So I have a friend who’s in a relationship with a woman, and he’s close with her oldest girl; she has grown up being told the people she grew up knowing as her family is not actually her family at all, like no relation at all it’s an ex of hers should he or she tell her the truth she’s now 13 years old???
I’m so confused. Why would you step on someone else’s toes like that?
Is it your child? No. Does your opinion matter? No.
Why would you turn a 13 year old girls world upside down.
Not your kid ,not your business
I say mind your own business
Mind your own damn business!
Agreed, not your child. It’s the mom’s business and decision
Wow harsh. Its none of your business whatsoever.
Why would you literally try to destroy a child like that at a tender age!
Why would you EVER think this is your place? That’s insane.
Shes 13? That would be totally cruel to do that to her. Plus its nothing to do with you?
NOT your place to do that…you would be crushing her whole world. UGH
WTF is wrong with you? Stay in your own lane and worry about YOURSELF
Not your place. Stay out of it. Family does not need to be blood. It is people who love and support you unconditionally.
This is a hot mess, but no. Not your place at all. Don’t be a horrible person.
I mean if you had a damn good reason to, but if it’s just to tell to watch the drama unfold that would be hella fucked up
What is wrong with you?!
Not your damn business!!! Stay in your lane!
I lived this. And as the kid I may add.
It’s not your place. Don’t even make a sideways remark. If it compelled you to talk to the parents and offer encouragement to tell, do that. Otherwise mind your business.
Wtf is wrong with you? Why would you think it’s your place to tell her? She’s a child, and not yours…
Not your place at all!!!
Why the fu%$ would you go and do something like that? Mind your own
If people have anything anymore, it’s the audacity. You have ZERO place in this business, and it’s sad you even feel entitled enough to ask.
Not your place! Keep your damn mouth shut
WTF is wrong with you? Why would you want to destroy a child? Shut your mouth and mind your business
Her mother needs to be the one to explain all this to her
Why would you do that?
What??? Why would that be your place to say something?? No no and no…
Not up to you not your business stay out of it
Not your place. But also what does it matter if they’re not her biological family? They obviously love and care for her as if they were so what’s the issue? Family is family, blood or not.
Seriously!? How is that even a question? You have no place in the matter! Period.
Mind your own business. Stay out of it.
Hope this is a late April fools prank otherwise you lost your damn mind!
Are you nuts, this is absolutely none of your business. What is wrong with people?
It’s not your business & you need to stay out of it.
Not your place to ruin FAMILY. Sometime blood isn’t family it’s who has been there for them through it all.
Jesus. You want to shatter a child!? Stfu
Its none of your business…stay in your lane…family doesnt always mean blood.
What in the AF would make you think this is your place?!? just no …
What on earth makes you think it’s your place???
Side note: blood doesn’t always make you family!!!
That’s crossing the line! MYB
At 13 do you have any idea what this could do to her?? mind your own business
Mind ur fucking business holy shit… it’s free I swear.
Definitely NOT YOUR PLACE!!! Mind your own business. Why on God’s green earth would you destroy that child. Shame on you
I get where your coming from
But I strongly disagree with you telling the child that information
It’s not your place I get it you care but you will be in the wrong
The family she lives with should be the ones to tell her that information
Wait wait wait. So you want to potentially shatter a 13yr old girl by telling her her family is not her “real family”…for what reason? Are they hurting her? Is she unhappy? Is she asking questions? Even if she is qll those things, are you her mother? No? Then you have NO👏RIGHT👏
That is soooo NOT your place and why would you even considering telling her?? You sound like an evil bi**h…
People need to learn to mind their damn business
Why is it your business ??
Why in the hell do you think this is your business
Hell no and if you were any kind of friend you would probably understand better why they haven’t mentioned her bio father. If you were my friend and you told MY child or family member anything you would get your ass whooped and the loss of a friend!!
Who are you to even think of telling her? Not your business to interfere with family situation that is not yours.
You need to mind your own business
Stay out of it, not your place at all
Just wow - no no & no. Talk about poking your nose where it doesn’t belong.
No. It’s not your place AT ALL!
Wtf is wrong with you!!!
Who the hell do u think u are!!!
Stay the hell out of it … its non of ur business… if that child is ok and in that family why on earth would u want to totally blow apart a family like that!!!
Stay the hell out of it … none of ur business …
If someone did that to my little girl… hell I would be doing time for that person!
Sounds to me like ur jealous … ur so called friend the male one… he turned u down did he by any chance???
Mind your own business, don’t be stupid
And why would that be your business or your place to tell her? Are you serious?!
Not your place on this one.
