Should I tell my sisters husband she isn't taking her birth control?

I guess you want to get kicked out🤷‍♀️


You have done your part in confronting her and telling her how morally wrong you feel about what she is doing. However you are not a part of their relationship and who knows what goes on behind closed doors. Furthermore how does the husband not know your sister well enough to know she might be sneaky like this? Sounds like he needs to be more observant of their relationship and go get a vasectomy or file for divorce. Bringing children into this world should be consensual on both sides.

I’d be like “hey are you on a new birth control saw yours in the trash” but it’s going to start alot of shit between you two.

That is not your business! Clearly you have too much free time on your hands. Find a hobby! Allow them to work it out if and when it does happen!

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I honestly would if it was me. That is not right whatsoever and if the tables were turned and this was a man doing it then people would be calling him all sort of names.


Omg get back in your box and out of their home if you can’t mind your business, the cheek of you snooping around like that in her home and relationship!


Absolutely not. Imo…your first allegiance is to your sister… If your sister gets pregnant and it causes problems and or he leaves her…Thats her business


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He has clearly made he doesn’t want any more kids and has his reasons for your sister not to respect that is awful. I would say something cause if she becomes pregnant and if he doesn’t want it then it can put a strain on him being a father and being betrayed and may up and leave then where would your sister be. If I didn’t want to have anymore kids and my husband was poking holes in condoms to have another child and I became pregnant it would be the end. Also others saying he should wear a condom or get a vasectomy he trusts her on the pill so it wasn’t a need at this time. I would tell him so he can take these extra steps. No one want to get trapped qoth a child they don’t want

Stay out of it! Not your monkey :speak_no_evil:

Wtf is with ppl these days… MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!! FML :woman_facepalming:


Mind your buisness …
That’s all there is


What?? Stay out of it


Tell him ! You would want honesty as well!!

That’s kinda a hard spot to be in. It is really wrong of her to do that, so he should know, but how do you do that without upsetting her or even both of them moreless getting kicked out and not having anywhere to go. I was thinking mind your bussines, but she is wrong and I wouldn’t want it done to me!!! I got a tubal litigation, so it wont “accidentally” happen.

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Are u jealous? Living with ur sister and u would betray her trust and start unnecessary drama? Their marriage stay out of it


Mind your own business unless you want family drama.


Her body her choice to take the pill or not. Stay out of their marriage. He married her, not you. And that’s messed up on her end. But that’s her karma. Y’all have issues.

some women say they are done having kids but don’t want to get surgery. it can be the same for men. cause maybe your done at that time but will change your mind later in life. For all we know they are using condoms and birth control.
it’s wrong of her to throw them away like if she wanted him to know she’s not taking them anymore then she would tell him.
Everytime i’ve ever stopped taking birth control my husband knew about it and instead of throwing them away i stopped my prescription from being refilled.
As far as telling him, i would tell the sister if she won’t tell him then i will. Don’t randomly bring it up, tell her again how it’s wrong. pregnancy is not a joke or easy. Each pregnancy is different and can have complications when your other ones didn’t. it’s something that should be talked about and agreed on. What if he ends up a window father?
Let’s say she does get pregnant and now the husband thinks she cheated cause they’ve been using condoms and birth control or he leaves her cause she lied about taking her birth control.
if the sister wants another kid why not look into fostering or adopting.

it’s wrong and disrespectful to take away someone’s choice. the wife is be selfish and only thinking of herself. Maybe the husband is the main income and feels her can’t support more kids. We don’t know.

Either way don’t be a shitty person and keep quiet just cause she’s your sister. I would most definitely tell after giving my sister the ultimatum. If probably say something like “ i don’t know if you knew but your wife is throwing away her birth control 8 saw her and she told me not to tell you”

And it doesn’t sound like this sibling is trying to get with the husband. It sounds like they saw something wrong happening and doesn’t know how to go about it. Cause at the end of the day that’s their sister but she’s doing something.

Suggest a vasectomy, remind him how burth control isn’t 100%


Advise her to be honest with her husband…otherwise stay out of it…


After leaving my previous job 12 months ago, i’ve had some good luck to learn about this website which was a life-saver for me… They offer jobs for which people can work online from their house. My latest paycheck after working for them for 4 m0nths was for $14698… Amazing thing about is that the only thing required is simple typing skills and access to internet…

Read all about it here…

Really? What business is it of yours? Let them deal with there marriage.


Look , I’d tell him . But not like behind your sisters back . If it’s brought up again , he says something about not wanting more kids , play dumb and be like “oh but my sister said y’all were trying again and that’s why she’s been off the Birth Control ?” . That will let him know she is not taking the pills , and also to be careful and probably looking into other ways to prevent . She shouldn’t be lying , and trying to force another kid into the mix . But he also should be taking extra precautions . If she gets mad at you , be like “if y’all are trying , why is it suppose to be hidden from him. I didn’t know!” . Those saying mind your business , is wrong . What if it was their brother or son being tricked like this ? I’d say something , but not behind the sisters back .


