Wooow, are you in love with this friend or something? You’re hella out of line…
That is her family and why are you trying to cause problems? They might not be blood but they’ve been there her whole life, that’s still family! I am fully aware of and gave up relationships with my blood family, I have built my own family with the people in my life who have always been there for me and my kids regardless of blood relation. That is absolutely not your place to say anything. If you were in my life and disclosed that to one of my children, I would beat your a** and you would be promptly removed from my chosen family. Period! Stop asking the internet if it appropriate to over step your boundaries. You posted anonymous bc you already knew the answer. Sit down and quit plotting how you can cause serious trauma to a 13 yo!!
Mind your own business!
No… stfu and mind your business
That’s a hard no for me. Family isn’t just blood. It’s who shows up for you and makes it a point to be a part of your life.
I’m confused. If she was raised being told her family isn’t blood family, then what is there to tell?? No matter the clarification on any of it - mind ya 'bitness. lol No, you shouldn’t tell her anything. I don’t know why you even question that you should.
You should mind your own damn business.
Mind your own business
Definitely not your place to tell
Whoa you need to stay out of it!
I say mind your buisness. You will be opening a can of worms for the family and hurting the child
So you’re just bored? So you feel like hurting this child and telling her that her whole life and everything she thinks she knows is a lie? You seem like a really shitty person. Leave it alone
You are a horrible human being to even consider doing this.
Mind your own fucking business. Why would that thought even cross your mind? Get a hobby or a life. Worry about your own children. Just because they aren’t family by blood doesn’t mean they aren’t and less family than your own. Why would you purposefully try to hurt a 13 year old girl and her FAMILY? What would telling her even accomplish?
Is this post even for real?
It’s non of your business.
That’s not your place…
I think that could hurt her
Family what you make it i agree other.not your place
This can’t be real. Mind your own. Wtf?
That would make you a giant a-hole and it is in no way, shape, or form appropriate for you to open your freaking mouth.
Keep it closed.
Hold on. I may be out there in this but you stated the step dad is really close to the oldest daughter. Do you know something you are not saying outloud? I hate that even came to my mind but it seems the only reason you would want to interfere. Even that would mean you want her to know that it’s ok to be attracted to him or for him to be attracted to her because they are not related and you don’t want her to say something about it. Wow. I sure hope that is not the case.
So many of you obviously didn’t read the question before being so hateful Wow. The summary question is from the page. She asked if “he or she should tell her the truth” NOT her. Geez.
You must be really miserable to hurt a 13 year old who is obviously accepted. Blood isn’t everything.
No. Stay right the hell out of that. That’s for your friend to decide. What could you possibly gain from it other than starting unnecessary drama and to potentially hurt a child?
Besides- family isn’t always blood and blood isn’t always family.
Man, are there really people out here that want to be stirring shit for a child and when it is literally none of her business? People like you are called shit stirrers. Serves no purpose other than fulfilling your weird need for attention. Maybe try working on your own demons instead of trying to shatter a child’s world.
No mind your own business
Why would it even matter? In my family when someone gets married or is with someone for a long time their kids are our kids and we always treat everyone like family no favorites it sounds like they do the same idk why you’d wanna even make something out of nothing?
You should mind your own business.
Absolutely not. You should mind your own business. I’m in this situation with my son (but he’s only 4 and we intend to tell him before he’s 13) and I would absolutely strangle you if you did that to me. With friends like that who needs enemies
Wait maybe I misunderstood. Should the mother or step dad tell the child? They probably should eventually. But you should never do it lol
Absolutely not! Nothing good can come out of it.
Mind you own damn business. Put your nose back on your face and leave it there.
I dont see one single effin reason why you feel the need to tell them when to tell her. So out of your place.
When I was a little girl(8 or 9) my mom’s friend introduced me to my dad and it was that day that I saw my mom fight for the only time in my life. It wasn’t her place and my mom beat that ass to remind her that it wasn’t her place. As I got older I understood why my mom didn’t want me to know. So I say all that to say stay in your place or get punched in the face
Why would you want to take family away from her? Blood or not, she considers them family. You would be in the wrong for doing so. On top of not appreciating family, that is waaaay over stepping.
None of your business! What is wrong with you??
Not your place at all. Mind the business that pays you.
