Should I tell my best friends husband she is cheating?

Stay out of it, and don’t be an alibi for her to see someone, don’t go on a “ girls” trip to cover for her and don’t be telling the husband … stay out of it and distance yourself from your friend and that whole situation


I wouldn’t get involved and I wouldn’t go.

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I don’t see any good reason to tell on your best friend that’s just my opinion


I wouldn’t go but I wouldn’t tell on her either. Mind your business.


I mean like. You could not go, communicate to your friend that you don’t approve of her choices, and seperate yourself from her until she pulls her head out of her ass. But like. Talk to your “best friend.”

Two sides to every story don’t take sides don’t get involved with other people’s relationships.

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This is coming from someone who was cheated on for 3 months and people knew but didn’t tell me. It’s embarrassing. It made me feel really dumb and stupid.


tell your husband about and maybe he will tell him

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Don’t go…and mind your business

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I personally wouldn’t go. I am trying to build a lifelong marriage, that kind of company isn’t conducive to my goals. Best friend or not- that’s a no from me


You should mind your business. You can stay at home AND stfu at the same time!

“Best friend” yet ya gonna rat her out :rofl::rofl::rofl: this why I don’t have petty female friends lol. I don’t cheat but if you gonna tattle tale on something like that who knows what else petty shit you do lmao

Damn, when someone trusts me with personal information, regardless of what it is, it goes in the vault. :shushing_face::zipper_mouth_face: not my life, not my business.

Would you want someone to tell you if your husband was cheating and they all knew? I would mine was cheating and people didn’t tell me and it ruined alot of relationships id tell but do so anonymously

Tell him. Being cheated on sucks, but what’s worse is the amount of time you’re cheated on.

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Been in this situation. I never went I cancelled the trip. No I never told her husband, my husband knew why. I just didn’t want in it and after that we kinda just stopped talking and lost touch. It’s crappy knowing you’re being used as an alibi especially like that.


I would deff want to know if my person was cheating on me…so if someone had that info I’d want to know asap to avoid wasting anymore time.
If she doesn’t want to be with him anymore…they need to get a divorce.
…cheating is for teenagers lol


No stay your ass at home :man_facepalming:

How can you call her your best friend if you want to tell on her?

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Just quit hanging around with her

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Definitely don’t go! Don’t be apart of this


Don’t go, but tell him. You would wanna know if it was you.


I would not go but I would stay out of it

Don’t get involved!!


In my opinion cheaters deserve to be stoned sorry or at least forced to have to be in a database. There’s is never a gpod reason to cheat on anyone man or woman period. It has serious mental damage that ppl don’t fully realize for the victim. So because i am so against what your friend is doing and as is the lord. Ask yourself this if it was you would you want somrone to tell you? Or would you want to waste the one life you get with someone who obviously doesnt give a poop about you and if they hurt you or not because they are selfish and have the devil inside them!!

If she was your friend, she wouldn’t put that kind of burden on you. I’d pass on the girls’ weekend and let her know you’re not okay with what she’s doing behind her husband’s back. As for if you should tell him, I would say no, simply because who knows how he will react or if he will resent you for having known and not telling him right away. It’s her place to be honest with him, not yours. Definitely cut her off, though.


Don’t betray your bestfriend but also stand your ground and tell her you’re not okay with it and distance yourself. Slowly as you spend more time apart you might realize maybe she wasn’t the best friend you thought she was… and y’all have drifted apart — especially values and morals and such things are important in any healthy relationship.


If it’s your absolute best friend…. Mind your business


If you dont like what she is doing, then don’t hang out with her anymore. Mind your business . This isnt your relationship. And you never know if hes violent and can psychically hurt her for cheating. Stay out of it.


If you’re ready to cut ties with your best friend then tell him


Have proof !!! Abtån pictures or record them talking…

This really goes deeper than cheating on her husband. This woman has some issues that could get you in trouble too. I think I would let her know that as her friend you must let her know that she is headed for trouble and you cannot be a part of that deception. Encourage her to put that energy she’s spending into her marriage and make it what she is searching for. Point out some potential scenarios like getting pregnant by another man, an angry wife shows up at your house, her husband finds out and seeks revenge or she contracts a disease. I would distance myself from her. Her morals are questionable at best.


I wouldn’t tell on her if she’s a good friend. How close of a friend are you guys? I’d have to think ling and hard on this one. Is her husband a good man? Is he abusive?

Tell her husband??? Mind yo biz boo. Just dont go.


No win situation for you!


