I would, but I’m impulsive and really good at harboring my feels
I would tell him. If it was with a random person I would avoid it, but since it was with your husband I would most definitely. Its a terrible feeling finding out you were cheated on and people knew and didn’t tell you!!
Tell him! Just like you’d want him to tell you.
No. Pack up, file the papers, and leave. They’ll figure it out eventually.
You should ABSOLUTELY tell him
Here put it this way would oyoy want to know if the husband knew and you didn’t.
Tell his ass and fuck him better than you did your husband. What a fucked up name to carry anymore, neither no longer carries meaning
Man. That’s really tough. The right thing to do usually isn’t the easiest. I’m real sorry you’re in that predicament.
If i were them…id hope someone would tell me.if they knew
Tell him! If you were in his situation you would want to know!
If I were in his position, I would want to know
I’m so sorry mama
Make the wife tell him
Tell it all, sister. Tell it ALL!!!
Tell him! Call the local news! Go on national television! I am SO petty that I am telling EVERYONE!! Ain’t no wayyy someone is messing up my home and going about theirs like nothing happened.
Write it on a cake “sorry your wife cheated” leave it on his doorstep anonymously. He can either eat it or throw it in her face.
I would tell him. He deserves to know just like you.
If I were him I would want to know. So yes.
Tell him. I don’t get why people are so scared to tell someone they are being cheated on? Put on your big girl pants an tell him. The fuck. It’s ok for you to know an leave but for him to continue to be cheated on? If he chooses to stay after knowingnthats on him but he should know.
I would want to know if I were him. Tell him.
Tell him. It’s not fair for him to be in the dark about it.
Good lord man tell the poor guy.
I’d tell him while the wife is home.
Everyone’s acting like it is the right thing to do. When your actions would bring about the worst case scenario that you had no part in. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for whatever fallout may happen. That’s a lot to take on.
You tell him. As a women you owe it to him because he doesnt deserve that as a person. As for her. Ruin her life
I’m all for telling him. Its personal ya know? And its not like youre doing it just to be an asshole. I would hope someone would do the same for me instead of letting me look like a fool!! Im so sorry this was done to you. Its one of the worst feelings in the world… i wish you the best of luck !!!
Tell him it’s woman like her that give good woman a bad name once a cheater always a cheater… Hope you get through it a stronger woman
If was me I would tell him. I know what it’s like to be cheated on and have everyone know and not say a fucking word and make you look like a fool.
I would say somthing then the guilt is off of you and he can do what he wants with the information but at least you know he’s making an informed decision
What’s his number we will tell him for you
I would. She didn’t care to break up your family so why should you care to break up theirs but outing her?
If it was me, I would want to know as opposed to allowing it to continue. Tell on him… you may be the only one who does.
would you want him to tell you if roles were reversed?
Tell him! My husband cheated on me while I’m germany and I found her husband and messaged him all I knew about it.
He has the right to know
I would love to know what advice was taken
Tell him! He has a right to know what a dog his wife is!!!
I wrote this before but il say again…if this girl is dumb enough to sleep with the next door neighbor… u know she’s cheating else where…tell him before she brings him home more then just a heartache… he needs/ deserves to know.
If her husband found out but you didn’t know, would you want him to tell you that he found out his wife was sleeping with your husband ?
Been in a similar situation, I told the other person , it’s what I would want someone to do for me. Have evidence so they believe you
Tell him. He doesn’t deserve to have a liar and a cheater parading around as if nothing has happened and him oblivious to the destruction and pain she has caused you. Why allow her life to go on as if everything is ok when yours is falling apart? If he stays with her, that’s his decision to make. But, if he leaves you’re not the one who tore apart their family. …she did that by her actions!!! You have nothing to feel guilty for here, and At least he will know the truth! Tell him…
Hell yes nasty whore
Be a decent human being and tell the mf before her musty ass brings something home
It’s always good to know these things. Tho dont do it because you want to get back at her. That karma will find her in time and that is truth. On the other hand. I would hate to be the person to tell something so heartbreaking. I’m not sure if I would feel better about anything in the end.
It is ultimately your choice but remember your more likely hurting the husband that’s oblivious rather than the woman who cheated.
I cant say I wouldn’t want someone to tell me if they knew.
I would tell him. He has a right to know what his wife is doing when he’s not home.
Personally I’d tell him, It’s unlikely the first time and he deserves to know the truth and the opportunity to move on to something real.
I wished someone would have told me… but I definitely would have wanted proof. Truth always comes out in the end .
Tell him before that chic brings him a disease. Your husband might not be the only one shes messing with.
I would want to know. Been there and it not a good feeling being cheated on .even thou it hurt it’s better then being the fool .especially when everyone knows but you
I told my best friend her man was cheating on her
I found out by the guy I was with at the time
I saw all the videos
Well she stayed with him and cutt me off
Her dude tried hitting my car
Because he was mad I told her
The best way to tell him would be to spray paint it on the house. That way… hell get the message and so will the rest if the neighborhood lol
She was digging in your yard and got caught. Yep tell him
Unpopular opinion but if you aren’t any more than acquaintances I wouldn’t tell him. She will reveal to him who she really is without you getting involved any further. Different story if he’s a friend, but generally I think in those situations you should just handle things on your end and let other peoples shit work itself out.
I would absolutely want to know. I would tell him.
Bloody tell him. You’d wanna know so I’m sure he will appreciate u telling him
If its eating you up, you haven’t done the right thing yet. Tell him, he has every right to know and make a decision for his future. Stay strong.
I would want to know.
