Should I tell my guy friend how I feel about him?

I met this amazing guy, and we instantly clicked. He doesn’t live in the same state as me but comes to visit when able. While he is here, he pretty much spends his entire visit by my side even though he has family and friends here. The guy even made a point to meet my family. My question is, we made it clear that being we lived so far apart, we would only be friends, but things changed for me. I also feel as if they changed for him. Also, he texts At least 25 times or more a day & also calls and talks for hrs sometimes. I feel like he wants more, and I definitely do, but I don’t know if I should tell him. His close friends state they’ve never seen him smile like he now does nor seen him so upbeat. Do I just let things keep going like they are and see where it goes, or do I just spill my guts to him bout how I feel?


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Tell him how you feel honestly he probably feels the same


Tell him, if you are meant to be together you will find a way to make it work.


Yep him how you feel.

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Life’s too short… Take the leap :heartpulse:


I would have him visit you or visit him. See how things go and if all goes really well talk to him about it. I definitely wouldn’t do it over texting. Sometimes others can be miss lead. Especially if you don’t want him to feel pressured.


This is super cute and yes I would tell him


Go for it he is probley feeling the same way he is probley like u wanting to say something but scared to go for it …good luck


Hang out with his friends and family and see how he acts. Set
Time limits that he spend with you. Does he or you work


Tell him, but in person :heart:


Liked is to short bit to tell people how you really feel about them!


Spill your guts. You won’t know if you don’t try.


Be honest with him. If you aren’t, you’ll always wonder.


Honesty is important.

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Life is too short, tell him :grin:

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Obviously feelings are mutual, so do tell him! Life is short, take a risk carnal. Lol. Jk. Do it!!


Wait a lil bit longer!!


Tell him in person it sounds like he feels the same about you

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Spend time around his friends and family see if he’s still the same person as he is around yours . Before you take that leap


How long have you been hanging out with him? I say, see what happens being friends first and allow things to evolve naturally.


Slow your roll… Don’t push to fast. Friends, best friends, then hopefully lovers.


Lifes to short take a chance tell him :+1: good luck

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I’ma tell you some shit I live by, closed mouths don’t get fed, speak up on it!!

Tell him you only live once

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I would wait until he comes out to see his family next time. Then talk to him about the distance thing. Are either of you able to relocate? I would tread lightly and feel things out a little longer. You don’t want him to feel pressured but you want him to know that you have feelings for him.


He knows how you feel you don’t need to tell him … and you know how he feels … why complicate things ? Keep the pressure off and see what happens


If you don’t tell him, you WILL regret it. Life is too short.


You don’t really know him. He is living in another town. Take a trip to where he lives and see what’s going in. Get to know his family. Keep your eyes and ears open. If everything checks out ok then tell him. If he rejects the idea of you coming to see him then you have a huge red flag !


Tell him, life is too short

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You won’t know unless you try , go for it

Awe, that’s cute! He sounds like a total sweetheart, and those are hard to come by nowadays.

I would grab and kiss his face :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: you truly do only live once. & this sounds like butterflies in your stomach kinda feeling. Go for it girl.


Hang out with his friends and family in his presence before you speak up. The vibe will always tell you what it needs to.

been there… high school friends, but there was always something there, just never put a relationship label, months before our friendship ended i found out he was dating someone else and bombshell… THEY GOT ENGAGED and are now married… i miss my friend who i connected so well with

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Pray on it, God will not steer you wrong, then follow your heart​:pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


Take things slow. Go with the flow. Visit his town and see how he is around his friends/family etc. Then if you still feel the same way…tell him

You only live once! Just be honest with him.


No see where it goes . Then no ones hurt in the long run

Erica is this you?! :thinking::thinking::joy:


Life is short! Claim your man!

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Maybe take to his hometown and see how it goes first.

I would hint you like someone but he’s in a different state. Lol. And see what he says.

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I would just go for it! If he reciprocates, great! If he friend zones you at least you know, you can either stay friends or detach early and save your heart for someone who wants it.

Why bring it up for a title when things are going so well?

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Go with the flow, what happens happens. After a little while, then just tell him how u feel. Good luck

Tell him for it’s to late!


My husband and I started out as friends. We let things progress naturally. We were always together. Neither of us wanted a relationship, yet here we are, 21 years later and still together.


I would just tell him. Tell him how you feel and tell him things don’t have to change but that you wanted to tell him how you feel.

Tell him, better to know before you hold yourself back and he moves on! Sounds like you both are scared to just say how y’all feel! Do it !! Good luck , I think you will be happy you did :heart::pray:

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Tell him you could be missing out on something great

Let it flow naturally


Just let him know. The worst he can say is he prefers to remain friends.

Life is to short tell him!!

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Just tell him! Whatever happens happens. :smiley: you either keep a great friend or you move further into the relationship! Sounds like a win/win to me

Tell him!!! Life’s to short not to live it to the fullest.

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Talk about it with him

Tell him how you feel. You might miss your opportunity.


Cliche but…. tell him. If you don’t- you’ll never know what could’ve been.

No he obviously likes you too… and he knows you like him. Guys do this thing where they decide before they open up. Let him come to you.


If a man wants you, he will come get you


I had a housemate connect with a former classmate on Facebook. They wound up catching up on the past 50 years, talked on the phone, and felt remarkably at ease with each other. One day she blurts out, “I’ve always loved you.” Mind you, we’re all in our “golden years.” They had a whirlwind courtship, got married and now are both blissfully happy.

