I’d say, love him afar. You had your try in a relationship with him. He has moved and so should you. Please respect marriage boundaries!
He’s married! Leave them alone. You said your kids are grown, there is no reason for you to play a role in his life anymore. You made your bed. Let him be happy.
Dude back off he’s married.
Save yourself the embarrassment. Him and his WIFE will probably have a good laugh if you tell him
Pretty selfish to even consider
Don’t be a homewrecker because you didn’t know what you wanted when you had the chance to fix your marriage in the beginning. Just no
He’s married. I think you should respect that.
How about you don’t say anything to him and cause awkwardness. He’s moved on and you don’t need to say anything what exactly is that going to do. What do you want to happen ? It’s not healthy to assume he feels the same way and he may wish you well and that’s it. He will tell hia wife and now it’s all awkward. Leave well enough alone.
No, you 2 had your chance and he’s married, too late for I’m in still in love with you…
NO! He’s a married man respect that! Leave him alone…
Keep it to yourself, you had your opportunity and now he has a wife and a marriage you should respect that.
I would maybe drop a few hints and see what happens, you never know he may feel the same way, you only live one life and I do believe you need to do what you feel, you deserve to be happy, if he you and him still have feelings for one another then you need to be together and he needs to be honest with his new wife if that is the case, if he is still in love with you too, then he does owe it to his new wife to be honest and allow her to find happiness somewhere else as it is not fair on her if this is the case, but I would not just come out and tell him because you could jeopardise the relationship you have with him not if he does not feel the same way he will be embarrassed for you.
He is married so that wouldn’t be appropriate at all. Not to mention also super disrespectful to his wife. If he had feelings that were reciprocated I don’t think he would have remarried.
It’s understandable to still love him especially if you have kids and grandkids with him. But he is remarried now , I wouldnt tell him, just love him from a far and let him be happy with his new wife. You guys got divorced for a reason, I wouldn’t go backwards.
He is married now. So that would be no.
No. He’s remarried. Leave him the hell alone
Don’t tell him. Nothing good can come of it. He’s happily married and you’re on different paths.
Imagine, you were married to someone whose ex told him she still had feelings for him and it caused disharmony in your marriage… please don’t do it
No. He is married. IT would be different if he was single but you need to respect his marriage. How would you feel if you were married and an ex professes her love of your Husband? You would NEVER want that person around again.
Nope nope nope he is remarried if they ever separate or divorce then you could tell him. If you do it could just look like jealousy and you want him because someone else has him.
No. How would you feel if you were married and your husband’s ex decided to just be like “oh, I love you still”? Nope.
Yooo. You got divorced from him. Remember that. Leave that man and his wife alone…
How would you feel if you were married and an ex wife did what you’re contemplating? It’s disrespectful.
No. He’s married to someone else. He isn’t yours anymore. You have no right to interrupt his life because you figured out too late what you wanted. No good would come out of telling him. You’ll probably ruin the relationship, hurt him, his wife, and possibly the kids, and make things awkward for everyone all to make yourself feel better and get it off your chest.
Absolutely not!! don’t ruin the relationship.
No he’s married wtheck
no …unless things were to change and they were to divorce
He is married now, get over it.
He’s married… And you think you should tell him you still love him? Ma’am, you said you’re in your 50s. Not 15. Sit tf down.
Why would you mess up his life .he’s married leave him alone
It’s Over n Done. Move on. It’s of no consequence to him.
No, you had your chance.
If you still love him then leave him alone. You will only hunt him and his wife now and the family and that would not be good for you at all
As long as they aren’t romantic feelings it’s totally OK to tell someone you love them
Absolutely not… y’all got divorced for a reason. If my fiancés ex wife or heck even a gf came and told him she still loved him I wouldn’t be too happy. Respect their relationship & do not do that! Not saying this to be rude be there are plenty of other men who are SINGLE and that are worthy to love. Leave that man alone
Noooo. Why would you go and do that he’s moved on has a whole new wife, If you guys have no kids together then I say cut all ties and move on
NO you are just looking to cause drama. You had your chance you blew it.
Wow… People really just do not respect marriage huh?
Don’t be a homewrecker. He is married, if he wasn’t that would be different.
Don’t do it. He is married you both moved on from that relationship. Let him be happy with his wife!
Just tel him you still care a lot for him and you wish him a world of happiness.
No. He’s married. Leave that man alone.