So you would snitch on your sister? Sounds like you’re an asslicker for her husband


Get out of their house trouble maker . Mind your business


I learned you tell the truth and shame the devil. I was in your sister’s position, wanting another and my husband said no. It was ridiculous how many people told me to just ;forget; my bc and let the chips fall.

To me it’s just the same as if he were to slip off the condom at the last moment, if it’s not fully informed consent on both sides, it’s wrong.


No. It’s their business.


I would tell I really really dislike dishonest people I would give my sister the choice to tell him and tell her if she doesn’t you will


I wouldn’t put my nose where it don’t belong it will cause you and your sister life long hate

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Would ANY of you say mind your business if the man was doing that to the woman??
Also she lives with them.
Wtf is wrong with all you?
Id tell your sister to tell him before you do.
That’s a terrible thing to do. Trap someone like that.


I’m kind of surprised how many are just saying to stay out of it or even saying you have issues, I would honestly tell him. It’s beyond fucked up to trick someone into a child like that and it’s not fair to him or that kid. I’d wait til a comment about kids came up and slip in how she’s not taking her pills or how you hope it happens soon for them or something. I mean, if they were trying and she wasn’t bothering with pills, wouldn’t she just stop refilling it instead of throwing them away? I know a chick who did this and the only reason she kept throwing them away was so if he saw the pack it looked like she was taking them.

He should get a vasectomy


None of your business!!! Keep mouth SHUT.


Go ahead and get put out. Lol

Whilst precautions go both ways, it isn’t a factor when you assume that you are in a TRUSTWORTHY relationship with a TRUSTED partner. This is a violation of someone’s right to decide and basically similar to what females claim to be fighting for. There are so many reasons why he may not want more kids, what if they can’t afford it financially?? Women condoning what she is doing by encouraging that it remain a secret… Wow! I hope no one violates you in this manner.


I hate to break it to you, but you live there; it’s your place of residency, not your relationship and you need to not stick your nose in it.


Talk to your sister remind her that she might just be risking a good thing. And why bring a child when someone else isn’t feeling more kids. The child could be abused or more.

I agree with everyone elses comments.its not your say.keep your nose on your face.its not your life.

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Mention it to her in-front of him. If they’re trying :woman_shrugging:t3: no problem. If they’re not but she lied. She’s the one who will
Be in the shit because for all you knew she was telling the truth.

I wouldn’t. It isn’t your story to tell.

That ain’t your business Susan!

Like others have said, none of your business.

I think you want your sister husband you nasty little troll😁


Mind your own business

This definitely isn’t a "mind your business " type deal. This is about consent. She is purposefully off bc and actively going against his wishes. Super fucked up. I bet a lot of these women would be up in arms if the roles were reversed.

Mind ya business.
It’s seems like your too close to your sisters husband :eye:

No you keep your mouth shut and mind your business not your problem and while you’re at it find another address…


I mean, how do you feel about being homeless? Bc this is how you wind up homeless lol


If this was the other way around and he was poking holes in the condoms or something, people would be raging.

I hate when people say, “none of your business”. It’s not fair on the guy whatsoever. Kids are forever.


You can encourage your sister to talk to him. But I wouldn’t go farther than that


I would absolutely tell… all you women saying mind your own business would probably do this to a guy and when he didn’t want the kid call him a dead beat… double standards are gross and all of you need to reevaluate yourselves


So the sister is setting up this man to have a child he doesn’t want and y’all say mind your business? Nah cuz next time dude says he don’t want a kid, I’m asking why my sister off her birth control then :woman_shrugging:t3:


No. Stay in your lane. She might be in the wrong but it’s not your place to interject in their relationship.


Mind your business :woman_shrugging:t3:

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No!!! Is NOT your problem

If it was my brother that would be one thing. But nope not my issue

Let me know who he is and I’ll tell him about your low down, no good sister! Ole trifflin raggedy ass! Sick of this mind ya business crap! I bet if it was y’all brother you’d want him to know! Smgdh! Or you can non chalantly mention him getting a vasectomy next time he says he doesn’t want kids, that’ll fuck her up! :rofl:

What happens in a marriage is between the two people in that marriage. They are two consenting adults. If he has expressed his desire for no kids then your sister should be adult enough to have a conversation with him. You should be a sister and be loyal to HER. I would be furious if my sister went behind my back.


if he didn’t want anymore he should’ve gotten snipped if she didn’t get fixed.

This is not okay tell him, if the roles were reversed everyone here would be outraged and calling for his balls on a platter.

Wtf what do u even care that’s they’re problem sounds like ur hooking up with ur brother in law :rofl::rofl:


Seriously. Mind ur own damn business

I personally would tell him. It’s called having morals and clearly most women no longer have them. It is not right to trap an man and force him to have another child he don’t want. This isn’t like your telling on her about spending some of his money or a little white lie this is a whole ass human she’s trying to make behind his back.

