Should I tell my boyfriend he may not be the father?

Do tell him. Bc that effects his and baby’s life. AND Whoever the father may be. Don’t keep secrets like this, hurts too many people
And yes, it’s very much his business


You need to straight up be honest, it’s not about your feelings or his. It about the baby. And the baby right to know who’s biologically the parents.

And yes it is his business if you had unprotected sex and got back together with him. Especially if you could have sleep with someone that had a std. not to mention that baby’s correct medical history.

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Yes you are wrong. Tell them both then a DNA test when baby is wrong

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You don’t have a phone number for a guy you had sex with?!

Is this the same person that made a post a couple weeks ago? If not and you follow this page go check out the other post…

Tell him now, get a paternity test done and if it’s not his and walks away then oh well. You’ll also need to find a way to contact the other dude and let him know you’re pregnant so he can step up and be a dad.

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Have a dating scan & they can possibly tell you how far along you are therefore you can work out from that who the father is

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: it is his business, especially if child could possibly be not his.


Girl it’s time to be a woman now and grow up, you going to be a mother now!
You made it his business when you let him give you another chance! I hope am wrong but I feel like you’re going to be messing up quite a few people‘s lives in the year to come!


Tell him. So then he can leave.

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When a baby is involved that he THINKS is his, it is very much his business now. Be honest. You two were broken up. If he truly loves you then you two can work through this. If he chooses to leave then let him- at least you’ll be able to sleep at night knowing you were honest and did the right thing. Good luck


You tell him!!! It’s that simple

How many weeks are you? Is it closer to the one night stand or your boyfriend?

Tell him
For his sake, don’t put him on the birth certificate until after a dna test, he can be added later if it’s his


You made you bed, now lay in it! You know the right thing to so just do it. Tell him and get a paternity test.


Yes you are dead wrong, you need to tell him

Be honest. And if you don’t karma is gonna get you :crazy_face: he gonna have a baby on you and get another girl prego as a result

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You tell him the truth. Duh. Why is this even a question. This woman’s out here basically trying to trap him lol


Typically you get pregnant 10 days after the FIRST DAY OF YOUR PERIOD. Since y’all were split for a week you should be able to decipher who the father is considering sperm can only live inside you for 2-3 days

Is this even a question? It mind boggles me how someone could even think this is an option not to tell him. Yes. Absolutely. You tell him. He has EVERY right to know. Right now you are manipulating the situation and that is SO unfair to everyone involved. If he decides to walk away then put on your big girl panties and accept that. We all make decisions we wish we could take back but you are messing with multiple peoples lives for selfish reasons. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s the reality.


I can’t believe you even need to ask this yes you should tell him. Letting a man raise a child that might not be his without his knowledge in my opinion is one of the most disgusting things a female can do.


You should know based on when you got your period. And if not the doctor can give you a pretty close conception date

You shouldve already told him…

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If he thinks the baby is his it is 100% his business. You need to tell the truth. It’ll be hard but you know you need to.


Yes you’re wrong. You’re only protecting yourself and your a mother now. Grow up.


And then break up. You banged someone out unprotected having been broken up for 7 damn days. You’re not ready for a relationship and he deserves better.

Lmfao slut much? Grow tf up and stop trying to trap the poor man. I’m sure he doesn’t want some loose whore who sleeps around after only a week apart. Pathetic and disgusting. You’re not cut out for parenting!

Be honest! How awful. Get a dna


Well your in a PICKLE, LOL Honestly u know the answer… you split for a week… did u or did u not take precaution? Before that did u and your bf do anything and put u in questioning that u might be pregnant. You found out u were pregnant a month later. You do the math and figure it out. It should be a simple answer.

If he isn’t the father, you should let him know. A baby shouldn’t be the only reason he wants to stay in the relationship…


He has a right to know but more importantly your child deserves to know the truth for the future


Get a plane ticket and go to the Maury show


At least he is man enough to be there be woman enough to be truthful


I think it’s wrong to keep that important fact out of the conversation and if he leaves is he someone you want to hook your wagon to anyway and you’re correct what you did isn’t his business except for the fact that you are now pregnant and don’t know who the dad is so you owe him the truth


Why didnt u use protection?