You guys don’t have to be so mean, just a simple “no, that wouldnt be respectful of him or his marriage” is fine and you can keep scrolling, or maybe just don’t comment if you’re going to be rude to her. She probably just needed to get this off her chest more than anything.
No. He’s moved on and happy if u love him why would u try to mess with it?! U wouldn’t appreciate it if someone did that to u!!!
Definitely not. Put yourself in his current wife’s shoes. I can’t imagine you’d be fine with the previous wife confessing her love for him and possibly ruining a relationship. It’s selfish.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting the people you love and care about to know they are important to you. If your dead set on telling him anything due to the crazy times we are in, just reword it a little bit. “I just want you to know you are important to me and I appreciate you and our friendship that we are able to maintain after our divorce.” Leave the “love” word to his current wife.
If hes married then I have to agree with majority, I don’t think any good could come from it unfortunately it could ruin the relationship you have with him regarding your friendship and could make things super awkward for you both, especially if he doesn’t feel that way about you. And if he does feel that way are you prepared to sabotage another marriage? because that’s what you’d have to live with if you did, it’s an awful situation to be in and I couldn’t imagine being in your position, but unfortunately I think it may be something you have to keep to yourself, unless an opportunity arises where he’s not happy and it’s his own decision to move on from the marriage he’s in, that’s the only way I could say then ‘yeah tell him’
Girl no let it goooo! It didn’t work out for a reason plus he’s married how are u even still attracted to him when he made vows to another?? I just think you’re lonely right now miss. Get a pet
Nope. The train has already left the station.
Thats disrespectful to him and his wife… you wouldn’t want it done to you. You’re old enough to know that
No. That’s very disrespectful to his relationship. How would you feel if another woman did this to you? Not ok at all.
He is married now why would u interfere in his marriage…
U need to respect the fact that he is married man now.
When u both got divorced u should have realized u still have feelings, then an there u should have told him.
Do not… abort that fucking mission all together… give it up… leave him be.
No you are very messy woman!! That is another woman husband now… you have no pride for this!
Nope, he’s married.
Listen to the song Let it Be…and do just that
Don’t tell him. Just keep your relationship.
I wouldn’t go as far to say I’m in love with you. I have an ex that was my true love. He has a family now and I’ll never tell him. I love him so much, even still, so I’ll never put him through that. That’s what true love is.
Don’t. If hes happy don’t even go there.
No. That’s disrespectful to him and his wife.
Keep that to yourself. It would ruin the good relationship you have now.
I would hope none of my husbands exes would do this. If you feel that way, keep it to yourself. If he’s happy, then you’re just asking for trouble.
If these are romantic feeling of love then It would be very selfish of you if you to tell him.
Plus… why exactly did you get divorced??? If you cheated, or you initiated a divorce that he didn’t want, I further stand by what I already said.
I am sure there was a reason you went your own ways n divorced,so go forward in life,many more fish in the sea,and he’s already taken…
I’m gonna go against all the Karen’s in this post and say yes, you should tell him. He may be remarried but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel the same about you but forced himself to move on… it would be sad if their marriage ended but that isn’t your problem. If he were to die today you would have that on your heart. I say listen to your heart and tell him. And whatever goes from there is up to fate. I will say I wouldn’t have an affair or do things behind his wife’s back but if he feels the same he can leave his wife and y’all can be together. Might sound messed up to most but I think you are adults and you don’t owe her any happiness. My now husband left his wife to be with me… she and I get along and coparent well and realize they were not made for each other and him and I are much better fit and bring a happier home to the children. Others can leave your opinion to yourself about my post. This isn’t for you to judge…
NO! If he’s married… NO! Leave a letter for him, so if you pass he gets it, but as long as he’s married he’s hands off. You’re friendly ex’s… nothing more. Remember why you divorced? Nothing changed, except you’re not living together.
I would definitely tell him
No. Why plant seeds of doubt or resentment in him? Leave him alone to love his current wife. Why would you potentially ruin her life as well?
Do you think that if you told him he would leave his wife and you two would run off into the sunset and be happily ever after? No…I doubt it.
You’d likely find he’s not the same person you used to be in love with, and, it wouldn’t be the same relationship.
You’re just pining for what used to be.
Don’t do it. It’s not fair to him or his wife, and it’s actually a mean thing to do. Especially if he’s loyal to her… what if he had an inkling of feelings for you still, but was a good man and didn’t leave her or cheat? It would eat away at him. That wouldn’t be fair.