My “step dad” has been my dad since I was four. I don’t know any different. As far as I’m concerned, he’s dad.
Also, not your place, lady.
I’m so confused by the wording of this? Is she mad her friend is being a step dad to his girlfriends kid and the kid believes its her real dad? If thats the case you have some SERIOUS issues. Why would that bother anybody
That would just create chaos just let the family handle it.
What the hell? Who do you think you are?
Tell her for what reason. Have you no business of your own to mind?
That’s not your business or your place. Me personally I’d whoop yo ass if it were my child.
That is none of your business. Stay outta it, why the heck you trying to do that anyway? Who raised you?
This happened to me . I grew up thinking my step dad and his parents were my biological parents. I was told when I was 12 he was not my biological father. He told me actually. I do think the child should know. It is not ur business tho! They will tell her eventually. They have to. Things will come up they have to explain. Example I knew something was not right when I found my baby book. I read names of family attended and I didn’t know who all these ppl where w the same last name. I also started sports and needed a birth certificate . I noticed the father’s name was not listed. I was a baby when he married my mom. No good will come of u telling that child! They will when it’s time. If u tell the kid they will think their parents were never going to say the truth. The kid will probably hate u for telling u the truth. They will even tho it’s not ur fault. Let it unfold itself and it definitely will.
No. You keep your mouth shut.
Family is not always blood related MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!!!
Just because they’re not blood doesn’t mean that’s not her family. They have all been around each other her entire life what makes them not family? And what gives you the right to consider breaking that kind of news ? I’m sorry but this post actually sparked a bit of anger.
Blood doesn’t make you family, love does.
It is NOT your place to say a word. Mind your own business. Period.
They will pick when to tell her! Shut up!
It’s none of your business, she shouldn’t have to hear something like that from you or the ex.
I think your friend needs to GHOST your MISERABLE ass
As a step child this post pisses me off. Pardon my language. Blood does not .are you family. Being there. Being supportive and helpful. Loving each other. Caring. That makes you family. Not DNA. The right friends can even be family. Stop trying to get in their business. You are obviously close minded and not evolved enough to be considered family, so no! You do not get to make decisions or tell anyone anything. You’re not family.
Normally I wouldn’t comment on situations like this BUT this happened to me and it shattered my world, also I personally do not think it is your place to say so it is the parents place to say so also how do you know they aren’t protecting the child from a possibly worse family
Why would you? She’s only a child and that’s 100% not your place.
Family isn’t about who has the same blood. Family, is the people you surround yourself with who love and care for you. It’s none of your business, stay out of it.
I read the first line and immediately said he’ll no!
Not for you to worry about
Not your circus and Not your monkeys bro
If they treated her as family then they are her family. This is none of your business to get involved. It’s not your place to tell her or to pressure her mom to tell her. Mind your own business.
Sounds a lot like none of your damn business.
This poster didn’t ask if they (the poster) should tell her. This poster asked if “he or she should tell her…” meaning the boyfriend or the woman. People gotta read better.
Also, this poster needs to take a writing course because that was rough.
Also folks, tell these babies where they come from! Quit lying to your kids, so you don’t have to traumatize them as they’re coming of age… or after they find out their boyfriend is their cousin, or some shit.
God bless and good luck.
Put your nose back in your business
Mind:clap:t5: Your Business. It’s not your place to tell anyone anything.
The Guy ( your friend) that is in the Relationship with the Mother of the 13yr old girl that he is " close to" … Needs to mind his business it’s not his place to tell his girlfriends Daughter a dang thing!! That’s why this child has a Mother shes been tending to her Daughter for 13 years why would she " need" so to speak him to take it upon himself to tell her child that … What makes him think “her current boyfriend " think that he needs to tend to his girlfriends buisness when it comes to her Daughter… He needs to step… if he is thinking about blowing his trust with his girlfriend by blowing up her family and Relationship with her child and the man who obviously raised her as his own… thats none of his D - - Buisness!!! He needs his azz whipped:rage: for even thinking about it!! Yes I believe everyone has a right to know where they came from… and I am quite sure the Mother will tell her " WHEN” the time is right and not before then…
My dad raised 3 of my sisters that weren’t his, 2 of them never knew until my parents wanted to tell them… When THEY were ready.
Even when my sisters were told, NOTHING changed, my dad was, is and always will be dad to ALL of us!