Wait until the baby is born, do an ancestry dna test on both and then you can find out without saying a word. If the kid isn’t his, then you might want to tell him. It’s not really any of his business what you did when you were broken up and I wouldn’t say anything unless I had no choice.

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If he’d leave you over this then he’s going to be miserable being stuck with you over a child. You can’t let him believe the child is his if there is a possibility it’s not. But sounds like there’s a possibility it is so there’s hope. But gosh I hope he doesn’t stick around for the baby. That’s very unhealthy.


Just have a test done at birth :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I would like to say I’m shocked to see posts like this but I’m not I’m seeing this kind of thing more and more lately just tell him th truth lies never get you anywhere

This is why men should get dna tests done because of women like her, that’s willing to lie and have a man be a father to a child that may not be his. I can’t stand these type of women


Just be honest a pregnancy/baby won’t make anyone stay. If y’all can’t make it work, then you can’t. But starting the repair of your relationship shouldn’t be built on a lie.
No, it’s not his business but this isn’t a small secret.


Unfortunately he deserves to know that the baby might not be his. I say you should do the right thing and let him know


You need to do a dna test. It isn’t right for him to raise a baby that might not be his unless he knows and chooses to. Although I wouldn’t do an in utero dna test. There are risks. Better to wait until the baby is born to test

A week, a one night stand, 2 guys, unprotected, no birth control? Yikes. Make better choices.


Wtf, so you want to lie to this man and have him raise a kid that’s possibly not even his? Obviously that’s wrong. “If I tell him he’ll leave again” …he probably should, you guys clearly have trust and communication issues


You werent using protection with a random one night stand :face_with_peeking_eye:
He deserves to know the truth.


You tell him the truth, you wait & see if he’s the father

Since a pregnancy came out of it, it is his business what you did on the split.


I’m shocked and ashamed of the women saying keep your mouth shut… hell yes u should tell him there is a chance the baby is not his… men should all get dna test done at the hospital before they sign a birth certificate, some of these comments are the exact reason


First stop sleeping around and yes he deserves to know he may not be the dad.


So you couldn’t handle not having sex for a week? Tell him, be a mature adult! Why go back to your ex…THIS IS ONE REASON WHY YOU DON’T GO BACK TO AN EX!!!

Oofta, lots of judgement happening. My opinion is to tell him. Let him know there is a chance that the baby might not be his. Better to be upfront then not. Especially with this.


Why is honesty so hard?
Live an honest life and you will live an amazing life!


Women like you give us a bad name…


He most definitely deserves to know tf? That’s absolutely disgusting not to tell him and he absolutely deserves to know that you’re having unprotected sex with other people especially if you haven’t gotten any STD tests done in the meantime :nauseated_face:

I know it’s hard girl, but the right thing to do is to tell him. He may leave, he may not, but that is his decision to make. All you can do is be honest and hope for the best, good luck girl!


You need to be honest. I was that kid whose mother hid the truth about. I was raised by an absentee Dad when I could have had the opportunity to have an amazing father. I found out through a 23 and me that my mother lied for 34 years. 34 years. It’s been a year since I found out and I’m still angry about it. That CHILD deserves to know who it’s father is.


Tell him. Since you don’t have the other guys number you should look him up on FB and tell him also. I never understood why women keep things like this a secret. Give both guys the opportunity to father their child if they’re willing to step up. No guy should be denied that right. Also,let’s be real for a minute. What if your baby is born with something hereditary? Family medical history is important and there’s a reason drs ask about it .


He has absolutely every right to know this child may not be his regardless if he stays or not. This isn’t a game and you aren’t in high school. Get some courage and tell him the truth! In the meantime I would try to find the other guy as well just to give him a heads up.

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You be an honest person. Don’t you dare play with anyones emotions like that. I mean would you want to be lied too or not at least told the truth if you were him? I mean really? This is common sense. Be an honest person!!!