Keep your mouth shut.
Perhaps he feels the same way. Whatever the outcome at least u have peace of mind.
How to go from wife to side chick 101.
No. Why are you prepared to ruin his marriage on a ‘just in case’ ? That’s incredibly selfish and cruel. If you don’t want to spoil what you have , do not tell him as he could distance himself from you or even fall out with you about it. You had your chance when together and for whatever reason, you divorced. Keep it to yourself, don’t make a fool of yourself with flirting or dropping hints and get on with your life
Don’t you ruin that man’s new marriage.
Amanda Dalton I agree with you! Life is too short to not tell people how you feel. If there is no cheating I don’t see a problem. Maybe he is still in love with her too.
Why do I feel the need to slap the shit out of you?
Is this for real?! NO! He is MARRIED!
Make sure you can take his wife if you do tell him, because you’re really asking for it. in all seriousness, leave that man alone. He is married to someone else. Wth is wrong with you?
Definitely NOT- he is married. I’m sure their is somebody else out there for you.
NO WAY!!! That’s something a homewrecker would do. You had your chance. You got to control yourself. Don’t run his marriage in the dirt or hurt his wife because selfishly you don’t want to be alone. You got a divorce for a reason. Put yourself in her position if a woman did that to you! You may just very well ruin your friendship if you tell him, because you don’t know how deep his love is for his wife. You may end up heartbroken and look silly.
No, he is married. What kind of question is this?
It doesn’t matter how you feel now ,life has moved on.Im with everyone else "you should have said when you was married"Just because the grass wasn’t geener you don’t get to jump back across the fence.
He probaly already knows’You never forget your first love.
No way he is married.
Mind your business and he no longer is!
You want to cause confusion and tension in a marriage to make yourself feel better. That’s all that would do. It’s a very childish outlook and is so selfish. He moved on, leave him and his marriage alone
But do you love him if you want try and come between him and his marriage? Like he has a wife and she’s a real person and he would have to tell her. I tell my partner when someone tries to disrespect my relationship. I just think you need to step back and tell yourself your chance is gone. And reevaluate the situation. Are the feelings because you actually love him? Or are they because your marriages failed and you see him finally in a successful one and you want that?
So now you want to break up his marriage. There a reason you are divorced from him . Stay friends
Well, he’s married, so if you did tell him what would be the purpose of it? Honestly, you probably shouldn’t even be friends with him because friends don’t ruin(or try to ruin) friends’ marriages.
Girl not if he’s married! Sheesh what do you think that would do to his WIFE?
I’m sorry there’s such a lack of girl code anymore it’s so sad
Nope that ship has sailed, appreciate that you still have a good friendly relationship and move on or risk loosing what you have.
Definitely not regardless of the world we live in he’s married. I can’t believe I’m really reading this. You sound like a very self centered person for your age you should know better and you got grand kids now . Leave the man an his wife alone. You had your chance move on
If he is married and so are you I wouldn’t. You made your choice life don’t work like that
If i may, my parents were both married and had us. Little while down the road they divorced. They remained friends and we’re getting along well and i lost my father back in 2018 to a horrendous car accident that took him off this earth. My mom wasn’t able to say she was still in love with him. She was able to tell me, “even if life turns out different, the person who you love will always know even if you don’t say anything.” With that being said. I do agree not to tell him because you are showing him. He knows you love him but given he’s married it’s not fair to him, you, or the wife involved as well as any kids they may have.
He is married NOOOO
Your in the wrong in so many ways
Yep tell him! Fuck his new wife
No and this is something you should discuss with a therapist. Obviously you’ll have love for him you guys and a life and children together. But don’t you think it’s selfish to come busting into everyone’s lives with this news?!? The family strife you are going to cause for yourself your children and his household. Think about how uncomfortable everyone is going to be when you’re around him. You had your shot and you divorced for whatever reason and everyone has moved on. You don’t get to dump a bomb on people bc you think you still love them.
Nope, keep it to yourself and move on.
If he’s married, let it be. If it’s meant to be he’ll come back around
If you truly love him, let him live his life. So no.
No. Your souls both know. He knows and you know how he feels. Save it for the next lifetime sister. It would only be distruptive and it will affect his wife, even if she doesn’t know. She will feel it and it will be harmful to her and to him. Then he will think of distancing himself from you.