Should I tell my friends daughter that her family isn't actually related to her?

This should not of been posted anonymously someone needs to know to cut there “frienemy” off for good. What a Pyshco.


I do believe it is wrong to lie to children about who their biological parents are. She deserves to know the truth and she should have already been told. But it is not your place to tell her.


My oldest is adopted and we were always totally honest with her. I personally think its important. A lot of people use donor eggs and sperm these days and don’t see the need to tell their children. I think that’s wrong, but definitely not my place to say anything

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That’s definitely not your place to say anything.


Mind your own business :person_shrugging:


I would stay out of it because it’s not your place to place such a burden on a young teen


None of your buisness


They will both tell her when they feel the time is right. That is their decision to make, not yours. You have no right to decide how your friends parent their children. If you’re concerned at the impact the truth may have further down the line and they are good friends with you then you could chat with mum asking if they’re going to tell her as it could be pretty de estate going to find out who you thought was biological wasn’t and see what she says. Be reasonable and neutral in your reasoning why waiting so long could hurt the child more the older she gets, you’re planting the seed. But you never say anything to the child. If your friends want to wait, you have to respect that. They maybe happily going along, times flying by and they’ve not really thought about it and nay appreciate you bringing it up and gives them something to think about. You’re their friend and the child’s friend. You just need to be their go support their decision

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Some people’s mouth can’t keep quite

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Definitely not i was 18 when i got told my dad not my dad and that broke me for long time

Not your job to tell her. It’s up to her mother to be the one to tell her if she wants her to know.

That is not at all your place to say anything. That is something for them to do and I’m sure sure will the time is right

The child in question may b 2 young 2 undertanad it also Prob won’t b able to process it
Was adopted always told truth
Prob was in care told but to young
When I got teenage years I got told bit by bit why tuk of parents but every time I always went down hill (mum might be doing this so this don’t happen atm)


Maybe talk to the parents of u concern on the impact n mental health n welbein of child wen find out

Yikes!! Mind yo MF BUSINESS…Dayummmm😒


No way!!! That is not your place to tell her. There might be a very valid reason that the family are wanting to keep that from her at this time.
Blood does not make a family. It is made from love.
You are talking about ruining a young girls life, not something to be proud of. Leave well enough alone. You don’t know what the reasoning is behind it all is but it must be strong so keep your mouth shut and stop spreading gossip and let that family be at peace.


Totally not your business or place to tell her and put your 10 cents in. Leave them alone.

If they are the ones that treat her and love her like shes family then thats her family. Mind your business

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Stay in your lane wtf. Its none of yours or anyine elses business. Why would you want to be the one to rip a childs life away from them?


Absolutely not… how is this even a question. Mind your own business

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Blood isnt the only thing that makes you family smdh some ppl.


Mind your own business , simple

None of your business u stupid women

My sister doesn’t have the same dad. She’s nearly an adult and I couldn’t imagine telling her. Her whole world would be upside down

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Mind your own business


OMW are you for real??? Sheesh, I wouldn’t want you as a friend. Keep in your own lane and mind your own business


It is not your place to tell her anything! Step back over your line before you get your head bitten off. Family is not always blood! Its who shows up and stays!


Kinda gross to even ask this question tbh


Unless the people who raised her ask for your Input I wouldn’t say shit.

Holy shit what a horrible thing to do to a person.

what the hell is wrong with you


Absolutely not! Mind your own business! What if they never plan on telling her?! Same thing as adoption. Mind. Your. Own. Business.


I have the same situation with my eldest she thinks her dad is her real sad and he isn’t of anyone was to ever tell her other than me then I would be doing time not even any of your businesses do they treat her good like she is family it’s all that matters what a thing to ask

Blood is NOT what make you FAMILY always . so if I ware you stay out of it .
Not your daughter . not your bussines . and I mean that nicely .


Mind your own business!


If she wants to tell her daughter that’s for her to do in her time on her time…family isn’t always blood…unless her daughter is your family and u want her daughter to know that …even then u need to talk to her mother first…at some point all kids should know who their blood family is…for many reasons… But that’s for her parents to tell her about

No, not your business.

You don’t decide who someone’s family is… blood doesn’t make family… tons of blood that doesn’t come around but my mom built me a family out of our community… you aren’t a friend as you sit there a judge her family and want to traumatize her child by telling her.


Mind your own business :office_worker:


It’s none of your business. :roll_eyes: why would you even think you are in the position to tell someone that when it has nothing to do with you. I really hope you don’t hurt someone by opening your mouth about some you potentially know nothing about.


Your friend needs better friends let her or him know.

Mind your business.
I’ve seen this go both ways and either way it’s tragic for the child. Especially in circumstances when people wait until they are 16 or older and they’ve spent their entire lives believing one thing.
They feel lied to and betrayed, every time. Even if the family meant well and tells them when they are old enough to understand

And you don’t want to be the “bearer of bad news” so keep out of it.

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I think someone needs to get a life and stop interfering in other peoples!


How evil of you to have the audacity to tell business that is not yours to tell and to a child none the less the damage you could cause this child would serve no good purpose! Keep your mouth closed it’s not your place.


Keep your nose out of places it doesn’t belong!!


What is wrong with you? :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:mind your own business


Who the hell are you to be thinking that’s your place? Take 10 steps back into your zone cuz, you are seriously tryna overstep! The audacity of some people, I swear to friggin god!


How is this a question? Mind your own business, stop trying to make trouble.


Why is it any of your business?


Mind your business. Geez!


