I’m not sure if I would tell her honestly… that’s a very weird situation?! I feel like nothing good would come out it. It’ll just make her feel awkward when she’s around him, maybe even you. What I would do though 100% is ask him why tf he has a video like that of your sister. That might honestly be a deal breaker for me
Are you sure she didn’t send him the videos? Or her man sent them to him
Yes you tell her smfh
You leave him and tell her. She deserves to know that she was violated and she deserves to be able to make the decision as to what to do with that information.
They fuckin on the DL… there’s no way she doesn’t know…. Wtf is he doing with her phone anyways?!?!??
That’s disgusting. Unless you plan on leaving him then no, I wouldn’t tell her. While she deserves to know, and I personally could never stay with someone who could do something so sickening esp with my own sister…you’re forever going to be questioning whether he’s thinking about her or undressing her if she’s around. You’re not going to trust him. What he did has gotta be illegal some how. But by telling her and staying with him you’re only going to damage your relationship with her. She’s not gonna wanna be around u guys, her husband prob gonna wanna kill him. That’s gonna cause a rift between your kids n her kids if she has any. And she could also bring other family members into it as well so that could blow up and they could all turn their backs on u for staying with a pig. So think about what you’re gonna do about him first before involving anyone else.
Ummm yeah tell her. Wouldn’t you want to know? Then leave him. Why would you want to be with someone who does that?
Kick him the fuck out
Not if you’re gonna take him back!
He shouldn’t be your fiancé no more
He sounds like a creeper
Why does this read “my fiancé” and not “my ex”
Come on. If he’s willing to do something so slimey imagine what he will justify next.
No offense but Fiancé of 8 years… that right there is enough said that he’s not ready to step up. To me it sounds like he may have a thing for your sister? And I would definitely tell her & he definitely has to go. Him doing something like this stepping over those boundaries especially with it being your sister is disgusting & disrespectful!! And honestly just shows who he really is…a pig!! I went through something similar but involving my best friend & it was my child’s father of 11 years and I learned the hard way!! It doesn’t get easier but just remind yourself everyday u and your children deserve better! so u have to show them the best and even if it’s being a single mom! When u love yourself and find your worth love will find u. U got this!
Nope. Just no… Kick him to the curb
It was probably your husband and sister in that video.
You sure your sister is innocent in all this?
First things first… what is he doing with her cell phone? If she doesn’t have a lock on it and leaves it around all Willy nilly, that is one thing. Did he legit use his phone in one hand with hers in the other and recorded it that way? I don’t know - but something sure as hell sounds off about this. And in case she indeed does not know - Would YOU want to know something like that if you were in her shoes? Hell yeah, tell her - she is your sister! And not just tell her, but slap the hell out of your so-called “fiancé” for being such a d*ckweed and boot his nasty a** to the curb! What he did is beyond wrong and disrespectful.
You sure ur sister didn’t send them to him? How would he be able to record videos of her like that? That part doesn’t make sense to me.
Maybe he has thing for her…just saying…omg why r you still there…tell her ofcourse…some of u women are just plane blind they do this shit yall forgive and it happens again…don’t u have any respect for yourselves… geesh
First I’d talk to your sister and her boyfriend. Find out if either is being shady. Then break up with the fiancé cuz if he’s watching intimate videos of your sister that’s cheating and creepy. You deserve better
Ew. Literally ew. Seriously throw the whole guy out. Thats awful.
Disappointing to read fiancé and it not be replaced with ex.
This is weird. You definitely should tell your sister but the real question is, why are you not questioning your relationship?
If you guys are engaged and hes doing this imagine what will happened when you’re married… nothing will change
I’m confused tho… how did he know the videos existed in the first place? That’s a whole lot of planning to get videos like that on his phone… he had to know they were there… plan a time he could have the phone to record them without anyone knowing…. Just seems off
Ehhhh what so in other words he’s watching videos of your sister sorry bye boy no respect and the fact it’s your sister I would have been. Done there and then tell her
Yes. Tell her. Unless you’re a really shitty sister…
Hmmm. Invasion of privacy OR they all know and you don’t? How did he know they were on there? something stinks js
Yea tell your sister and get rid of the fiancé. Sorry but he’s cheating and if he’s watching your sisters videos what makes you think he’s not watching anyone else’s. Plus fiancé for 8 yrs? Whose choice is it to not be married yet?
“he obviously invaded her privacy” if that’s all your concerned about move one…
And since that’s all your concerned about it seems like your sister is in on it. She probably let him. I’d be more upset as in to why he has that in the first place
Gross yeah tell her and get away from that disrespectful perv
The fact that you still call him a fiancé
- That is not ok in ANY way.
- I dont think your sister is so innocent.
- Get rid of the sick bastard.
It sounds like your sister already knows he has this because she provided it to him. Either way a discussion needs to be had with all four of you present. The sister, her man, you, and your man. The truth needs to be aired and then this engagement needs to be canceled. Heal the relationship with your sister if you can, or cut her loose too if you can’t. This whole situation has red flags allllll over it
And you’re still calling him your fiancé?
Run, that’s what you do Lol
Sounds more like your sister sent the video to him on snapchat. Throw the whole man and sister away. Ew. Porn is one thing but porn involving someone close to you No thanks. I’d be wondering if he was thinking about my sister when he was with me. Gross. End it now.
Oh wow. How can I put this delicately without hurting your feelings? Girl your sister sent him those videos.
