Should I worry about my friend and my boyfriend?

A true friend wouldn’t be acting like that and disrespecting you. While you didn’t think much of it you better believe she’s dogging you and your child while your gone and digging your man in your presence obviously. She thinks your oblivious and he does too apparently and if he responded in the manner you say he did then something is happening or it’s in the process of beginning too. Don’t ask her to leave, MAKE her leave PERIOD! Call me ugly all day long but don’t ever let me hear anyone call anyones child ugly in my presence or you won’t like my response. It would be the last time she thought it was ok to say such (even to her own child) cause I would knock her teeth down her throat, and tell her to swallow them best believe that. I would not want a friend who felt telling children they were ugly was ok, plus I’m sure she’s saying the same about you and also messing with your man BUT it takes two to tango also! You need better friends with morals and respect and someone needs to teach her it’s not ok to be a bully. (When it comes to children being told hurtful things then yes I will be their voice mine or not no child deserves that)

They are definitely sleeping together🤷🏻‍♀️


Ummmmmm she needs to leave and never have contact with any of you again. Sounds like a monster.


Kick her out and keep her kid, she doesn’t sound like a fit mother. SMH

put the bitch out on the street

Are they ever alone together? BC way it sounds you need to give them BOTH the boot. Smh

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Get that home wrecker OUT

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Get him out too. Fuck that

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This woman is a snake in your home… she is showing you who she is and her agenda… get her out NOW.


OMG! Get rid of her! Unfortunately, my sister was in the same situation……she was the friend! Long story short my sister is now with him and the friend is no longer a friend or Married!


Are you sure he’s being faithful to you cause the first time some other bitch would call My husband or boyfriend Honey I’d be like hmmmm what’s going on with that it’s none of her business how his day was that’s for you to ask him not her.

Well since you had to ask it’s clear you don’t trust her or your man ! If I can’t trust you I don’t call u my friend if I don’t trust you you aren’t my man. So start there. Then follow up with some boundaries and hardlines then toss them both if they don’t listen :woman_shrugging:t3:

I would laugh at this with my best friend and husband and I’d have probably been like nah just go on in and then died laughing if she did it but I trust my best friend and husband more then anyone on earth !

But don’t be calling kids ugly that’s unacceptable

Definately weird. If her being there makes you uncomfortable then ask her to leave


Yeah, that’s a big nope. She needs to leave like yesterday.


I would be setting that doll outside the door and telling her never to show her face again or to even attempt to contact either of yous. She is no friend

If you’re feeling ‘off’ about it, your mind already knows.

“Get out” sounds good

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She needs to gooo!! On a permanent basis and cut ties with her. She sounds like a shitty person.

Why are you even posting. You should be standing guard as she packs. Change your locks and install cameras. That is a crazy wench


Get rid of you asap!! Seriously make her go.

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Time for this NOT A FRIEND to go!!!


Fight her. Just slap her in the head cuz she’s a heaux


That is not your friend! OUT! OUT! OUT!

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If you have to even question it and question your gut then you know what to do.
Tell her she needs to go
Never speak again

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Listen to your sister. You need to talk to your boyfriend about this. If he’s into her, they both need to go. If he’s not, she needs to go because she’s going to try to entrap him, then you’ll have an exponential amount of drama and confusion. She is most definitely not your friend and you need to quit thinking of her as such. Don’t let her claim she was “just kidding”. Those comments are never ok and she has no boundaries.


She is definitely out of line.

She’s overstepping boundaries…she knows better and is just seeing how far she can go. That’s just my opinion.:woman_shrugging:t2:


She sounds like a nut. She needs to get out now! She wants what you have

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Any woman (friend or not) that makes these comments about your boyfriend TO YOU… just think what she’s saying in her head and even worse… what she’s going to say to your boyfriend. Kick her out… like yesterday. Every day that she is there, you’re taking a major risk.

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Your sister is right.

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Same situation with my first marriage…caught them on the couch when I was putting our 1 year old daughter to sleep. Long story short divorced him and moved on. They are now miserably together.listen to your gut

That’s a HUGE NO and the fact you “laughed it off” doesn’t help either. That response implies to your friend that it’s okay to make those comments and it’s not. She isn’t a true friend and should not be trusted. Remove her from your home ASAP!


