Should I tell my sisters husband she isn't taking her birth control?

I would mind my business if I were you

Your sister said it’s not true and they are trying. So if the husband mentioned that he doesn’t want anymore kids than just say: hey sister I think you should be take birth control again.
You would have done nothing wrong by mentioning it as she said they are trying :woman_shrugging:t2:


Wtf!?! Mind ya business


How in the world is ‘that’ YOUR business? Just because you’re living with them does not give you a right to intrude on their privacy


I would stay out of it as much as possible. But I might say things when they are both present when opportunity presents itself.
:woman_shrugging: things like. You read or heard that a certain food is good or bad for you if you’re trying to get pregnant, etc. And let the conversation flow naturally ,with him saying ;we aren’t trying to get pregnant, and you can say ……oh, my sister said you guys were trying . And let your sister try to deny or admit etc. But you might get kicked out too lol

Personally I wouldn’t get in the middle of someone else’s marriage issues. I know you all are family but it’s not your place. Just my 2 cents.

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I honestly think you should tell him. 1. It’s a type of domestic abuse. 2. This is why there are absent fathers as well. 3.not fair to potential child. 4. That’s also another family expense 5.That’s a huge trust issue!

If your close to them then mention to your sister she needs to tell her husband what she’s been doing and if she doesn’t then you will have to. Expect repercussion though.
If it’ll the rolls were reversed and her husband was doing that then you would tell your sister so why not the other way?


I would talk to him in a nice manner she’s trying to trick him. That’s not right

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Stay out of it. Your sister doesn’t have to take birth control if she doesn’t want to and her husband can wear a condom or get a vasectomy if he doesn’t want anymore


If u decide to say something just be careful because ur sister could kick u out


Stay out of it but in my opinion if he does not want anymore children then he should get snipped, can’t count on women to always be in control of the birth control. If he does not want anymore children then tell him to man up and get snipped, it’s an office visit


Not your business :woman_shrugging:


I’d tell him! She wants one he doesn’t. He needs to know what she’s doing.

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Why would you do that? He’s not your husband and that’s your sister. Why would you want to start drama between them. Sounds to me like your sister is very capable of starting her own drama with Her Husband. Unless you don’t care how this will affect your relationship with your sister…:roll_eyes:


He secretly got a vasectomy. Jokes on her.


Seriously. You are going to risk this relationship and living arrangement getting up in their business? You asked, she told you she wasn’t skipping and what do you gain by talking to her husband about something as personal as birth control. If you can’t respect their relationship, marriage and your sister, then you should move out.


What in the white trash drama hell did I just read?

Stay out of it. Her marriage, her business.


Myob. Where is your loyalty to your sister?


Mind your own business.

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If this were reversed, and a man were to poke holes in his condom to impregnate his wife against her wishes, would you tell her? Yes? Then the same rules apply. Just be prepared for the fall-out, because it’s likely.


No it’s not your place to tell him that is between the two of them. Yes what she is doing is wrong but that’s not your business.

No, you keep your mouth shut.

Mind your business sister

It’s not exactly your place to say anything. You live with them, unless you want to get booted by your sister and have a major fallout because you want to tell her husband on her id just butt out.

Stay out of it and worry about yourself!


Maybe you should mind your own business, whether your sister is right or wrong. If it’s hard to do, maybe consider getting your own place


So just making sure I’m following correctly; YOU’RE staying in THEIR HOME, so they’re already doing you a favor, & u wanna meddle in their business? Potentially causing your sister to deal with a divorce & be a single mother? Not to mention, you’re more than likely going to end up homeless… What outcome do you possibly think is going to come of you getting into the middle of their marriage? Another babu in the house makes less room for you? You think husband will leave your sister for you? STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE! Get yourself a man & worry bout your own relationship.


Tell him now. What the fuck? How is everyone telling you to mind your own.

It’s absolutely so freaking odd to me, if it were her brother putting holes in his condoms, the response thread WOULD be so very different… :thinking:


Mind you business it’s not your relationship


Stay out of it, however if the topic comes up tell him to go get fixed is he is that adamant that he doesn’t want any more. That’s what my husband did a week after out last one was born.