You should mind your business and stay in your own lane
If you do not like what she is doing then do you boo boo
And stop hanging out with her
There is an old saying snitches get stitches


Stay away from her and don’t go

If you don’t want to be friends, that’s fine, but other than that, mind your business.

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If it were me, I’d want to know.


I wouldn’t tell her husband because I don’t feel that’s your place but I also wouldn’t want to be an accomplish so I’d politely decline the girls trip.


Just don’t go and stay out of this person’s cheating.Believe me it will catch up with her and you won’t have to say one word.

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Speaking from the POV of someone whos been cheated on and everyone but me knew. I wish someone had the balls to tell me.

She needs a new bestfriend that’s for sure. I’d be upset with my bestfriend and ask her wtf, but snitch her out, um no never. My loyalty is to her.


If this was my best friend I’d smack her if she was married, I’d slap her in back of the head. I’d tell her to say something to him before someone else does. That will break his heart if he hears it coming from someone else and not his wife. Would you want someone to tell you if you were being cheated on? Think about that.


I wouldn’t tell her husband, but let her know that it’s not something you agree with and don’t go on the trip and distance yourself from her for a while

She’s ur BFF
It’s her relationship not it’s
You should trust ur BFF and have her back u obviously don’t know what’s she’s going through if ur willing to eat her out
Girls trip
Is separate from what’s happening in her personal life. If u don’t wanna go then don’t go in the trip.

Tell him and give us an update :popcorn: :joy:


Lmao I love how everyone says stay in your lane however if it was a dude doing this to his wife y’all would be saying tell his wife :joy::joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


You won’t come out on top in this situation. You will lose a friend.
Yes you may not agree with what she’s doing. But keep ur nose out of it


I think if you tell him y’all aren’t best friends anymore. She is dead wrong and you don’t have to stand by her while she does this. I would def talk to her about it though since she’s your friend .


She’s your best friend of 10 years. Its wrong but if your done with the friendship, go ahead.

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You ma’am are not her bestfriend


You can be her best friend and you can respect yourself all at the same time. It is her business what she does or her own time but it is also your business to have respect from her. You simply stand up and let her know that you do not want to be know or be a part of something you are against. If she is your best friend she will not involve you in knowing or being around such situation. You can be YOU and be respected. Let her know exactly how you feel and if she chooses to be angry with you then she doesn’t deserve to be your best friend… you are better than that.


If she is YOUR best friend talk to her and tell her how you feel

What kind of snake :snake:best friend are you ? Although what she’s doing it’s obviously wrong it’s definitely not your place if you don’t approve drop the friendship but stay out of it :bangbang:


Wait a minute :rofl::rofl::rofl: Jessica Radford bring your ass on it sissss! It’s the comments for me! But really can we get updates if you do? :face_with_monocle:

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Years ago , we had best friends. Husband and wife . My husband told me the other husband was cheating . It was a hard decision but I told her my husband wasn’t upset w me for telling but I will tell you before I got it half out she named the women . Yes they divorced and her husband was never mad at me cause he knew it was wrong

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You should tell her why you don’t want to go. No you should not tell her husband. She is your best friend, he is not. Stay in your lane!


I wouldn’t get involved at all and what’s yaw going on a trip together for ro so with her cheating

Invite the husband as a surprise.


You as a best friend need to sit down and have an honest heart to heart with her and figure out why she’s cheating. Why she’s doing what she’s doing and help her better herself. You should go and use that time to have a little “workshop”. At least that’s what I would do.


I think you should just NOT go on the trip, let the rest play out on its own. What’s done in the dark ALWAYS reaches lights surface!


Neither. Don’t go and don’t say anything??


I’d want to know, so I guess I’d have to tell her. After all, best friends are like sisters. Wouldn’t you tell your sister? Be warned though, my own mother told me and I didn’t believe her.

NO!! That is breaking girl code . You cover for her. You’re the worst best friend ever🤣


First of all she’s NOT your BFF if you’re even entertaining the thought of snitching!!! I would never dream of telling on any of my girls for any reason. They might do something I don’t approve of or agree with but that’s when you have a heart to heart with them &&& we all have our differences just bc someone’s your best friend doesn’t mean you have to agree alllllllllll the time


She’s your friend and if loyalty holds any value to you keep your mouth shut and let karma handle this one. Not your marriage. You don’t have to be any part of it, participate in it or cover for her in any way and you can obviously let her know you don’t support it but you won’t betray her trust. Eventually it will come out and she will have to deal with the fallout. Just remember that unless your life is 100% squeaky clean and without sin you shouldn’t be acting as judge, jury and executioner in anyone else’s life….that’s above your pay grade. Stay in your relationship and live your life what’s done in the dark always comes to the light and that will be her problem and it won’t be due to any interference from you. Keep your hands clean of all of the mess that will come from her husband finding out because in all honesty you don’t know how he will react. Suppose he reacts violently and something extremely tragic happens….are you prepared to live with being the one who told him and lit that fuse? Let this happen as it is going to happen.