I woulda put her out the second she saod should i knock or walk in

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Really you see nothing wrong, kick her out🤨


Is she neuro-diverse in someway? It sounds like she doesn’t know boundaries or maybe even understand that things she’s saying are inappropriate. Of course it would make you uncomfortable. Whether you ask her to leave or not, I would have a one on one talk with her with clear examples of things she’s said and why they’re not appropriate, and see how she reacts.


Sounds like she’s planning to take him

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I know I’m not the only one who thinks this sounds like one of those thriller movies… lol
When the friend offers her home to her friend & starts noticing she’s been acting kind of “off” around her man & that’s when things escalate and now the girl & boyfriend are trying to escape the crazy friend cause she tries killing them :joy:


She needs to leave and you need to cut her out. She sounds like a bad friend. You don’t need her in your life at all.

If it doesn’t feel right go with your gut. Even the strongest man can be weak

First off, never ever invite another woman into your home. Especially, a single woman.
Tell her to leave today, not tomorrow, today!

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Send her packing. That is disrespectful to you. I said what I said!!!


Biatch needs to go. Don’t hesitate. And no regrets. Not for the boyfriend but for your kiddo.

You don’t find something wrong with your live in friend calling your man honey…imagining him naked and calling your baby ugly…but beautiful when your man is around?? You don’t see where things could go down fast?? Wow ok I think your sister is right and if you don’t do anything be ready for a big BIG I told you so…she is inappropriate and rude and deff needs to be talked to…and if boundaries are set and respected then you need to put her out and cut contact or you in for a real awakening in your relationship with her and with your man…just wait and see …she seems unstable and unhealthy for you and your family…she does not sound like a friend…put her out of your home and your life…she needs to be gone like yesterday not tom…or your going to wish ya did…good luck

Tell her it makes you very uncomfortable when she says these things about your boyfriend and if she does it again throw her out. I am speaking from experience here. Trust me. I bet they are getting much too close physically too. Do not wait!!!

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I’d tell her to leave.

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Seems to me it’s an uncomfortable place she needs to move out. She is starting to test boundaries and crossing some too. Not saying your boyfriend is cheating but from what you said she wouldn’t mind going there.


The very definition of FRIENEMY… You’re too close to the situation to see it for what it is… she’s a snake and your sister is right. Don’t be naive please. She is verbally walking all over you and you’re taking it as a joke. She obly delivers it in a joking manner because she has seen that she can get away with the blatant disrespect by simply laughing it off at the end as if its a joke… and if someone EVER called my child ugly, they’d literally be out on their ass that very day… In no context, in NO situation is it ok to say someone’s child is ugly, let alone a friend who is allowing you to live her her house! She iss so unbelievably jealous of your life that she is trying to sabotage it and disrespect you every chance she gets… you are way too nice girl… cut the cancer out and get her out of your house… You may not have noticed it about her before you lived together, but it’s hard for someone to hide their true nature when you live with them.

Yep, she needs to go!!!

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I think the answer is pretty clear here….she needs to move out. If I’m correct, you’d have to serve her with an eviction notice, which gives her 30 days before she officially has to be out. She’s being disrespectful to you, your boyfriend AND your baby & it sure sounds like she isn’t being subtle about it either.

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Ya weird and fucked up and kick that bitch to the curb before you have to your boyfriend.

Yep be worried!! And kick her a$$ out

She needs to go, the sooner the better…

Very werid no boundaries!!

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The best advice is to sit her down tell her that her actions were alarming and not wanted (sike) grab her and show her the door Slam it behind her just plain trouble


Send her packing tbh
If this was my situation it would only of been a few days at most
She’s not a good friend

Nope not in my house. After the first little comment she would be out.

Get her out of your house :thinking:

She’s trying to move in on your boyfriend and you’re okay with it. I’d leave with my child and let them enjoy each other.

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Get her out of your home and maybe even your life! She is bad news!

I’d be worried about her……I say she needs to GO asap. Plus, calling your own child ugly? That’s uncalled for :unamused:

No! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: She clearly doesn’t have any boundaries! Plus, who calls their own kid, ugly?? :rage:

Not ok. She needs to not live with y’all.

Girllll get that bish out. Shes taking ur life with a smile and your lettin her do it.


