Should I, the Grandmother, Get Involved?

This question was submitted to our community via our Facebook page and/or our Answers forum. Responses are also taken from the community. If you have your own parenting or relationship question you would like answers to, submit on Facebook or Answers.


"I have recently found out that my grandsons ages 13 and 14 are vaping. I was also told that their parents are allowing it. One of the boys has a different mama that is not OK with it. Do I say something to her. Do I stay out of it. I personally am not OK with them giving permission for 13-year-olds to Vape. Thoughts"

RELATED: I’m Pregnant and Trying to Quit Vaping: Any Advice?


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I think you’re right to tell the mom who doesn’t know"

"I would want to know if I was the child’s mother."

"personally i would speak to the parent who doesn’t know and then go from there."

"I would tell the parent who doesn’t know. But unfortunately there isn’t anything else you can really do."

"Its ok to voice your opinions about what you want for your grandchildren. You can even let the other mother know what her child is doing. But you can’t tell the parents what to do with their kids. Even if what you want for them is better than what their parents want for them."

"You can tell the mom. But it isn’t your business or place to say what the parents can or cannot allow."

"I would want to know. Tell the mom!"

"Definitely speak to the parent that is unaware"

"It’s dangerous and it’s stupid but you’re not the parent."

"If a mama doesn’t know, I’d definitely tell her so she can make her parental decision, HOWEVER, what people allow their kids to do isn’t really up to the grandparents. It is up to the parents, so anyone else’s opinion doesn’t matter. Unless kid is neglected or abused… nobody’s business but kid’s and their parents."

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