How else would he know about them much less copy videos off of HER phone?
Tell her that’s her business not his
First off, how did he get a Snapchat video of your sister without her sending it to him? Second, gross all around! Either he got the video without her consent(?) or she sent it to him and he kept it anyway and didn’t tell you! There’s a line you don’t cross and he has jumped way over it and exploded the line completely! Dump him! He has no respect for you at all! The fact that he was hiding it just means he knew full well it was wrong! Side note: if your sister sent it to him then that’s a whole other issue that would make me and my sister get into a knock down/drag out fight!
Um yes tell her, that’s a huge invasion of privacy and probably illegal on some level if she isn’t aware that he has them.
I can’t believe he’s still your fiance after he kept your sisters porn on his phone
I would definitely tell her. He some how knew about those videos. If she did not share with him then I would be questioning her bf.
Isnt snap chat a send videos? You sure your sister didnt send it or the boyfriend of your sister??
Tell her incase she doesn’t know. Leave him. Start a new life and never look back. Either way they say it someone’s done something they shouldn’t have
I would play nice, get phone delete every video or image of my sibling, change all passwords to scumbag#, possibly break the phone in a rage, then I would boot him out. And he would never be my problem again.
I would also never trust my sister again because she sent it or allowed him to watch it…he didn’t just know what was on her phone.
The end.
You need your girlfriends to come help you clean up this mess. Toss them both to the curb and be greatful you didn’t marry this pig
what in the panhandle behavior is this?
leave him, and cut your sister off. She sent him that sh*t.
It sounds like she let him record them from her phone with his so she wouldn’t have a data trail of her sending them to him…
How would he be able to record that video without your sisters consent? Your sister must have shown him or something. This doesn’t sound right at all. They both sound guilty
Were her videos on pornhub or anything like that. Some couples do that and share their vids
He had a video of your sister on Snapchat? How else would it end up there if she didn’t send it to him? Are you even sure it’s not your sister and him?
He has porn videos of your sister
I’d smack him
I would tell your sister to
Ew how have you not already left him
Yuck!!!u can’t get videos on snap without her sending it to them…kick them both to the curb.he has no respect for you.if he wasnt guilty he would’ve told you like hey your sister sent me this ,instead of trying to delete things
Either she sent it to him, the boyfriend did as a “brag” or he was left alone with her phone unlocked long enough to do it himself. Either way ask her about it and I’m gonna say get rid of him.
Did he invade her privacy or she sent it to him,bring in the pro
How was he alone with her phone for that long. It sounds more like she sent it to him or let him record it.
Tell her and dump him
Uhhh your sister sounds like she provided those videos to him.
So yeah, confront them both together.
Omg my ex did this before
There is more to this story
This isn’t as bad but my old best friend started hanging out with my abusive ex & that’s when I decided I couldn’t be her friend anymore. Idc if my current partner watches porn or anything but if it was from someone like a friend, especially a sister I’d be like ew bye
If it says “your eyes only” she already knows girl. Why? Because her ass sent them to him. You better check your sister
Ummm… yeah. But dump his ass first.
Time to move one. And I’d confront them both. That’s disturbing and disgusting.
Uh that fact that you aren’t even considering leaving him is very concerning…I’d instantly tell him we are done.
Together for 8 years, two kids, if you aren’t married why are you having kids??? Guess I am old-fashioned - but are the kids protected legally??? You can live together for ever - but no kids - - -
Pretty sure “your eyes only” is stuff in your SC camera roll…meaning it was taken on his phone.
You deserve better and to be honest so does your sister
I’m confused why you would even consider staying
WTF! That is your sister! Why are you even asking if you should? What you should do is shove your foot so far up his ass to help him out the door and call your sis asap!
He’s perverted. Dump him. Leave your sister out of it.
Ewww if that isnt a reason to leave i dont know what is your sister obviously sent it to him theres no other way to get this video on snapchat
wtf. that’s super traumatic… might be a hard convo but definitely needs to be done and you should absolutely start working on getting out of this engagement . good thing you haven’t married him yet …
You’re worried about sister…. But girl what about you? That’s disgusting and disturbing
8 years, wow, I think their may be a commitment issue somewhere, but I don’t know everything!
Isn’t what he did illegal. I think that answer your question
I feel like things may have been provided to him js can’t rule that out
You’re not even mad? Grossed out? … just concerned about your sister… interesting
Ew, and he’s still your fiance?
Come to your senses and run
What if HER boyfriend sent it to him! …men are like that.
Can you still hold the “fiance” title after 8 years???
Dump him. Why did he even have your sister’s phone? Weird and creepy.
How would he get your sisters phone tho??!
I would of already packed my Sh#t and left No questions asked, one thing watching Porn but to do that Nah…
and for you to ask what should you do tells me your not guna leave…
I’m sorry but if that wasn’t off limits nothing else really is with him he shouldn’t still hold that title and yes I’d tell your sister and see her reaction… if she reacts like she should then say your sorry and he is no longer your fiancé
That’s sick and freakin twisted!!
It would’ve taken him a good amount of time with her phone without her knowledge which sounds absurd to me either way he’s a sicko big time! Please get out of that situation and fast
1st of all he’s a fiancé for 8 yrs…really?!?
It’s already been rocky
He beyond a douche bag with this scandal
He shouldn’t even be a bf and your sister is very questionable
How did he have access to her phone ??? For that long to figure it out???
Make this make sense
I’m lost… I think there’s more to the story.