How about you mind you’re own business!! The girl is 13 and her family will tell her when she and them are ready!!! You don’t have to be blood to love and care and bring up a child


As a person who found out at 13 that the man that raised me was not my biological dad, it still messes with me. I could have lived my whole life not knowing that my bio dad was an alcoholic that left and felt the need to raise his other daughter instead of me. Mind your business.


That is up to her mother


Its not your business :woman_shrugging: mind your own.


It’s definitely not up for you to decide. Unless wanna ruin a relationship, tear a family apart, and become a terrible person in general go right the fuck ahead. What say do you have breaking that sensitive information to your friend’s child, none. My daughter is being raise by another man and it’s better that way. She doesn’t need to know till we decide. My daughter loves my partner and doesn’t need the stress of knowing how terrible her bio dad is. Don’t you think it would hurt a child to know why their biological parent isn’t in their life? Specially, if the reason is the parent doesn’t want to be there.

Not your place. Not your place. Not your place. Not your place.


OH HELL NO !!! KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT !!! NOT YOUR BUSINESS !!! There maybe reasons that you have no idea about, why she has been told that. And it’s not your place to say anything. Where do you get off thinking you even have the right to say anything ??? Keep your freaking mouth shut !!! If and when she needs to be told then her elders will be the ones to tell her. Not an outsider !!! God where do you even…


Honey that is NONE of your business. You are everything that’s wrong with our current world. Stay in your lane :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Not your child, not your right.


Family isn’t defined by who is biologically related. Sometimes people who aren’t related treat you better. If they support her and she feels they are family, be happy for that child.


Stay in your lane. Its none of your business like at all. Like wow. The fact you even had to ask is ridiculous


That is between your friend and her child. It is not your business at all.

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Mind your own . Not your kid . Not your news to tell

Why are you so bitter about it. Mind your own

13 is honestly not a good age. Should of been done a few years earlier, or a few years from now. At 13 girls are going thru so much with there bodies changing, hormones and emotions, it should wait. She could find out and spiral and rebel. She doesn’t need her life torn right now. I don’t fully understand what the situation is so I’m in no place too judge.

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That man is her father, sit the hell down


Leave well enough alone it’s none of your business

All ways tell the truth be on the safe side

Not your circus not your monkeys mind your own business it’s that simple


If its not your kids, keep your mouth shut. The dynamics of others families is none of your business

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Blood doesn’t mean family and it is none of your business


Not your kid not your business keep your mouth shut and stop thinking about breaking that child’s heart no matter the age


No it is none of your business

Keep your mouth SHUT! Family isnt always blood!!! Doesnt make them any less family!!! :rage::woman_facepalming:


None of your business

Why would you tell her anything? How is it your business?

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Don’t distroy her world. She is not old enough to handle all the questions. I was 19 when I found out. Very thankful for the man I called Dad.


She should be told the truth.

Better to pull the bandaid off now while she is still young.

We let our daughter know she was adopted at the age she understood. We always let her know we loved her and she acceped it. We were always mom and dad to her.

That’s not anyone’s place but the ones raising them. Stay out of it.


Mind your own business!

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You need to MYOB. If she has been with them for a good bit they know her better than anyone. The early teen years are not easy, they are not “kids” anymore but in the long run they are not mentally and emotionally prepared for a lot of things. Sme kids who are adopted at birth grow up knowing the facts and they are fine with it. Let her family make that decision. This is not a question you should be asking.

13yrs is a critical age…it is important that she is surrounded with love and belonging from everyone if and when to be told …most of all needs complete honesty of all truth and not be alienated from knowing the real family esp if she wishes to seek who they are. From my experience being told something like that and not being allowed any other information, or being alienated can bring a sense of not knowing who you are etc…my advice before saying anything be prepared to answer all questions.

It’s none of ur business.

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What?? It’s not up to you, keep your two cents to yourself

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Why would you do that? You know… Not all families are blood related. I can’t believe this is even a question for you… This is not your decision to make! Her family (adopted family who has raise her as their own) will make that decision

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Keep your SHUT this is none of your business

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That’s not your business. Maybe she already knows bc they talked. Or maybe not. Either way- the child is loved, fam is happy, why does it concern you?

Why on earth would you ever do that, sometimes we pick our families. This is none of your business and seems like you just want to create issues where there are none. Stay in your lane.

None of your business nosy parker


Don’t. Especially since you can’t even explain the situation probably on Facebook. What you said doesn’t even make sense!!


Erm no!! Hell no!! The family will tell her when they feel it’s right!! Leave it alone… he’ll/you’ll cause so much shit.

That’s not your business!!!

My daughters best friend found out she was adopted by some “friend “ of the family at 12 and it f’ed her up! She went pretty off the deep end for awhile. Do not confuse and hurt that child! Stay in your own lane and leave that child alone!

Stay out of it. She has a mother. And why would you say it’s not her family. I have people in my family that are not biological related to me but I still think of them as family

I see the many responses on here saying that love makes a family and that she doesn’t need to know. As someone who is currently going through this, please, please, PLEASE somebody tell her the truth. I was beyond devastated to learn that the people I loved had spent my entire life lying to me. Finding out at age 30 has all but destroyed my faith in others and in myself. I’m sure there will be too many people on here thinking or posting that I am wrong. If you haven’t been through this, please don’t respond to my opinion. I would have given anything to have been told who I was when my father was still alive. I truly believe this would have changed my entire life. The betrayal I feel will probably never go away, and no, being lied to longer would not have made this better, only worse. At the very least when the girl is able to understand, present a similar situation to her and ask if she thinks the child has a right to know (what my mom finally did). If she says yes, please please tell her the truth. Everyone has a right to know who they are