Please don’t hint/beat around the bush or hope he makes the first move. You need to be blunt and clear with most guys. They’re not as accustomed to having to use their intuition.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

The worst he could say is no. You miss 100% of the chances you never take and regret is a hard thing to live w. Would either of you be willing to make a literal move to bring you closer distance wise within the next year? Maybe have that conversation first and see where things lead.


Shoot your shot girl


I love love. So, go for it!!! Reading this makes me want to cheer you on! Update us! Life is way too short to not take any risks :heart: this could be your soulmate


Tell him!!! Good luck, which it sounds like you won’t really need it! Life is too short!


I say yes you are not promised tomorrow that’s just my opinion


Take your shot. Why not? You already feel pretty sure about his feelings :woman_shrugging: go for it.

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go for it sounds like you both feel the same anyway

Do ittttt! Sounds like he likes you as well.

Definitely ask the worse is no or not at this time - if your brain is anything like mine i overthink and never ask

i have personally missed out on so many opportunities that would have turned out better if i would have made the first move
im learning slowly to stop overthinking because the outcome you think almost never happens

If this is how you feel then let him know. There’s no point in waiting, really. Don’t take the chance of not telling him and not knowing what could be.

Life is short. Tell him!!! I work at the local cable company and a few years back I responded to a Facebook post from a guy I went to middle and high school with and got him connected with internet. We began communicating back and forth for 6 months. People would tell me they had not seen me smile like I was for a long time. We blended our families last summer ( we were both divorced ) and now we have our happily ever after. :heart: Someone has to make the first move. #WishingYouAHappilyEverAfter! :crossed_fingers::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Take a chance life’s to short to be wondering what if all the time he may actually feel the same way never know til you see

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Tell him! We want an update too :heart_eyes:


Girl tell him how you feel. Life is WAY too short to be anything but happy. If he makes you happy and you make him happy, go for it!

Shoot your shot. My husband lived in Oregon, and I lived in Cali. We are happily married :heart:

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My husband of almost 20 yrs now met online in an old fashioned msn chat room. He lived 700 miles from me. We were “friends with benefits” what we had agreed to. We weren’t exclusive we “dated 4 months” We did say I live you at the end of a phone conversation he called me Baby. He proposed in the 5th month and we were married months later. I say go for it maybe just at the end of text or phone call say I love you see what happens.

You’ll regret it if you end up never knowing!

Are either of you willing to relocate? That’s a huge make it or break it question.

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Life is too short for … what if… just tell him at least you will know :heart:

I would tell him but you don’t have to pick up and move go at your speed

If he was interested, he would take his shot. Guys tend to pursue what they want, if he ain’t chasing then you already know the future of this relationship. They dont respect girls who chase them.

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I would just ask. Sounds like feelings may be mutal.

Maybe you are just his fave homegirl…don’t spoil it.

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Tell him, he likes ya too :wink:

I agree with the others. Life’s too short, shoot your shot

Tell him, sounds legit. U never know u might meet in the middle and become more than just friends. Some of the best relationships start with a friend who just listened 2 u for years on end. If he doesnt feel the same atleast u will know. But it’s worth the shot of knowing if he thinks there’s something there or if he just sees u as the “little sister” or “1 of the guys” he can hang with. However I caution u distance will be a huge factor so trust is going 2 be an even bigger thing u need 2 consider.

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Ya know, it really says a lot about a man by the way they act towards you when you’re just friends. He obviously really likes you. He is taking his personal time and dedicating it by spending time with you, texting you all the time, and even talking on the phone for hours. That’s what every woman deserves!!So, I honestly don’t see why you shouldn’t tell him how you feel. GO FOR IT :slight_smile:
I would also definitely suggest telling him in person, that way there are no misunderstandings or misinterpretations. You never know with texting or phone calls these days…
And there could only really be two reactions. He either is excited and 100% agrees with you, or is upset because he really does like you but would prefer to just be friends. I would prepare for any outcome though… maybe go over it out loud with yourself a few times on what you want to say. I do that and it helps a lot. Especially with my anxiety.
I wouldn’t hold back about telling how you feel… Life is too damn short, and people don’t last forever. I think you may regret it big time if you don’t take the chance to tell him.

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Spill your guts girl!


I asked one of my guy friends about that. From a guys point of view, how would you feel if a girl confessed her feelings and put her whole heart out there? He said DO IT! Tell him how you feel. I did and we hit our 10 year wedding anniversary yesterday.

Go for it… after what we’ve all been through lately life is definitely too short… live a little, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Go For It, hopefully it works and if not you are good friends and should be able to work thru it. Good Luck!

You gotta be open an honest in a relationship… you can’t start a relationship hiding things even if it is how you feel…

We should get an update on posts like this! I would definitely tell him. Don’t leave me hanging though lol its already anonymous so update us

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Go for it. Nothing worse than a ‘what if’. Hope it all works out the way you want it :heart:

Before you do anything ask yourself if you would be willing to move to his state if things turned out well. If you can’t see yourself doing that I would leave things how they are. Who knows he might be willing to make the move himself for you but you can’t expect that.

Just tell him, that way u can put an end to the friendship.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

I would like to say go for but I have seen his kinda , dont get in to deep to fast !! Are you sure he isn’t love bombing you he sounds a bit over the top :thinking: