I met my boyfriend because my ex husband cheated on me with his ex wife. He called me and told me. 12 years later we are together. Things happen for reasons. I’m greatful he told me.
Stay out of it. Karma will take care of it. You really want to hurt someone else because you are hurt but don’t be the one.
Tell him. It’s not fair to him that he’s unknowingly with a lame ass cheater. Please tell the man.
Yes. He deserves to know. The longer it stays hidden the more it will hurt.
Blow that shit up!! If she cheated once it’s a good inclination that she’s cheated before or will again. How will you feel if she brings home a disease to him that you could have prevented?
I would definitely want to know. I’m so sorry this all happened to you both
Answer this; would you want her/him to tell you?
There’s your answer!
Yes! Don’t let him look like a fool
Yes unless there’s a chance he might hurt her
I would tell him.
It’s not about hurting him because you are hurt.
It’s because it was your husband and his wife.
A quick text…
" hey _______, just want to let you know that I caught my husband cheating. With your wife."
How did you find out? Just curious!
Yes, honesty is always the best policy😊 Im so sorry for you. My prayers🙏🏼
Tell all to all immediately involved
Would you want to know? He’s running around thinking his life is peachy keen. Tell him.
Tell him. Was he really away for a week with mates ???
I would tell him… who is there to protect?
Damn right, I’d tell him!
Tell him!!! It’s just the right thing to do.
He’s going to find out soon enough. But let it be on his terms. Because IF you think he’s going to thank you. You’re in for a rude awakening.a and chances are he already knows but prefer to stick his head in the sand. But take my word keep quiet.
It’s none of your business. It’s not your relationship, therefore stay out of it.
Yes. Tell. He deserves to know.
I would want to know. It’s unfair to him not to let him know
I’m not condoning what they have done whatsoever but surely there could be a bigger picture here?
- Maybe her partner was already cheating
- Maybe he’s very abusive
- They have an open relationship
Usually - Maybe your partner said your seperated…who knows.
Just because they have both been behind your back doesn’t mean you should do the same. I agree with others on here and would approach the woman and tell her you will be telling her partner Tomo to give her chance to herself ,( not that she probs deserve it) just be the bigger person in this x
Definitely !
Even though it might satisfy you a bit anyway, it’s his right to know and to choose what he wants to do.
I would done it before
Dont tell him. Tell her shes got 5 days to tell hkm or you will!! Hes stilll the innocent party. Hehe
Shag the husband you will feel better
Oh hell nah. If i were in ur shoes i wouldnt go walk over to the neighbors no no…id be making signs for the front yard so he can read it on his own… something along the lines of “my hoe ass husband fucked ur wife” or “newly separated like ur wife’s legs” get creative as fuck with it… nvm the neighbors husband feelings he’s probably fuckin clueless as to wtf is going on… embarrass the hell outta his wife and ur ex!
What if he already knows? And has an agreement with his wife that she can have other lovers?? I’d be careful and tread lightly. You would be surprised with the crazy relationships people have. I thought I was going to tell a dear friend of mine her husband was repetitively propositioning me, and then later found out she was in on it, and they had an agreement of some kind. Unbeknownst to me. Not friends anymore. And I was the one who remained hurt. Remain anonymous if you do let him know.
Yeah shania Twain’s second hubby told her…spill the beans. Shania is happier than ever now
Telling him forces him to deal with something he could be trying to keep to himself. Once you bring it to his attention, he either has to make the conscious choice to leave things as they are and face your judgement, or file for divorce. As angry as you are, his marriage is not your business.
I would want someone to tell me.
Say something to him. If he stays, that’s on him. But, at least you your not wondering anymore.
I had someone have the courage to tell me when they could have kept their mouth shut. I’m forever grateful to that person for being a true friend and telling me.
Do it. Tell him allllll the details girl. Then hook up with him to give them both a slap in the face! #menaintshit
Tell him 1000000000%. F that hoe
What purpose,besides maybe making you feel better,would it serve.
If I was him I would want to know🤷♀️ he has every right to know he has been betrayed too
What she said is completely petty and immature and I think you should do both of those #YOLO
Tell him! You would want to know!
Not your marriage, stay out of it.
tell him tf?! id want to know if someone knew my man cheated.
I think your hands are clean as of right now. That is THEIR issue now. Karma will found her and he will make his choice. As for you I would suggest to move on and be the best you can be without him because the best revenge is Happiness.
Tell him . he deserves to know.
If the tables were turned, would you want him to tell you? I would tell him if it were me.
Personally, I’d want to know. I feel most people, even if they want to be in denial, would rather be told then be even more humilated when they find out they were literally the last to know.
If he asks then absolutely tell him what you know. Don’t go looking. Karma will find her.
You should it’s going to eat you alive that she’s living right next door and you want to kill her
You should let him know if it was you wouldn’t you like to know?
Nope…walk up to her with a smile on your face while she’s standing next to him and KNOCK her TF out, Trust me ,he will ask you WHY
If she was cheating on him with some random guy I’d say stay out of it. But since it was with your husband you have every right to tell him.
Tell him he has a right to know. Sorry this happened to you what pieces of shit they are
Tell ur husband u tell him or I will
Tell him right in front of her!
Yes he deserves to know , as long as they think they getting away with it then they will continue , i know i would want to be told
She ruined your relationship ruin hers!! Js
Tell him !!! Right in front of her!!
Would you want to know ? I would…
I would do it because I would want to know, but remember you aren’t just hurting her. So do it, just be tactful about it. I am so sorry for the hurt you are feeling
Id tell him.fuck that.
I would tell him for sure !!!
If you were in his shoes, would you want to know ?
I say tell him. I would want to know.
Oh my God yes tell him! She is just out her helping ruin marriages and then gets to go play house with her husband she obviously doesn’t cherish. He has the right to know. Why should he be the only left in the dark. I honestly feel bad for the dude. Out here looking stupid!
Make her tell her own husband or you will. Get the upper hand
Knock and that DOOR TONIGHT! Tell his ass!
I’d make it seem like you aren’t going to say anything and then bring up how you and your husband are separated and casually say because of their affair like you don’t know that he doesn’t know.
And record it! LOL
For you know… memories
Definitely tell him. He deserves to know just as you do. He might even suspect it already.
I wouldnt. That relationship is already a dumpster fire…girl get a drink and watch it burn
Do they have kids? You will be affecting the entire family. Not saying yes or no. Just something to think about
Wait until you think it is just him home alone, and then go over there to save some trouble…
Hell yes…tell her husband
On one hand I feel like it’s their house and you should just stay in your lane but at the same time I’m sure you would want to know. I guess you could tell him just to get it off your chest but after you tell I would just step away and let them handle the situation on their own
I would want to be told.
How do u think he is going to feel when he does find out…an then finds out you already knew. He has been betrayed by his wife an maybe your husband was friends with him…an now u know !
I know I would want to know, even if it’s going to tear my own relationship apart. Rather know than people keep quiet and I stay in a horrible relationship. He deserves to know
I probably would let him know. He might not believe you but his wife instead. I would still tell him though what he does with the information is his problem atleast you got it off your chest.
Only if you know 100% that it happened.
If you feel right telling him tell him. It’s your choice. Sorry you’re in that mess though, good luck whatever you choose
If you have proof go for it!
Consider how you would feel in his shoes. Would you want to be told? I’m guessing yes. So tell him
I would want to know
Wouldn’t you want to know or continue to let someone make a fool of you
How did you find out? I would “advise” him to inquire in the same fashion so he sees for himself.
Tell him while she is next to him!
I just asked my husband what he would do…“I would definitely say something, in fact I would put up a sign in the yard saying you slept with at LEAST one neighbor”
If it’s me, I’m tellin’
Tell him. He deserves to know.
Tell your neighbor. She messed up what you had now you do it to her. Once a home wrecker always a home wrecker.
I would certainly tell him. If you chose to do so please remember that he is an innocent party (as are you). Please try not to tell him out of hatred for her but with empathy because you know how it feels and he deserves to know.
I’d wanna know for sure
MYOB. I’m sure you have stuff going on in your own life concentrate on that
He probably already knows. Besides you may not know what type of relationship they have. Not all married couples practice monogamy. Just something to keep in mind if you do tell.
He would have known something was up , when he came home and his wife had a black eye!
I would leave them to it, keep your side of the street clean. I know it’s hard but it’s better to take the high road and not subject yourself to that level.
You gain nothing but chaos.
Keep your dignity, let karma take care of her.
Yep. He deserves to know just like you.
I would want to know either way no matter who was at fault. their choice to handle it
I would wanna know. And I’m sure my husband would wanna know if the tables were turned.
He deserves to know! He thinks their playing home and she’s out getting different d**k. Punch both of them
TELL HIMMMM! He would want to know!
I’d tell her husband he deserves to know what’s going on