Should I tell the guy I have been seeing that there is a possibility that I could be pregnant?

I’m a single mom of 2 boys, and I started seeing a single dad who has two children as well. He and I have seen each other a few times. We talk a regular amount, and we both respect schedules and whatnot some times, texts are not always returned. I have been to his house, and he has been to mine, and we have gone on dates. We did end up sleeping together, something I didn’t see myself doing, but what can I do? It happened I was on birth control. I had the IUD, and I don’t have a good running with IUD. I got pregnant on it with my oldest son, but I was also 16 when that happened, now I find myself in the ER this morning the last time I saw him before Sunday was a few weeks and I have been in pain off and on since that last time I saw him, I figured oh my period is coming but then my period never came well now it’s the first of a new month and still no period, but the pain is there, Come to find out my IUD is not in the right place and it’s getting removed. I asked the dr what the possibilities were of pregnancy since I have had unprotected sex. He says it’s possible and asked when my last period was, and I told him, and now I’m being sent home to wait for a call with test results. My question is, how do I even go about telling the man I have seen this? Do I wait for the results, or do I be straight up right now? I don’t want him to freak out over anything if it’s negative, and how would I even word this type of conversation to him… part of me says now part of me says wait until you have a for sure answer I don’t know I have never been faced with this before, and I just need some nonjudgmental help.


I wouldn’t make him worry until there was a reason to worry. No point in telling him right now.

I would wait to tell him when you know for sure if you are pregnant

I would just tell him there is a possibility that you might be pregnant. He has to know that there is no 100% affective birth control and things happen. If he freaks out and your not pregnant than you know what kind of man he really is and can doge a big bullet (IMO) best of luck!!

I would just buy a UPT kit and confirm before saying anything.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I tell the guy I have been seeing that there is a possibility that I could be pregnant?

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Wait for the results.

Wait for the results

Wait for the results.

Wait. And then update us. I’m invested now!


Yea definitely wait till you know for sure.

The part of you that wants to tell him is the part that you feel you don’t want to have to go threw it alone but it is best to wait until your results come back that way it doesn’t cause a ruckus over something that might not be true.


Yeah I would wait on the results then tell him but curious but good luck

I’d just do a home test, I wouldn’t be able to wait for results to know


Wait for the results

Just take a test at home

Wait for the results

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Just wait for the test results and confront him if you are. no biggie.

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Wait for results… Kinda curious… Maybe update us when u find out.


Wait for the results. Please let us know


I’d wait. Make sure you’ve got all your answers before telling him. Then you’re prepared!


Wait until you know the results


Dont tell him anything till u get results and go from that!

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I want to know??! What’s the results?? I’d go buy an EPT ASAP!

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Wait for the results.

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Take home test and wait for results

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There’s no sense panicking him if you aren’t pregnant and if you are your adults and will need to deal with it.


I would wait to test positive before saying anything to him if you get a nervous feeling about it and insist on a condom next time if you can. If you’re not pregnant and if he’s immature he might be scared off. Best of luck. :purple_heart: Maybe the best outcome be yours, whatever that is!!

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Results first. (Personal opinion of course)


Definitely wait for the results. No use in giving the man a heart attack if it does end up being negative.

Take a pregnancy test. You’ll literally have the results in 3 minutes then go from there.


Umm pregnancy test lol have the answer in a few minutes. No need to tell him if it’s not positive for what? Like why tell him before that?


I’d wait until you know for sure. There’s no point in worrying him or yourself until you know.

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I mean, I would not say anything until you know for sure. Really until you get the results back, there is nothing to tell.

Wait for the results then base a conversation on that

Get the results first :blush:

Wait until you know for sure


Just wait to see if you are first.

Like you said, you don’t want him to freak out if it’s nothing. So wait until you get all results. Do make sure you tell him you had a problem with your IUD and that it’s getting removed though.


I’m with everyone else. Wait. But definitely let us know! I hope everything turns out okay.


I would wait until your know for sure. If your not pregnant no problem. No worries.

u should wait. why say something ur not sure about yet? u don’t know how he will react so just wait til ur sure bcz if its negative then it doesn’t even have to come up

Pregnancy test! Don’t tell him you might be unless you are. I mean he might want more children and get excited or might completely freak out because it’s way too soon, why do that if there’s a chance you’re not

Don’t tell him until you have something to tell him

I’d wait… Why weird him out about something that isn’t for certain yet? Telling him that and worrying him for what might be no reason will weird him out/freak him out and cause him to dip out on you and not speak to you again especially on something g that isnt for certain. so just take a test and if you are then say something and if not then don’t say anything.

Wait until you know for sure. If it’s positive, sit down and calmly discuss the situation. Be prepared for any type of reaction. If it’s negative, tell him about your IUD and make a plan together to prevent future pregnancy scares. Be open and honest.


Weird they would run labs to check at the er…

I definitely would wait until you know before telling him.

