Should I throw in the towel on my marriage?

I had a friend that was deployed and acted the same. He was just having issues adjusting to being home. Give him time and suggest counseling.

Geeez, some of these comments… lol.

Couples therapy. There are some methods a therapist can use to determine, quickly, if this is something worth the work for the two of you. Even just both of you showing up would provide a good assessment of the commitment level. It’s worth a shot.

Red flags of cheating for sure


My husband was on over seas deployments thruout his career and it was never easy when he came home. He had ptsd and wouldn’t get help and our marriage suffered.


Give him some time he will come around

Hiya, he probably has PTSD sweetie he needs some help

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Alot o f men will blame you for seeing other people when in fact they were just with someone two hours prior be careful


He’s not into U anymore.

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Usually the ones accusing you of cheating are the ones cheating themselves…just saying…


Sign#1…those that accuse are typically hiding a guilty conscience of what they are actually doing or have done!


This is not where you should be seeking advice imo. People are so damaged for their own experiences and their responses shouldn’t be what you base your decisions on. Have some compassion and try to continue to be understanding. Only the two of you know what’s really going on so sit down and talk! Sounds like he may be having a difficult time adjusting from deployment


He definitely met someone else he is interested in !’


Baby, throw in the towel…he has definitely found something elsewhere. Accusing you enough I’m sure to make you leave, so he doesn’t have to be the one to end it.


You did nothing wrong!

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Move on, this is over. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Where was he?? Sounds like ptsd to me.


Sounds like he’s been cheating tbh


Where is he staying? PTSD…he’d be having issues with friends too. You’d still see some sort of interest especially with your child even if momentarily. It takes two and if all he’s doing is running, I’d think about moving on. Whatever he’s doing with whomever else puts you in risk of disease. Just sayin’

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Sometimes they have a hard time adjusting after they come back home, so it could possibly be that. Could he maybe have already been struggling with depression while he was over there, too? The buddies he’s staying with, are they people he was also deployed with? Ask him if he’d be willing to go to therapy - individual therapy for himself, and also couples therapy. Tell him that you’re not trying to give him an ultimatum, but you’re having to set some expectations and boundaries because you need to do what’s best for yourself and your child, and that if he isn’t willing to be open with you about what the issue is and at least attempt to work on things, then you feel it’s best if you leave.

Ptsd. COVID. Not seeing baby. Sad.

I would leave but you don’t know what he is going thru as well. Try counseling if he is willing to work on the marriage, stay… but if he says no. Don’t waste your time. Life is to short to be unhappy. Hope this helps


Unless he is willing to open up and talk about what’s going on. It would be hard to stay positive in a marriage that’s one sided. I would of course ask for counselling, more alone time, more intimacy in and out of the bedroom, talking…but at the end of the day. I would have to walk away. As long as I knew I tried to do everything I could in my power. If I did it all, and there was a serious disconnect - I would have to move on. I would rather be a single mom, or part time mom (whatever you call it these days) then be stuck somewhere I feel unloved and under appreciated. The older I get (I’m only 31 but still) I realize life really is too short. It’s not okay to be putting this much mental effort into someone, who won’t even try and do that for you. You’re worthy of more. I hope he comes around, and is open to some healing. I’m sure being deployed was really hard and played on his emotions, and May of changed him as a person, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for subpart treatment and respect.

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Yes, baby is only 1 do it now before he’s older

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He just got home from a deployment. Give him time to adjust to being home. It takes time. He won’t just snap back into his normal “every day” life the second he gets back.


Girl he has cheated on you and he’s feeling guilty. That’s why he’s accusing you. That’s why he’s running away. Let him go.


Sounds like he’s got a guilty secret! :rage:


He could be having issues adjusting to being a civilian again, get counseling for you guys. 

I agree 100% with Aida.

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Yes keep running while you have time don’t give him the time of day

People constantly accusing others of cheating are usually guilty themselves. Projection.


I think it sounds like he cheated but he might just be insecure and not trusting you. Also ive never been with anyone in the military so it’s hard to say if it might just be a hard adjustment but you guys definitely need to have a conversation and see what’s going on. I wouldn’t walk away just yet, try to communicate and see if maybe therapy might help if you believe he didn’t cheat. But probably need to let him know you guys need to figure it out or let it go

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How long has he been home ? Ordinarily I’d say get out now BUT this man deserves more. None of us know what this man has been through or what he is feeling. I know how you are being treated is wrong but what this man has endured for our country I think he deserves a lil more time and understanding. As long as nothing violent is going on honey give him some time and space to try to find where he fits now. It’s so much different coming back here compared to where he’s been. Love and prayers for you and your family (((hugs)))


Get him help to keep the family together

I’m sorry but and I’m probably going to get blasted for this BUT as long as this man isn’t being violent give this man a break. This isn’t your run of the mill punk a$$ bum that most woman are on here talking about. This man was deployed defending our country and all most on here can say is throw him away. I’m sorry if this were your brother- cousin or friend how would you feel about a woman just kicking him to the curb.
Like I said “ as long as there is no violence happening “ give this man a chance to get a grip. Idk where he was deployed to but chances are it was HELL!!! Love and prayers sweetie

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Communication is key… if he can’t be honest in some real situation then what lies have he told… what’s makes him think you are cheating…these men that want to lead but don’t know how or can’t/won’t

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Marriage should be worth more than throwing in the towel so easily. Obviously something is going on with this man internally. You are his wife. Help him, don’t turn your back on him.

He either cheated while deployed or has gone through some traumatic times. Try sitting down with him to discuss it


Wow… this happened to me too! I ended up finding out he cheated. Literally, not even a little over a week after he left. I was pregnant when he was deployed too. I had planned so much for his homecoming and he come home to our newborn son. I felt so stupid after finding out! Idk… whats odd to me is why wouldn’t your husband respond to your care packages and letters? It’s really not that hard to keep in contact either. Especially, nowadays… honestly- what does your gut tell you? I wish I would’ve left when I found out. My stupid ass stayed… I wasted so much time and effort for nothing. Now I’m going through an ugly divorce with him and he went on making more kids with two more women. If I were you I would leave now. It’ll be easier to get him to do his part because he is still in and the military is going to make him. He doesn’t have a choice. As for me, my ex gets disability and continues to get paid for us as “dependents,” but he only pays child support when he feels like it. I’ve tried so many times to file an apportionment claim but I don’t ever hear from the VA. So- if your heart isn’t in it and you feel it in your gut that he possibly cheated. Well- I would leave. It’s really so easy for them to cheat and they always have each other’s backs. No one will tell you anything, but everyone will know… sad but true. I could’ve written this every post many years ago. Regardless, I hope everything goes well for you. :sparkling_heart:

I feel that you may need some therapy. Explain to him that you have missed him ask him to stay an evening so you can communicate your feelings.

Seek counseling for the two of you. If he’s not interested, walk away. It’s takes two to make a marriage good and happy.

Try to get him into couples counseling. He has already removed himself from the marriage. It may be that someone you know has lied about seeing you somewhere during his deployment or those he works with had unfaithful spouses. It happens. You need more help than we can provide you here.

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