely drop her and tell her husband what’s up.

If she wants to be a hoe id tell her boyfriend.

About 10 football pitches is the distance you want keep from that shit.

What does her and her husbands relationship have to do with a girls trip? You said you don’t want to go, so don’t. What is happening in her relationship is none of your business to be running around telling, your loyalty is to your friend, not her husband. You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors or what the situation is.


Have you spoken to her about the way you feel.

would she tell your partner if you was cheating on him :thinking:

But wait……. If her husband was cheating would y’all run to her?

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Sorry I’m gonna go against the grain. If we were mutual friends as well I would tell him! My best friend if 24 years cheated with my husband if 10 while she was still married and her husband was over seas! When I figured it out I warned him. I sure wish someone would have told he a hell of a lot sooner instead of them both lying to my face.

Look dont participate and make it clear you dont intend to lie for her either, you dont have to tell either just dont get involved


You need to talk to her. Tell her what she is doing is not okay. You probably shouldn’t go either. I feel like it will cause issues with you and your partner in the long run.

I think cheaters are discusting, cowardly, repulsive liars…I have NEVER understood why not just leave…So I unfortunately would want no part in a friend that is capable of that kind of deceit because obviously she is capable of doing it 2 someone she claimed she loved enough 2 take vows with, trustworthiness is now questionable…Can’t say that I would tell him, but pretty sure she would get a blunt earful of how deceitful, conniving and nasty she is being and I would strongly URGE her 2 tell him before someone else did…


Most people in this day and age might think you are the opposite of what you are doing. I’d say have fun with the Vacay but catch evidence and show the proof :woman_shrugging:t3: cheating is wrong and if they get mad then that’s on them dont go fucking around and be pissy when you get caught being a shitty human being :joy::joy:

Tell me, I’ll tell him.


Hell nah. Friend or not. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Jennifer Meades. DonnaJene Sabrina Hart. Hope Cosper. Yall know this now. This is not the secret to trust me with!!!


Tell your friend how your feeling. That’s the only right thing to do. Anything else is super childish and immature.

If she can carry on like that with her husband what makes you think she wont do you dirty… Wrong is wrong.


Hell no. Don’t go and you better tell him.

Sorry if she is using you as an alibi then i wouldnt go.She needs to sort it out hsrself and not involve you.what if your partner finds out and think you are playing away as its not worth it just say no.


For the sake of YOUR relationship , THEIR relationship is none of your business , I say that respectfully.
Everything that happens in the darkness comes to light, eventually he will find out. Never involve yourself in someones relationship drama… doesn’t matter what you know just keep away from HER so you aren’t involved in anything that has nothing to do with you… My opinion.


I would tell her that you love her but dont want to participate and that you don’t agree with what she’s doing


Oh girl thats not even a question. Thats your best friend. Why are you caring so much about how he feels.


Don’t go and don’t tell

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I told my friend’s husband to tell (her) his wife or I will…
He told her…

I would not go. And I would not be a part of Her life at all while she continues to cheat. No

I have morals, dignity and standards. So I would not be friends with a person cheating!

Yes, she apparently ain’t a good friend to put that predicament on you.

Stay out of it or you will lose your friendship.
Explain to your friend how you feel

Don’t go and keep your mouth quite she won’t believe, she will think you want her man. Anything in the dark must come to light, tell him to tell her or you will…but it’s a bluff for him to tell her himself :raised_hands:t4:

Start by telling your friend how you feel and then let it go. You never know what goes on in another person’s marriage and it’s best to mind your own business


Do not go. Do not tell the husband. Talk to your friend about stopping or at least telling her hubby so they can fix it or leave it.

Or don’t go and mind your business… It’s not your place to get involved in someone else’s marriage


Don’t tell her husband and don’t go, why would you want to be a 3rd wheel.

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You need to be a best friend and mind your business. She’s a grow ass woman if she wants to cheat it’s not your place to go and tell to her about her choices and what she’s doing but remember those are her choices not your business.


She’ll deal with her own consequences, your HER best friend not his. :shushing_face:


Dont go n dont tell him… If it was me id probably cut off my friendship with her for awhile to avoid negative vibes n not feeling comfy but thats just me

Honestly is the best policy

You love her I get it 10 yrs of friendship is hard to come by these days. But I must say my friendships have stood the test of time as I’m forward in my approach and I come from a place of love, I’m true to who I am brutally honest. No don’t go and you are not to be apart of her excuse to have this affair tell her if she doesn’t come clean that you will tell him. You have nothing to gain from telling him. That’s my opinion! Leave it at that.

stay home and stay out of it

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I’d drop her as a friend honestly. I’d also want someone to warn me if they thought my spouse was cheating or if they knew for sure. It sucks when you’re the last one to find out your spouse or SO was cheating but everyone else knew and didn’t say anything.

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Don’t go n not ur place to tell her husband…