Hmm, I don’t think there’s any law about that. There might should be. We talk about the mother’s body and her rights all the time, but how about some leeway on causing basically an indentured servant. Might cause a divorce.

THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS!!! Stay in your lane :roll_eyes:

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You mind your business in this situation.

It’s so not your business…,

Nope nope nope! Mind ya business. Birth control fails all the time, so no matter what he’s taking that chance every time he sleeps with her. If he’s so adamant about it, he would go get :scissors:. But as for you, :zipper_mouth_face: it ain’t your place to say anything.

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If he was that adamant about not wanting more then perhaps he should get the snip… It’s disgusting what she is doing, but why is the onus on her to prevent it when she’s not the one that doesn’t want more? If they’re not on the same page about something so important then they probably shouldn’t be together. I personally would stay out of their business if I was you though


It’s not your place to tell him anything let him figure it out don’t get in-between them are you trying to get him for your self because that’s what it sounds like

next time he says something about not wanting anymore kids I’d say something off hand like… “should get snipped then” and leave it at that. don’t turn it into a conversation just be cool about it. that way you give the warning, but still be loyal to your sister. besides… when you asked about it she did say he knew. you’re not going against her in any way.


Not your monkeys, not your circus! Why does everyone always feel the need to butt into someone else’s business?

When they’re both with you calmly ask I heard you two were trying again to have another baby ? He will looked confused and then say yeah my sister is off her pills I’m so happy for the both of you…and walk away and let them deal with it. Their probably gonna rgue but it won’t be your business anymore.
.I’m kidding don’t do that mind your business.

Non of your business

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Wow. Tell him if she is not being honest clearly this proves it. He has a right to know. Ignore all the comments about not telling him. None of them are putting them selfs in his shoes it’s all about the women.


This is as bad as stealthing.
He absolutely deserves to know!!
Don’t say it in a straight forward manner. Just bring up the conversation in front of them both “oh how nice to have a niece/nephew” “nice to have a break from the pill”.
Play dumb because your sister didn’t tell you it was a secret.
Once he has all the information, then it’s up to him to prevent pregnancy


I get it’s really not your business, but we’re talking about another life. Another 18 year commitment. Super fkd up on her part. He should know. But like others have said, if he is really that adamant about not having another kid, he should take it into his own hands and get a vasectomy.


I would stay out of it, honestly.
Also, some of these comments are really nasty & you were just asking advise. If it were my sister and her husband I’d be conflicted about saying something to him too, bc that’s wrong of her, but again it’s also not my business and I’d ultimately stay out of it.

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Also, if ilthe roles were reversed and the woman didn’t want anymore kids and the man lied and said he got a "snip"done, I bet it would be a whole different ballgame in these comments.


What she is doing is considered sexual assault. So, yes tell him. Tell him before she is pregnant.

Id stay outta the business. U wanna cause friction between urself and ur sister and potentially lose ur place to live? I’d leave it alone.

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There married.It’s none of your business


That’s your sister and he is NOYB. Do you want him?


Not your circus. Not your monkeys.


Not your business but i understand your place


Tell him congratulations my sister said you guys are trying for another baby.


Tell him don’t stay out of it he deserves to know


Suggest he get a vasectomy


Omg, nosey relatives. NOT your business. He married her & you’re a guest in your sister’s house. You will sabotage their relationship with your big eyes & overthinking. If you feel bad for him then move out :woman_shrugging:t4:


Not your business! Stay in your lane!

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Mind your own business. That’s their issue….


I’d tell him, maybe indirectly. If he’s made it clear he doesn’t want any more and she is blatantly disregarding that, he needs to know. I would get one from the trash and Maybe say something in front of him like, hey I found one of your BC pills on the floor and hand it to her

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You need to move out


Mind yo business​:woman_facepalming:t3::bangbang:

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You mind your own damn business. How do you know he won’t be as happy as her once the child arrives??? He is not your husband. Stay out of it.

Mind your business tf your loyalty should stay with your sister not her man :mask:


Yes. If she is leading him on that she is using some sort of birth prevention, she’s being a shady b*tch. If he doesn’t want more, he would also be using condoms on his end and pulling out…or avoiding sex altogether because birth control isn’t 100% or even 99%. Plus, like this situation, you can’t trust people to be on it. I’d have all the evidence because this is as bad as guys not pulling out or removing a condom. He’s not fully consenting to this idea so he should 100% know. Everyone saying otherwise would have one hell of a problem if the guy was doing some tricky stuff to get a woman pregnant.

HE 100% DESERVES TO KNOW. Anyone telling you different is a disgusting, low down b#$×#


What she is doing is illegal in a lot of places. It’s reproductive coercion.