You wait wtf . Don’t ruin a guys day till you know


Make sure you’re pregnant and then tell him no by the way folks this is Jimbo I had a vasectomy in 83 and I have a little girl in 88 and I guarantee you things went wrong because they didn’t do my vasectomy right it’s a one in a million shot but it happened my sister was in college at the University of Cincinnati her professor explained how it happened it was wrong after all those years Jimbo

Go get a pregnancy test n if its positive, tell him.

I would wait till I know for sure if I was pregnant. Telling a bloke you might be pregnant when you ain’t can make a bloke run and by the sounds of it you ain’t in a full time relationship yet

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I would mention that you went to the doctor’s/er and you’ve discovered there is an issue with your iud. That way of the results are positive then he isn’t going to be blindsided.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I tell the guy I have been seeing that there is a possibility that I could be pregnant?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I tell the guy I have been seeing that there is a possibility that I could be pregnant?

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Because your relationship with this man seems very casual I definitely wouldn’t bring it up unless you get a positive pregnancy test.


As a man, i would definitely appreciate it if you were positive before you let me know. To be clear hes a father of 2 already, and im sure hes a good father or you would not be seeing him, maybe he wants more kids, its best not to get his hopes up until you are sure.


I think you tell him sooner than later. Easier to say I went to the doctor for pain and they made me take a pregnancy test bc they said there is a chance since my iud was found to be in the wrong place. I just wanted to give you a heads up.


Honestly, I would wait to get results. No reason to freak him out if it’s not necessary especially since it sounds like this is a super casual relationship and there isn’t a commitment made.


Lesson I learned in this post. Raise my boys better. Raise men who don’t run from problems. Raise men women can count on. Ones that take responsibility for their actions and treat women right. So many women afraid of looking like a “psycho”, him leaving, not wanting to scare him off or freak him out. I feel sad that some women feel that they should be scared alone and can’t tell men about a possible pregnancy.


I would wait until you know 100% if you are pregnant before stirring that pot up! Causes undue stress on everyone!

Good luck!


We all want to know is he the only man u r"seeing" ? Don’t “scare” him if u r not sure. Meanwhile have a conversation to see if both of u want more children. I’m thinking the answer is both of u are not ready. That leaves it up to him to put a rubber on and u to get pills cuz sounds your other method doesn’t work. I’m sure u Love your kids and he does too. But really. If u don’t have a really good job that pays very well and u can have time to spend with your other children u can’t chance it. I know it’s nice to have a man but your babies deserve the time with them instead of figuring out about your sex life


No tell him now. Look, when you’re feeling guys out, you need to find out ASAP how they react in these situations. I’m not saying prank your dude, but when you experience something like this, it can show you hard core who they are as a person. And then if it turns out you aren’t pregnant, you now have the ability to walk away and protect yourself from that family dynamic. I’ve seen men act completely batshit. Anyone you’re seeing, serious or not, could end up being a life long partner. It’s best to make sure how they vibe with you in stressful situations is suitable for the life you imagine living with your partner. Hopefully he is concerned for your health and supports you while you two navigate this possibility.


Absolutely wait for results. Your period could be late for a number of reasons, it’s a wonder they didnt let you know fairly quickly in hospital!
Hope all goes well


Why should you be the only one freaking out over this? I say tell him. You need support and he should be that for you. It’s not fair for you to feel scared, shocked, panicked, whatever your feeling, and him not be. He should feel the fear right along with you.
If he’s going to run he’s going to run weather you tell him now or after but it’s not fair for you to be alone in this.


Wait for the results before you tell him. If it’s negative talk to him about better birth control because you had a scare.


U people are killing me! The first test at a hospital is to see if u are pregnant! They can’t give meds or scans of any kind before th ey make sure there is no pregnant woman in there for any reason! I’m 50 years old and they still give me a pregnancy test in the E R and results in one hour before any x rays or procedures!


I’d definitely wait. He might feel like your trying to trap him in or something and it may scare him off.


Wait for results. If your pregnant… you are both adults and did the good deed. Hopefully you two can find out what you both want.


Don’t say anything until you know. I had issues with the IUD too! Extreme pain and I even had an ultrasound done cause they couldn’t figure out why. The doctor refused to blame the IUD and I demanded they remove it and they did and sure enough the pain is gone


Wait for the results. Because he will either be unhappy at the thought of another child or delighted at the thought of another child. Theres nothing to be gained through what ifs. Wait until there’s something to tell. If your not then ull have a new contraception so it would be honest to tell him ur iud didn’t suit u so ur using a new method.


I’d wait. If it’s negative, then I would personally tell him anyway and if he reacts badly, well let the trash take itself out as they say. Or you could just not say anything if it’s negative but I don’t think that’s wise. If it’s positive you’ll of course have to tell him. Good luck and honestly…if it’s negative, take it as a lesson learned and be more careful in the future!


Just a small piece of advice, if you don’t wanna get pregnant you might wanna use extra precautions especially if your relationship is in the “casual” stage. IUD’s do not protect you from STD’s. And one form of birth control is NEVER 100% effective. Also you having 2 kids already, somewhere deep down you had to know that only one form of birth control is never enough.