He deserves to know. That’s a child not a puppy that might have come from a different breeder than the one he chose. :woman_facepalming:


Idk why anyone is shaming you for having sex as a single adult woman. I thought we’re getting past attempting to slut shame other women in 2022​:expressionless::woman_facepalming:t3:. I wonder if the reaction would be the same if you were a man. I doubt it, so I wouldn’t take the judgment to heart. I would however advocate for protection or birth control to avoid any complications. But shit happens! Communicate your worries with him and get that DNA test ASAP. I find it just if not more concerning that he only came back because of the baby. I don’t think no two people are ever actually happy when they’re together just for the baby. Please believe you’re better off a single mom than miserable in an unhealthy relationship with someone who isn’t in it for you.

I’d tell him unless you want to fork out the cost and take the risk of a DNA test before the baby is born. He has a right to know now before more time passes and you mess with his emotions deeper and on a level that’s unforgivable. Simply sit with him and tell him that with further looking into your POSSIBLE conceiving date, there is a slim chance the child isn’t his. Let him have a choice in what to do and not forced on him by deceit. It may suck for a moment… but it will go the way it’s suppose to.
There has to be a chance the baby isn’t his…. Unprotected sex is a risk BUT contraceptives aren’t always 100% as well. This is a not fun situation BUT it’s best to tell him
Now, be honest, tell him you assumed it was his, but your chart leaves a small marine if doubt it could be the rebound guy, and you were scared to say something for fear actions while apart would impact your current place in the relationship. Be blunt and honest. It’s the best way…. If you don’t, and you risk it all… and something happened and by blood type alone he finds out it’s not his AND gets a dna test secretly… everything will blow up in your face for lying and hiding secrets. That never looks good :disappointed:
I do wish you all the best of luck! Both guys deserve to know the truth

You can not start back with the relationship with lies, especially one as big as being the father or not being the father of your child. You will not only be hurting yourself, your boyfriend and the father of the child if it’s not your boyfriends. Tell him the truth, allow him to know everything that lead up to the one night stand and explain to him that hey I don’t have his number or anything of that nature so you can stay with me and we can work this out together and do a DNA test. If you have any way of finding out who the guy is I think it’s best to allow him to know also but he doesn’t need to be in the loop about anything you’re not comfortable with. You can do a DNA test after the baby is born or while pregnant. It really depends on what you and your doctor prefers. You were single and didn’t do anything wrong in my opinion, it’s not like you were married and separated for a week :woman_shrugging:. Stay safe but please tell the truth. Lying will only make things worse!!!

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He deserves to know so he has a choice in it.

Tell the guy u slept with and tell him j want a paternity test

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By not telling him you take away his free will to make a decision. What you did during your separation is his business now because it impacts his life.


Omg selfish. Your post is all about yourself. He has a right to that information! If you watched Paternity Court you’d know :tipping_hand_woman:t4: Being truthful upfront is always better than trying to fix broken people, including the CHILD, later.


Anyone giving sympathy is just as crazy as her. She’s literally telling us that she manipulated this man into being with her due to the pregnancy. “He decided to give us another chance because of the pregnancy”… Both men and the child have the right to know the truth! It is so disgusting and selfish of someone to hide/lie when it comes to who is the parent of the child. This man should leave you because if you were a good person, you’d have been honest with him from the beginning and let him make the decision as to whether he wanted to be with you or not. Instead of using your pregnancy to lie and manipulate him.


Split up for a week and you hopped in bed with someone else? Yes, you should tell him, but he may leave. Then you need some therapy.


Therapist and being alone would be the best Benefit hopefully that small child doesn’t get the worst of it

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Damn y’all move quick

He deserves to know if the child might not be his. It’s incredibly selfish and unfair to make him responsible for a child if it’s not. It’s even more unfair to the child in question to grow up thinking a man is their father and find out later that their mom is a big fat liar. Did you forget that 23 and Me and Ancestry DNA were a thing? Generations old family secrets are being yanked out of family skeleton closets and every day due to those.