Mind your business & stay in your own lane


I do not get involved I would just tell her you cannot go on the trip

Tell her to come clean or you will tell him!.. i am disappointed in most of you grown ass women on here saying don’t break girl code. You all are ridiculous and hope your BF/hubby cheats on your disrespectful ass

Do not tell on her. Not ur place. But u can absolutely tell her how u feel about it & u can tell her u dont wanna go. But do not snitch on ur friend.


Yall females are messy thats why I don’t fuck with anybody because if yall are okay with being quiet about someone fucking with someone heart then lord have mercy

You should set her straight that’s your best friend. It’s not your place to tell him

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It would be super hard for me not to tell him. It’s kinda shitty she would ask you to help her be unfaithful

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I wouldn’t help her cheat on her husband but I DEFINITELY WOULDNT tell on my BESTFRIEND. Just tell her I love you but I’m not comfortable with this therefore I’m going to have to sit this girls trip out


Don’t go. And stay quiet. Try to convince her to work on her relationship.


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Zoraida Martinez Jenifer Diaz Miriam Lizzeth Maciasim laughing at the comments lol “should I snitch :woozy_face:

My mom killed herself because my dad cheated on her and kept playing games with her heart. I will ALWAYS tell someone if they are being cheated on. I lose all respect for cheaters.


In a sense yes it is not your place but at the same time would you want someone to tell you if your partner was cheating?


Your loyalty is to your best friend. Not her husband. Tell her how you feel. And seriously check your intentions.


Mind ya bidness baby girl

Stay out of it and make an excuse not to go.

Don’t go and mind your business. But tell her how you feel!

I wish someone told me when my ex was cheating on me


I would tell her she’s not invited and why

Would you want to know if it was you or would you rather keep your head in the sand? Absolutely tell him.


Would you want your husbands best friend to tell you he was cheating on you?

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Mind your own buisness.


Honestly. If your best friends then instead of telling the husband you need to just tell her the truth on everything of how you feel. Tell her that you don’t want to take the trip if you don’t want to. Tell her that you feel guilty of knowing about her cheating and not saying something to her husband bc it is wrong. Tell her if she’s unhappy she should talk to her husband about her uncertainty or tell him she wants a divorce. Tell her that part of you wants to say something to him and part of you doesn’t bc she is your best friend. Give her the hard truth and encourage her in the right direction. She may still get upset but she will respect you more doing it that way than telling her husband. You go that route you might as well assume you don’t have that BFF.


I wouldn’t be best friends with a cheater so I would tell


I’m ashamed at most of the comments…


Yep the husband! Friends come and go and so do spouses sadly. If she can’t be loyal to her husband than she should be single. I know if my man was cheating on me. I’d want someone to tell me.


Uhhh are you even friends with the husband?? I mean… if not mind your business… it is not your problem… their marital problems shouldn’t concern you ,you will lose a friend of 10 years over something that’s not your business. But always let her know you don’t want to know anything about her cheating… tell her you are uncomfortable and don’t want to know anything about it.

Go and get proof for it just not hear say. I wish some told me when my ex was cheating on me but let your husband know also

Speaking from personal experience, my best friend cheated on her husband and I don’t condone that so I sat down and talked to her about the problem and reminded her it was wrong what she was doing and told her I couldn’t sit around and watch so I told her I love you but you tell him or I will and she ended up telling him within a week of our talk. She has changed her ways and we are still best friends to this day. Best friends for almost 20 years now.


Talk to your friend, not her husband. Mind your own.


Neither. If you don’t want to go on holiday with her, say you are unwell and stay home. Do not tell her husband anything, because chances are he won’t believe you or she will convince him you are lying. If you say anything to either, it will cost you her friendship.


I’d be having a heart to heart talk with her. She shouldn’t be cheating on her husband. Tell her you are not okay with that. If she wants to pursue that lifestyle, you can no longer be friends.



Cheaters are putting the health and welfare of their domestic partner at risk when they cheat. Even using protection doesn’t guarantee that they won’t bring home a potentially fatal STI. I know a woman who got cervical cancer because of her cheating husband and her life has been a constant fight for survival since. She has two girls that could lose their mom because people who knew chose to “mind their business” and kept quiet. How would you feel if you got gravely ill because she knew your spouse was cheating and didn’t tell you?