Nope wouldn’t happen in my house. kick her to the curb.

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If send her packing for calling the baby ugly. Nope she been disrespectful enough. Prepare for a legal eviction.

Shes being disrespectful

Yeah you need to get her out of your house right now. How dare her call your children ugly, what the f*** is her problem. I would slap the shit out of ANYONE thats would try to call my child anything. She is DEFINITELY not your friend. I used to have a “friend” and I didnt think about it either. Not until I was taking her to the hospital and her phone kept going off so I checked it for her making sure it wasnt her mother wondering what was going on. And instead it was my at the time boyfriend that just got out of prison and I let move in with me. They were sleeping together behind my back and was also talking mad shit about me. She is definitely not a friend sweetheart

She needs to leave now, she is definitely looking to take your man. Everything you’ve said about her so far to me is highly inappropriate.


Tell the b!tch to leave, i dont know how many friends you’ve had in your life but true friends do not do that

She has zero respect for you and your relationship. You need to put her in her place very quickly.


I mean it’s so obv she likes your man kick her out and btw that is not your friend

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Sounds weird ask her to leave

Yes, she would not be living in my home. Period. She’s disrespectful and is pushing boundaries. While I don’t know if you should worry as it really comes down to your boyfriend being respectful and considerate of you. I still wouldn’t purposefully put my significant other in a position like that. You aren’t alarmed because you obviously trust your boyfriend which is great, but it’s unfair to put him in this position and it’s also too trying to allow her to continue this behavior.


No to the heck no… she needs to find her own place
and boyfriend.

Oh yeah she’s after what is yours. Listen to us and remove the trash to the curb.

She is too comfortable. Does her child also live with you guys? She needs to get her shit together.

Time to move her,your friend, out. She is attempting to take over


She doesn’t sound like a very good friend. She’s disrespecting you, your relationship and your family. I’d be kicking her ass to the curb.

i didnt even read the other comments and ima keep it simple: b!tch needs to go

Pretty sure he’s cheating with that girl! If you need to ask this question you already know!


She’s clearly feeling your bf & if she was your friend those lines wouldn’t be blurred giving you reason to question anything.
She needs to leave, today and you need to talk to your boy friend and make sure y’all are on the same page together


She’s crossed boundaries and has no respect for you whatsoever. You need to get her out of there IMMEDIATELY.


Yeah sorry but she seems weird. Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

She was going to ask him to marry her? Is this woman an ex of your boyfriends? Or was she just thinking she may ask her friends man to marry her? I’m so confused.


Ew get her out. What a weirdo


Block her from your life period. She wants what you have and she’s made it clear. Sometimes there is a little truth to ‘joking’. Don’t be a fool and let things slide. I mean your boyfriend should be putting her in her place too. That I find odd.


It seems to be more than just friendly banter, tell her it is time to move on.

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Get her azz out NOW. Not a minute later.

She’s being sheer disrespectful toss her ass out girl

She’s trying to get a reaction out of you. Talk to your boyfriend first. Then tell her everything he told you. If you feel uncomfortable with their statements, then take actions. I would be curious to know what both have to say about this situation.


Sounds like she is thinking about making the moves on your man if she isn’t already. Time for her to move out

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Why doesn’t your boyfriend speak up.
He can put her in her place, tell her not to call him those things. That’s up to him to put a stop to it and to stop you feeling uncomfortable.
A man would step up to the point, a boy won’t.

The ‘friend’ is obviously stiring the pot and coming between you.


kick that bitch out!!

Wowza! Classic case of friend wanting what friend has and going to try and get for herself. I would most definitely ask her to leave. Unless you want her to steal your man away cause that’s what she is gonna do and I can pretty much guarantee he will fall for it. Watch ur back. Good luck!


:joy::joy: me and my mom are cracking up right now

Sounds like a Jerry springer episode

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She’s on the move…to move you out of the picture…take heed friend…set her stuff at the door…her jokes are not jokes at all…do it soon before your boyfriend/ husband sets you to packing…I’m not kidding here at all…


She’s a psycho. You need to tell her to leave and stay away from your man. You boyfriend even seems uncomfortable with it.

Get her out she sounds nuts :woozy_face:

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She needs to leave now