Mind your business seriously cause that is not your child. If you do I would hope this friend considers dropping you as a friend n keeping her or his kid(s) away from you at all costs seriously
I can see why you want to say something, but its not any of your concern or business. You may do more harm then good
She’ll find out eventually on her own, when she does, she’ll probably be hurt and hate them. Prime example why you should be upfront with your kids and don’t have them thinking a person who is not biologically their parent is. But no, not your place to tell. Hopefully they will address it themselves.
You can advise your friend, if she asks you for advise, for her to tell her daughter. But if she ain’t asking…See your way to the door and mind your own business.
If they have been there for her and helped raise her, blood doesn’t matter, THEY ARE HER FAMILY. Why would you even think of telling someone their family isn’t their family?!
Oh my gosh absolutely not!
No! It is not your place to be telling a child family matters! That is her family
Not your place. Stay out of it. Family isn’t always blood and blood isn’t always family.
You would think the answer would be obvious!
nosey c*nt .
away and mind ur own business ya crazy fool
No! Not yours to tell.
Ummm… im confused… what the hell is wrong with you? If she has grown up being loved by all around her, then that’s her damn family. You don’t have to be blood related. WTAF?! Are you obsessed with them or something? Like who made it your place to even think of such? You better stay in your lane and stay out of that… “you break up a happy home, they might break your bones”… JS
Why you gonna hurt the girls feelings? Whats it to you! The girl is 13 years old and is being loved and treated like family and you want to ruin that. Why?? Maybe there’s a reason the mom is keeping her from the ex? And you’re trying to put your nose where it doesn’t belong.
No you should absolutely not tell her… this is not your business nor your place to tell a 13 year old that her family isn’t biologically related to her… if they have been there for her and raised her why does it matter? They will tell her when they feel the time is right if they wish to do so… family doesn’t have to be blood to be family!
Mind your business.
Family isn’t always about blood. If they care for her & love her, what’s the problem??
Why are you even contemplating destroying this child’s world??
That’s not your place at all. Stay in your lane
That’s up to the people that are raising her to decide when if ever they want her to know
Not your place at all and I would be furious if someone said that to the daughter I raised. How would you feel if it was reversed??
Why would you even want to say that? Don’t tell that child, that’s not your place and furthermore if those are the ones that took care of the child. Then they are the child’s family
Not your problem nor your place. She isn’t your child to make that choice for, weather you agree or not. Her mom will tell her when she is ready. Why do people need to insert themselves in other people’s business?? What that mom does with her child is her choice. If it blows up in the moms face then it does, but it is the moms choice regardless. If it is too much for you to handle then don’t be friends with them if you can’t respect their choices.
Why would you think its your business to tell her any thing? You are obviously just a friend and have no business telling that child anything. It’s not your place, stay out of it.
Not your f@!king place. Tf are you thinking
hmmm ,just saying…it isn’t yours to tell her:woman_shrugging:
Why is this even a thought in your brain?
And this is why I TRUST NO ONE
People always worried about someone else while their skeletons are busy falling out of the closet
This is not your place. Mind your own.
Why? Why take that away from her? It’s not your place and is just hurtful. You are a stranger and to tell her something she can wait to find out about makes me wonder what is wrong with you and if you understand how cruel and evil that is? Are you going to step up and be the person she needs and can rely on? I wouldn’t trust you who is again a stranger who just destroyed a girls world for no reason.
It’s literally not your business to tell her.
You should mind your own business and let the little girl be happy thinking the father who has been taking care of her is her father if they wanted her to know they would’ve told her themselves you may lose a friend if you open your mouth
It’s not your business to tell. What is wrong with you?
Mind you’re own business! Stay tf in your own lane!
That’s not your place!!!
Ooooo we you wouldn’t be my friend anymore, that’s literally dead ass wrong if you to think that. Family isn’t just who is blood related and obviously the EXs family doesn’t care of you would be around. Oooo if you were my friend, I wish you would
That is absolutely none of your business.
First off thats none of your business. Second its not your place to tell someone elses child anything! Family isnt always about being blood related why would you purposely hurt a child. What is wrong with you? And you call this person your friend? And want to put your nose where it dont belong and hurt their child? Sounds like your friend needs to find a better friend cuz youre a piece off shit
It’s not your place but your friend and her spouse are shitty people for lying to her all this time. That girl is gonna be wrecked when she finds out that the person she THOUGHT was her father is not. People need to stop lying to their fucking kids about this kind of shit.
Nope its not your place to say that if and when they choose to thats on them not you
I think its none of your business and you should stay out of it. My husband has been my daughters daddy sense she was 4 months old. Shes 8 now. And still has no idea she has a sperm donor. Ill tell her when im ready and when i think shes nature enough and ready. If someone was to tell her id flip shit. Forreal. Dont step where you have no business stepping.
This ***** is crazy