So let me just tell you this having experienced situations like that…
I can’t believe someone from the outside would even have the audacity to consider interfering in a childs life, that doesn’t belong to them.
Blood can mean nothing…
my kids have blood family members who do not give a crap about them and then there are our friends who are their family to them which is absolutely beautiful for them to have and fills the hole that so called family has left. So while it is obviously not your way it doesn’t make them not family nor does it make it wrong that they have decided this is best for their kids. Please keep our of it you will most likely cause nothing but hurt and drama where it isn’t needed.
This doesn’t even make any sense
Not your place nor his. Dont wreck this girls whole world and the life she has known for her entire life, just because y’all cant mind your own business!
Why would that even be a thought? Y’all kept the secret for awhile I assume. Why do it now?
ot ur place they will tell her when they r ready at 13 she will b having all sorts of things going on dont make it worse
Omg why would you want to ruin this child’s life its not up to you .
I’m sorry but I have to disagree with all of you if your close to the 13 year old and she finds out that you knew and didn’t tell her then she could end up hating you and not wanting anything to do with you people she’s 13 not 7 she’s old enough to know the truth no matter how painful it may be she’s going to be more hurt if some one else tells her or she hears about it some other way if you care about this girl tell her or ask yourself what would you want some to do if it was the other way around and you were the 13 year old but I say tell her your being cruel and heartless by not saying anything
NOT your fucking business!! You’re not a true friend at all for having those thoughts, wtf makes you think youre entitled of saying something. You’re toxic and just want drama and to see people hurt.
Are you fucking kidding me???
Fuck you for even thinking it’s your place to even think about something like this.
As long as that mama is good to her and treats her like his own it’s not your place, your business and certainly none of your concern what they tell her about her bio and step dads.
If you were my “friend” and you told my child something like this is bitch slap the fuck out of you and cut you out for good.
Not your circus, not your monkey.
Its so not your place to do this…
WTH it’s totally not your place to tell her! Mind your business! She only knows them why destroy her life? They will tell her when they feel it’s time! Good grief lady move on with your own problems and leave it be!
This is NOT your business. Definitely not.
That’s none of your business. I’m seriously confused on why you would potentially ruin this poor kids world. Leave it be and fix your own door step, no one is perfect and quite frankly they are not hurting anyone. That’s THEIR choice not YOURS. Your over stepping boundries! How would you feel?
Why is this your business???
None of your business. Mind your own.
Why the hell would you do that
Not your business!! Blood doesn’t make you family… Love does!! And if that baby gets the love and care she needs from people who aren’t blood related but love her as if they were then let it be. Why ever would you try to take that from her? It makes me sick that you would even feel this entitled to want to speak on something that doesn’t involve you
Why would you want to hurt a 13 year old? Are you jealous or just hateful? Blood doesn’t always make you family. You need to mind your business.
Wow mind your own business honestly she’s thirteen leave it be.
Your friend deserves a better friend than you.
Absolutely nothing good will ever come out of you saying anything … at best you will just lose the friend
Mind your damn business!!
Sounds like your trying to ruin what your friend has and hurting a 13 year old in the process because you are jealous. Mind your business and find a man/woman and stay out of his personal business and family🙄
No you shouldn’t it’s not your place it’s down to the parents to tell the child
Mind your business !!! That’s the problem with the world today SMH!!
I didn’t even finish reading this. No…none of your buisness.
If you haven’t lived this scenario your opinion is based on what you’d want her to do regarding your child.
But as the child affected,
The audacity stay in your lane you psycho. Like what even makes you think you have the right?
Wow with friends like you who needs enemies!
That is not your place to say anything so keep your mouth shut. That will not end well, no matter what. Family isn’t always about blood.
Why don’t you mind your own damned business ? You don’t need to start drama in someone else’s life.
No, it’s not your place to say anything. How would you feel if that was your child?
13 is a bad age to have this info dumped on her at all, let alone not by her parents. She should be told but not by you. She should already know. I think lying to a child about their biology or hiding their biology from them is an actual human rights violation. I’ve lived it.
She will need counseling and support. Telling her without that being provided could greatly harm her.
If you message me, I’m willing to share my time, experience and some articles and advice.
The audacity you have to even consider this. It is not your place at all. You are not a friend.