If your relationship can’t handle what happened during the time you were apart, then it’s not a good relationship anyways. Get a DNA test and make sure the right man is being made responsible for his child.

On the topic of the fact that you had unprotected sex with a one night stand you literally know nothing about…… if you’re having unprotected sex with your boyfriend… what you did in the week you were broken up is ABSOLUTELY his business. He not only deserves to know the paternity of this child is in question he also is entitled to know if he should be getting tested for STDs.

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I personally wouldn’t want someone to be with me just because I might be carrying their child. Fess up get that mess out of the way. If he stays with you, you’ll have a chance of being a happy family.


WOW!!! First of all, one week and you were with someone else … SMH! Second, you have to tell everyone involved and be prepared to be alone!


He deserves to know.
If you don’t tell him, you’re setting yourself up for a world of pain and drama once that child is born, if you find out then that it’s not his. You should have told him the truth from the moment you told him that you were pregnant.


Honestly you should tell him and get the paternity test done for his sake and the child’s.

If he leaves he leaves.

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Did you manipulate him with the pregnancy? He deserves the choice to be in your life or not. The baby is not a bargaining chip.


I can’t wrap my mind around the idea of lying period let alone letting a man believe that you’re carrying his child. This is one of the most sacred parts of having children with someone you love and you do not love him enough to tell him the truth about your baby. I think you’re just hoping that baby comes out looking like him. What are you going to do if he doesn’t?


It’s not fait on the baby or your bf that is one thing you never lie about I’m sure if he wasn’t honest with you you would hate it

I guess that’s what this generation does… just hop into bed with who ever


First thing that you need to do is quit jumping from one bed to another. Can’t go a week without sex!! SMH!!! Not only should you tell him that the baby might not be his he also needs to get checked for a STD.

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What you did when you two were not together may not be his business, but him thinking that baby is his when there’s a chance it may not be IS his business. You have an innocent baby tied up in the mix now, this is YOUR responsibility to do what’s right for both your baby and him.

I would leave and tell him I don’t know if ur the father …I would go though this alone till u can find out who baby daddy is .
If you and him wasn’t together you was going to raise baby alone so go head u should never be with someone :100: over lies and just for a child it does NOT WORK

Honestly is always the best. Lies come back to haunt.

Of course you need to tell him! What are you gonna do if he finds out years later…that you’ve been lying the whole time? Stupid🤦‍♀️

Maybe one night stand, condoms should be used

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No one can make that decision for you. Try doing the math as best you can (remember sperm can be viable for 5 days).

Yes you need to tell him and get a paternity test. What he decides is up to him.

It’s better to tell him now than to wait for the baby to be born.

Smh girl tell the F’ing truth. It is NOT ok not to tell him. Whether he walks or not is HIS decision. Should have not slept around. :v:

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Don’t keep it a secret!

How far apart did u sleep with them?

This is so selfish and shows no respect for your bf. Smh.

IMHO I would have to tell it’s not fair to him or the baby but you do what’s right for you

You need to tell him, it will come out eventually, so either it comes from you now or it causes massive drama later. As far as if it’s the other guys child, you said you don’t know his number so obviously have no way of contacting him, oh well. If it’s his then you’re just going to have to put your big girl panties on an raise that child yourself, because I’m sure it will put a ripple in your current relationship.

This post has to be a joke right

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Tell you deserve him .and again he could be the dad.truth never hurts.

It would have been way easier for u to tell him while broken up when I first told him I were pregnant because now he may be pretty upset if he’s gotten excited about this baby . Just tell him now before it gets any later.

I would test him and the baby secretly. There’s a good chance it is his because you were probably only with the other dude once…and you’re going to go and cause turmoil over nothing. He was probably with another girl too but unfortunately were the ones who pay heavier :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. Check if you can get an invitro test without him knowing.

Should have told them both the truth when you found out you were pregnant. If he is only with you because your pregnant then your better off without him either way.