I would wait so you dont scare him for a possible negative. But im not a mama. Just been through this before <3


The fact that you are afraid to tell him says something about the relationship you have with him.

I would pay close attention to those feelings you have regarding him now even if it seems like a little fear.

Tell him when you feel ready. Take precautions just in case the IUD did work.


Just wait. You’re already stressing out. Why stress him out over a possible negative test. This isn’t a “bonding” moment. It’s life changing. Be positive first


I’m in a similar situation myself, but I unexpectedly found out I was pregnant and the father and I aren’t together per say. I found out first and then told him. Although he and I were both shocked, he is going to be involved and has been so far.


Wait till you have all of your information first, it might scare him off if you turn out to not be pregnant. If you aren’t then be open with him about the scare, but if you are at least be certain before you bring up a life changing conversation with the guy


Wait till you have results, if it’s positive be straight up and say the IUD failed. Go from there

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I say wait for the results. But I also want to know myself now :rofl: keep us posted on how it goes, rather you decide to tell him or not!! Best of luck.


Wait until you know the results. It could be something or it could be nothing. Best wishes!!


I had problems with my IUD that passed in a bloody clot so I understand. Tell the truth. You will get to know how he truly feel. I had the scare told the truth and figure our feelings were deeper than we expected. I did end up pregnant 3 months later anyhow. I know its not like that for everyone. I know pregnancy iis nothing to mess w around with but you were protected but it defected not your fault and its not like you can see in your uterus. Truth will get answers


Why didn’t you get an immediate answer from the hospital? :thinking:Why did they send you home in pain without checking you out completely? :thinking:
I have questions


I guess it depends on the relationship you have. If it’s something your serious about continuing in, You could tell him you went in with pain and your IUD was defective. And they’ve made you do a test to double check for pregnancy. Then go from there.
If its more a friends with benefits and you don’t see it going anywhere at all then I’d wait for results before/ if you do saying anything.


Wait until you see if you’re even pregnant before you have the talk with him. Maybe then he could even laugh about it, he probably won’t right now lol. Good vibes being sent your way.


Oh girl… It sounds likely he could have knocked it loose and it will have to be surgically removed.

I would be less worried about possible pregnancy, because surgery may be a more pressing matter.


Definitely wait!!! And if positive, then you absolutely need to do the talk in person, and just be straightforward.


I would definitely wait until you have the results. I get open communication, but it sounds like you are newly dating him and there is really no reason to cause this kind of stress if it’s negative.


I would wait for results and if it’s positive then I’d tell him. If its not something you’re looking for in the future, take it as a lesson learned and use extra protection

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I personally wouldn’t wait. I would be up front and honest with him about it. I would just explain that you were having pains and just found out your IUD was displaced which may have resulted in an unplanned pregnancy. I would tell him that you are still waiting for the results from the doctor but that you just wanted to give him a heads up. If you wait and it comes back positive he might be upset that you didn’t tell him you even suspected it. Plus you need all the support you can get right now and if he’s a good guy he will help you through this. All adults know that birth control isn’t 100% effective so he shouldn’t be upset with you in any way.


I’d say tell him now, that you were on birth control but somehow it wasn’t set correctly and there is a chance it could result in a pregnancy. It’s good to be open and talk about this type of situation and not hide it


Tbh it seems like you’re early in the “relationship” so maybe wait until you’re for sure positive before saying anything.


So next time, use a condom and get a different method for yourself - if you know you got caught on the IUD, why would you carry on using it as your only method of contraception?:woman_facepalming:t3:

When you get the results, then tell him, either way, and make sure he knows if he doesn’t want babies, he needs to wrap it and not rely on you for birth control…


B.c of how I am, I would talk to him about the possibilities just to know what his reaction would be… if it’s a good one he’s a keeper, if not then pregnant or not I would move on & let him go. That’s just me. Best of luck

I would wait for test results, then sit him downand explain what happened. Good vibes your way!


I would make sure first. Before running and telling him. And if you are. I would tell him you didn’t make it alone but be prepared for the worse and hope for the best

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I’d wait… If you guys were very serious, dating a lot, seeing each other & talking constantly, or living together it would be hard to keep it from him. Cause then you’d in most cases be sharing with him a happy…But sounds more like… I’d wait till you know for sure, and then go from there.

Just wait for the results if its negative don’t tell him anything because there is nothing to tell. Plus you will most likely freak him out.

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I’d personally wait to till the blood test comes back positive since it’s not a serious relationship but doesn’t mean you have to, if he can’t offer support whether you’re pregnant or not than that just shows his character…you shouldn’t have to feel this way alone.
You are both adults that should be able to communicate with one another… youse both did the deed so he needs to know there is ALWAYS a possibility of getting someone pregnant with or with out contraception… hope you’re not in pain anymore or for much longer :slightly_smiling_face:

Communication is key in any relationship. Tell him,I’m sure he’d appreciate it regardless of the outcome. Hope all turns out well for you guys