Yikes. Normally I’d say mind your own business, but there’s a kid who might suffer because of this. Urge your sister to fess up for the sake of their marriage. Having a child on a lie is the foundation for disaster. Protect the kids.

That said, find somewhere else to live. This is going to get ugly.

tell him today, your sister is morally bankrupt.

How is this any of your business???


What is with all the nosey people?! It isn’t your life or your situation. Mind your own!


Mind your own business


He tricking someone into a baby is wrong so tell him.

But he also needs to get fixed if he’s done

Although it is f’d up, it’s not your business. Seems like you should find your own place so you can get a life of your own. Just know if you do tell him, you definitely will need a place to stay. :sweat_smile:


He should get a vasectomy if he’s so worried about it. Then she doesn’t have to put crap in her body to prevent a pregnancy lol tell him THAT!!


Yes. It seems bad breaking your sisters trust but a child is a big thing. It takes money. Time, scheduling and a bunch more. Plus taking care if the ones the already have. I would let him know

  1. Tell him.
  2. Tell her you’ve told him.
  3. Learn to mind your own business going forward in life.
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I’d speak to them both, she’s in the wrong for trying to TRAP him into another child and I’d tell her point blank you need to speak to hubby or i will, he has a right to know. Would you all be saying the same if the roles were reversed ?? They both need to sit down and talk it through and make a decision together ect

This is no different than a man saying he had a vasectomy when he didn’t, no different than a man putting a hole in the condom behind her back, no different than a man putting on a condom and taking it off last second without her knowing, no different than a man messing with her bc. I’ve had this done to me by a person I trusted. It is disgusting.

I would tell him because I’d want to be told if it was me. If I lost a sister than idgaf cause I wouldn’t want someone like that in my life anyway. If you can be that vile to your trusting husband than who knows what else you’re capable of.


Even though it is wrong it’s none of your business.


Stay out its none of your buisness those are the kind of sisters who ends up sleeping with their brother inlaw


Absolutely you should tell him! If the roles were reversed IMAGINE how this conversation would be going! It may not be YOUR business as others are so adamant about, HOWEVER, IT IS 100000% HIS BUSINESS!


If he’s 100% sure he doesn’t want more kids he should take responsibility for his choice & get a vasectomy. He’s depending on her bc. That’s plain wrong. If he mentions not wanting more kids bring up vasectomy & how it’s responsibility to make sure that what he wants happens.


Definitely not your place…it’s not a trap per say if they’re married, but it’s also not ok to be doing what she’s doing.

Me personally I would tell him. But I would suggest he gets a vasectomy and I would confront my sister.

He has been open about not wanting a child. She’s deceiving him by lying. Now, if he leaves her for lying and getting pregnant he would be considered a deadbeat or an ahole.

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It she didn’t tell you to keep her deceiving quiet then I’d slip up in front of him & be like you need me to grab you a pregnancy test while I’m at the store. Fingers crossed for you this month. Lmao.


Mind your own. He’ll eventually find out lol and if he doesn’t want anymore children then he should be making the decisions for his own body, get a vasectomy.


No. Wtf. None of your business.


If he was really done he’d get a vasectomy as BC isn’t 100% anyway especially the pill. Even though it’s wrong, it’s not your place.


It’s none of your business and it’s not your relationship.


Theyre married. Definately not your buisness

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This is your business how?
If hes 100% certain he doesn’t want more children, he’d have a vasectomy.
Put your energy into helping around the house you’re living in.


And you live with them :joy: get your own place and mind your business


If it was the guy being dishonest and trying to get her pregnant when she dont want a child would you say something…of course you would .just because the roles are reversed don’t mean you shouldn’t say something


Not your business or place.

No. If he doesn’t want more kids he will take his own precautions. That’s his responsibility not yours.

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That’s between them. Not your business. Be careful, u may step on toes and not be able to ever mend ur relationship


Mind your business. Keep your nose out of their marriage!