Back in 2000 I was talking to a good friend of mine in another state. He was the husband of a couple that my husband and I were best friends with. During the conversation he told me that he and his wife were separating/divorcing and that my husband and she had been spending an awful lot of time together. I trusted my friend but didn’t believe him. He kept insisting and I finally told him that while I did trust him I said “He would never do that to me”. I finally told him that just to ease both of our minds, I would call my husband and confirm what I believed to be true. When I asked my husband that question, “Have you been spending a lot of time with Stacy lately?”, he didn’t lie. He told me “Yes”. My entire life drastically changed in that moment. So, yes you should tell him. He deserves to know.
Would you want him to tell you if he were the one who found out first? If yes, then tell him ASAP!
I would tell him. But don’t tell him just to get back at her, be caring when you tell him. He is an innocent party just like you, but he deserves to know and to have the option to get himself tested. You should do that as well. And I’m seeing a lot of people saying “she wrecked your home”, but you cannot put all the blame on her. Your partner is guilty too. Your partner made the choice to sleep with her, made the choice to betray you, betray your trust, and disrespect your relationship. I hope you get through this and hopefully move on. I was in your same situation about 10 years ago and I told the neighbor’s boyfriend about what happened. Him and I actually became friends and helped support eachother during our the struggle of moving on. And we are still friends to this day. I wish you the best and hope you are able to make whatever decision is right for you.
Would you want him to tell you …?
Nah don’t let him find out on his owe you think it’s the right thing to do but it’s not end of the day do what’s best for you and focus on leaving your husband behind for good I mean you tell him but are you going to run back to your husband?? Alot of women say they leave but alot run back what’s the point of hurting him too let him find out on his own …
Definitely yell him.
You’d want to know if it was reversed.
I’d shout it from the roof tops making sure everyone knew it. Maybe I’m just petty tho no bitch gonna ruin my home and get to live her life Like nothing happened.
Why wouldn’t you? You’d like to know. And she did wrong too, not just your husband. She destroyed your home and hers in her actions. Of course tell him! Personally I would tell everyone what they did. People like that don’t deserve to be protected with secrecy, let the world know the garbage that they are.
Hell yes. Tell him. Or fuck him. Your choice
Definitely tell him.
i would move first. people get murdered in situations like this.
Nope the messenger always gets shot . He will find out dont worry
Go confront her infront of her husband… if its bothering you dont keep it in…
I would give her an amount of time to tell herself, if not I’d tell him. Only fair because you 3 know about it
Tell him. He deserves to know.
My petty ass would tell the husband, the in laws, their in laws. The whole neighborhood is going to know AND THEN I’d leave my scumbag cheating husband for the neighbors husband and live happily ever after.
Omg I’d be on a roll. I’d write it out on the side of my house with Christmas lights… the really blinky obnoxious ones.
Yes tell him for sure
Maybe he already knows and don’t care.
send him a letter named from your ex telling him how he slept with the mans wife and as it takes 2 to tangle he doesnt feel that hes the only 1 being punished for it that way if the husband leaves her it doesn’t leave an open gate for her to run to your ex cause shel be furious at him thinkin he delibrately split her from her husband leaving you the innocent party name out of it best of both worlds xxx
Oh I would tell immediately silence is why this world sucks we all need to talk we all need to share
Ugh just tell him already given that it’s your reason for leaving,don’t be one of them women muttering if only you knew people are dirty
You should tell immediately cheaters are the worst humans ever.
YES! He Deserves to know and to decide how he would like to continue with his life…just as you have to.
You should tell the husband. He deserves to know the truth!!
I would write a letter to the wife. And give it to the husband and say, “can you give this to your cheating wife, and run while you can” #impetty
I think you should he deserves to know I would want to know xx
I think so that happened to me and I had to hear from people I worked for. I was devastated.
Say something. He deserves to know!
Wouldn’t you want to know? Nail them to the wall!!
Bitch!!! If you DON’T tell you’re as bad
Tell him. He deserves to know what happened. Not telling him makes you just as guilty
Just like you would wanna know -tell him.
When my so called husband did this i sure did i told Jay an i was pregnant with 2nd child my ex was a dirty whore caused 2 surgeries robbed me of my 3rd child an had sex with a 14 yr old we were getting custody of so yes tell him he deserves a clean woman not a used tampon
It isn’t about “getting even” at this point… How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? Would you want her husband to tell you if he were the one to find out? You were able to make an informed decision as to how you wanted to handle the situation… Doesn’t her husband deserve to be informed so he can handle the situation to his choosing as well? Most people can’t abide a cheater and deserve to be made aware, with firsthand knowledge, of such deception…
Please update us. Don’t do it through facebook though. She might be going through his phone. Write a note or just call him. I would want someone to tell me no matter how devastated I would be
I’d tell 'em for sure! I hate cheaters!
He already knows, that’s why he was with his “mates”.
100% he has every right to know!
If the tables were turned would you want your neighbor to tell you ??
Uhhh, yes? Why is this even in question?
I would let him know for sure. Your relationship with your partner has been destroyed. Why should she get away with the part she played in that?
Oh you make your husband go and y’all sit down at the table and have him tell it. They’re the ones who cheated not you and if he doesn’t have the balls to do it then you tell it.
i just had my first year marriage on the 15th … on that very day my husband decided to tell me that he was no longer in love with me and was in love with another woman and he had been talkin to her for a while and they work togrther… you know people had to know and im so mad that noone spoke up and told me. i know they probably wanted to but didnt wanna cause any problems but still i looked so damn stupid.