I definitely agree not your business. Plus you don’t know if what he says in front of people is the same as their conversations about wanting more kids in private…

Let me just say it like this . . . My partner planned our last baby without my consent . I was not ready for a 4th child but he gave me no choice . Do I love my child YES of course but am I still angry about it 13 years later YES ! It was so hard to have another baby when I did and I feel I wasn’t ready at all and my depression was so bad afterwards .


I would tell him. Just as simple as that. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Are u in love with your sister’s husband…?


For one it’s none of your business. If hev was 100% sure then he should have got vasectomy.


Mind the business that pays you!!!

Everyone saying mind your business clearly has never been baby trapped, or has possibly been the one to try and trap someone with a baby. Tell him


Nope not your business

Stay in your own lane and mind your business! It’s not your problem to handle.


Mind your own business

I would absolutely tell him.

Mind your business, especially if you live with them

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Not your monkeys not your circus

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For people saying mind your business if your sister did not want kids and you found out her husband was poking holes in the condoms they use would you tell her. Or is that different because the woman is the victim in that instance :unamused:


nope none of your bissness

Stay out of it. It’s not your business what goes on in another person’s marriage, sister or not.


Is this not considered assault? If a man sneaks and takes a condom off while the woman thinks he’s wearing one, that’s SA. This is no different. Tell him.


U live with them be thankful and don’t start drama…… let them work on it not ur business

I stay out of other peoples marriages. Their problems are “theirs” to deal with. Especially when you are living in their home! Unless you are prepared to be homeless and lose your relationship with your sister and possibly your whole family when they find out what you did. There is a reason why they made the saying ignorance is bliss. If you are keeping your nose out of other peoples drama then you only have your own drama to deal with.


I wouldn’t interfere. It could only hurt you :heartpulse:


Grab the package out of the garbage. Give it back to her in front of him


I wouldn’t tell him, but id make sure to ask her about her pills when he’s around. Anyone who traps someone into having A kid is fucking trash.

After being on birth control for over 13 years, I finally told my husband “I’m done. As of January no more birth control. So either there will be another baby, you need to pull out, or get snipped”. Lasted us til March, having a girl in December. LOL.

MYOB. it’s not fair for women to be the only ones accountable for preventing pregnancy especially because birth control is all hormones… I think you might need to move out and cut the cord. Being that far into your sisters business is weird. “I noticed she throws them away” but her husband doesn’t? You snooping through trash?

Geezus. Its none of your business


Mind your business sounds like u want her husband to me u need to more out their house


You want her husband? You sound jealous… Barking up the wrong tree. MIND THE BUSINESS THAT PAYS YOU


This one is tough… if she’s actively trying to get pregnant even though her spouse doesn’t want to have kids… that’s just jacked and totally wrong. On the other hand, it’s not your mess to clean up nor yours to start. I would probably tell my sister to get her head straight and knock it off or threaten to tell her hubby. She’ll either get real shitty or she’ll realize she’s being a psycho there’s no in between on that one

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Don’t tell him, just show him. Make it like he found the thrown away birth control pills on his own. Just point it out to him and let him confront her.


If he doesn’t want another kid he should get a vasectomy.


She’s your sister and it’s none of your business. Shut ya mouth and let her work it out.


Since she said he knows about it casually mentioned it in front of them by saying I am so glad you guys are trying for another child.


Stay out of her marriage :clap:t2::clap:t2:
He bones her so he knows the risk. If he was that dead set, he would go get a vasectomy.


Ask her in front of him " How is tryin for one more kid going?"


Mind your business. Why would you wanna tell on your own sister.?? Dont meddle in things that doesn’t concern you. Stay in your lane and in your place.


Are you messing with the husband? Sounds like your jealous about something. She is your sister and if she decides to do that it’s none of your business! How does your husband feel about this? Does he know your trying so hard to protect HER husband ?


No….he’ll obviously find out soon lol.

Although I can see where you’re coming from, I think you should mind your OWN business. You live with them. Not the other way around. If the husband truly doesn’t want anymore kids, he can get a vasectomy or use condoms. He is just as responsible as his wife when it comes to preventing unwanted pregnancies. Honestly this post makes you sound like you want them to break up. Just leave it be.